Is Slavery Economically Wise?

The Left Argues Slavery Was an Economic Blessing. Here’s Why They Are Wrong.


The legacy of slavery in America is once again becoming a hotly discussed topic. The New York Times has launched The 1619 Project, commemorating the 400th anniversary of the first African slaves brought to the colony of Virginia. The project “aims to reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as our true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are.” One of the lead essays informs us that “in order to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation.” And over at Vox, an interview with historian Edward E. Baptist teaches us that slavery was a remarkably modern and efficient business practice, which helped the U.S. transform from a colonial economy into “the second biggest industrial power in the world.”

There are rhetorical and ideological concerns on both sides of this sensitive topic. The case for systematic reparations collapses, for example, if it turned out that slavery was an inefficient system that made blacks and whites—with a few notable exceptions—poorer. On the other hand, if the vision of The 1619 Project is correct, and modern America was built on slavery, then it would be silly for MAGA-wearing patriots to try to downplay the peculiar institution as an unfortunate footnote in the story of liberty.

In the present post, I am not going to weigh the historical evidence. For critiques of the “New History of Capitalism” (with its alleged reliance on slavery), see this article from Olmstead and Rhode, or this essay by Phil Magness.

Instead, I want to clarify the logical framework to show what it would mean to actually argue or demonstrate that slavery was an economically efficient method of production, which not only enriched those directly involved in the slave trade and labor sites, but also showered material benefits on the rest of (free) society at large. As we will see, in his Vox interview the historian Baptist doesn’t even attempt to make such a case.

Once we clarify the actual issue, it should be clear that slavery is like war: Yes, a few privileged elites can benefit financially from it, but it’s not “good for the economy.” Slavery, like war, is a destructive institution that reduces the welfare of most people in society, though a few beneficiaries can profit from the insidious system and thus have an incentive to sing its blessings.

Framing the Issue

To understand if slavery is an “efficient” method of economic organization, we have to ask the standard economist question: Compared to what?

There is no doubt that a healthy adult slave in a region with adequate natural resources can produce more than a subsistence amount of output, allowing for the owner to keep the slave alive and keep the surplus for himself, living up to the Marxist vision of how labor markets work in general. So if the question is, “Was US output higher with millions of productive slaves working, than it would be if those slaves suddenly disappeared?” then the answer is, “Yes, of course, slavery was ‘productive’ in this sense.”

But that’s not really the question. The question is, if all of the plantation owners in (say) the year 1850 had suddenly freed all of their slaves and turned them into free laborers, what would that have done to the course of US economic development? Is it really true that this change would have made the country as a whole poorer?

The issue isn’t whether cotton was an important export, or whether the expected future flow of labor of the slaves was a valuable financial asset (codified in the market price received in auctions). The issue is whether had the slaves all been freed, would that change have made cotton exports grow more slowly over the 19th century, and would it have made the productivity of the (former) slaves’ labor grow more slowly? Those are the types of questions we need to answer, if we want to know whether slavery was a boon for American capitalism rather than a blight that was not only immoral, but also inefficient.

Continue reading…

From, here.

ארכיאולוגיה בהלכה: שיחה עם הגאון הרב זלמן נחמיה גולדברג

הכרעה הלכתית על פי הארכאולוגיה | הגאון רבי זלמן נחמיה גולדברג | כינוס ‘מתחת לפני השטח’ 3

Sep 9, 2019

הכרעה הלכתית על פי הארכאולוגיה | הגאון רבי זלמן נחמיה גולדברג | כינוס ‘מתחת לפני השטח’ 3

בכנס “מתחת לפני השטח -3” שנערך ע”י אגודת “מטמוני ארץ”, בחודש אב תשע”ט
הוקרן סרט ובו שאלות ותשובות של מארגני הכנס עם הגאון הרב זלמן נחמיה גולדברג שליט”א
הרב דיבר על היחס בין הידע המתגלה בכלים מדעיים וארכיאולוגיה לבין פסיקת ההלכה בזמננו
האם על סמך ממצאים של ימינו השיעורים ההלכתיים של ‘כזית’ וכביצה יכולים להשתנות?
האם להתייחס לממצאים ארכיאולוגיים כראיה חותכת?
על כך ועוד בסרטון המרתק שלפניכם
#ארכיאולוגיה_יהודית #תורה_ומדע
אהבתם? הרשמו לערוץ. ליחצו על סמל הפעמון 🔔 ותוכלו לקבל התראה על כל קובץ חדש שעולה

לעוד תוכן איכותי היכנסו לאתר שלנו:

דף הפייסבוק שלנו:

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

Battling [European] Antisemitism Is a Useless Activity!

is the battle lost?

