The State Is SELECTIVE About Fighting Crime

Coping With Street Crime

Any cogent discussion of crime must begin by casting aside the obfuscations of criminologists and social scientists who habitually lump together all types of crime. But while most people can be made to wax indignant against fraud or against such abstract “crimes” as insider trading, or even become outraged at employees taking pencils from their employer, these “white-collar crimes” do not terrify them because they do not violate the physical integrity of the person or the home of the victim. The latter crimes are the ones that terrify and destroy the security of the average person and wreck social peace. We might call these malign forms “crimes of violence,” except that we should also put in the same category home burglary, which technically does not use weapons but inflicts the same sense of personal violation as more directly violent crimes. Let us then call them “street crimes,” which would include crimes of violence on urban streets or sidewalks, and also the home burglaries in suburban or rural areas.

Economists have added their own special forms of fallacy and misdirection to the problem of crime. To most economists, led by Chicago School economist Gary Becker, crime is a business like any other, and the criminal, like any businessman or investor, engages in a rational cost-benefit calculation in deciding whether or not to commit a crime. He compares the expected monetary benefit from the crime, with the expected costs of getting caught and the type of punishment probably received, all costs and benefits duly discounted by the rate of interest. This sort of analysis may well be applicable to business-type crimes, such as committed by organized groups of jewel thieves, bank robbers, or counterfeiters, or to the sort of mafioso activities immortalized in The Godfather. But these business-type crimes don’t terrify, and they do not qualify in our definition of street crime as street assaults, rapes, muggings, shootings, as well as home burglaries. To apply monetary cost-benefit analysis to street criminals in the Becker manner is so divorced from reality as to verge upon absurdity.

Take, for example, the latest fashion in street crime, rampant in Detroit, which in so many ways has blazed the path in this field and now spread to other urban areas: the drive-by shooting. A driver pulls up alongside his victims, opens fire, and then zooms off. How in the world can this practice be encompassed by Chicagoite monetary cost-benefit analysis? More and more, it has become clear that much or all such street crime is done not for the money but for psychic benefits. One young lad, when asked why he killed someone at random in a driveby shooting, replied: “I just felt like killing someone.” Some years ago, they would have replied “for kicks,” but it seems that anomie has replaced a sense of joy among young muggers and murderers.

One reason why standard economics has gone so far astray is that, ever since Adam Smith, economists have routinely assumed that people are exactly the same as every other, with the same values, norms, and preferences, and that they only act differently because of different institutional indictments or constraints. Combine this egalitarian legacy of the Enlightenment with Benthamite utilitarianism, and it becomes clear why economists’ analyses and policy conclusions have so often tended to be far off the mark and even counterproductive.

From its mathematical calculations, the Beckerite remedy for crime is to make punishment not so much more severe as more probable: to increase the certainty of getting caught and punished. Apart from the fact that the Beckerites have come out with precious few practical suggestions on how this increased certainty can be accomplished, there is more askew here. For the Beckerites ignore one of the important contributions of Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian School of economics: that individuals all differ in their values, habits, and preferences, and that a crucial aspect of that variety is what Austrians call their “rates of time preference.”

Working independently of the Austrian tradition, the political scientist Edward C. Banfield—in his delightfully cool, bitter, and hardheaded The Unheavenly City (1970), and the later edition, The Unheavenly City Revisited (1974)—put his finger on a key to the nature of the street criminal: a very high rate of time preference for the present over the future; in other words, a very short time horizon. The street criminal places a high value on present, instant gratification: whether it be from money stolen, from rape, or from the sheer “kicks” of beating or killing another human being. He commits these acts not because punishment is uncertain, but because punishment is sometime in the future, and he simply doesn’t care about the future. In a later article applying his analysis to street crime. Professor Banfield put the case well: “The threat of punishment at the hands of the law is unlikely to deter the present-oriented person. The gains that he expects from his illegal act are very near to the present, whereas the punishment that he would suffer—in the unlikely event of his being both caught and punished—lies in a future too distant for him to take into account.” Banfield goes on to add that “for the normal person” there are other stronger deterrents to crime than the legal penalty, such as disgrace, loss of job, hardship for wife and children if he goes to prison. These deterrents do not exist, however, for the present-oriented person. Everyone in his circle naturally gets “in trouble” with the police from time to time. He has no steady job anyway, and he contributes little or nothing to the support of his wife and kids, who, Banfield adds, “may well be better off without him.” Banfield makes it clear that the high-time preference person’s lack of a steady job is not due to lack of “employment opportunities,” but because this sort of person has no intention of subjecting himself to the discipline of engaging in full-time steady work.

