‘Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food’

My Expulsion from Medical Practice

Censorship and economic ruin threaten dissenting physicians

by Dr. Albert Louis

(OMNS Feb 14, 2021) It’s a very bizarre state of affairs when, as a doctor for over 30 years, I suddenly find myself completely isolated from people I know, and from humanity. In this situation, there seems to be no way to help with healing or caring or treating, because I have been expelled like a priest excommunicated from the church. I have been cancelled.

This happened because I was not conforming to the religion of medicine. I said things that were against the perceived modus vivendi. I was immediately suspended and completely and utterly cut off, as if I were a dangerous, evil person.

This sense of doing wrong eats into your guts. It is like you have done some kind of severe sin, where you have done something so bad and so awful, that you can never be recuperated or saved because you’ve gone against absolute authority.

Now, this authority is determined and written by AHPRA, the medical board of Australia which produces the code of behavior. [1]

This code of behavior was not something I had contradicted in public. I hadn’t attacked or injured a patient. I had posted on Facebook statements which were inimical to the system, because I criticized issues about the system which were not good.

Looking outward into the world beyond medicine, I have learned that the best companies are run with their employees feeling a group spirit, where the team is heard, understood, and appreciated.

But over the past two to three years, when working in medical practices, I’ve seen no such thing as a team spirit. I found modern medical clinics in Australia to be like workhouses, where the doctors are consumed with input and output of patients. The only thing that the practice owners care about is a throughput of patients to give an indecent profit.

So doctors effectively become part of a cattle market that accepts as many patients as possible to be treated with a preset path of investigations, drugs, and referrals, and are quickly released. Beyond that, the doctors must also have good marks on social media to make sure that the patients return.

This medical meat market lacks the previous dedication of the medical profession to treating or caring about patients. It seems that, the whole system has become so computerized and automated that it has become the “fast-food” modernization of medicine.

Apparently, there is no such thing as medical practice in the absolute sense anymore. Caring goes out of the window. Nowadays, a patient arrives, and it’s in and out within five minutes, and all the patient gets is a drug – often an antidepressant!

Considering our modern world, I realized that this new concept of medical practice is part and parcel of what is happening in the larger society. It seems that we no longer have a society that even cares about itself.

In medical lectures and webinars I see health professionals giving lip service to the need for patients to be looked upon with a certain sense of care by the doctors — the therapeutic agents. Yet this seems an utter hypocrisy because doctors nowadays are more concerned about the efficacious use of investigational processes and therapeutic agents than a direct relationship with the patient.

In fact, there’s no such thing as a partnership in medicine anymore, even in functional medicine. This has gone out the window because society and particularly the medical system frowns upon anything to do with mind, body, or with healing itself.

People are eating the wrong kinds of food because doctors have not been taught nutrition in medical school, and have not learned that food is one of the most powerful therapeutic agents. People are eating themselves to death by the toxic foods that they get from their local stores.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment, marginalization, and alienation due to the need to keep separate have increased, and have accelerated to the extent that there is a significant increase in mental illness.

This is because priority is placed on COVID-19 itself. In medical practices, other illnesses are being left behind and people are no longer being treated to the extent they were previously for chronic illness, heart disease, and cancer.

In this COVID-19 epidemic situation, the simple nutritional supplements that could prevent COVID-19, such as vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, and hydrogen peroxide sprays are looked upon by the medical establishment as being useless and are banned. This is also the case with social media who rely on “fact checkers” who have not been educated in nutrition.

Hippocrates said “Let food be your medicine and medicine your food.” This applies to an excellent diet that provides the essential nutrients while avoiding excess sugar and processed foods with empty calories, as well as safe and inexpensive vitamin and mineral supplements. It can also apply to drugs that are effective against COVID-19 and do little harm such as hydroxychloroquine/zinc and ivermectin. If everyone would take the vitamin and mineral supplements (vitamin C 1000mg 3x/day or more, vitamin D 5000IU/day, magnesium 400 mg/day, zinc 20 mg/day, etc.) we could end the pandemic in a month. [2-7] But any doctor who says these things in public will be cancelled.

This epidemic has been handled as if the governments in charge are following rules from some unknown puppet master. Each knows how to follow the rules, and the rules are such that every government is being taken for a ride and they don’t even realize it. I am referring to individual governments who do not realize they are being taken for a ride by the profit-seeking medical establishment. Is it the WHO, the drug companies, or are we all responsible?

I started listening today about the need for sending vaccines to Africa, Egypt, and India. This was on the BBC and they were talking so eloquently about the need for vaccines, particularly for health workers. These vaccines have been put out in a rush without the full testing that should be done before a vaccine is given to large populations. The mRNA vaccines are quite new and may have unforeseen consequences and yet the medical authorities don’t seem to care. Already many adverse effects are being reported and ignored.

