Abolish Evil Child Labor ‘Laws’! (my title)

Work is a gift our kids can handle

The abundant prosperity of the modern age has brought many blessings when it comes to child-rearing and child development, offering kids new opportunities for education, play, and personal development. Yet even as we celebrate our civilizational departure from excessive child labor, we ought to be wary of falling into a different sort of lopsided lifestyle.

Alas, as a day-to-day reality, work has largely vanished from modern childhood, with parents constantly stressing over the values of study and practice and “social interaction” even as they insulate their children from any activity that might involve risk, pain, or boredom. As a result, many of our kids are coming far too late to the arena of creative service and all it brings: dignity, meaningfreedomvirtuecreativitycharacter, and neighbor love.

Operating out of a justified fear of the harsh excesses of “harder times,” we have allowed our cultural attitudes to swing too far in the opposite direction, distorting work as a “necessary obligation of adulthood,” a gift too dangerous for kids. Working from these same distorted attitudes, the Washington Post recently published what it described as a “haunting” photo montage of child laborers from America’s rougher past.

The photos surely point to times of extreme lack, of stress and pain. But as Jeffrey Tucker rightly detects, they also represent the faces of those who are actively building enterprises and cities, using their gifts to serve their communities, and setting the foundation of a flourishing nation, in turn. Turns out there is dignity and meaning in that, too:

I also think about their inner lives. They are working in the adult world, surrounded by cool bustling things and new technology. They are on the streets, in the factories, in the mines, with adults and with peers, learning and doing. They are being valued for what they do, which is to say being valued as people. They are earning money.

Whatever else you want to say about this, it’s an exciting life. You can talk about the dangers of coal mining or selling newspapers on the street. But let’s not pretend that danger is something that every young teen wants to avoid. If you doubt it, head over the stadium for the middle school football game in your local community, or have a look at the wrestling or gymnastic team’s antics at the gym.

And I compare it to any scene you can observe today at the local public school, with 30 kids sitting in desks bored out of their minds, creativity and imagination beaten out of their brains, forbidden from earning money and providing value to others, learning no skills, and knowing full well that they are supposed to do this until they are 22 years old if they have the slightest chance of being a success in life: desk after desk, class after class, lecture after lecture, test after test, a confined world without end.

In our modern context, loosening up the existing “system” need not (and should not) put our children at risk of 12-hour work days in extreme and dangerous conditions. As Tucker concludes, the current economic avenues for unskilled labor are actually prime territory for introducing our children to risk and service, never mind the side effects of practical education and character cultivation:

If kids were allowed to work and compulsory school attendance was abolished, the jobs of choice would be at Chick-Fil-A and WalMart. And they would be fantastic jobs too, instilling in young people a work ethic, which is the inner drive to succeed, and an awareness of attitudes that make enterprise work for all. It would give them skills and discipline that build character, and help them become part of a professional network.

These attitudes are rather missing from today’s young people just entering the workforce. They are forcibly kept out and then we are shocked to discover that the average college graduate today has a hard time getting into his or her groove at the age of 23. It’s because their human right to work and earn has been violated for a good part of their lives, to the point that they have lost interest in and knowledge of what work is like at all.

As for the solution to all this, Tucker’s imperative is to simply “let the kids work.” This begins, of course, with a change in our attitudes, and such a shift will require diligent and drastic changes across our cultural spheres and institutions, from the ecosystem of each individual family to the powerful bureaucracies that seek control our kids through top-down plans and programs.

For example, as families, what if we were to rethink our approach to “allowances,” or paid labor in the household in general? What if we were to be more intentional about creating opportunities for work for our kids, or simply to more closely disciple our children toward a full understanding of the role of their work in honoring God and serving neighbor? In our schools and educational systems, what if we stopped prioritizing “intellectual” work to the detriment of practical knowledge and physical labor, paving new paths to a more holistic approach to character formation? In our policy and governing institutions, what if we put power back in the hands of parents and kids, dismantling the range of excessive legal restrictions, minimum wage fixings, and regulations that lead our children to work less and work later? (This could be something as simple as letting a 14-year-old work a few hours a week at a fast-food restaurant or grocery store.)

There’s plenty we can do, but the ultimate question is this: When it comes to the cultivation of character and the human imagination, what do we lose in a world wherein work, service, and sacrifice have been largely replaced by superficial pleasures and one-dimensional modes of formation?

