‘I Was Told To Speak to You Hashem…’

Tatty My King | Dovid Edell | Waterbury Mesivta

Sep 13, 2018


Tatty my King is a song that looks to give over one powerful message that is conveyed through two very relatable dimensions. On one hand, we all have challenging times in our life where we just feel disconnected. In those difficult times, we experience much confusion and uncertainty. We find ourselves wandering and wondering who we are, where we are headed and what we are supposed to be working towards. On the other hand, there are times in our life when we’re locked in to our mission and feel the beauty of closeness and connection. It is then that we are filled with feelings of belonging, purpose, optimism, confidence and hope. In both the good times and the hard ones, our tfillah remains the same: we ask Hashem to please guide us on His path, hold on to us tightly and never ever let go.

Produced and arranged by: Aryeh Kunstler
Composed and written by: Dovid Edell
Directed by: Yaakov Hillel Goodman
Official Lyric Video by: Asher Jeremias
Artwork by: Ariel Shamouelian

Vocals: Dovid Edell, Shlomo Ghoori, Sruli Rubin, Yitz Shoshan, Aryeh Kunstler

Guitar: Aryeh Kunstler
Piano: Aryeh Kunstler
Drums: Barak Ahron
Rainsticks: Shnooogy


Low 1:
I was told to speak to You Hashem,
Maybe You can tell me who I am,
I’ve been lost too long to know where I belong,
In the end,
My only hope is that You’ll hold my hand

Low 2:
How am I supposed to see Your path,
With so many questions I have to ask,
Now I’m standing here alone I’m losing hope,
And in the end,
My tears are falling to You Hashem

So Tatty my King, Father I plead, dont ever let ever let go of me, ever let ever let go of me

Bridge 1:
I need you to realize that I’m lost in my life,
So pick me up, help me stand, dont let go of my hand

Low 3:
I am here to speak with You Hashem,
Starting to see now who I am,
I’ve been lost before I know but here I stand,
Holding Your hand,
Taking a part in Your plan

Low 4:
And now I’m walking down Your path,
Even with the questions I have to ask,
It gives me hope to know that I belong,
In the end,
I’ll reach out for you and take Your hand

So Tatty my King, Father I plead, dont ever let ever let go of me, ever let ever let go of me

Bridge 2:
I’m starting to realize that you’ve held me so tight,
And I’ll follow Your plan just dont let go of my hand

Continue reading…

From YT, here.


Not So Fast! Pols and Pundits Try to Divert Our Attention

In the almost-two-weeks since the “revelation” that President Biden has dementia, the politicians and mainstream media have avoided the inconvenient fact that they covered up that they knew this fact all along.  They’re trying to divert us with novel ideas such as an open convention or a “mini” or “blitz” Democratic Primary” between now and the convention.

The media and political establishment seem to think Americans will just nod and watch.  But I say, Not so fast. We have questions.

1. Why haven’t the politicians and “journalists” who have been covering up this Big Story resigned or been fired? These people didn’t just learn during the debate that Biden was demented. Biden’s dementia has been obvious since at least 2019 and has been covered in some partisan and foreign media since them. Yet now, only after they’ve been caught lying, do the political and media establishment say the emperor has no brain and that he must do the honorable thing and step down, “to save democracy.” How about the politicians and “journalists” who have been lying to us — why don’t they step down? They’ve grossly failed in their duties.

2. Why haven’t the officials around President Biden used the 25th Amendment to relieve Biden of his duties? The 25th Amendment outlines a process for removing a President who is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” The public knew little about this amendment until Democrats and GOP Trump-Haters demanded that it be deployed against President Trump. Where are these screaming voices now? Officials around Biden long have had a duty to move him aside and install the Vice President as President (and never should have run Biden for President in the first place).

3. Why is age discrimination suddenly OK? Pundits and politicians keep saying Biden is “too old” to be President. Biden’s date-of-birth didn’t change during the debate. But suddenly he’s too old! Democrat powerbroker David Axelrod, who among other things managed Obama’s campaigns in 2008 and 2012, penned a piece in CNN saying Biden must step aside, because he’s too old. Axelrod says “polls” show that a majority of Americans think Biden is “too old.”

But Axelrod and our political and media establishment well know that the issue is not age but ability. These people well know how to avoid making blatant discriminatory statements. These people well know that our various civil rights laws that were designed to force employers and others to judge people based on ability and not age — or race, sex, national origin, religion, etc. But now we’re taking a huge step back and making ageism OK again.

Why this ham-fisted, offensive focus on age? Here’s a wild guess … It’s because Trump is old!  After Biden is (somehow) removed and replaced with “someone younger,” it will become a Democrat Talking Point to compare the candidates’ ages — and dismiss Trump as “too old.”

4. Who’s the secret shadow government claiming to act in Biden’s name? President Biden is a puppet — who’s pulling the strings? Yes, Virginia, there is a shadow government. What are these people’s ties, conflicts of interests, biases, etc.? And No, the shadow government is not Dr. Jill Biden. She’s obviously part of the cover up, but it’s extremely unlikely she’s been helping ramp up the war in Ukraine, or opening the border, or censoring “misinformation,” or using arcane legal theories to bring cases against Trump. Nor is Hunter Biden the shadow government, despite that President Biden says this son of his is the smartest person he knows. It’s clear from the revealing information on Hunter’s laptop that he has … other interests.

