הרקע הנסתר למעשה ד”ר ברוך גולדשטיין

כיצד הציל הרב שפירא זצ”ל את חברון

סיפור אחד מהווה דוגמא לגדלותו ומנהיגותו של ר’ אברום זצ”ל, גבורתו והבנתו את המציאות הציבורית והפוליטית. צירוף תכונות אלו יושם מול המזימות לגרש את יהודי חברון או חלקם בשנת תשנ”ד, והרב זצ”ל זכה להיות בעל חלק מרכזי במניעת המעשה הנפשע.

11.11.15, 12:04 | נעם ארנון

על גדולתו של הרב שפירא זצ”ל בתורה, בחינוך ובהנהגה נכתב – ועוד יכתב – רבות. זכיתי ללמוד ב”מרכז הרב” לפני כשלשים שנה, כשעדיין היו עמנו הרב צבי יהודה, הרב שפירא, הרב ישראלי- זצ”ל   ולטעום משהוא מגדלותם. סיפור אחד מהווה דוגמא לגדלותו ומנהיגותו של ר’ אברום זצ”ל, גבורתו והבנתו את המציאות הציבורית והפוליטית. צירוף תכונות אלו יושם מול המזימות לגרש את יהודי חברון או חלקם בשנת תשנ”ד, והרב זצ”ל זכה להיות בעל חלק מרכזי במניעת המעשה הנפשע.

כזכור, בחודשי חורף 1994 הלך המתח באזור חברון וגבר. התרעות “חמות” על פיגוע גדול שמתכנן החמאס הושמעו בתכיפות וקיבלו אישור מהדרג הבכיר ביותר: בי’ באדר תשנ”ד (21.2.94) זומנו בדחיפות ראשי וחברי המועצות בקרית ארבע והר חברון לישיבה עם מפקד איו”ש, אלוף שאול מופז (שלימים מונה לרמטכ”ל), ועם מח”ט חברון, אל”מ מאיר קליפי. נציגי צה”ל הזהירו כי עומד להתבצע פיגוע רצחני גדול בחברון. היהודים נדרשו לנהוג במשנה זהירות, ולא לצאת מקרית ארבע במשך ימים מספר ללא צורך הכרחי. אזהרה מעין זו, בבהילות כזו ומדרג בכיר כזה, לא ניתנה לפני כן מעולם. נציגי הציבור ביקשו מהקצינים להטיל עוצר על חברון, אך נענו שאין סיכוי שהדרג המדיני יאשר צעד כזה באוירת ה”שלום” שהשתררה בעקבות הסכם אוסלו.

בין משתתפי מפגש החירום היה גם הרופא האחראי על מערך הרפואה הצבאי באזור, ד”ר ברוך גולדשטיין. הוא הצטווה להכין מערכות חירום לטיפול בעשרות נפגעים. ערביי חברון המשיכו בהכנות לפיגוע הגדול: בעיר הופצו כרוזים מטעם ה”חמאס”, הקוראים לתושבים להתכונן לעוצר ממושך ולהצטייד במזון. הידיעות הגיעו לתקשורת הישראלית. בעיתון “ידיעות אחרונות” שהופיע ב -25.2.94, בוקר חג פורים (שנכתב והודפס בלילה הקודם) נכתב: “מבוקשי עז א-דין אל קאסם הודיע לתושבי העיר באמצעות כרוזים, הודעות ברמקול וכתובות על קירות לאגור מזון לקראת עוצר ממושך, בשל כוונתם לבצע פיגוע גדול”. ההסתה גברה גם במערת המכפלה. בערב פורים החרישו זעקות “אטבח אל יהוד” את קריאת המגילה, אך החיילים במקום נותרו חסרי אונים. הרופא ברוך גולדשטייין, שנכח במקום, יצא ממערת המכפלה באמצע קריאת המגילה. למחרת, בבוקר חג הפורים, עם שחר, נכנס ד”ר ברוך גולדשטיין, לבוש מדי קצין בדרגת סרן, לאולם יצחק במערת המכפלה. לפתע נשמעו מהאולם צרורות ירי ממושכים. החיילים שחשו למקום מצאו בו את גופותיהם של 29 ערבים, וכן את גופתו של ד”ר גולדשטיין.