Let us not just teach our children to play hard and study well, shuffling them through a long line of hobbies and electives and educational activities. A long day’s work and a load of sweat have plenty to teach as well.

Authors Note: Given the recent attention drawn to this post, permit me to clarify that I do NOT endorse replacing education with paid labor, nor do I support sending our children back into the coal mines or other high-risk jobs, nor do I support getting rid of mandatory education at elementary and middle-school ages. Due to the confusion it brought, I have removed “bring back child labor” from the title, as many falsely took it to mean a call to “bring back” earlier laws, conditions, or jobs, which is not my argument. My recommendation here is simply that we challenge our cultural assumptions about labor at all levels, from parenting to education to policymaking, and ensure we take a more holistic approach to education that recognizes the dignity of each human person.

From The Acton Institute, here.

Politician = Successful Psychopath

Q: What’s the difference between a politician and a psychopath? A: None

Jason Bennetto Crime Correspondent

Tuesday 03 September 1996 23:02 BST


Politicians and stockbrokers share many of the same characteristics as criminal psychopaths. The only difference is that career high-flyers usually stay within the law. Some could be defined as “successful psychopaths”, according to Lisa Marshall, a psychologist at Glasgow’s Caledonian University.

In a three-year research project that involved interviewing 105 long- term offenders in Scottish prisons, she discovered that upbringing appeared to be an important factor in whether a child became a psychopath, as well as genetic make-up.

To discover which offenders were psychopaths she questioned them and compared their answers to a widely used list of 20 characteristics of a psychopath, the annual conference of the British Psychological Society’s criminological and legal division were told. To be considered a psychopath, they needed to display a number of the 20 core characteristics. Ms Marshall added that people in some high-powered careers, such as stockbroking and politics – she did not rule out journalists – had enough of the 20 characteristics to be defined as psychopathic.

She said: “Successful psychopaths included people with careers such as stockbrokers, where a lot of action was happening and where they had a lot of power. “They have to be quite cold and callous. You could say a politician. [They] might be in control and have power. They are risk-takers.They have the characteristics of psychopaths but without the criminal intent.”

She added that psychopaths made good fraudsters.

Continue reading…

From The Independent, here.

י. גלנט ימ”ש שותף מלא בטבח

בגידה בתוך הצבא? ראש עיריית אופקים איציק דנינו חשף במהלך הרצאה שנשא כי “כמה דקות אחרי שמחבלים נכנסו לאופקים הוא הרים טלפון לשר הביטחון וביקש ממנו לשלוח כוחות צבא לעיר, גלנט שתק ואחר כך הגיב “יטופל”, כעבור חצי שעה שוב התקשר ראש העיר ובירר על פשר התעכבות הכוחות, גלנט שוב הבטיח: “יטופל” • החייל הראשון שנכנס לעיר הגיע בסביבות 2 בצהרים לאחר שחמישים מבני העיר כבר נרצחו • צפו במונולוג המצמרר
מאתר המחדש, כאן.

מוצ”ש פרשת בא: כנס עם צאצאי בעל אם הבנים שמחה

אגודת ‘קדושת ציון’, שמטרתה הנחלת אהבת ארץ ישראל בקרב הציבור החרדי, עורכת כנס ראשון בעיר אותו יכבדו בהשתתפותם הגרי”ד אלתר שליט”א, וכן נכדי ה’משנה שכיר’: המשפיעים הרב ברייער והרב ברנדסדורפר שליט”א

השבוע, במוצאי השבת הקרובה פרשת בא,  יתקיים בע”ה בעיר כנס ייחודי מסוגו, בו יעסקו באהת ארץ ישראל ובהשלכות המעשיות שיש למצווה זו. הכנס, הנערך ביוזמת ארגון ‘קדושת ציון’ הפועל להנחלת אהבת ישראל בקרב הציבור החרדי, יערך במעמד הגרי”ד אלתר שליט”א בנו של האדמו”ר ה’פני מנחם’ זי”ע, וכן במעמד נכדיו של בעל ה’משנה שכיר’ – המשפיעים האשדודיים הנודעים הגה”ח רבי יוסף צבי ברייער שליט”א והגה”ח רבי ידידיה ברדנדסדורפר שליט”א.

מתוך אתר אשדודס: הזירה החרדית, כאן.

והנה ההזמנה הרשמית, כקובץ: