מחקר בשריפת אפר פרה אדומה – פרופסור זהר עמר

טבע וריאליה בפרשת השבוע – פרשת חקת

Jul 9, 2024

לתוכן נוסף מוזמנים לבקר באתר שלנו “קדמניות הטבע והריאליה בישראל”

להזמנת הרצאות – 0523121054

לתגובות – zoharamar5310@gmail.com

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

Agudath Israel of America Calls for a Yom Tefillah

The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America has released a Kol Korei emphasizing the significance of the Erev Shabbos of the week of Parshas Chukas, which has been established for generations as a day of fasting due to historical calamities.

In light of the numerous challenges facing Klal Yisroel today, the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah is calling upon all kehillos to designate this Friday as a yom tefillah, with specific chapters of Tehillim to be recited.

The full Kol Korei, and a free translation, can be found below, or by clicking here.

May our tefillos be accepted favorably and may the zechus haTorah protect us.


(Free translation)

Tuesday morning, Parshas Chukas, 5784

The Magein Avrohom writes in siman 580 (s”k 9, as brought in the Mishnah Berurah, s”k 15), citing the Sefer Tanya Rabbosi (by Rabbeinu Yechiel HaRofei of Rome), that the Friday of the week of Parshas Chukas was established for generations as a day of fasting due to the calamities that occurred on that day. The Tanya Rabbosi states: “Regarding the burning of the Torah, we have written this as a memorial for what happened in our times due to our numerous sins, which caused this, and the Toras Elokeinu was burned in the year 5002 from the creation of the world, on the Friday of the week of the parsha of Zos Chukas HaTorah, about twenty-four wagons filled with sifrei Talmud, halachos, and aggados were burned in France, etc., and we heard from the rabbonim who were there that they performed a she’ailas chalom to determine if this was a decree from the Creator, and they were answered: Veda gezeiras Oraysa – This is a decree from the Torah,’ meaning that on the Friday of ‘Zos Chukas HaTorah’ is the decree. From that day onward, individuals took upon themselves to fast on this day every year on the Friday of the parsha of ‘Zos Chukas HaTorah.’”

The Magein Avrohom adds that besides the burning of the Talmud, great troubles have occurred on this day over the generations, leading to the destruction of entire Jewish communities, R”l.

Now, we come to matters pertaining to our present time, as in this generation numerous troubles and severe decrees have arisen against the Am Hashem in general and specifically targeting the Torah and its scholars, and the young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. Policy-makers, with malicious intent, aim to disrupt the sanctity of Torah scholars, requiring the students of our holy yeshivos to abandon their study benches in the beis medrash and enlist in the military. They scheme with various tricks, and their hand is still outstretched, poised to persist. Moreover, decrees are being issued against young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. All of this is reminiscent of the decree of burning the Torah.

In such a time of terrible concealment of Hashem’s Presence, our enemies have lifted their heads, and our adversaries and accusers are exulting over us, saying, “Pursue them and capture them, for there is no one to save them,” Heaven forbid. Woe to the ears that hear daily of our brethren falling as casualties, being killed and captured, Heaven forbid, and there is no day whose curse is not greater than the previous one. Upon whom can we rely? Only upon our Father in Heaven.

Therefore, at this time, a time of distress for Yaakov, it is our duty to follow the practice of our ancestors, to uphold the voice of Yaakov, and to increase our prayers and supplications before the Master of Mercy. For when Klal Yisroel looks upwards and subjugates their hearts to our Father in Heaven, no weapon formed against us shall succeed.

Hence, we call upon all holy congregations of Klal Yisroel to designate this Friday of the week of Parshas Chukas as a day of great and bitter outcry regarding this decree of the Torah, to raise our voices to Heaven against the defiant hands lifted against the Toras Moshe. This day, established centuries ago by our forefathers as a fast day for severe decrees against the Torah and for harsh events that occurred to the Am HaTorah on this day, is auspicious for seeking mercy for these matters that are akin to the event [for which this day was initially established].