And what could really help Africa and India is not being talked about. Even when hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are being given they’re not being widely discussed. What they did talk about on this particular BBC presentation was the fact that over 2 billion people, particularly in Africa and India have sanitation problems. There are so few latrines that many people die from cholera. Also one billion people have no bathing facilities. If philanthropists really cared, instead of focusing on vaccinations and billions of dollars for drug companies, they should be providing education, latrines, clean water and bathing facilities, and excellent nutrition and vitamin supplements to the poor!

The international and USA media make no connection between the fact that people are going to get COVID-19 simply because they haven’t got the immune strength to defend themselves against a virus, any virus! And what about the new COVID-19 variants that may be able to evade current vaccines? Virus variants are nothing new, that’s how viruses propagate, and that’s why the annual flu vaccines aren’t universally effective. Bottom line – the immune system empowered with adequate nutrition and supplementation will likely provide excellent protection — as a strong immune system can generate new antibodies faster than new vaccines can be developed!

Most medical doctors and especially the media, or should we say the “propaganda industry,” don’t know about the social determinants of health — education, low psychological stress, good hygiene, excellent nutrition. They just think that the vaccine is a magical cure, which allows everyone to ignore other solutions. This will likely continue as long as the media suppress relevant information and medical professionals avoid learning about nutrition. This is utter absolute stupidity and hypocrisy.

(Editor’s note from Andrew W. Saul: Normally I include a brief “about the author” statement here, but in this case, if I did so, Dr. Louis would be in even more hot water than he or she already is. Suffice to say that, as a journalist, I opt to protect my sources. To that end, Dr. Louis is a pseudonym. But the doctor, an Australian, is very real indeed)



1. Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) https://www.ahpra.gov.au

2. Downing D (2020) How we can fix this pandemic in a month. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n49.shtml

3. Mercola J, Grant WB, Wagner CL (2020) Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity Nutrients, 12:3361. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/12/11/3361/htm

4. Holford P, Carr AC Jovic TH, et al. (2020) Vitamin C – An Adjunctive Therapy for Respiratory Infection, Sepsis and COVID-19. Nutrients 12:3760. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/12/12/3760/htm

5. Rasmussen MPF (2020) Vitamin C Evidence for Treating Complications of COVID-19 and other Viral Infections. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n25.shtml

6. Gonzalez MJ (2020) Personalize Your COVID-19 Prevention: An Orthomolecular Protocol. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n31.shtml

7. Doctor Y, et al. (2021) Nutrition to Treat and Prevent COVID-19. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v17n03.shtml


Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information: http://www.orthomolecular.org


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To locate an orthomolecular physician near you: http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v06n09.shtml


The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource.

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From OMNS, here.

Jewish Outreach VERSUS Lifnei Iver: Rabbi Avraham Edelstein

There are several practical applications of the principle of lifnei iver to kiruv situations. May someone be invited for a Shabbos meal when he will inevitably drive there? May one make a shidduch for a couple who will not keep the laws of family purity? May one invite a co-ed group

to a sleepaway weekend that will probably bring about forbidden intimate contact? May one organize a mixed dance to prevent Jews from going to a similar dance that would cause intermingling with non-Jews, and perhaps contain more inter-gender improprieties overall? May one give someone something to drink or eat if he is not going to say a berachah? In Chapter X, we will also deal with the related issue of teaching Torah to a non-Jew.

Due to the complexity of this sugya, we will begin with a summary of the concepts, followed by a more detailed analysis of the mitzvah of lifnei iver. In subsequent chapters, we will then discuss some of the practical aspects of the prohibition of lifnei iver, including inviting those who will drive on Shabbos, making a shidduch between secular Jews, and giving someone to eat who will not make a berachah on the food.

Please click here to continue reading Chapter VI: Lifnei Iver

Please click here to purchase a copy of the Laws of Outreach.


Please refer to the archives below for our previously published chapters of the Laws of Outreach:

Preface to The Laws of Outreach

Chapter I: The Mitzvos of Kiruv

Chapter II: Kiruv as a Rescue Mission

Chapter III: Categories of Transgressors and Our Obligations Toward Them

Chapter IV:  Contemporary Non-Observant Jews

Chapter V: Halachic Applications of Tinokos Shenishbu in our Time



OlamiResources.com is honored to present free to the Olami Community and beyond, Rabbi Avraham Edelstein’s new landmark sefer, The Laws of Outreach. We are featuring the sefer to the readership of OlamiResources.com in downloadable installments over the next few months. We are greatly appreciative that Rabbi Edelstein has kindly offered to share this important publication, including extensive Hebrew footnotes, with rabbis, educators and mekarvim worldwide. Please click here to purchase a copy of the Laws of Outreach.

