ALIYAH: Plan For Success!

Haaretz Hatovah: Our Secret of Aliyah Success

Eliezer Liberman’s story By: Gila Arnold

When we told our friends in our Lakewood community that we – I, my wife, and our six children, ages 10 to 1 -were making aliyah, reactions ranged from “Good for you! I’m so jealous!” to the (quite disconcerting) “Why?” (Huh? Why does a Jew want to live in Eretz Yisrael?)
But whatever the emotional response, inevitably, the questions followed.

“But what will you do for parnassah?”
“What about your children’s chinuch?”
“Do you have a support system there?”
“Have you spoken to a Rav about this?”

I understood that the questions were coming out of sincere concern for our welfare – but I suspect they were coming from a different place as well. From a mistaken impression that moving to Israel is so fraught with nearly insurmountable hardship that only a naïve idealist would consider the move.

And so, they felt it their duty to warn me. “But – parnassah! But – chinuch! But – Israelis!”

Typical Lakewood Family

Let me tell you a little about myself. My wife and I, both Philadelphia natives, started off our marriage learning in Eretz Yisrael and then moved to Lakewood, where we lived for ten years before making Aliyah just before last Lag Baomer. We were a typical Lakewood family; we lived in Coventry Square for six years, where I learned in the night kollel and davened by Rav Menachem Mintz, and then moved to Westgate, where I learned in the Westgate night kollel and davened by Rav Yosef Fund. My kids attended Even Yisrael and Nachalas Beis Yaakov.

Here’s something else you should know: My wife and I are very practical people. We do our research. We’re organized. Responsible. We have our heads on our shoulders. We are so practical that, even though we both fell in love with the land while living in Yerushalayim as newlyweds, we sadly determined at the time that we needed to return to the U.S. We didn’t have the financial means to stay. We didn’t have any family support. Practically, we knew it wouldn’t work.

But we never let go of our love for Eretz Yisrael, and our dream to one day make our home there. And so, we waited until we reached a point that making aliyah was not just an opportunity to fulfill a dream and to catapult our family’s ruchniyus level – it was also an eminently practical and sensible decision.

It’s All in the Planning

If you’ve thinking of or have ever considered moving to Eretz Yisrael, here’s something to hang on your fridge:

With proper advance planning, you can significantly reduce nearly all of the risks people associate with aliyah.

I can’t stress this enough, because I think that, unfortunately, this is what’s keeping too many people from making aliyah.

Here’s what the planning looked like in my case: a few years ago, I made a career shift into Network Engineering. Since this type of engineering is more high-tech based, I realized that I could take my profession basically anywhere in the world.

Then, my brother, who had lived near us, announced that he was making aliyah. My wife immediately turned to me and asked, “Why not us?”

We gave ourselves ten months to research properly – to decide where to live, what schools to send our kids to, and put a feeler out for job prospects. A friend in the neighborhood found an apartment for us in Ramat Beit Shemesh Gimmel. We narrowed down our school options for our children. And the responses from Israel-based companies to my job inquiries were encouraging.

Parnassah, check. Family support, check. Community, check. Schools, check. With all systems in place, we were ready and excited to go!

One Year Later

Baruch Hashem, we’ve been here already over a year, and we love it. I was surprised to see how quickly my children made friends and picked up the language – yes, even during this COVID year, when they barely had school! The chinuch here is excellent, and due to learning the language, the children have advanced in their learning much faster than they did in America. My Hebrew has improved to the point that I’ve even started speaking in Hebrew at my work meetings.

And, of course, the most important thing: we now have the zechus to build our lives in Eretz Yisrael. I’ll never forget our first trip to the Kosel after making aliyah. As we walked through the eerily empty Old City, devoid of tourists because of COVID, we felt ourselves becoming more and more emotional; by the time we reached the Kosel, we had tears in our eyes. We also traveled to Tzfas and the Dead Sea that first week. Everywhere we turned, we saw the breathtaking vistas of our land, to the point that one of my children commented, “In America, we have to go somewhere to find a nice view, but here, wherever you are, the views are beautiful!”

That’s our story. No incredible miracles, no eye-popping hashgacha pratis incident involved – just the story of a Jewish family making the thought-out, planned-out, well-reasoned decision to move to the land that HaKadosh Baruch Hu gave us, the land that has kedusha emanating from every crack and crevice, imbued in every air molecule you breathe. The story of a Jewish family returning home after thousands of years.

Is there any bigger miracle than that?

This article is part of our Haaretz Hatovah series featuring Yidden living in, settling, and building up Eretz Yisroel. For more information please contact us at or visit

Reprinted with permission from Yated Ne’eman

From Matzav, here.

‘Die Goldene Medina’ Is About To Get Even More, uhhh… INTERESTING

Is the Crack-up Boom Here?