In his trenchant analysis Banfield consciously harks back to the great political philosophers of the West, particularly Hobbes, Locke, and Hume. In Leviathan, Hobbes pointed out that there would be no need for government if everyone obeyed the dictates of reason and natural law, for then there would be social peace. But instead, government is required because of people acting on “their perverse desire of present profit.” Hume writes about government being made necessary because “men are not able radically to cure, either in themselves or others, that narrowness of soul which makes them prefer the present to the remote.”

It is all too clear that in recent decades, government in the United States has lost its reason, its being, since the hightime preference street criminals have increasingly been allowed to run riot. We are being plunged, at an accelerating rate, into the sort of horrible criminal anarchy that no libertarian or “anarcho-capitalist” would countenance for one moment. What, then, can be done?

Read the Whole Article

From LRC, here.

המצב בהר הבית – כבר לא מה שהיה

אל תאמינו להפחדות, עלו להר הבית!

על כל סיפור קטן ושולי שמצליח לתפוס כותרות, יש מאות יהודים שעולים להר הבית ונהנים מהזכות לעלות ולהראות בהר בית ה’ ברוגע ובנחת • אל תקשיבו להפחדות • עלו להר הבית • בקדושה ובטהרה

אלישמע סנדמן יום חמישי, ג’ תמוז ה’תש”פ

בתקופה האחרונה יצא לי לשמוע מכמה כיוונים על חששות של אנשים לעלות להר הבית. לא חששות הלכתיים, אלא חשש מהמהומות במקום.

ברל’ה קרומבי תיאר את הדברים בערוץ 20 כחוויה אישית שלו: “לקח לי הרבה זמן עד שעליתי להר הבית. לא כי הייתי נגד, אלא פשוט פחדתי מהמהומות. הייתי בטוח שעולים לשם לכאסח ובלגן”.

קרומבי החליט בסופו של דבר לעלות אל ההר, למרות החששות מהמצב הנפיץ במקום, והתפלא לראות מצב אחר לגמרי מזה שהוא שמע עליו וקרא בדפי פייסבוק של פעילים אחדים: “התפללנו שם מנחה במניין עם חזרת הש”ץ”, הוא תיאר בהתלהבות.

ברל’ה קרומבי עשה את הצעד והחליט כן לעלות. אבל מה עם כל אותם המונים שנמנעים מכך בגלל החששות הללו?

כך היה פעם בהר הבית

כמי שמשתדל לפעול לעידוד העליה להר הבית כהלכה, על פי הוראות רבותינו הרואים בכך מצווה גדולה, אנסה בשורות הבאות לשקף בפני הקוראים את המצב בהר הבית.

עד לפני כמה שנים המצב בהר הבית היה קשה מאד, השוטרים התנכלו לעולים, כל צעד של יהודי לווה בעשרים עיניים בוחנות (של המשטרה ואנשי הוואקף גם יחד), עצרו יהודים על חשש מלמול בשפתיים ואף על פחות מכך. אני עצמי הורחקתי מהר הבית בגלל ציטוט משפט אחד מתוך תפילת מוסף של ראש חודש – “מזבח חדש בציון תכין ועולת ראש חודש נעלה עליו”.

נשמע מזעזע? תצרפו לכל היחס המשפיל הזה מצד המשטרה גם עשרות נשים מוסלמיות שהקיפו את קבוצות היהודים ונטפלו לכל יהודי שעלה להר הבית. במקרים רבים אף תקפו את העולים.

