Who’s Winning in Ukraine? The American Merchants of Death!

The Great Ukraine Robbery is Not Over Yet

The ink was barely dry on President Biden’s signature transferring another $61 billion to the black hole called Ukraine, when the mainstream media broke the news that this was not the parting shot in a failed US policy. The elites have no intention of shutting down this gravy train, which transports wealth from the middle and working class to the wealthy and connected class.

Reuters wrote right after the aid bill was passed that, “Ukraine’s $61 billion lifeline is not enough.” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell went on the Sunday shows after the bill was passed to say that $61 billion is “not a whole lot of money for us…” Well, that’s easy for him to say – after all it’s always easier to spend someone else’s money!

Ukraine’s foreign minister,  Dmytro  Kuleba, was far from grateful for the $170 billion we have shipped thus far to his country. In an interview with Foreign Policy magazine as the aid package was passed, Kuleba had the nerve to criticize the US for not producing weapons fast enough. “If you cannot produce enough interceptors to help Ukraine win the war against the country that wants to destroy the world order, then how are you going to win in the war against perhaps an enemy who is stronger than Russia?”

How’s that for a “thank you”?

It may be understandable why the Ukrainians are frustrated. Most of this money is not going to help them fight Russia. US military aid to Ukraine has left our own stockpiles of weapons depleted, so the money is going to create new production lines to replace weapons already sent to Ukraine. It’s all about the US weapons industry. President Biden admitted as much when he said, “we are helping Ukraine while at the same time investing in our own industrial base.”

This is why Washington Is desperate to make sure that if Donald Trump returns to the White House, the “Ukraine” gravy train cannot be shut down by his – or future – administrations. Last week news broke that the Ukrainian government was in negotiations with the Biden Administration to sign a ten-year security agreement that would lock in US funding for Ukraine for the next two and a half US Administrations. That would unconstitutionally tie future presidents’ hands when it comes to foreign policy and would leave Americans on the hook for untold billions more dollars taken from them and sent to the weapons industry and to a corrupt foreign government.

The US weapons industry and its cheerleaders in Washington DC are determined to keep Ukraine money flowing…until they can figure out a way to gin up a war with China after losing the current war with Russia. That, of course, depends on whether there is anything left of us when the smoke clears.

When President Biden signed the $95 billion bill to keep wars going in Ukraine and Gaza and to provoke a future war with China, he called it “a good day for world peace.” Yes, and “War is peace.” Debt is good. Freedom is slavery. We are living in a post-truth society where billions spent on pointless wars are “not a whole lot of money.” But the piper will be paid and the debt will be cleared.

From LRC, here.

R’ Hershel Schachter (of YU…) on Countering the Influence of Today’s Mitzrayim (Immorality)

Torah View on Homosexuality

This dvar Torah is from TorahWeb’s Rabbinic Board: Rav Hershel Schachter, Rav Mayer Twersky, Rav Michael Rosensweig, Rav Mordechai Willig

“K’maase Eretz Mitzrayim asher yeshavtem ba lo sa’asu – like the practice of the land of Egypt in which you dwelled do not do” (Vayikra 18:3)

This verse prohibits the most immoral forms of behavior – idolatry, incest, adultery, bloodshed, male and female homosexual activity and bestiality[1]. The prohibition against male homosexual behavior is repeated in Vayikra 18:22. Prohibited homosexual activity includes any non-platonic physical contact; even yichud (seclusion) with someone of the same gender is forbidden for homosexually active individuals[2].

In addition to its legislative content, this verse also provides a fundamental insight into human nature and propensities. The Torah emphasizes “asher yeshavtem ba – in which you dwelled”; but Jews of all generations most certainly know that we lived in Eretz Mitzrayim. The Torah’s statement of the obvious warns us to be on guard against societal influence. We become susceptible to even the most egregious and vile forms of behavior if we do not guard against societal influence. “Human nature is such that a person in his beliefs, character, dispositions, and actions is drawn after his friends and colleagues and acts in the same fashion as his countrymen” (Rambam Hilchos De’os 6:1). (How to take such precautionary measures will, God willing, be discussed below.) Thus a full interpretive translation of the verse reads: the behavior of Eretz Mitzrayim, to which, having lived there, you may be inclined, is forbidden to you.

