‘Bow in Worship at the Mountain of His Sanctuary!’

Historic verdict: No more discrimination on the Temple Mount?

A lawyer for Honenu says the historic sentence paves the way for numerous changes in the status quo on the holy site.

Following criticism that police were not allowing Jewish worshipers donning a prayer shawl to enter the Temple Mount compound and threw out a man who had prostrated himself, INN spoke to Honenu attorney Nati Rom about the practical meaning of a court decision to allow the Shema prayer and prostrating oneself on the site this past Sunday.

Rom said that while police behavior was still not completely on par with the court’s decision, “there were a number of cases of Jewish worshippers were not remove or detained for bowing at the site.”

“We hope this positive trend continues,” he said.

“A democracy allows for the freedom of worship and it is time for the court to make the obvious decision,” says Rom.

We asked whether repercussions [such as Arab rioting] should be taken into account when discussing Jewish prayer at the site, despite the fact that any other location would not demand such rigid considerations.

Rom says that a fundamental principle of any democracy is to ensure basic human rights even at the risk of violence. “Violent attacks should be treated accordingly and anyone trying to deprive others of their religious freedoms should be prosecuted. There should certainly be no place for taking worshippers to court to prove non-existent laws against imaginary crimes. Bowing one’s head is allowed under the law, as is prayer for individuals of any religious denomination anywhere in the world.”

Asked whether he would agree to Muslims praying at the Western Wall, by many considered as the holiest site in Judaism, Rom says that, “Muslims come to the Western Wall and no one prevents them from praying. What do you think would happen if Jews or Muslims were not be allowed to pass through a given gate in Rome?,” he asks.

Regarding police removing a groom on his wedding day after he attempted to prostrate himself, Rom says that according to the law, every citizen must be provided full access to holy sites. “No indictments [in the case] have been filed because there is no law forbidding it. The opposite is true. Hopefully Israeli police will also start abiding by this law. We showed the court pictures of thousands of Muslims praying on the Temple Mount and asked if any of them was ever arrested. Of course, the answer was ‘No.’ Discrimination and racism have no place anywhere in the world – especially not Jerusalem,'” he points out.

Rom notes that the appellants he represented told the court that they were convinced that measures passed by the Commissioner of Police and Minister of Internal Security would allow freedom of religious expression at the site. “Only allowing Muslims to pray on the site is a racist practice that has no place anywhere in the world,” he states.

On Sunday, the Jerusalem Magistrates Court ruled that Jews are permitted to recite the “Shema” prayer and prostrate themselves during visits to the Mount.

The unusual ruling by the Court was made following an appeal against the arrest of three teenagers who bowed and recited the “Shema” while visiting the site.

The teens were arrested by police last week and given a 15-day restraining order from the Old City, on charges that they bowed and prayed on a visit to the facility. The police’s claim in the application for the restrictive conditions said that their conduct could lead to a violation of public order.

The teens filed an appeal against the order and Jerusalem Magistrates Judge Zion Saharai ordered the end of restrictive conditions imposed by the police.

In his ruling, Saharai wrote that, “In my opinion, it is not possible to say that bowing and reciting the Shema holds a reasonable suspicion of conduct that may lead to a breach of peace, as required by law. It is difficult to imagine a situation in which shouting ‘Shema Yisrael’ on the Temple Mount would constitute a criminal offense of an act that could lead to a breach of the peace.”

The judge quoted the words of Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai during the month of Ramadan, in which he said, “The Temple Mount is open. The Israel Police allows all residents of the country and the territories who come to pray on the Temple Mount to ascend and observe the worship of religion.”

From Arutz Sheva, here.

America & Russia Closer than Ever to Nuclear War… [Hello??]

Nukes? Is Putin Bluffing?