המצב האמיתי כיום בשטח

אך מאז עברו הרבה מים בירדן, השר גלעד ארדן הוציא את ארגוני התקיפה הללו (המוראביטון) אל מחוץ לחוק והחלה אכיפה כנגדם. יחד עם הרגעת המצב בהר הבית והפיכתו למקום בטוח יותר, החל לאט לאט תהליך של שינוי עצום הממשיך עד היום.

שינוי עצום בכל קנה מידה – ביחס המשטרה לעולים ובהרחקת אנשי הוואקף מהיהודים. לאט לאט פחות ופחות יהודים נעצרו במקום בזמן שמספר היהודים שעלו אליו זינק בעשרות אחוזים וקול התפילה החל להישמע במקום הקדוש. אם תגיעו כיום אל ההר תזכו לראות תפילות שחרית ומנחה במניין, ברכת כהנים, דברי תורה, סיומי מסכתות ואפילו שיעור דף יומי.

וודאי שחשוב לזכור שעדיין לא הגענו אל המנוחה ואל הנחלה, ושלא עוצרים במעלה ההר. אסור לעצום עיניים ממה שיש עוד לשפר ולקדם, ובעיקר לא מהיעד הסופי – הלא הוא בית מקדש. יש עוד לאן להתקדם.

מקור הסתירות ברושם שנוצר

לקורא מן השורה שלא היה בהר הבית, הדברים הללו עלולים להישמע מנותקים, הרי בשבוע האחרון פורסמו כתבות על בקבוק מים שהוחרם מיהודייה ועל איש וואקף שצעק על קשיש יהודי שביקש לשבת במקום מוצל בהר. איך מסתדר התיאור כאן של מהפך חיובי בהר עם דברים אלו?

התשובה לכך פשוטה – יש אנשים הפועלים באובססיביות להוציא את דיבת ההר רעה. הם יחפשו כל מקרה קטן ויהפכו אותו לחזות הכל. מניעיהם כנראה חיוביים, לתיקון וקידום המצב, אך בפועל הם מפחידים ומרחיקים אתכם מההר הרגוע ומהשוטרים מאירי הפנים הפועלים לגדוע כל פעילות עויינת תוך הרחקת המתנפלים והמתנכלים.

חשוב שתבינו, קוראים יקרים, שעל כל סיפור קטן ושולי שמצליח לתפוס כותרות ולצבוע את הר הבית בשליליות יש מאות יהודים שעולים אל ההר ונהנים מהזכות לעלות ולהראות בהר בית ה’ ברוגע ובנחת. אלפי יהודים זוכים להתפלל במקום הקדוש, לשמוע דברי תורה ולהשתתף בקביעת העובדות בשטח.

בסיום דבריי אני פונה אליכם, עלו להר!

בואו בקדושה ובטהרה.

אל תתנו להפחדות השוליות הללו להרתיע ולהרחיק אתכם מהר הבית. אם נשפוט לפי השנים האחרונות – אולי בזכות עלייתכם דברים נוספים יתקדמו לטובה בהר הבית, בדרך אל בניית בית המקדש בראש ההר.

מאתר חדשות הר הבית, כאן.

Rabbi Nachman Kahana’s Unique ‘Aliyahversary’ Celebration

Opportunity Lost

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Parashat Korach 5780
by HaRav Nachman Kahana
The Gemara (Bava Batra 74a) relates some of the travels and adventures of the great amora Rabbah Bar Bar Chama. Among them is the incident when the Rav met a Bedouin in the Sinai desert (some say it was Eliyahu HaNavi) who took him to where Korach and his followers were swallowed up in the ground. The Rav heard voices coming from the desert floor calling out, “Moshe and his Torah are true, and we are false”.

The Bedouin then revealed that every Rosh Chodesh the entrance to Gehennom appears at that precise place and Korach repeats his confession.

What can we learn from this repeated confession of Korach, the would be kohen gadol?