Ramban[3] comments that the descent to Mitzrayim foreshadows the current galus. He highlights the historical symmetry between the descent to Mitzrayim and the origins of the current galus. Sadly, we can highlight an additional point of symmetry. The “Mitzrayim” in which we find ourselves is also plagued by aberrant behavior, including the practice of homosexuality. Here too due to societal influence we have become susceptible to such behavior. Moreover, Mitzrayim of old not only engaged in corrupt behavior, it legitimized and mainstreamed such behavior. “Our sages said, what were they (i.e. Mitzriyim) accustomed to doing? Men married men and women married women…”[4] Similarly, the Mitzrayim of today’s galus seeks to legitimize and mainstream the abominable practice (toeiva) of homosexuality. Frighteningly, we who live here are not only practically affected, but also axiologically and ideationally infected. Not only our behavior but our very Weltanschauung has been compromised and contaminated.

Let us illustrate and elaborate the effect of society’s insidious influence regarding homosexuality. In a Torah society, unaffected and uninfected by today’s Mitzrayim, what should one’s attitude be towards homosexual behavior and homosexual individuals? Homosexual behavior is absolutely prohibited and constitutes an abomination[5]. Discreet, unconditionally halachically committed Jews who do not practice homosexuality but feel same sex attraction (ssa) should be sympathetically and wholeheartedly supported. They can be wonderful Jews, fully deserving of our love, respect, and support. They should be encouraged to seek professional guidance. Moreover, in an uninfected Torah society, appropriate sympathy for discreet shomrei Torah u’mitzvos who experience but do not act upon ssa is clearly distinguished from brazen public identification of their yetzer hara for forbidden behavior. In a pure Torah society people would recognize that every individual neshama is given its own unique constellation of challenges and some of these challenges consist of feeling an impulse to forbidden behavior. But every individual neshama also possesses the resilience and strength to triumph over its challenges[6].

How painful, sad and sobering is the sharp contrast between the clear attitude that should prevail in a pure Torah community and the confusion that exists among well-intentioned individuals within our communities. We are not speaking of the heresy of elements who although identifying themselves as Orthodox demand (sic.) change in the Torah, rachamanah litzlan, a clear violation of the thirteen principles of faith. Instead we are speaking of the confusion caused by today’s Mitzrayim within our communities. Due to the influence of today’s Mitzrayim, appropriate sympathy in discreet settings has become conflated with public, celebratory identification of people with an urge for forbidden behavior. In today’s galus ssa is not viewed as a challenge of kevishas hayetzer (overcoming and taming impulses for forbidden behavior), but rather as a troubling halacha lacking in compassion, rachmanah litzlan.

The influence of today’s Mitzrayim on our thinking is sadly and dramatically evident. The light of Torah, however, dispels confusion. Talmud Torah, when honestly and unconditionally pursued, allows us to recognize societally induced pre/misconceptions and biases. Talmud Torah allows us to absorb the divine Weltanschauung. Inevitably, with respect to homosexuality, Talmud Torah will place us at odds with political correctness and the temper of the times. Nevertheless, we must be honest with ourselves, and with Hakadosh Baruch Hu, regardless of political correctness, considerations or consequences.

Editor’s note: Readers may also be interested in the following audio shiurimA Response to the Recent “Orthodox” Gay Forum and Absolute Truth and Alternate Life Styles: The Torah’s Position on Homosexuality

[1] The Sifra (Vayikra 138:5), cited by Rashi ad loc. refers to the atrocities of Eretz Mitzrayim as being the most corrupt of all nations. The Sifra (138:7) further provides the list of activities in which the Mitzriyim engaged. See also Rambam Hilchos Isurei Biah 21:8.

[2] Rambam Hilchos Isurei Biah 21:1,2; 22:1,2. See also Shulchan Aruch, Even HoEzer 24

[3] Commentary to Breishis 43:14, 47:18

[4] Rambam Hilchos Isurei Biah 21:8

[5]Vayikra 18:22

[6] In the present forum we are not discussing the halachic category of shotim.

From Torah Web, here.

Translation of an Old – But Timely – Article by Yigal Amir’s Wife

There Are No Words

There is an old saw to the effect that behind every great man, there is a great woman. In the case of the greatest living Jewish hero, this cliché happens to be true. The hero’s act of self-sacrifice requires inhuman courage, but only for a moment. Once the trigger is pulled, the bullet leaves the barrel and all possible fates narrow down to a single point, from which emerges only one possible, precarious thread. The prison doors clang shut, the silence descends and there is nothing further but the four walls of the cell. Cling to honor like a man or grovel like a beaten cur before the insectoid nonentities who hold you hostage, the walls of your prison will not fall unless they are dismantled by the forces the that you, the hero, have unleashed. There remains nothing but the waiting.