Bloomberg News recently solicited advice from Argentinians who lived through that country’s high inflation on how Americans should cope with rising inflation. The Argentinians suggested Americans spend their paychecks as fast as possible to avoid future price increases. They also suggested taking out loans that can be paid back later in devalued currency.

These strategies may make sense for individuals. However, encouraging debt and discouraging savings is disastrous for the country. Relying on debt and spending one’s paycheck immediately encourages people to seek instant gratification instead of planning for the future. This depletes both economic and moral capital.

November’s 9.6 percent increase in the producer price index, combined with the consumer price index’s increase to levels not seen since the early 1980s, shows why fears of inflation have become the public’s number one concern. Even the Federal Reserve has acknowledged that inflation is not just “transitory.”

The Fed recently announced it is accelerating the timetable to reduce its monthly purchases of Treasury and mortgage-backed securities. The Fed also announced it is planning three interest rate increases next year. However, the Fed plans to increase rates by no more than one percent. So even if the Fed does follow through on its promise to hike rates, it will do little if anything to combat rising prices. If the Fed allowed interest rates to rise to anything approaching market levels, it would make the federal government’s debt servicing costs unsustainable. This puts tremendous pressure on the Fed to maintain low rates.

The biggest victims of the Federal Reserve’s erosion of the dollar are lower- and middle-class Americans whose paychecks do not keep pace with the Fed-caused price increases. Yet many progressives still cling to the fallacy that average workers somehow benefit from continued dollar devaluation.

Progressives are even pushing the Fed to increase its money printing and regulatory activities to fight climate change and racism. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has embraced this “woke” monetary policy. President Biden’s reappointment of Powell and nomination of current Fed board member Lael Brainard (who is seen as more committed to a woke Fed than Powell) for vice chairman suggests the Fed will double down on this toxic mixture of cultural Marxism and so-called modern monetary theory.

Recent polls show Americans expect continued large price increases. This indicates we may be on the verge of what Ludwig von Mises called a “crack-up boom.” A crack-up boom occurs when the general population realizes that constant currency depreciation is a feature, not a bug, of central banking. This leads people to seek alternatives to government-issued currency and to factor rising prices into their plans. The crack-up boom will likely extend overseas as more countries reject the dollar’s world reserve currency status. This rejection will be driven by a combination of concern over America’s growing debt and resentment of America’s hyper-interventionist foreign policy.

Crack-up booms have historically facilitated the growth of authoritarian political movements. However, this is not inevitable. If those of us who know the truth spread the ideas of liberty to enough people, we may be able to move through the crack-up boom to a rebirth of liberty, peace, and prosperity. Steps in this direction include convincing Congress to cut spending, legalize competing currencies, and end the Fed.

From, here.

Start with Just ONE Mitzvah…

Mastering One Mitzvah

The Torah prescribes 613 mitzvot. That’s a big number by any measure. But in a sense, it only comes down to one.

Do you ever get the feeling of being overwhelmed by so many mitzvot, and feeling you’re not really doing any of them with excellence? The 613 mitzvot can seem like a vast and endless ocean, and we may not even understand how they bring us closer to God, and to greater understanding of life.

Maimonides says that the reason God gave us 613 mitzvot, is that it gives us better odds over the course of a lifetime to at least perform ONE mitzvah to perfection!

This Rosh Hashana, try taking one mitzvah that you do frequently — and become an expert in it. Choose a mitzvah that you’ve always wanted to know and perform well. This might be saying the Shema, affixing a mezuzah, giving tzedakah, observing Shabbat, honoring your parents, or keeping kosher.

Study the mitzvah on a very deep level. Look up the verse associated with that mitzvah in the Torah, and research what the commentaries have to say about the meaning behind the mitzvah. Find out how the mitzvah gives you insight into life and brings you closer to God. Study all the philosophical and practical details – from many different angles. Ask questions of your local rabbi, or write to us at

And just when you think you’ve gone as deep as you can, go a little deeper.


Next, begin to apply what you’ve learned. Focus on performing the mitzvah properly. Make practical, realistic goals for improving your observance. For example, if you are working on saying the Shema, strive to say the first line with concentration and understanding. Then increase your goal one sentence at a time. Check yourself daily and chart your progress.

When you’ve successfully achieved an incremental step toward your goal, take a moment to reflect on the power and pleasure of mastering the mitzvah. If you’ve enjoyed this, then just imagine the pleasure available in the other 612 mitzvot!

Finally, take a moment to reflect on the goodness of God Who gave you this mitzvah in the first place. Feel gratitude toward the Almighty. Torah is a treasured gift, a sign of God’s total love for us. Feel the beauty and genius of the Torah as a tool to help you grow and achieve your potential.

This coming year, may we all merit to “Master One Mitzvah.”

(based on the Sefer HaChinuch – Mitzvah 418)

From, here.