האירוע גרם לתדהמה, הלם וזעזוע עולמי. באורח מוזר, בראש המגנים עמדו אלו שזה עתה התחבקו וחתמו על הסכמים עם ראשי הטרור הערבי, וקיימו קשרים חמים עם רוצחים. יהודי חברון, למרות שלא היו מעורבים כלל באירוע, הוצגו כאשמים. סדרת הפיגועים ורציחות יהודים שקדמה לאירוע – הושכחה. חוגי השמאל ניצלו את ההזדמנות להסית נגד כל יהודי חברון, והתרכזו בניצול האירוע להשגת שאיפתם הנושנה: גירוש יהודי חברון וחיסול היישוב. אבירי המוסר של השמאל החלו לדגול לפתע בענישה קולקטיבית, חיסול יישוב יהודי וגירוש עשרות משפחות עקב מעשה של יחיד. מאמרי שטנה והסתה הופצו בכל כלי התקשורת. הלחץ המסיבי והמאורגן, שאליו הצטרפה התקשורת בארץ ובעולם, אכן הועיל: ע”פ פרסומים מאותה תקופה, בכ”ג באדר תשנ”ד (6.3.94) הושג רוב בממשלה בעד פינוי מתיישבי חברון.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר היישוב היהודי חברון, כאן.

‘Why Shouldn’t America Draft Women? Israel Does It…!’