But for the hero’s beloved it is quite a different thing. Every day she is assailed with demands to abandon him to his fate, demands to renounce him, demands to join the mindless mob of accusers who bay for the hero’s blood, who fall into fits at the mere mention of his name, foaming at the mouth and spraying saliva like men possessed. It takes a very different, much greater courage to stand alone against the world in the name of simple, pure love, to refuse the blandishments and the threats, to ignore the ridicule, the scorn, the misguided pity, the whispers and rumors and snide remarks passed behind one’s back. It takes a superhuman courage to fight the entire apparatus of the state solely in order to be allowed to bear the hero’s child. It takes a greater courage still to raise this child amid the sneers and the jeers of the subhuman swine who hold the hero hostage, amplified a thousand times by the amen chorus of the mindless media zombies who ape every grimace and oink of said swine and think themselves the better for it. In a way, Larissa Amir’s sacrifice is greater even than the sacrifice made by her husband. One can only hope that she lives to receive the honor and adulation that is her due for it.

The Israeli media has done its best to paint this woman as some kind of loon, a dumb prison groupie or a mindless fanatic. With the power of the camera and the might of the broadcast media, these people have succeeded in convincing the majority of the addled Jews trapped under Israeli rule that Larissa Amir is precisely what they describe her to be. And in the process of so doing, they have come to believe their own propaganda. So convinced they had become that the slander they peddle is actually the truth, that for the occasion of the just past anniversary of Yigal’s heroic deed, the Israeli propagandists at Walla approached Larissa with the request to write something for them to publish. They were even dumb enough to publish it.

To the eternal shame of Jewish organs like Arutz Sheva and Makor Rishon, they DID NOT have the courage to re-publish what Larissa wrote, much less translate it into English for the benefit of their audience in the diaspora. Yet, like Michael Ben-Horin’s pamphlet that speaks the truth about the supreme self-sacrifice made by Doctor Baruch Goldstein (z”l), Larissa’s letter must be preserved and disseminated, not only because it neatly skewers the decades of lies and delusions, but also in the name of history and basic human decency. Therefore, this website has arranged for an English translation. Read it, and judge yourself, without the skewed lens of the Israeli distorters and liars, who and what this woman is, who and what her husband is, and who, ultimately, will stand acquitted by history.

Words, Words, But There Are No Words


Larissa Amir

15 years.

I start to write, but the words do not come. It is as if they are stuck inside the keyboard. Finally they appear, words like the dead leaves that fall from the trees in autumn. For 15 years already, at the same time every fall, words begin to resemble dead leaves – lifeless, meaningless.

Clichés, slogans, curses.

“He murdered democracy”.

“He murdered peace”.

“He murdered the whole nation”.

Once upon a time, there was a nation that spoke of peace. There were speeches. There was pomp and ceremony. There were honors, medals and prizes. There were many great, beautiful words. As it is said: “They say: ‘Peace, peace!’, but there is no peace”. Because peace did not come. Explosions came instead of peace. They came into the buses, into the markets, into the cafes. There came shootings on the roads. Entire families disappeared from life, as if they had never existed. But the speeches did not stop. Because no one wanted to ask: what happened to the peace? Maybe it got lost? Who gave it wrong directions? Who deceived us all?

In our country after every mishap there is a commission of inquiry. When the Versailles wedding hall collapsed in Jerusalem and 23 people were killed, those found guilty of negligence and responsibility for the catastrophe were sentenced to prison. Fair enough, is it not? After all, life and death are not child’s play, regardless whether the lives at stake belong to high officials or to ordinary people.

Who was found responsible when the Oslo accords collapsed? Since the famous handshake on the White House lawn, around 1500 of our fellow citizens have died in terrorist attacks — men, women, children. Such are the consequences of misjudgment or self-deception or, as they have started to hint nowadays, political blindness. Of course, there was terror before the Oslo Accords, also. But everyone remembers what was the scope of the terror back then, and how everything changed immediately after the accord was signed. Who investigated this? Who is responsible? Who has paid the price?

But then, who needs an inquiry when the sole defendant is found and condemned before the fact? His name, of course, is Yigal Amir. He is the one who destroyed the dreams of an entire nation with a single wave of his hand, and ever since the entire nation cannot undo the damage he wrought.

It is not enough that he pays a greater price then those who sent the suicide bombers and shot on the roads. He must be removed from sight. He must be silenced. For fifteen years he has been held in solitary confinement, gagged by means of legal justifications invented on the spot, and bureaucratic procedures made up out of whole cloth. Who believes that even the hypothetical possibility of asking him a few questions (and not even on a live broadcast) is a threat to national security? Or is it that those who hold power simply do not wish to permit him to explain his actions? What if he confesses that he had no intention of killing peace, or democracy, or the entire nation? What if he says that this desperate, extreme act was, in his opinion, the last chance to escape the slippery slope of the insane reality brought about by the Oslo Accords, the last opportunity to escape an even greater bloodshed? What will they do then with the meaningless clichés that have been piling up on the ground for 15 years like heaps of autumn leaves? What if this leads to a real, serious and deep discussion? What if it becomes possible to actually analyze what really happened back then? What led a law-abiding young man, a soldier of the Golani Brigade, a successful law student and a good friend to commit an act that turned him into “the disgusting and repugnant murderer”, as is the custom to label him around these parts? Who should answer these questions? And who is ready to answer them?