Sunday, May 30, 2021
Back in 2014, as Obama was dolling out an additional 50 million in funds to the Palestinians even as Hamas was launching rockets at Israel (history repeats itself, doesn’t it?), I wrote about an exhibit at the NY Historical Society about the Joint Distribution Committee:

Anyway, a telegram displayed in the exhibit caught my wife’s eye. This message was sent from someone in Germany in 1933 to the JDC in NY, and it said (I’m sorry we did not copy it word for word) that the situation was not salvageable – instead of relief for those inside Germany, all efforts should be focused on getting as many people out as possible. My wife could not believe that already in 1933 there was such certainty of impending doom. Her own father’s family did not leave Germany until a few years after that. I told her it’s no surprise. 20 or 30 years from now G-d forbid people will look back at the articles in the news that we read almost daily about the situation of Jewry in France and other European countries, the articles we dismiss as alarmist, as right-wing extremism, the calls to get out that people have begun to act on in small measure while others delay, thinking there will always be time to run when things get really bad, and we will wonder why more was not done sooner, why so many failed to act when the anti-Semitisim was so clear, when the barely repressed violence was already evident.

And so we turn to today’s news, where headlines declare that “prominent European Jews worry war against antisemitism is lost.”  The article notes:

In light of dozens of incidents in Belgium alone in recent weeks, Joel Rubinfeld, the president of the Belgian League Against Antisemitism, wrote that he doubts whether he will be able to continue living in the country with his wife and two children.

“I believed I could. Now I doubt I can,” Rubinfeld, a former leader of the CCOJB, the umbrella group of French-speaking Belgian Jews, wrote in an op-ed published Saturday in the Le Vif weekly.

Brigitte Wielheesen, a well-known journalist and counterterrorism expert from the Netherlands, wrote Thursday in an op-ed for the news site Jonet that after years of battling antisemitism, she has concluded that the activity has become useless. [emph mine]

At least in Europe they are slowly starting to see the truth.  Here in the US, we are even slower learners, unfortunately.

R’ Meir Kahane: When ‘Gedolim’ Give Away Eretz Yisrael We Must Defy Them

Gedolim are not infallible

Kahane on the Parsha Rabbi Binyamin Kahane- Parshat Shelach GEDOLIM ARE NOT INFALLIBLE
We never cease to be amazed when Parshat Shelach is read, exposing as it does the true colors of the nation’s leaders. The very same people who were to lead the Jewish people into the Promised Land suddenly scorn it. They brazenly turn their backs on the Holy Land promised to them by G-d and, to our amazement, are even prepared to find a substitute for it. How could these Jewish leaders make such a total about-face? How could they ignore the destiny of the Jewish people? How could they reject the very land for which G-d redeemed them from Egypt? We will address these questions momentarily but first, the fact that such great leaders (see Rashi on Numbers 13:1) spurned heaven’s plans for the Jewish people teaches us that we must ALWAYS examine the positions of our leaders — no matter how righteous they may be. We must NOT be robots, blindly trusting that our leaders or ‘gedolim’ will “take care of everything” while we rest easy. Even the most reliable leader can, at one point or another, betray himself and his ideology as a result of normal human weakness. The Talmud (Berachot 29a) relates that even though Yochanan served as Kohen Gadol for 80 years, he embraced heresy at the end of his life. We must be especially wary of leaders who lead us around by the nose from one corner to the next. We must break off the shackles of such leadership and not hesitate to defy it. Particularly in this orphaned generation, in which a gadol isn’t so ‘gadol’, and a leader isn’t much of a leader, it is OBLIGATORY to go to all these heads of the people and ask them the difficult questions that need to be asked. And if they have no answers, let us recognize this fact and start searching for the honest truth the hard way. Why did the spies betray their destiny? The Rabbis offer several reasons, but they all boil down to one factor: lack of faith. After all, how can grasshoppers stand up to giants? Yes, the G-d of history who created heaven and earth made them a promise, but they didn’t believe He was capable of making good on it. Without question, the leaders of that generation piously read the 13 principles of faith and gave shiurim in yeshivot on trusting in G-d. But when it came down to “practicalities,” when they had to practice what they had been preaching every day, when their faith was put to the test — “Who is stronger: G-d or Sichon and Og?” — they selected Sichon and Og. As the Israeli government hands over the Land of Israel to the Arabs piece by piece, it is CRUCIAL that we study Parshat Shelach carefully. For the sin of the spies — “and they despised the holy land” — is repeating itself in grand fashion in our time. And once again, the basic problem is LACK OF FAITH! But our sin is worse than that of the spies. After all, unlike the spies, we are already IN the Land of Israel. We have already conquered it through great wonders and miracles. We don’t need to muster such tremendous faith when G-d has already made HIs providence over this land crystal clear in Israel’s wars. Trusting Him should not be that difficult for us. And yet, we insist on groveling to the Assads and Arafats of this world, continuing to perceive ourselves as grasshoppers instead of giants. May G-d give us the faith and mesirut nefesh to save ourselves from awesome punishment.
Darka Shel Torah, 1993