Making Sexual Assault Great Again

Tuesday, July 12, 2022


U.S. Congress: Making Enemy Sexual Assault Great Again
July 12, ’22 / 13 Tammuz, 5782 / Bolok (25:4)
by Binyomin Feinberg, former contributor, The Jewish Press
American congressmen of both parties are currently seeking to oblige young women to register for Selective Service, in preparation for a future Draft. A vote in the U.S. House of Representatives’ Rules Committee is scheduled for today, Tues., on various amendments to the Defense budget, NDAA23.
One of the noxious amendments that needs to be defeated is 457, by Rep. Jackie Speier (D, CA). Speier apparently isn’t satisfied with the Trump cave-in to the subversive Transgender movement, running the military as it were founded to serve as federal caretakers for those claiming gender dysphoria. (The Army has nothing better to do?) She wants to restore the Obama-era LGBT regime, wherein “Private Parts Don’t Matter” altogether.  However, in addition to that, there are other objections to 457. One is the fact that, in the hands of abusive politicians, her legislation will almost certainly be manipulated to advance expansion of Selective Service to women. And that’s a concern that may actually have a chance of garnering the Democratic opposition vital to its defeat – if the Republicans don’t snatch defeat from the hands of victory.
Floor votes in the House start this Wednesday, presumably continuing through Thursday. The public is advised to reach out to all Representatives, with somewhat of a priority given to those who sit on the Armed Services Committee (whose views may carry more weight by some people).  I don’t know the Senate schedule yet.
Specifically, concerned citizens would be advised to urge their own Congressman, and then their Senator, TODAY [and certainly by Wednesday], as follows:
“Please do everything in your power to stop ANY expansion of Selective Service to women. And, specifically, vote against the “Speier” Defense Budget Amendment – number 457, and anything at all similar.”
“We will definitely score ANY vote to expand Selective Service to women in ANY WAY – even within the Defense Budget – as a vote for America’s enemies to rape America’s mothers, daughters, and granddaughters.”
“The current Selective Service system was instituted in 1980 President Carter to support the Mujhadeen in Afghanistan, which ultimately backfired. If we don’t eliminate Selective Service altogether – we certainly should not expand it to women.”
There are decent prospects of success, if enough Republicans realize that the public recognizes that Selective Service is, in reality, the obsolete, toxic, and wasteful legacy of the most favored U.S. President of the Afghan Mujhadeen, Jimmy Carter (https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/317587 ).  Much of the Left is already against Selective Service altogether. It’s about time that the Republicans came to, and counter this ongoing faux patriotic, bipartisan attack against American women with a bipartisan pre-emptive move to eliminate Selective Service altogether.
As one organization articulated, “if it comes down to it – kill Selective Service – not our daughters.”
The House Rules Committee members are:
Jim McGovern, Massachusetts, Chair
Norma Torres, California
Ed Perlmutter, Colorado
Jamie Raskin, Maryland
Mary Gay Scanlon, Pennsylvania
Joseph Morelle, New York
Mark DeSaulnier, California, Vice-Chair
Deborah K. Ross, North Carolina
Joe Neguse, Colorado (sinceMay 12, 2021)
Tom Cole, Oklahoma, Ranking Member
Michael C. Burgess, Texas
Guy Reschenthaler, Pennsylvania
Michelle Fischbach, Minnesota
Congressional Switchboard:
Q) Why shouldn’t America draft women – Israel does it!
A) That’s precisely why. The sign of an idiot is someone who repeats the same actions, expecting different results. The quintessentially anti-Torah Israeli female military draft has been a disaster for Israeli society, and for the military itself, especially since the Obama-era integration of women into mixed units with men.  [These concerns are based largely on reportage of facts in pro-Israeli venues, both religious and secular sources.]
Related articles:
On Israel’s female military draft:
Another illustrative resource:
The following is a link to a  Guidebook (“pocketbook”) provided by the pro-Israel organization “Chotam.” It’s an English guide for religious girls to avoid enlistment in the IDF:
This very publication is a stinging indictment of the Israeli Army Draft Office, and the antireligious Establishment behind its escalating crusade to rob religious (and traditional) girls of their legal entitlement to a religious exemption from military service. The very need to publish such a guide speaks volumes of the danger posed to the next generation of Jewish mothers by “fellow Jews.” The professional, psychological warfare techniques that these 16- and 17-year-old girls need to be trained to defend against, all alone – without even legal counsel or a family member – are almost as outrageous as they are anti-Torah. These techniques indicate how intent the Israeli military is on drafting increasing numbers of religious girls, and to what depths they’re willing to stoop to do so. Thus, unrelenting vigilance is required in identifying developing trends in the encroachment of the female draft on religious communities. Moreover, we need to undo the entire female draft ASAP, for ALL girls, not only those the Draft Office deigns to sanction as religious enough to be exempt from the “Mizron Tzahali” (=”IDF Mattress”) treatment. No other path will solve the problem.

‘According to Some Opinions’

Mr Maykil

Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick

There was a man who spent his entire life looking for leniencies in all aspects of halacha (Jewish law) – whatever it was, he would search around until he found a rabbi who had a more lenient opinion he could rely on. If it worked “according to some opinions” then it worked for him!

After 120 years, he came up to Heaven. The Heavenly Court looked at the man’s life record and said, “Well, you certainly did everything that was asked of you. Angels, please take this man straight to Gan Eden!”

The man expecting nothing less.

The angels escorted him straight into the Gates of Heaven and led him to a small room. It was a dark, damp cell, with a table and one small candle! The man was shocked and quickly looked at the angels and asked in horror, “This is Heaven???”

The angels looked at him with a smile and said, “According to some opinions.”

From Short Vort, here.

Deromanticizing Hindu Heathens: SUTTEE


In this age of ascending feminism and focus on equality and human rights, it is difficult to assimilate the Hindu practice of sati, the burning to death of a widow on her husband’s funeral pyre, into our modern world.  Indeed, the practice is outlawed and illegal in today’s India, yet it occurs up to the present day and is still regarded by some Hindus as the ultimate form of womanly devotion and sacrifice.

Sati (also called suttee) is the practice among some Hindu communities by which a recently widowed woman either voluntarily or by use of force or coercion commits suicide as a result of her husband’s death.  The best known form of sati is when a woman burns to death on her husband’s funeral pyre.  However other forms of sati exist, including being buried alive with the husband’s corpse and drowning.

