קצר – הרב ברנד מביא מקור לגר”א (בשמועה) על השבת קרבן תמיד

עבודת הקרבנות מצילה את העולם

Oct 4, 2021

מפרשת נח לומדים שהעולם קיים בזכות הקרבנות • וַיָּרַח ה’ אֶת רֵיחַ הַנִּיחֹחַ וַיֹּאמֶר ה’ אֶל לִבּוֹ לֹא אֹסִף לְקַלֵּל עוֹד אֶת הָאֲדָמָה • בְּרֵיחַ נִיחֹחַ אֶרְצֶה אֶתְכֶם… • מכאן הגר”א למד שהקרבת תמיד אחד יהיה כבר לאחר מעשה • הרב יצחק ברנד • פרשת נח • בית המדרש בהר הבית

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

Asset Forfeiture Is Not This Bad in Israel… (Yet?)

Waitress Gets $12,000 Tip. She Tells Cops. Cops Keep $11,000.

Written by Gary North on April 10, 2012

A waitress was left a $12,000 tip. She was suspicious. She called the cops.

The cops told her she would get it back after 60 days if no one claimed it.

The police department then kept $11,000 and gave her a $1,000 reward.

She is suing the police.

Basic to confidence in civil government is the belief that the police are not corrupt, that they are dedicated to protecting citizens. But then asset forfeiture laws enable the police to confiscate currency on the assumption that currency must be the producer of illegal behavior. They don’t bother to prove this. They just keep the money. The courts generally uphold the police.

Is this legalized theft? Of course.

In the waitress’s case, the cops say it’s drug money. Proof? None.

The cops promised to return the money in 60 days. After 90 days, she complained.

The police department then gave her a $1,000 reward.

When the media got hold of the story, the police department clammed up. OIn what basis? It’s an ongoing investigation.

Nixon called this stonewalling. But he was not a crook. He said so. The police are not crooks, either. Just ask them.

Police argue that the money had a strong odor of marijuana and therefore falls under a law that allows for forfeiture of the money because it was in the proximity of a controlled substance, the lawsuit states. But there were no drugs in the box and Richie said he believes this law is not being used correctly.

What is the evidence? The cops asked their dog. “A police dog also performed a sniff test on the money and, according to the dog’s handler, discovered an odor.”

Two of Knutson’s co-workers, along with her son Brandon, were at the Fryn’ Pan the night she discovered the money. Her co-workers say they did not smell marijuana.

“I know the smell of marijuana,” Nickolas Fronning, a line cook at the Fryn’ Pan, said in an affidavit. “I can also assure you that there was no smell of marijuana on the bills or coming from the box.”

Like the dog, I detect an odor. It’s not marijuana.

Asset forfeiture rewards corruption. It is happening all over the English-speaking world. It has been since the mid-1980s. Police departments love the asset forfeiture laws. It’s like money in the bank.

It costs the property owner on average $10,000 in legal fees to get his property back. The cops kept $11,000. That makes good economic sense. Do the math.

Just don’t count the cost of the public’s loss of trust in the criminal justice system. That doesn’t count. Doubt me? Ask the dog.

Continue Reading on abcnews.go.com

9/11: Understanding Criminal Motive Isn’t Apologizing for Murder!

Twenty Years On, We’ve Learned Nothing From 9/11

Nothing upset the Washington Beltway elites more than when in a 2007 presidential debate I pointed out the truth about the 9/11 attacks: they attacked us because we’ve been in the Middle East, sanctioning and bombing the civilian population, for decades. The 9/11 attackers were not motivated to commit suicide terrorism on the Twin Towers and Pentagon because they dislike our freedoms, as then-President Bush claimed. That was a self-serving lie.

They hated – and hate – us because we kill them for no reason. Day after day. Year after year. Right up until just a few days ago, when President Biden slaughtered Zemari Ahmadi and nine members of his family – including seven children – in Afghanistan. The Administration bragged about taking out a top ISIS target. But they lied. Ahmadi was just an aid worker, working for a California-based organization, bringing water to suffering Afghan village residents.

This horror has been repeated thousands of times, over and over, for decades. Does Washington believe these people are subhuman? That they somehow don’t care about their relatives being killed? That they don’t react as we would react if a foreign power slaughtered our families?

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright famously suggested in an interview that killing half a million Iraqi children with sanctions designed to remove Saddam Hussein from power was “worth it.” It was an admission that the lives of innocents mean nothing to the Washington elite, even as they paint their murderous interventions as some kind of “humanitarian liberation.” The slogan of the US foreign policy establishment really should be, “No Lives Matter.”

The Washington foreign policy elites – Republicans and Democrats – are deeply corrupt and act contrary to US national interests. They pretend that decades of indiscriminate bombing overseas are beneficial to the victims and keep us safer as well. That is how they are able, year after year, to convince Congress to hand over a trillion dollars – money taken directly and indirectly from average Americans. They use fear and lies for their own profit. And they call themselves patriots.

