Should Parents Vote for Their Minor Children? Hmmm

Why we should give votes to kids

It would stop their interests from being neglected


“An idea built the wall of separation between the sexes, and an idea will crumble it to dust.” So said Sarah Moore Grimké, an American abolitionist widely considered the mother of the women’s suffrage movement.  I was reminded of her words last week in the context of the media furore which erupted when comments made by US VP candidate JD Vance in 2021 surfaced into the mainstream.

While the lion’s share of outraged column inches focused on Vance’s provocative tongue-in-cheek reference to “childless cat ladies”, it is these words that carry the greatest political significance: “Let’s give votes to all children…but let’s give control over those votes to the parents of those children.” The proposal marks a radical departure from the democratic status quo of the western world, which maintains that the ideal of universal suffrage means “universal” only amongst adults.

There have been semi-regular debates (usually around election times) about the minimum age for enfranchisement. Some countries, such as Scotland and Austria, start at 16 for certain elections, but for the majority it is set at 18. In some of the more conservative nations it is higher: Malaysia and Taiwan start at 20 and in the UAE it is 25. But it seems that democracies are united in their exclusion of those considered “minors” from the franchise. Children are not competent to make good decisions, so the blunt logic goes, and so cannot be given the vote. This has become such embedded orthodoxy that to challenge it invariably meets with ridicule and derision.

Vance’s comments attracted additional controversy because his words  — uttered before he knew his every remark would be crawled over by opponents determined to thwart a VP bid — were sloppy. Speaking of parents picking up additional votes is an unnecessarily contentious way of framing the debate; the implication that parents will be “double-enfranchised” creates an impression that the childless are about to be proportionally “lesser-enfranchised”. However, this isn’t about double-counting parents, but about enfranchising currently disenfranchised children.  At its core the argument is staggeringly simple: “one vote per citizen”; still contentious, perhaps, and still a novel and radical departure from current norms, but less inflammatory than the reconstructions of Vance’s presumed intent buzzing around social media last week.

Scepticism and status quo bias aside, there are in fact strong democratic, moral and societal arguments for enfranchising children, and — as per Vance’s comments — doing so by way of a proxy mechanism to be invoked where the child is too young to execute that right themselves.

The core democratic argument in favour of truly universal suffrage is that while some children will be below the age of competence to vote, they are nonetheless as much citizens as you or I. They have as much interest in shaping the society in which they will grow up, and aspire to study, work, live and pay taxes. A three year old undoubtedly lacks intellectual and legal competence to vote, but if anything, has a greater stake in the future of the society she lives in than the octogenarian next door.

The three year old’s status as a member of the polity, a citizen with the same right as other citizens to have her interests considered equally, is in no way diminished by her lack of capacity. “But three year olds don’t pay tax” might be the lazy sceptic’s retort: mostly true in practice, but we don’t disenfranchise those who rely on benefits or otherwise don’t have taxable earnings (and, though a moot point for most, children are not exempt from paying tax on any earnings).  Children are as much the users and beneficiaries of state support as adult non-taxpayers.

Advanced legal systems such as ours are adept at providing mechanisms for those who lack legal competence to benefit from their rights and interests. There are many precedents, indeed, of parents or other carers being given proxy decision-making powers on behalf of minors in their care, and many of those situations involve decisions of far more immediate and direct impact for children than the right to participate in a political vote; for example consenting to medical treatment, or signing contractual waivers of liability (the “hold harmless” small print at the climbing wall centre, or the horse-riding school).

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From The Critic, here.

Investigating the Attempted Assassination of Trump Is Pointless

Are Americans a Totally Conquered People?

The various “investigations” of the Secret Service’s failure to protect Trump are focused on operational and communication failures. The fact that the Secret Service did hardly anything normal procedures required has not yet raised the question whether elements of the Secret Service were involved. The failure is too large to be dismissed without investigation as nothing but a result of a collection of mistakes. The investigation that is needed is one that investigates whether elements in the Secret Service were involved in an assassination attempt on Trump, who is considered to be an existential threat to the ruling establishment.

The investigation cannot be conducted by the Secret Service, Homeland Security, and the FBI, because if the assassination attempt was a deep state plot, all else against Trump having failed, these three agencies are the likely ones involved in the plot.

A real investigation would have to answer these questions:

1. Was the acoustic evidence examined?

2. Were the fired bullets collected? Did they all come from the same rifle and was it the rifle found 7 feet away from Crooks’s dead body? Why was the rifle 7 feet away from the person alleged to have shot at Trump?

3. Why was Trump allowed to go on stage when the Secret Service knew Crooks was positioned on the building?

4. Why was the urgent information sent by the Pennsylvania police on the scene to the Secret Service not acted on and shared with Trump’s security detail?

5. Do such unprecedented operational and communicative failures of this magnitude suggest Secret Service complicity in an attempt on Trump’s life?

6. Was Crooks just a patsy whose presence was ignored because the plotters needed a patsy in place?

It is unclear that the investigation can be conducted by a Congressional committee as members are dependent on ruling elites for campaign contributions and are vulnerable to threats from executive branch agencies. The Founding Fathers made Congress weak because they feared “mob democracy.” But the consequence was to leave Congress too weak to hold the executive branch accountable.

A real investigation would have to be conducted by credentialed independent experts, but even here independence can be hard to find. So many people rely on government contracts that it is difficult for many to speak freely. The fact that physics departments and universities are dependent on federal money explains why academic physicists avoided taking issue with the 9/11 narrative.

Money speaks, and in the corrupt America of the 21st century, money is all that speaks.

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From LRC, here.

ציון היא – בעיא דרישה – הרב דב ליאור

הגאון הרב דב ליאור שליט”א – עם ישראל סובל בגלל שלא עולים להר הבית!

Dec 26, 2021 TEMPLE MOUNT

מצוה גדולה לעלות להר הבית כהלכה בקדושה ובטהרה אחרי טבילה במקווה כשר, ללא נעלי עור, במורא מקדש ולמקומות המותרים. לפרטים:
מוזמנים לעשות לייק ולהירשם לערוץ שלנו!

הגאון הרב דב ליאור שליט”א עלה היום להר הבית יחד עם אברכי ישיבת הר הבית, כולל דרישת ציון וכולל ‘בית אורות’. הרב ליאור השתתף בתפילת מנחה במניין בנוסח המיוחד של הר הבית וכן נשא במקום שיעור על חשיבות העלייה להר הבית.
“אין ספק שאחת הסיבות שאנחנו שסובלים זה בגלל שיש אדישות של עם ישראל ביחס לגאולתו של המקום הזה”, אמר הרב ליאור.
“היום עם ישראל לא מודע ולא מגלה התעניינות במקום הזה. המקום הזה הוא מקום שמתאים לעלות, שיבנו בו בית כנסת ושיתנו ליהודים להתפלל פה. זה לא מפריע לאף אחד אם יהודי מתפלל”.

הרב ליאור שיבח את אברכי כולל דרישת ציון וישיבת הר הבית על עלייתם הקבועה והיומיומית ואמר: “אתם כמו החלוצים. אין ספק שעצם נוכחות יהודית במקום הזה מעמיקה את זיקתו של עם ישראל למקום הזה, ובזכות זה מקוה שהקב”ה יחיש גאולתינו במהרה בימינו”.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.