FREE MANUAL: 7 Loopholes to College for $15,000 (or Less)!
Never pay retail for a college education!
The average state university costs over $25,000 a year: room, board, tuition, and books. The average private college costs over $54,000 a year. The statistics (not counting textbooks and travel costs) are here.
It gets worse. Most students take at least five years to earn a bachelor’s degree. Some take six years. And over half never graduate.
None of this is necessary. A self-disciplined student who knows about the seven loopholes of the collegiate system can earn a degree in three years or less, for $15,000 or less. I show you these loopholes in my 80-page manual, College for $15,000 (Or Less).
Why do these loopholes exist? Because every system has loopholes. The bureaucrats always create ways around their official rules, if only for themselves and their children. Colleges offer these alternatives in the name of helping the poor, even though the poor rarely find out about all seven loopholes. The good news is that you don’t have to be poor to take advantage of any of them.
In addition, this file contains my two other manuals/reports: Surviving College and College Pitfalls.
I used to sell this report for $97. But I have decided not to charge for it. The final edition was for 2020-21. Download it here:
From Gary North, here.