The Washington establishment lied to us because they did not want us to stop for a second and try to understand the motive for the 9/11 attacks. Police detectives are not apologists for killers when they try to look for a motive for the crime. But the Washington elite did not want us to think about why people might be motivated to suicide attack. That might endanger their 100-year gravy train.

What was the real message of 9/11 to Americans? Give up your freedoms for the false promise of security. It’s OK for the government to spy on all of us. It’s OK for the TSA to abuse us for the “privilege” of traveling in our own country. We must continue to bomb people overseas. Don’t worry it’s only temporary.

So, twenty years on what have we learned from 9/11? Absolutely nothing. And we all know what the philosopher George Santayana said about those incapable of learning from history. I desperately hope that somehow the United States will adopt a non-interventionist foreign policy, which would actually protect us from another attack. I truly wish Americans would demand that their leaders learn from history. The only way to make us safe is to end the reign of the Washington killing machine.

From Eurasia Review, here.

הרב משה טנדלר זצ”ל – מראשוני הרבנים שעלו להר הבית

אבלים על לכתו של הרב משה דוד טנדלר זצ”ל מגדולי רבני אמריקה

הרב טנדלר נפטר בגיל 95 במהלך שמיני עצרת • הרבה לעלות להר הבית • קיבל את ברכתו של חמיו – הרב משה פינשטיין • יהי זכרו ברוך

בן למואל יום רביעי, כ”ג תשרי ה’תשפ”ב

שוחרי המקדש אבלים עם פטירתו של הגאון הרב דוד משה טנדלר זצ”ל, מבכירי רבני אמריקה וחתנו של הרב פיינשטיין זצ”ל, הלך אתמול – שמיני עצרת לעולמו בגיל 95.

הרב טנדלר היה מראשוני הרבנים שעלו להר הבית.

בכל ביקור של הרב טנדלר בארץ ישראל, הוא הקפיד לעלות להר הבית, מיד בימים הראשונים להגעתו ארצה. בדרך כלל הוא עלה להר בליווי תלמידיו, בני משפחתו ופעילי מטה ארגוני המקדש.

הרב טנדלר גם עלה להר הבית עם נכדותיו ביום חתונתן, ואמר כי אף “משה רבינו לא זכה למה שאנחנו זכינו. הוא לא זכה לעלות להר הבית”.

למרות גילו המופלג הקפיד הרב טנדלר על עליותיו להר הבית גם בשנותיו האחרונות, ונמנע מלהשתמש בהר הבית בכסא הגלגלים שלו. המשטרה באה לקראתו ואפשרה לו עליות יחודיות, עם תחנות מנוחה חריגות בהר הבית ואפשרות ניידות בהתאם ליכולותיו הפיסיות.

הרב שמשון אלבוים ממינהלת הר הבית, שליווה את הרב בהר הבית, שאל אותו שם על התייחסות חותנו הרב משה פיינשטיין זצ”ל לעליות בקודש. הרב טנדלר סיפר כי בכל פעם שהוא היה חוזר מהר הבית לארצות הברית הוא היה משוחח עימו על כך, והרב היה מתעניין בקורת רוח בקורותיו בהר הבית.

לשאלה נוספת של הרב אלבוים אמר הרב טנדלר ש”הרב פיינשטיין היה רק פעם אחת בארץ ישראל, ולא היה אפשר לעלות אז להר הבית. אבל כאשר שאלתי אותו אם מותר לעלות להר הבית הוא אמר לי בזה הלשון ‘ודאי יש מקום שמותר לעלות”. הרב אף הוסיף שתשובה מעין זו גם מובא בתשובותיו של הרב פיינשטיין.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר חדשות הר הבית, כאן.

Real History: The ‘Civilized’ State APED Non-State Civilization

The search for ‘early civilisation’ in ancient societies has obscured the diverse ways in which ancient societies survived and thrived.

The task I’ve set myself here is to think about the history of civilisation before the state. Why should this be so difficult? And why is it nevertheless a task worth pursuing? The answers lie partly in a set of widespread assumptions about what constitutes a civilisation in world history. It is common, for example, to group a whole series of ancient societies together under the banner of ‘early civilisation’. The ones that usually get included are ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, the Classic Maya, the Aztecs, Shang China, the Inca Empire and the Yoruba kingdoms of West Africa. But when it comes to defining what these particular societies have in common, the concept of civilisation seems to drop out of the equation. Suddenly the focus shifts, without explanation, to other factors that can be easily described without any use of the term civilisation – factors such as class stratification, urbanisation, centralised (and often literate) administration, sacred kingship, economic exploitation of the many by the few and so on. ‘Civilisation’, by this point, has simply become an umbrella term for a whole cluster of other cultural attributes that are basically to do with the effective exercise of power by a small and determined elite. In other words, ‘early civilisation’ and ‘state formation’ have become indistinguishable from one another as historical and descriptive categories.