Because there are no words.

From Virtual Judah, here.

Avraham Shusteris: Annex South Lebanon!

4 reasons Israel should annex southern Lebanon

Israel has no choice but to annex this area if it wants to allow its residents to return to the north. Op-ed.

Avraham Shusteris  Apr 21, 2024, 11:44 PM (GMT+3)
Israel did not choose to go to war with Hezbollah. When Hezbollah decided to join Hamas after October 7th in unprovoked attacks against Israel, it created many challenges, but also some unique opportunities for Israel, namely the ability and justification to annex southern Lebanon.

While at first glance this may seem like an outlandish idea, annexation would provide Israel with several worthwhile benefits that deserve consideration.

Regaining Deterrence- Reducing risk of Multi Theatre War

In a normal state of affairs, when one country threatens the sovereignty of another by attacking it- that country itself risks losing its own territory. Unfortunately, Israel’s enemies currently feel that they can fire missiles at Israel with little to no risk to their own sovereignty. This very dangerous and faulty equation is the reason why Israel is currently faced with the possibility of a multifront war.

Countries who attack Israel feel like they don’t have much to lose. If Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, or Jordan understood that by attacking Israel they will lose their land, they would be less inclined to do so. By setting a precedent with southern Lebanon, other countries will be deterred from taking risks.

Providing security to residents of Israel’s North

With around 100.000 Israeli residents currently displaced from cities and towns on Israels northern borders, Israel needs to quickly find a way to restore both security and a sense of security that would allow its residents to return to their homes and rebuild their communities. By annexing and populating Southern Lebanon with Israeli citizens and creating a permanent military presence, Israel would be effectively creating a massive buffer zone that would neutralize the threat of Hezbollah tunnels, infiltrations and short-range missiles from Lebanon which in turn would allow residents of Metula and Kiryat Shmona to return home safely.

After Oct 7th, people no longer feel comfortable relying on the good intentions of our neighbors. In order for people to return and rebuild their communities, they need to feel a strong sense of security that only annexation and military presence can provide. The experiment in Gaza has proven once and for all that in the land of Israel, where there is Jewish settlement, there is security. Where there is a lack of settlement, there are hotbeds of terror.

But the question remains, who will go to settle Southern Lebanon?

Solving two of Israel’s major pressing societal problems- hareidi Draft and the Housing Crisis

By annexing southern Lebanon and providing heavily discounted housing to the hareidi public that is willing to settle it, this could become a way out of Israel’s looming hareidi draft problem. Instead of forcing hareidi conscription, the Israeli hareidim could provide a massive security contribution to the State of Israel by populating southern Lebanon. Heavily discounted or free housing would certainly go a long way to incentivize the move and provide a solution to the housing crisis.

If you are skeptical about the hareidi willingness to be pioneers, keep in mind that the two largest settlements in Judea and Samaria are hareidi- Modiin Illit and Beitar. If the price is right, the hareidim will make southern Lebanon into the next Bet Shemesh.

But how can Israel annex another country?

Israel wouldn’t be annexing another country. Southern Lebanon, according to all accounts, is considered part of the Biblical land of Israel. This land was promised to the Jewish people in the Bible- no other country has such a strong deed to their land.

Furthermore, Israel has no choice but to annex this area if it wants to allow its residents to return to the north. Anything short of annexation would mean that Israel is effectively ceding territory by abandoning northern communities since its residents would be afraid to return otherwise. If America opposes annexation, it is welcome to return Texas and California to Mexico. Until it does so, it is in no position to preach.

As daunting as this may seem, Israel may be able to pull this off more easily than expected thanks to the fact that the vast majority of Southern Lebanon is Shiite, so Israel may be able to annex without a significant fight from the Sunni and Christian populations that dominate other parts of the country.

Israel did not choose to be in this situation, but with a little bit of faith and courage, it now has the opportunity to kill quite a few birds with one stone. I hope it doesn’t squander it.

From Arutz Sheva, here.

ספר חדש: מה יעשו היום בבית המקדש? – הרב אברהם בורשטין

ספר חדש: מה יעשו היום בבית המקדש?

למעלה מעשור עוסק הרב אברהם בורשטין בניסיון להבין כיצד תראה בפועל עבודת בית המקדש, כעת יוצא ספר בנושא.