In two words, “opportunity lost”. Had Korach not been overcome by ego and ambition he would have maintained his elite position as one of the four Levites who carried the Holy Ark when moving from camp to camp. But he made the wrong choice and paid heavily for his intransigent stubbornness, even when facing an unattainable goal, actually sheer madness!

This coming Thursday, the 26th of Sivan my wife and I will celebrate 58 years since our aliya. Every year we visit the airport at 5:30 PM; the time when our plane landed, and we sit and reminisce over a cup of coffee and count the myriad blessings HaShem has given to two young kids who left their families and the land of their birth to embark on a future unknown, a future that turned out to be over and beyond anything we could have imagined.

We left behind family and friends. However, after time we merited to bring our parents and my brother and his family. For my father it was a return home since he was born in Tzfat in 1904, and for us every day was a new level of Torah and involvement in the ongoing progression of Jewish history. And we take extraordinary nachat when witnessing our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, all born in Medinat Yisrael, stepping forward to take their places in the amazing unbreakable chain of proud Jews and Israelis in preparing the next stage for HaShem to perform His miracles for Am Yisrael.

We left behind friends who regret not taking the step towards the opportunities of their lives; indeed, opportunity lost.

HINT: The Answer Is ‘Yes’…

Were COVID-19 and COVID-20 Created in a US Lab?

It was amusing to watch the emergence of this debate on the US-China stage. The Chinese were understandably unwilling to be blamed for the emergence of a virus in which they had no part, and thus reacted strongly to accusations the virus originated in a Wuhan lab. The Americans proved to be even more terrified at the possibility of scientific proof that the virus escaped from one of their bio-labs, and resorted to the only weapon they had which was to turn up the volume on blaming China. There were two main reasons for this state of affairs:[1] The US was the only country known to contain all the varieties that were being spread worldwide.[2] The US is the only nation in the world known to have repeatedly used biological weapons on other countries, beginning with North Korea and never ceasing. Of even more damning consequence is the known locations of about 400 American bio-weapons labs spread throughout the world, to say nothing of the pathetically-lax institution at Fort Detrick.[1][2][3]

Moreover, Trump recently claimed he could kill the entire population of Afghanistan within days. “Afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the Earth. It would be gone and this is not using nuclear. It would be over in – literally, in 10 days.” Biological weapons would seem the only alternative. Hemorrhagic Fever and Hantavirus worked for the US in North Korea; perhaps also Afghanistan.[4][5][6] Mr. Trump later denied intention to carry out his threat, but let’s dispense with the fiction of the US having no biological weapons and that Fort Detrick and the 400 foreign labs are performing only benevolent “peace medicine” functions. If it were China with the above history and SARS, MERS, AIDS, EBOLA, bird flu, swine flu, and COVID-19 first erupted in the US, the Americans would claim this as 100% proof that China was responsible. It cannot be a surprise that much of the world today is naturally tending to lay these outbreaks at America’s doorstep.

But returning to our topic of man-made COVID-19 or COVID-20, it seems everyone has been a little too eager to dismiss the possibility (or probability) of these viruses having a (human) helping hand.

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho of the Institute for Science in Society cites a Journal of Virology report (Feb 2000)[7] that described a method for inducing desired mutations into coronavirus to create new viruses. “Manipulating viral genomes is now routine, and it is easy to create new viruses that jump host species in the laboratory in the course of apparently legitimate experiments in genetic engineering. It is not even necessary to intentionally create lethal viruses, if one so wishes. It is actually much faster and much more effective to let random recombination and mutation take place in the test tube. Using a technique called ‘molecular breeding’, millions of recombinants can be generated in a matter of minutes. These can be screened for improved function in the case of enzymes, or increased virulence, in the case of viruses and bacteria. In other words, geneticists can now greatly speed up evolution in the laboratory to create viruses and bacteria that never existed in all the billions of years of evolution on earth.”[8] It wasn’t widely publicised, but Dr. Ho called for a full investigation into the possible genetic engineering and dissemination of the SARS virus.[9]