It’s no surprise that politicians have been lying — politicians gonna politician.  But the silence of what many people thought were media lions is surprising to at least some people — and to others, it confirms the worst: that our media, the Fourth Estate, the “watchdogs,” are in league with the government.  And they continue to be, even after getting caught. Instead of reporting, they’re just scrambling to cover up their own cover-up of the government’s cover-up.

From LRC, here.

מחקר בשריפת אפר פרה אדומה – פרופסור זהר עמר

טבע וריאליה בפרשת השבוע – פרשת חקת

Jul 9, 2024

לתוכן נוסף מוזמנים לבקר באתר שלנו “קדמניות הטבע והריאליה בישראל”

להזמנת הרצאות – 0523121054

לתגובות – zoharamar5310@gmail.com

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

Agudath Israel of America Calls for a Yom Tefillah

The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America has released a Kol Korei emphasizing the significance of the Erev Shabbos of the week of Parshas Chukas, which has been established for generations as a day of fasting due to historical calamities.

In light of the numerous challenges facing Klal Yisroel today, the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah is calling upon all kehillos to designate this Friday as a yom tefillah, with specific chapters of Tehillim to be recited.

The full Kol Korei, and a free translation, can be found below, or by clicking here.

May our tefillos be accepted favorably and may the zechus haTorah protect us.


(Free translation)

Tuesday morning, Parshas Chukas, 5784

The Magein Avrohom writes in siman 580 (s”k 9, as brought in the Mishnah Berurah, s”k 15), citing the Sefer Tanya Rabbosi (by Rabbeinu Yechiel HaRofei of Rome), that the Friday of the week of Parshas Chukas was established for generations as a day of fasting due to the calamities that occurred on that day. The Tanya Rabbosi states: “Regarding the burning of the Torah, we have written this as a memorial for what happened in our times due to our numerous sins, which caused this, and the Toras Elokeinu was burned in the year 5002 from the creation of the world, on the Friday of the week of the parsha of Zos Chukas HaTorah, about twenty-four wagons filled with sifrei Talmud, halachos, and aggados were burned in France, etc., and we heard from the rabbonim who were there that they performed a she’ailas chalom to determine if this was a decree from the Creator, and they were answered: Veda gezeiras Oraysa – This is a decree from the Torah,’ meaning that on the Friday of ‘Zos Chukas HaTorah’ is the decree. From that day onward, individuals took upon themselves to fast on this day every year on the Friday of the parsha of ‘Zos Chukas HaTorah.’”

The Magein Avrohom adds that besides the burning of the Talmud, great troubles have occurred on this day over the generations, leading to the destruction of entire Jewish communities, R”l.

Now, we come to matters pertaining to our present time, as in this generation numerous troubles and severe decrees have arisen against the Am Hashem in general and specifically targeting the Torah and its scholars, and the young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. Policy-makers, with malicious intent, aim to disrupt the sanctity of Torah scholars, requiring the students of our holy yeshivos to abandon their study benches in the beis medrash and enlist in the military. They scheme with various tricks, and their hand is still outstretched, poised to persist. Moreover, decrees are being issued against young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. All of this is reminiscent of the decree of burning the Torah.

In such a time of terrible concealment of Hashem’s Presence, our enemies have lifted their heads, and our adversaries and accusers are exulting over us, saying, “Pursue them and capture them, for there is no one to save them,” Heaven forbid. Woe to the ears that hear daily of our brethren falling as casualties, being killed and captured, Heaven forbid, and there is no day whose curse is not greater than the previous one. Upon whom can we rely? Only upon our Father in Heaven.

Therefore, at this time, a time of distress for Yaakov, it is our duty to follow the practice of our ancestors, to uphold the voice of Yaakov, and to increase our prayers and supplications before the Master of Mercy. For when Klal Yisroel looks upwards and subjugates their hearts to our Father in Heaven, no weapon formed against us shall succeed.

Hence, we call upon all holy congregations of Klal Yisroel to designate this Friday of the week of Parshas Chukas as a day of great and bitter outcry regarding this decree of the Torah, to raise our voices to Heaven against the defiant hands lifted against the Toras Moshe. This day, established centuries ago by our forefathers as a fast day for severe decrees against the Torah and for harsh events that occurred to the Am HaTorah on this day, is auspicious for seeking mercy for these matters that are akin to the event [for which this day was initially established].

We therefore earnestly request that in all communities of Klal Yisroel, in shuls and botei medrashos, in Talmudei Torah and schools, in all retreats and camps, every place according to its custom, all should gather together this Friday, the week of Parshas Chukas, to awaken Divine mercy by publicly reciting specific chapters of Tehillim: 13, 79, 80, 121, 130 and 142.

We add that since this day is designated by halachic authorities for fasting by select individuals, those who wish to accept a partial fast, as explained in Shulchan Aruch siman 562, will be blessed, and the merit of the many depends on them.

May Hashem help us for the sake of His glorious Name, and may His mercy be aroused for the remnant of His people, to annul all harsh decrees against us. May our supplications be accepted favorably, and may the merit of the many and the merit of the Torah protect us, saving us from all distress and hardship, and all wickedness will vanish like smoke. Soon, may we hear and be comforted with good tidings and consolation. Amein, so may it be His will.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America

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From Agudah.org, here.