The term sati is derived from the original name of the goddess Sati, also known as Dakshayani, who self-immolated because she was unable to bear her father Daksha’s humiliation of her (living) husband Shiva.  Sati as practice is first mentioned in 510 CCE, when a stele commemorating such an incident was erected at Eran, an ancient city in the modern state of Madhya Pradesh.  The custom began to grow in popularity as evidenced by the number of stones placed to commemorate satis, particularly in southern India and amongst the higher castes of Indian society, despite the fact that the Brahmins originally condemned the practice (Auboyer 2002).  Over the centuries the custom died out in the south only to become prevalent in the north, particularly in the states of Rajasthan and Bengal.  While comprehensive data are lacking across India and through the ages, the British East India Company recorded that the total figure of known occurrences for the period 1813 – 1828 was 8,135; another source gives the number of 7,941 from 1815 – 1828, an average of 618 documented incidents per year.  However, these numbers are likely to grossly underestimate the real number of satis as in 1823, 575 women performed sati in the state of Bengal alone (Hardgrave 1998).

Historically, the practice of sati was to be found among many castes and at every social level, chosen by or for both uneducated and the highest ranking women of the times.  The common deciding factor was often ownership of wealth or property since all possessions of the widow devolved to the husband’s family upon her death. In a country that shunned widows, sati was considered the highest expression of wifely devotion to a dead husband (Allen & Dwivedi 1998, Moore 2004).  It was deemed an act of peerless piety and was said to purge her of all her sins, release her from the cycle of birth and rebirth and ensure salvation for her dead husband and the seven generations that followed her (Moore 2004). Because its proponents lauded it as the required conduct of righteous women, it was not considered to be suicide, otherwise banned or discouraged by Hindu scripture. Sati also carried romantic associations which some were at apparent pains to amplify. Stein (1978) states “The widow on her way to the pyre was the object (for once) of all public attention…Endowed with the gift of prophecy and the power to cure and bless, she was immolated amid great fanfare, with great veneration”.  Only if she was virtuous and pious would she be worthy of being sacrificed; consequently being burned or being seen as a failed wife were often her only choices (Stein 1978).  Indeed, the very reference to the widow from the point at which she decided to become a “Sati” (Chaste One) removed any further personal reference to her as an individual and elevated her to a remote and untouchable context.  It is little wonder that women growing up in a culture in which they were so little valued as individuals considered it the only way for a good wife to behave.  The alternative, anyway, was not appealing.  After the death of a husband a Hindi widow was expected to live the life of an ascetic, renouncing all social activities, shaving her head, eating only boiled rice and sleeping on thin coarse matting (Moore 2004).  To many, death may have been preferable, especially for those who were still girls themselves when their husband’s died.

Over the centuries, many of India’s inhabitants have disagreed with the practice of sati.   Since its very foundation the Sikh religion has explicitly prohibited it.  Sati was regarded as a barbaric practice by the Islamic rulers of the Mogul period, and many tried to halt the custom with laws and edicts banning the practice.  Many Hindu scholars have argued against sati, calling it “as suicide, and…a pointless and futile act”; both abolitionists and promoters of sati use Hindu scripture as justification of their position.  At the end of the 18th Century, the influx of Europeans into India meant that the practice of sati was being scrutinised as never before; missionaries, travellers and civil servants alike condemned official Raj tolerance of the “dreadful practice” and called for its end (Hardgrave 1998).   In 1827 the Governor-General of India, Lord Bentinck, finally outlawed the custom in its entirety, claiming it had no sound theological basis (James 1998).  James also notes that the outlawing of sati practice was considered the first direct affront to Indian religious beliefs and therefore contributed to the end of the British Raj.  However the common people felt about it, many Indian rulers of the 19th century welcomed its abolition (Allen & Dwivedi 1998).