Then another article in which the author explained that scientists eager to dispel the notion of an artificial origin, do so by pointing out that these new coronaviruses didn’t reflect their computer simulations, the author stating, “To put it simply, the authors are saying that SARS-CoV-2 was not deliberately engineered because if it were, it would have been designed differently.” However, the London-based molecular geneticist Dr Michael Antoniou commented that this line of reasoning fails to take into account that there are a number of laboratory-based systems that can select for high affinity RBD variants that are able to take into account the complex environment of a living organism. “So the fact that COVID-19 didn’t have the same RBD amino acid sequence as the one that the computer program predicted in no way rules out the possibility that it was genetically engineered.”[10]

The article further states that “[The] authors of the Nature Medicine article seem to assume that the only way to genetically engineer a virus is to take an already known virus and then engineer it to have the new properties you want. On this premise, they looked for evidence of an already known virus that could have been used in the engineering of SARS-CoV-2. Since they failed to find that evidence, they stated, “Genetic data irrefutably show that SARS-CoV-2 is not derived from any previously used virus backbone.” But Dr Antoniou told us that while the authors did indeed show that SARS-CoV-2 was unlikely to have been built by deliberate genetic engineering from a previously used virus backbone, that’s not the only way of constructing a virus. A well-known alternative process that could have been used has the cumbersome name of “directed iterative evolutionary selection process”. In this case, it would involve using genetic engineering to generate a large number of randomly mutated versions of the SARS-CoV spike protein receptor binding domain (RBD), which would then be selected for strong binding to the ACE2 receptor and consequently high infectivity of human cells.

“This selection can be done either with purified proteins or, better still, with a mixture of whole coronavirus (CoV) preparations and human cells in tissue culture. This preparation of phage, displaying on its surface a “library” of CoV spike protein variants, is then added to human cells under laboratory culture conditions in order to select for those that bind to the ACE2 receptor. This process is repeated under more and more stringent binding conditions until CoV spike protein variants with a high binding affinity are isolated. Once any of the above selection procedures for high affinity interaction of SARS-CoV spike protein with ACE2 has been completed, then whole infectious CoV with these properties can be manufactured. Such a directed iterative evolutionary selection process is a frequently used method in laboratory research.”

There is, incidentally, another possible way that COVID-19 could have been developed in a laboratory, but in this case without using genetic engineering. This was pointed out by Nikolai Petrovsky, a researcher at the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University in South Australia. Petrovsky says that coronaviruses can be cultured in lab dishes with cells that have the human ACE2 receptor. Over time, the virus will gain adaptations that let it efficiently bind to those receptors. Along the way, that virus would pick up random genetic mutations that pop up but don’t do anything noticeable. “The result of these experiments is a virus that is highly virulent in humans but is sufficiently different that it no longer resembles the original bat virus. Because the mutations are acquired randomly by selection, there is no signature of a human gene jockey, but this is clearly a virus still created by human intervention.”












Reprinted with permission from The Unz Review.

Should You Wear a Corona Mask? The Unsettled Science

Excerpted from “In This Together”:

The Science Behind Wearing A Face Mask.

The final reason you might elect to wear a face mask is that you are convinced by the scientific evidence. You believe that donning a cheap or homemade face mask will protect you and others from a disease which you have a 0.45% chance of contracting and a 99.94% chance of surviving.

On the 4th March the State’s Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, said:Why you would imagine that the science shows that wearing a face mask will stave off the minuscule threat of infection is difficult to say. For many, perhaps it is because that is what the mainstream media (an organ of the State) told them. However, the State has said other things at other times.

“In terms of wearing a mask our advice is clear, that wearing a mask if you don’t have an infection really reduces the risk almost not at all.”

On the 23rd April the State’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Patrick Vallance said:

“The evidence on face masks has always been quite variable, quite weak.  It’s quite difficult to know exactly, there’s no real trials on it.”

On the 24th April the State’s Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, said:

“The evidence around the use of masks by the general public, especially outdoors, is extremely weak.”

