R’ Pini Dunner: The REAL REASON the Satmar Rebbe Persecuted Rabbi Moshe Feinstein…


Jul 31, 2019

After being offered an obscure book called Maaneh Le’igros by a bookdealer, Rabbi Dunner stumbles across the long-forgotten story of a concerted campaign to undermine the halachic authority and status of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein during the 1960s. Rabbi Dunner charts the ups-and-downs of this fascinating kulturkampf, later abortively reignited by the author of Maaneh Le’igros in 1973. In this fascinating lecture, discover how the lines were drawn for orthodox Jewry as the first generation of Holocaust survivors struggled to recreate the lost world of pre-war European orthodoxy.

08/06/2019 RABBI DUNNER ADDS: A number of viewers have pointed out that Rav Moshe, in three published teshuvos, prohibited shaking hands with women and questioned those rabbis who permitted it. These queries are justified — my apologies for implying that Rav Moshe allowed this “lechatchila”. However, many talmidim of Rav Moshe have confirmed (some to me personally) that although he was reluctant to go on record on this issue, he would allow business handshaking in certain situations. This is confirmed in Mesoret Moshe (1:EH #56) published by Rav Moshe’s grandson, where Rav Moshe is quoted as permitting shaking hands with a woman to perform the kinyan of mechirat chametz. Aditionally, Rav Getzel Ellinson, in his comprehensive work on “Women and Mitzvot” (Vol. 2, Ch. 2, FN #86) writes that he clarified the issue with Rav Moshe personally. Rav Moshe made a distinction between extending a hand (which he said was unequivocally prohibited) and returning a handshake which he found difficult to openly permit, but which he acknowledged was both done and permitted by pious individuals. Actually, if you look at Rav Moshe’s teshuvos, he says that one is prohibited “lehoshit yad” — to extend one’s hand — implying that if a hand is extended to a man by a woman he may take it. From another talmid of Rav Moshe I heard that any such handshake shouldn’t be a grip, but the hand should remain limp, so that it is in the category of “karka olam”, based on the gemara in Megilla about Esther and Achashveirosh. Once again, I apologize for implying in the video that this was lechatchila, and I hope the above clarifies the details.

From YouTube, here.

Grass Is Green, 1+1=2, and Intact Families are Better for the Children

It’s worse to be raised by a single mother, even if you’re not poor.


JULY 20, 20128:22 AM

At first glance, I might qualify as the poster boy for Katie Roiphe’s recent Slate article defending single mothers and their children. Raised by a strong and resourceful single mother, I turned out OK. Sure, I had some unusually angry outbursts as a child (like the time I threw my lunchbox across the dining hall at camp for no good reason) and had to endure my share of therapy for that anger. But I have managed to steer clear of prison, earn a Ph.D., hold down a decent job, and marry up. My life is proof positive, as Roiphe argues, that married-parent families “do not have a monopoly on joy or healthy environments or thriving children.”

But, as a social scientist, I can also say that the academic research paints a much more complicated picture of the impact of family structure on children than does my life story or Roiphe’s experience. It is true, as Roiphe believes, that most children from single-parent homes turn out fine. In her book, For Better or For Worse, psychologist E. Mavis Hetherington estimated that about 75 percent of children of divorce suffered from no major pathologies. In other words, most children of divorce do not end up depressed, drugged out, or delinquent.

But Hetherington, who like Roiphe embraces changing family structures, also was honest enough to admit that divorce tends to double a child’s risk of a serious negative outcome. Specifically, she found that “twenty-five percent of youths from divorced families in comparison to 10 percent from non-divorced families did have serious social, emotional, or psychological problems.” Other research suggests that the children of never-married single parents tend to do somewhat worse than children of divorced single parents.

Take two contemporary social problems: teenage pregnancy and the incarceration of young males. Research by Sara McLanahan at Princeton University suggests that boys are significantly more likely to end up in jail or prison by the time they turn 30 if they are raised by a single mother. Specifically, McLanahan and a colleague found that boys raised in a single-parent household were more than twice as likely to be incarcerated, compared with boys raised in an intact, married home, even after controlling for differences in parental income, education, race, and ethnicity. Research on young men suggests they are less likely to engage in delinquent or illegal behavior when they have the affection, attention, and monitoring of their own mother and father.

But daughters depend on dads as well. One study by Bruce Ellis of the University of Arizona found that about one-third of girls whose fathers left the home before they turned 6 ended up pregnant as teenagers, compared with just 5 percent of girls whose fathers were there throughout their childhood. This dramatic divide was narrowed a bit when Ellis controlled for parents’ socioeconomic background—but only by a few percentage points. The research on this topic suggests that girls raised by single mothers are less likely to be supervised, more likely to engage in early sex, and to end up pregnant compared with girls raised by their own married parents.

Continue reading…

From Slate, here.

‘Bow in Worship at the Mountain of His Sanctuary!’

Historic verdict: No more discrimination on the Temple Mount?

A lawyer for Honenu says the historic sentence paves the way for numerous changes in the status quo on the holy site.

Following criticism that police were not allowing Jewish worshipers donning a prayer shawl to enter the Temple Mount compound and threw out a man who had prostrated himself, INN spoke to Honenu attorney Nati Rom about the practical meaning of a court decision to allow the Shema prayer and prostrating oneself on the site this past Sunday.