From Olami Resources, here.

‘Public Servants’? Give Me a Break!

Public Servants or Parasites?

I have a question.  When did politicians and federal employees start calling themselves “public servants”?  Even more importantly, why are we letting them?  It’s almost as if they’re trying to claim the mantle of nobility for making a sacrifice in the public interest.  But I don’t understand what that sacrifice is.  They’re paid better and have better benefits than most private-sector employees.  They’re rarely held accountable for their performance.  Why do we treat them as if they’re serving a higher calling than any other profession in the country?

Take Joe Biden, for example.  He claims to have been in public service for over 50 years.  But what has he done in that time?  He was the first senator to initiate a personal attack on a Supreme Court nominee.  His attack on Robert Bork was shameful, and helped create the current environment of Supreme Court politicization.  He also used the power of his office to enrich his family members.  Exactly how did lunch-bucket Joe become a multimillionaire on the salary of a politician?  I fail to see how that has been a service to the country.

Joe certainly isn’t alone. Was Nancy Pelosi serving the public interests when she withheld COVID-19 relief for months — just to deny President Trump a win?  Was she also serving her constituents when she bought stock in Tesla just days before President Asterisk signed an order directing all agencies to switch to electric cars?  There’s a term for that — “insider trading.”  Being the civic-minded public servant she is, I’m sure she’ll be sharing her windfall with her constituents.

It’s not all about money.  Some politicians have a completely different idea of providing service.  Eric Swalwell placed himself in servitude to a Chinese spy.  Exactly what “service” did Eric provide?  Was it anything that would allow him to claim nobility?  I mean in the U.S. — not in China.

Let’s not forget the bureaucrats that “serve” our nation.  Look at the EPA. They’re good at two things — choking the life out of commerce, and polluting rivers.

In the name of serving the public interest, the IRS targeted the Tea Party, thus silencing their voice in the midst of a presidential campaign.  They also leaked confidential tax records to the press, and provided tax records to the FBI without a warrant.  Isn’t it noble of them to poke us in the eye while taking our money?  Perhaps the next time you’re at the grocery store checkout, the clerk should send your shopping list to child protective services rather than thank you.  It would be the “public servant” thing to do.

Don’t forget the FBI. It’s in a class all by itself.  Our sworn law enforcement agents initiated a coup attempt against a duly elected president.  They set a perjury trap for his national security advisor.  They even falsified evidence to a FISA court.

I’ve heard the arguments that the FBI rank and file are honest and professional.  We shouldn’t blame the whole FBI for a “few bad apples.”  What complete balderdash!  If most of them were honest, where were the whistleblowers during the investigation of President Trump?  As far as being professional, how did they fail to prevent the Boston Marathon bombing — even after they’d received a tip that the Tsarnaevs were up to something?  I have the same question about the Pulse Nightclub massacre.  Was it also just a “few bad apples” that tried to frame Richard Jewell for the Atlanta Olympics bombing?  The FBI even had warnings about the 9/11 attack, yet failed to act.

Of course, our highly professional FBI agents were able to determine that a noose was really a garage-door pull.  It only required 15 agents and five days to make that determination.  That is some cunning police work!  It appears that the FBI is either using their badges to target political enemies, or they’re just a modern-day version of the Keystone Cops in tailored suits.  But sacrificing for the public interest — I’m not seeing it.

These are just a few examples.  The other alphabet soup agencies aren’t any better.  Employees across all federal agencies formed the “resistance” to fight all things Trump.  They gave us four years of leaks and unconfirmed anonymous sources undermining anything Donald Trump tried to accomplish.  They did it all because they decided we needed something other than what we voted for.  How would you rate a waiter that brings you want they want to serve you, not what you ordered?

Spare me the claims of nobility.  Who’s really laboring to benefit the country?  Is it politicians and bureaucrats whose only focus seems to be amassing power and choking commerce?  Or is it the nameless workers who get up at dawn every day to keep this country running.  The real nobility belongs to the farmers who put meals on our tables, the truckers who ensure supplies arrive on time, and the linemen that keep the lights on.  As for our self-proclaimed federal “public servants,” — they’re overpaid employees with lifetime job security, at best.  At worst, they’re parasites on society with aspirations to become our rulers.

The next time a politician or bureaucrat says they’re “serving” me — I have one thing to say: I want my tip back.

From American Thinker, here.