Sensing the trap of a circular argument, some anthropologists have tried, albeit tentatively, to separate these two things out. For instance, in cases of early civilisations that are made up of politically independent city-states – such as the Classical Maya or ancient Mesopotamia – the term ‘civilisation’ is sometimes used to refer to the shared cultural and cosmological milieu within which multiple states exist: a kind of overarching set of guidelines about the proper moral relationships among mortals, kings and gods that encompasses the strategic rivalries of political factions. Yet the more fundamental equation between state and civilisation as coeval stages of social development stands largely unquestioned. This might be defensible were it possible to argue that only the power of centralised states is capable of generating such large-scale patterns of cultural uniformity and moral consensus. But as we shall see, this is very far from being the case.

Also largely unquestioned are the wider historical implications of a term such as ‘early civilisation’, which must then imply that there is also such as a thing as ‘late’ or ‘developed’ civilisation. Where then would we locate the transition from one to the other? Was medieval Europe – with its sacred kingdoms and administrative elites – an early or a late civilisation? Have we, in fact, until very recently – say, until the political revolutions of the eighteenth to twentieth centuries – been living under social and political conditions that are basically analogous to those of ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia? How different in structure were the ‘old regimes’ of Europe from what are sometimes described as ‘archaic states’ or ‘early civilisations’? Fencing off early civilisation as a distinct stage in human history can quickly become an arbitrary and subjective affair.

No less arbitrary, it seems, are the initial criteria on which current definitions of ‘early civilisation’ are grounded. Urbanism, for instance, was sometimes characteristic of societies that actually exhibit very little evidence for pronounced class stratification. To continue describing the appearance of 250-hectare settlements in fourth millennium BC Mesopotamia as an ‘urban revolution’ begins to look a little strange when we realise that, during the same period, the prehistoric societies of Eastern Europe – from the Carpathian Mountains to the Dniepr River – were forming settlements of over 400 hectares. The Ukrainian site of Talianki, for instance, is thought to have held something in the order of 10,000 inhabitants. What is so striking about these earliest European cities is that they achieved such immense sizes with no apparent need for centralised government, bureaucracy or a political elite. And their ground plans – forming concentric rings of similarly designed households – suggest a robustly egalitarian ethos. Yet they are usually excluded from the roster of ‘early civilisations’ and their (potentially enormous) implications for how we understand the root causes of social inequality go largely unrecognised. Studies of human political evolution seem to remain, for the most part, oblivious to the whole phenomenon and happily continue to assume that urban egalitarianism was something confined to a very brief period of mid-twentieth-century Catalonian history.

Similar points could be made about bureaucracy. Although often included as a key component within the list of attributes shared by ‘early civilisation’, complex administration in fact turns out to predate the emergence of cities and kingship by thousands of years. In Upper Mesopotamia – what is now inland Syria and northern Iraq – there is clear evidence for the use of complex bureaucratic devices, such as commodity seals and economic archives, in small-scale farming communities as far back as the 7th millennium BC. Why such devices were adopted in what must essentially have been face-to-face societies remains something of a mystery. And, again, the writers of general sourcebooks on world history seem largely content to ignore the facts and continue to describe specialised administration as a distinct evolutionary feature of urban civilisations.

It is worth adding at this point that the invention of the first writing systems was – in many parts of the world – a gradual development from these much earlier systems of bureaucratic notation, rather than a revolutionary innovation. This is perhaps most clearly evident in the case of Mesopotamian cuneiform, which has been shown to evolve from systems of numerical representation that can be traced back – on at least one interpretation – almost to the origins of farming itself.

What, then, about class or caste distinctions and other forms of social inequality? Can these be more legitimately regarded as defining criteria of ‘early civilisation’? Surely not, since archaeologists have carefully traced clear and pronounced evidence of status differentiation back to the period of Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers, long before the origins of sedentary life, let alone cities or literacy. Consider, for example, the exceptionally preserved site of Sungir in Russia, which offers striking evidence for the concentration of material wealth – prestigious weapons and thousands of finely worked body ornaments – within the burials of a middle-aged man and two children; or, indeed, the monumental stone temples of Göbekli Tepe in southern Turkey, built over 10,000 years ago by hunter-gatherers, who were contemporaries and neighbours of the first farmers in the Fertile Crescent.

Deducing the political structures of prehistoric societies from their material remains is no simple task. But at the very least, such dramatic findings should lead us to question the persistence – even in quite specialised literature – of a Rousseau-like vision of the childhood of man, in which hunter-gatherer societies are still portrayed as invariably small and essentially egalitarian bands. It is worth noting in this context that, when disturbingly hierarchical features are found among hunter-gatherer societies, the tendency has been to compare them with the playing out of dominance hierarchies among chimpanzees and other higher primates, as opposed to viewing them in the perspective of other types of human political systems, such as those of early states and ‘civilisations’. The implication, whether or not the authors of such views realise it, seems to be either that hunter-gatherers are in some sense closer to chimpanzees than they are to other human beings, or that politicians as a distinct social class have more in common with chimpanzees than they do with most other human beings. I personally find the latter interpretation to be the more plausible. At a more general level, we might also ask why some people find it necessary – even in the face of contradictory evidence – to equate ‘civilisation’ with the growth of authoritarian, agro-industrial states? What is really at stake here?

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From Engelsberg Ideas, here.