Rom said that while police behavior was still not completely on par with the court’s decision, “there were a number of cases of Jewish worshippers were not remove or detained for bowing at the site.”

“We hope this positive trend continues,” he said.

“A democracy allows for the freedom of worship and it is time for the court to make the obvious decision,” says Rom.

We asked whether repercussions [such as Arab rioting] should be taken into account when discussing Jewish prayer at the site, despite the fact that any other location would not demand such rigid considerations.

Rom says that a fundamental principle of any democracy is to ensure basic human rights even at the risk of violence. “Violent attacks should be treated accordingly and anyone trying to deprive others of their religious freedoms should be prosecuted. There should certainly be no place for taking worshippers to court to prove non-existent laws against imaginary crimes. Bowing one’s head is allowed under the law, as is prayer for individuals of any religious denomination anywhere in the world.”

Asked whether he would agree to Muslims praying at the Western Wall, by many considered as the holiest site in Judaism, Rom says that, “Muslims come to the Western Wall and no one prevents them from praying. What do you think would happen if Jews or Muslims were not be allowed to pass through a given gate in Rome?,” he asks.

Regarding police removing a groom on his wedding day after he attempted to prostrate himself, Rom says that according to the law, every citizen must be provided full access to holy sites. “No indictments [in the case] have been filed because there is no law forbidding it. The opposite is true. Hopefully Israeli police will also start abiding by this law. We showed the court pictures of thousands of Muslims praying on the Temple Mount and asked if any of them was ever arrested. Of course, the answer was ‘No.’ Discrimination and racism have no place anywhere in the world – especially not Jerusalem,'” he points out.

Rom notes that the appellants he represented told the court that they were convinced that measures passed by the Commissioner of Police and Minister of Internal Security would allow freedom of religious expression at the site. “Only allowing Muslims to pray on the site is a racist practice that has no place anywhere in the world,” he states.

On Sunday, the Jerusalem Magistrates Court ruled that Jews are permitted to recite the “Shema” prayer and prostrate themselves during visits to the Mount.

The unusual ruling by the Court was made following an appeal against the arrest of three teenagers who bowed and recited the “Shema” while visiting the site.

The teens were arrested by police last week and given a 15-day restraining order from the Old City, on charges that they bowed and prayed on a visit to the facility. The police’s claim in the application for the restrictive conditions said that their conduct could lead to a violation of public order.

The teens filed an appeal against the order and Jerusalem Magistrates Judge Zion Saharai ordered the end of restrictive conditions imposed by the police.

In his ruling, Saharai wrote that, “In my opinion, it is not possible to say that bowing and reciting the Shema holds a reasonable suspicion of conduct that may lead to a breach of peace, as required by law. It is difficult to imagine a situation in which shouting ‘Shema Yisrael’ on the Temple Mount would constitute a criminal offense of an act that could lead to a breach of the peace.”

The judge quoted the words of Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai during the month of Ramadan, in which he said, “The Temple Mount is open. The Israel Police allows all residents of the country and the territories who come to pray on the Temple Mount to ascend and observe the worship of religion.”

From Arutz Sheva, here.

America & Russia Closer than Ever to Nuclear War… [Hello??]

Nukes? Is Putin Bluffing?

On Feb. 27, 2022, just three days after he pulled the Ukraine invasion trigger (Feb. 24) Russia’s Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert | Reuters

March 12, 2022: “We warned the United States that the orchestrated pumping of weapons from a number of countries is not just a dangerous move, it is a move that turns these convoys into legitimate targets,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told state television on Saturday…. –Russia says it could target Western arms supplies to Ukraine

March 23, 2022: –Putin’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov says Russia Will Use Nuclear Weapons If Faced with Existential Threat (VIDEO)

April 29 Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Says, “We Are Using the Ukrainians as Our Proxy Forces”

U.S. intelligence gives Ukraine info on the location of Russian generals which has resulted in 4 Russian generals being killed. American leadership should be on a “list of war criminals” for sharing military data with Kiev, top Russian politician claims –US ‘Directly’ Involved in Ukraine Conflict

May 13, 2022 – 05:25 PM: Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who is now the deputy of Russia’s Security Council, warned Thursday that the US and NATO risk a direct conflict with Russia and a “full-fledged” nuclear war by pouring weapons into Ukraine. –Top Russian Official Says NATO Risking ‘Full-Fledged’ Nuclear War

President Biden today announced an additional $800 million in security assistance to Ukraine, bringing the total U.S. security assistance committed to Ukraine to $1 billion [3.8 billion as of May 10 — and possibly much more] in just the past week, and a total of $2 billion since the start of the Biden Administration. The assistance will take the form of direct transfers of equipment from the Department of Defense to the Ukrainian military to help them defend their country against Russia… –Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance for Ukraine | The White House

“If the United States threatens our state, it’s good: here is the Sarmat [Satan-2 ICBM] for you, and there will be nuclear ashes from you if you think that Russia should not exist,” he continued. “And Finland says that it is at one with the USA. Well, get in line.”… –Russia threatens nukes for US, UK, Finland if NATO expands

A previous article asked, Is Putin Paranoid? The question now is, “Is Putin Bluffing?” Well, is he?

HERE for updates, additions, comments, and corrections.

From LRC, here.