On Feb. 27, 2022, just three days after he pulled the Ukraine invasion trigger (Feb. 24) Russia’s Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert | Reuters

March 12, 2022: “We warned the United States that the orchestrated pumping of weapons from a number of countries is not just a dangerous move, it is a move that turns these convoys into legitimate targets,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told state television on Saturday…. –Russia says it could target Western arms supplies to Ukraine

March 23, 2022: –Putin’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov says Russia Will Use Nuclear Weapons If Faced with Existential Threat (VIDEO)

April 29 Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Says, “We Are Using the Ukrainians as Our Proxy Forces”

U.S. intelligence gives Ukraine info on the location of Russian generals which has resulted in 4 Russian generals being killed. American leadership should be on a “list of war criminals” for sharing military data with Kiev, top Russian politician claims –US ‘Directly’ Involved in Ukraine Conflict

May 13, 2022 – 05:25 PM: Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who is now the deputy of Russia’s Security Council, warned Thursday that the US and NATO risk a direct conflict with Russia and a “full-fledged” nuclear war by pouring weapons into Ukraine. –Top Russian Official Says NATO Risking ‘Full-Fledged’ Nuclear War

President Biden today announced an additional $800 million in security assistance to Ukraine, bringing the total U.S. security assistance committed to Ukraine to $1 billion [3.8 billion as of May 10 — and possibly much more] in just the past week, and a total of $2 billion since the start of the Biden Administration. The assistance will take the form of direct transfers of equipment from the Department of Defense to the Ukrainian military to help them defend their country against Russia… –Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance for Ukraine | The White House

“If the United States threatens our state, it’s good: here is the Sarmat [Satan-2 ICBM] for you, and there will be nuclear ashes from you if you think that Russia should not exist,” he continued. “And Finland says that it is at one with the USA. Well, get in line.”… –Russia threatens nukes for US, UK, Finland if NATO expands

A previous article asked, Is Putin Paranoid? The question now is, “Is Putin Bluffing?” Well, is he?

HERE for updates, additions, comments, and corrections.

From LRC, here.

FREE MANUAL: 7 Loopholes to College for $15,000 (or Less)!

Never pay retail for a college education!

The average state university costs over $25,000 a year: room, board, tuition, and books. The average private college costs over $54,000 a year. The statistics (not counting textbooks and travel costs) are here.

It gets worse. Most students take at least five years to earn a bachelor’s degree. Some take six years. And over half never graduate.

None of this is necessary. A self-disciplined student who knows about the seven loopholes of the collegiate system can earn a degree in three years or less, for $15,000 or less. I show you these loopholes in my 80-page manual, College for $15,000 (Or Less).

Why do these loopholes exist? Because every system has loopholes. The bureaucrats always create ways around their official rules, if only for themselves and their children. Colleges offer these alternatives in the name of helping the poor, even though the poor rarely find out about all seven loopholes. The good news is that you don’t have to be poor to take advantage of any of them.

In addition, this file contains my two other manuals/reports: Surviving College and College Pitfalls.

I used to sell this report for $97. But I have decided not to charge for it. The final edition was for 2020-21. Download it here:

From Gary North, here.

ל”ג בעומר: אפשר גם פרטי

תיעוד: המשפיע ר’ מיילך ועשרים אלף איש בהדלקה היסטורית בבית שמש

אפשר גם אחרת: רבבות השתתפו בליל ל”ג בעומר בהדלקה של המשפיע הצדיק רבי מיילך בידרמן בבית שמש ללא כל נוכחות משטרתית באזור • המעמד התנהל בצורה מופתית ורבי מיילך כדרכו הרים את כולם טפחיים מעל הקרקע. אירוע שהפך יותר גדול ממירון • “יבטל כל הגזירות”. צפו

משה ויסברג, י”ח אייר תשפ”ב 19/05/2022 10:39

הדלקה כזו לא זכורה כבר שנים רבות בציבור החרדי, לאחר שלא אישרו השנה אף מתחמי הדלקות במירון (מלבד חסידות באיאן), גם לא ביישוב מירון, הדליק השנה, המשפיע הרה”צ רבי אלימלך בידרמן בעל ‘באר הפרשה’ בעיר בית שמש.

בשנה שעברה היה גם מי שפעל לא לאשר את ההדלקה של ר’ מיילך במירון באותה השעה של חסידות תולדות אהרן, לאחר שבהוראת המשטרה בכל רגע נתון היה רק אירוע אחד בהר מה ש’גרם’ בסופו של דבר לאסון הנורא.

השנה, התקיימה ההדלקה של רבי מיילך, לו עשרות אלפי מעריצים, על פני רחוב רבי יהודה הנשיא בעיר בית שמש, שם השתתפו יהודים רבים מכל החוגים ומכל העדות.