Most recorded instances of sati during the 1800’s were described as “voluntary” acts of courage and devotion (Hardgrave 1998), a conviction that sati advocates continue to promote to this day. At the very least, women committing sati were encouraged by priests (who received the best item from the women’s possessions as payment), the relatives of both families (who received all the women’s remaining possessions and untold blessings) and by general peer pressure. However, it appears that at least in some recorded cases the women were drugged. In “An Account of a Woman Burning Herself, By an Officer,” which appeared in the Calcutta Gazette in 1785, the observer describes the woman as likely under the influence of bhang (marijuana) or opium but otherwise “unruffled.” After she was lifted upon the pyre, she “laid herself down by her deceased husband, with her arms about his neck. Two people immediately passed a rope twice across the bodies, and fastened it so tight to the stakes that it would have effectually prevented her from rising had she attempted”.

Once the reality of burning to death became obvious, many women tried to escape their fate.  Measures and implements were put into place to ensure that they could not. Edward Thompson wrote that a woman “was often bound to the corpse with cords, or both bodies were fastened down with long bamboo poles curving over them like a wooden coverlet, or weighted down by logs.”  These poles were continuously wetted down to prevent them from burning and the widow from escaping (Parkes, 1850).  If she did manage to escape, she and her relatives were ostracised by society, as is related by the redoubtable Fanny Parkes, wife of a minor British civil servant during the early 1800’s, who gives a frank eyewitness account in 1823 of a sati burning and the consequences:

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From Kashgar, here.

Why the WORD Anarchism Sounds Bad…

Are Libertarians “Anarchists”?

The libertarian who is happily engaged expounding his political philosophy in the full glory of his convictions is almost sure to be brought short by one unfailing gambit of the statist. As the libertarian is denouncing public education or the Post Office, or refers to taxation as legalized robbery, the statist invariably challenges. “Well, then are you an anarchist?” The libertarian is reduced to sputtering “No, no, of course I’m not an anarchist.” “Well, then, what governmental measures do you favor? What type of taxes do you wish to impose?” The statist has irretrievably gained the offensive, and, having no answer to the first question, the libertarian finds himself surrendering his case.

Thus, the libertarian will usually reply: “Well, I believe in a limited government, the government being limited to the defense of the person or property or the individual against invasion by force or fraud.” I have tried to show in my article, “The Real Aggressor” in the April 1954 Faith and Freedom that this leaves the conservative helpless before the argument “necessary for defense,” when it is used for gigantic measures of statism and bloodshed. There are other consequences equally or more grave. The statist can pursue the matter further: “If you grant that it is legitimate for people to band together and allow the State to coerce individuals to pay taxes for a certain service—”defense”—why is it not equally moral and legitimate for people to join in a similar way and allow the State the right to provide other services—such as post offices, “welfare,” steel, power, etc.? If a State supported by a majority can morally do one, why not morally do the others?” I confess that I see no answer to this question. If it is proper and legitimate to coerce an unwilling Henry Thoreau into paying taxes for his own “protection” to a coercive state monopoly, I see no reason why it should not be equally proper to force him to pay the State for any other services, whether they be groceries, charity, newspapers, or steel. We are left to conclude that the pure libertarian must advocate a society where an individual may voluntarily support none or any police or judicial agency that he deems to be efficient and worthy of his custom.

I do not here intend to engage in a detailed exposition of this system, but only to answer the question, is this anarchism? This seemingly simple question is actually a very difficult one to answer in a sentence, or in a brief yes-or-no reply. In the first place, there is no accepted meaning to the word “anarchism” itself. The average person may think he knows what it means, especially that it is bad, but actually he does not. In that sense, the word has become something like the lamented word “liberal,” except that the latter has “good” connotations in the emotions of the average man. The almost insuperable distortions and confusions have come both from the opponents and the adherents of anarchism. The former have completely distorted anarchist tenets and made various fallacious charges, while the latter have been split into numerous warring camps with political philosophies that are literally as far apart as communism and individualism. The situation is further confused by the fact that, often, the various anarchist groups themselves did not recognize the enormous ideological conflict between them.