We therefore earnestly request that in all communities of Klal Yisroel, in shuls and botei medrashos, in Talmudei Torah and schools, in all retreats and camps, every place according to its custom, all should gather together this Friday, the week of Parshas Chukas, to awaken Divine mercy by publicly reciting specific chapters of Tehillim: 13, 79, 80, 121, 130 and 142.

We add that since this day is designated by halachic authorities for fasting by select individuals, those who wish to accept a partial fast, as explained in Shulchan Aruch siman 562, will be blessed, and the merit of the many depends on them.

May Hashem help us for the sake of His glorious Name, and may His mercy be aroused for the remnant of His people, to annul all harsh decrees against us. May our supplications be accepted favorably, and may the merit of the many and the merit of the Torah protect us, saving us from all distress and hardship, and all wickedness will vanish like smoke. Soon, may we hear and be comforted with good tidings and consolation. Amein, so may it be His will.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America

Download (PDF, 246KB)

From Agudah.org, here.

חידוש מצות תקיעה בחצוצרות: כיצד והיכן תוקעין

המלחמה חידשה מנהג עתיק: תקיעה בשופרות ובחצוצרות | מסע היסטורי מרתק

העולם היהודי נאבק באויביו הרבים מכל העולם, ובפרט מיום שמחת תורה תשפ”ד, בעקבות המלחמה חזר מנהג עתיק, והיא לתקוע בשופרות ובחצוצרות | ישראל שפירא יצא בעקבות המנהג המחודש – היכן תוקעים בימינו? על מה תוקעים? ומה דעתם של גדולי הפוסקים לאורך הדורות על תקיעה בחצוצרות (היסטוריה, חרדים)

ישראל שפירא | כיכר השבת | כ”ח בסיון | 04.07.24

העולם היהודי נאבק באויביו הרבים מכל העולם, ובפרט מיום שמחת תורה תשפ”ד, כאשר פורעים ממשנאינו, השחיתו והרגו ופצעו אלפי יהודים בעשרות מושבות בדרום וערי הספר.

תפילות נזעקות מידי יום ביומו לרבש”ע, ובנוסף לתפילות הרבות, בעצרות תפילה מרכזיות, בבית מדרשם של רבנים ידועי שם, וכן מקובלים שמוסיפים סגולות עתיקות, ובזכותם יחוס ויחון אותנו ריבון העולמים.

בעקבות המלחמה חזר מנהג עתיק, והיא לתקוע בשופרות ובחצוצרות. כך נצפו מנייני יהודים שעומדים ותוקעים בחצוצרות, בימי שני וחמישי בשריד בית מקדשינו, ולא רק שם.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר כיכר השבת, כאן.

Instead of Just Waiting for Mashiach, Let’s Make His Job Easier!

You can become Mashiach

Instead of just waiting, let’s make Mashiach’s job easier!

Shmuel Sackett

The best sefer (book of Judaica) on the mystery and concept of Mashiach (Messiah) ben Yosef is unquestionably “Kol Ha’Tor”, written by the brilliant sudent of the Vilna Gaon; Rabbi Hillel of Shklov (over 200 years ago). Everything in that sefer – literally every word – are quotes and teachings of the Vilna Gaon on this topic. Here are four highlights from that sefer, as taught by the great master, the Vilna Gaon:


“Everything involved in the ingathering of the exiles (i.e. Jews from outside the land, moving to Israel), building of Jerusalem (the Bet Ha’Mikdash) and settlement of Eretz Yisrael… are included in the mission of the first Messiah; Mashiach ben Yosef. (Chapter 1:2)


“The two Messiahs are; Mashiach ben Yosef who will sustain and strengthen Israel physically and Mashiach ben David who will sustain both the Jewish People and the individual Jew spiritually… They cooperate and assist each other… They live and endure in every single generation… If not for their strength, valor and protection, Israel could not survive for even one moment…” (Chapter 2, Part 2:1)


When Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt looking for food, they met with Joseph and the verse says; “Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him” (B’resheit 42:8). The Vilna Gaon writes; “This is one of Joseph’s attributes. Not just in his generation, but in every generation, Mashiach ben Yosef recognizes his brothers and they do not recognize him.” (Chapter 2, Part 1:39)


“The general tasks of the two Messiahs; Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben David, together throughout the generations, is defense and was against the three chiefs of impurity – Esav, Yishmael and the Erev Rav (mixed multitude). Mashiach ben Yosef’s job is to confront Esav, Mashiach ben David must confront Yishmael and together they work against the unity of Esav and Yishmael.


Before I bring this all together, allow me to quote the Ramban. After the Children of Israel crossed the sea, the nation of Amalek was there to fight us and the Ramban raises an interesting point. In other battles, Moshe appointed a leader to fight and then stepped back. However, in the battle vs Amalek, Moshe appointed Joshua to lead the battle but he stayed involved, holding his hands up to motivate Bnai Yisrael. Why?? The Ramban’s answer will give you chills; “Esav’s descendant, Amalek, initiated the first war of the nations against us. Esav’s seed brought upon us the exile and the last destruction which we are still suffering from today… Therefore, Moshe and Joshua fought them together and in the future, Elijah (Eliyah Ha’Navi) and Mashiach ben Yosef will fight their descendants. This is why Moshe exerted himself so much in this battle.” (Sh’mot 17:9)

And finally, the big question: When will the Mashiach appear on the scene? Rabbenu Sa’adya Gaon, in his monumental work, “Emunot Ve’Deot” (Article 8, Chapter 5) addresses this point and states that if we repent, we will be redeemed immediately and if not, we will still be redeemed… but only at the set time (which is much later). He writes; “If our repentance is incomplete, we will remain unredeemed until the end comes… This is in line with Talmud Sanhedrin 97b: ‘If Israel repents, they will be redeemed…”


Let’s summarize all of the above in a few short sentences. First of all; there are two Mashiachs and the first one to come – led by Eliyahu Ha’Navi – will be Mashiach ben Yosef. He is here now (as is Mashiach ben David) but we don’t recognize him. He is hidden and waiting for either a fixed time or for the Jewish people to do what is required of them. When that happens – hopefully soon, when we do our part – Mashiach ben Yosef will then bring the Jews home (Aliyah!!), settle the Land, fight the bad guys and build the Bet Ha’Mikdash (and you thought you had a lot to do??!!)


OK, and now to my main point. For 2,000 years we have been waiting for some hero to ride into town and simply “save the day”. Unfortunately, this is not a Jewish concept. Our Mashiach needs to accomplish many tasks – all listed above, very clearly by the Vilna Gaon – so if you are waiting for a WhatsAPP that he’s here… you are going to be very disappointed.


Therefore, instead of just waiting, let’s make his job easier! Mashiach ben Yosef is going to bring the Jews home to Israel??? Let’s go home now! Mashiach ben Yosef is going to settle Eretz Yisrael? We can do that too! Mashiach ben Yosef is going to fight the Jewish enemy? Let’s join the IDF and do exactly that! In other words… let’s each become a Mashiach ben Yosef!!! Don’t get me wrong; we shouldn’t ride around Jerusalem on a white donkey proclaiming our kingdom (there are far too many weirdos who do that already!) but we should perform the tasks that the real Mashiach ben Yosef is obligated to do.


I am totally serious about this. Stop just waiting for Mashiach and stop singing Mashiach songs. Instead, learn the things he must do… and do them yourself! We have never been a nation of “watchers”… we are a nation of “doers”. So, dearest friends, don’t wait for it to happen – MAKE IT HAPPEN!


Am Yisrael Chai!!

Shmuel Sackett is the Founder and Director of the Am Yisrael Chai Fund, which supports agricultural, educational and building projects across Eretz Yisrael.

From Arutz Sheva, here.