בהיערכות מוקדמת הוכנו 18 מדרגות בפארנצ’עס, המון שירותים ניידים, צוות זמרים, אוכל, וכמובן ר’ מיילך אחד שסחף את ההמונים ועורר את הציבור בפרט בעת שחזר כמה פעמים על הפיוט “יבטל כל הגזירות”.

שיא מעמד ההדלקה היה בהנפת אבוקות של אש כשעשרות אלפים משוררים בהתרגשות ‘לכבוד התנא האלוקי’. במקום הנעימו בקולם מקהלת ‘מלכות’ והזמרים שמעון דב דוידוביץ ומוישי אוסטרליץ.

כל המרפסות מסביב ההדלקה הושכרו וכאמור למעלה מעשרים אלף איש הגיעו לחזות במעמד ההדלקה שנמשך על פני שעות ארוכות.

אחד הנוכחים במקום אמר ל’בחדרי חרדים’ “לידיעת המדינה: אפשר גם אחרת, רבבות בהדלקה בבית שמש, בלי קריאת הצלה אחת! בלי אף שוטר בשטח! המשטרה עקבה באמצעות רחפנים בצורה מסודרת חבל שבמירון לא לומדים את הלקח”.

הוא ממשיך: “קח לך כמה נקודות למחשבה בהדלקה של ר’ מיילך היו למעלה מ – 20,000 משתתפים, 0 שוטרים 0 כרטיסים, כמה עשרות סדרנים. האירוע מנוהל, בסדר בטיחותי ותקין”.

“במירון – 8,500 משתתפים 9,000 שוטרים, כרטיסים, ברקודים, מחסומים, מסכים, ומתקני כליאה. ובשטח? בלגן, כאוס, מכות, פריצות, ניתוק מוזיקה”

במירון רוכשי הכרטיסים, מוגבלים בשעה, עוברים התעללות ללא שירותים, ללא מים, ברקודים ותגים. ומגיעים למירון לאחר 7.5 שעות על האוטובוס”.

בבית שמש ביקשו להודות למשטרת בית שמש בראשות המפקד שלומי טובול ואחראי רישוי משטרת בית שמש ירון, ולצוות ‘הצלה’ בראשות בנצי מנדלוביץ ושמעון ליברמן.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר בחדרי, כאן.

First They Rob Us, Then They Give Us Advice About Thrift…

Let Them Eat Bugs… How Out of Touch Elites Reveal Their Contempt and What Comes Next

Upon being told that the people had no bread, Marie Antoinette reportedly responded, “let them eat cake.”

These infamous words were a stark illustration of the French elite’s careless indifference to the plight of ordinary people. Moreover, they likely fueled the anger that sparked a revolution that overturned the French ruling system.

Had Marie Antoinette not been so out of touch, she might have had a better choice of words.

Although history doesn’t repeat itself, it does rhyme.

I am bringing this up because recently, modern political, financial, and media elites have made numerous “let them eat cake” remarks.

They similarly reveal how oblivious they are to the average person’s problems as inflation spirals out of control, shortages spread, the stock market crashes, and economic prospects look dimmer by the day.

Let’s look at them and examine what they could mean for the social and political environment in the future… and what you can do about it.

Example #1: Inflation Is Good

First central bankers, the mainstream media, and academia tell you there is no inflation.

Then, when inflation becomes undeniable, they tell you not to worry because inflation is only “transitory.”

Then, when it becomes apparent that it’s not merely transitory, they tell you not to worry because inflation is actually a good thing.

It’s not uncommon to see ridiculous headlines like this:

Example #2: No More Turkey at Thanksgiving

After inflation broke through multi-decade highs, it’s no longer possible to maintain the farce that “inflation is good.”

So the elite’s messaging has pivoted to ways the plebs can cope with ever-decreasing living standards.

Last Thanksgiving, it was impossible for the Federal Reserve to ignore the soaring costs of turkey. So, instead, the St. Louis branch had a helpful suggestion for those struggling—substitute delicious turkey for cheaper heavily-processed industrial sludge.

Example #3: Let Your Pets Die

Recently, Bloomberg published an article titled “Inflation Stings Most If You Earn Less Than $300K. Here’s How to Deal.”

It recommended rethinking providing medical treatment to your pets:

“If you’re one of the many Americans who became a new pet owner during the pandemic, you might want to rethink those costly pet medical needs.”

Continue reading…

From International Man, here.