One very popular charge against anarchism is that it “means chaos.” Whether a specific type of anarchism would lead to “chaos” is a matter for analysis; no anarchist, however, ever deliberately wanted to bring about chaos. Whatever else he or she may have been, no anarchist has ever deliberately willed chaos or world destruction. Indeed, anarchists have always believed that the establishment of their system would eliminate the chaotic elements now troubling the world. One amusing incident, illuminating this misconception, occurred after the end of the war when a young enthusiast for world government wrote a book entitled One World or Anarchy, and Canada’s leading anarchist shot back with a work entitled Anarchy or Chaos.

The major difficulty in any analysis of anarchism is that the term covers extremely conflicting doctrines. The root of the word comes from the term anarche, meaning opposition to authority or commands. This is broad enough to cover a host of different political doctrines. Generally these doctrines have been lumped together as “anarchist” because of their common hostility to the existence of the State, the coercive monopolist of force and authority. Anarchism arose in the 19th century, and since then the most active and dominant anarchist doctrine has been that of “anarchist communism.” This is an apt tern for a doctrine which has also been called “collectivist anarchism,” “anarcho-syndicalism,” and “libertarian communism.” We may term this set of related doctrines “left-wing anarchism.” Anarchist communism is primarily of Russian origin, forged by Prince Peter Kropotkin and Michael Bakunin, and it is this form that has connoted “anarchism” throughout the continent of Europe.

The principal feature of anarchist communism is that it attacks private property just as vigorously as it attacks the State. Capitalism is considered as much of a tyranny, “in the economic realm,” as the State in the political realm. The left-wing anarchist hates capitalism and private property with perhaps even more fervor than does the socialist or Communist. Like the Marxists, the left-wing anarchist is convinced that the capitalists exploit and dominate the workers, and also that the landlords invariably are exploiting peasants. The economic views of the anarchists present them with a crucial dilemma, the pons asinorum of left-wing anarchy: how can capitalism and private property be abolished, while the State is abolished at the same time? The socialists proclaim the glory of the State, and the use of the State to abolish private property—for them the dilemma does not exist. The orthodox Marxist Communist, who pays lip service to the ideal of left-wing anarchy, resolves the dilemma by use of the Hegelian dialectic: that mysterious process by which something is converted into its opposite. The Marxists would enlarge the State to the maximum and abolish capitalism, and then sit back confidently to wait upon the State’s “withering away.”

The spurious logic of the dialectic is not open to the left-wing anarchists, who wish to abolish the State and capitalism simultaneously. The nearest those anarchists have come to resolving the problem has been to uphold syndicalism as the ideal. In syndicalism, each group of workers and peasants is supposed to own its means of production in common, and plan for itself, while cooperating with other collectives and communes. Logical analysis of these schemes would readily show that the whole program is nonsense. Either of two things would occur: one central agency would plan for and direct the various subgroups, or the collectives themselves would be really autonomous. But the crucial question is whether these agencies would be empowered to use force to put their decisions into effect. All of the left-wing anarchists have agreed that force is necessary against recalcitrants. But then the first possibility means nothing more nor less than Communism, while the second leads to a real chaos of diverse and clashing Communisms, that would probably lead finally to some central Communism after a period of social war. Thus, left-wing anarchism must in practice signify either regular Communism or a true chaos of communistic syndics. In both cases, the actual result must be that the State is reestablished under another name. It is the tragic irony of left-wing anarchism that, despite the hopes of its supporters, it is not really anarchism at all. It is either Communism or chaos.

It is no wonder therefore that the term “anarchism” has received a bad press. The leading anarchists, particularly in Europe, have always been of the left-wing variety, and today the anarchists are exclusively in the left-wing camp. Add to that the tradition of revolutionary violence stemming from European conditions, and it is little wonder that anarchism is discredited. Anarchism was politically very powerful in Spain, and during the Spanish Civil War, anarchists established communes and collectives wielding coercive authority. One of their first steps was to abolish the use of money on the pain of a death penalty. It is obvious that the supposed anarchist hatred of coercion had gone very much awry. The reason was the insoluble contradiction between the antistate and the antiproperty tenets of left-wing anarchy.

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From Mises.org, here.