On the 28th April the State’s Ministry of Defence Chief Scientific Adviser, Dame Angela McLean, representing the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), said:

“The recommendation from SAGE is completely clear, which is there is weak evidence of a small effect in which a face mask can prevent a source of infection going from somebody who is infected to the people around them.”

An unusually clear and consistent message from the State. On the 4th of June the UK State’s Secretary of Transport, Grant Shapps, told the English that we did have to wear face-masks on public transport? Shapps said:

“That doesn’t mean surgical masks, which we must keep for clinical settings. It means the kind of face covering you can easily make at home….wearing a face covering offers some – albeit limited – protection against the spread of the virus.”

Wearing a clinical N95 face mask is frowned upon by the State. Better to wrap a scalf around your head, a bandanna, old handkerchief or one of those paper face masks you used to be able to buy from the market before the State put all the stall holders out of business.

Begging the question, what new scientific breakthrough emerged between the 29th April and 4th June to convince the State that wearing a torn T shirt on your face will save you and others from COVID 19? Albeit limited.

Obviously N95 standard face masks are better suited to the task than a bit of rag. So what is the scientific evidence that N95 masks could protect you, or someone else, from a viral respiratory infection.

Jacobs, J. L. et al. (2009) concluded:

“N95-masked health-care workers (HCW) were significantly more likely to experience headaches. Face mask use in HCW was not demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.”

Cowling, B. et al. (2010) found:

“None of the studies reviewed showed a benefit from wearing a mask, in either HCW or community members in households (H).”

bin-Reza et al. (2012) meta analysis discovered:

“There were 17 eligible studies. … None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.”

Smith, J.D. et al. (2016) undertook further meta-analysis of the available studies on face masks. They stated:

“We identified 6 clinical studies … In the meta-analysis of the clinical studies, we found no significant difference between N95 respirators and surgical masks in associated risk of (a) laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, (b) influenza-like illness, or (c) reported work-place absenteeism.”

Radonovich, L.J. et al. (2019) undertook a study of healthcare workers to assess the relative effectiveness of face masks and respirators:

“Among 2862 randomized participants, 2371 completed the study and accounted for 5180 HCW-seasons. … Among outpatient health care personnel, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

Long, Y. et al. (2020) looked at six randomised clinical trials (RCT’s) of face masks to ascertain if they protected either the wearer or others around them from any viral respiratory illness. They didn’t:

“A total of six RCTs involving 9171 participants were included. There were no statistically significant differences in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza, laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infections, laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection and influenza-like illness using N95 respirators and surgical masks….The 4 use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

Face masks work well for surgeons who want to avoid dribbling or sneezing into their patients, but are useless when it comes to stopping viral infections. In terms of preventing the spread of COVID 19, there is no evidence that they achieve anything at all.

As far as anyone knows viruses spread through tiny long residence time aerosol particles. The virions – the spiky ball we are all now familiar with – are much, much, smaller than the weave in the fabric, even of N95 clinical face masks.

If your hope is to protect yourself against a viral respiratory infection, covering your face with with a face mask you bought online is about as useful as concrete lifebuoy. So how does the State justify their silly policy? It seems analysis released by the Royal Society DELVE Initiative on 4th May, convinced SAGE to change their advice.

There are no RCT studies anywhere in the analysis which show any protective benefit of face masks for stopping viral respiratory infections. This is because there aren’t any.

However, it does cite some MSM articles, a number of studies about water droplets spread when you exhale, which are obviously stopped when you cover your face and some statements from the U.S. Center for Disease Control. None of which is relevant to demonstrating that face masks protect against viral respiratory infections.

It also cites some studies which again found no benefit from face masks.

Brainard et al. (2020) stated:

“The evidence is not sufficiently strong to support widespread use of face masks as a protective measure against COVID-19.”

The Royal DELVE also cite studies with no conclusions:

Canini et al. (2010)

“The lack of statistical power prevents us to draw formal conclusion regarding effectiveness of face masks in the context of a seasonal epidemic.”

It is impossible to see how the Royal Society concluded from their analysis that face masks should be widely worn. Which is probably why they didn’t. Ultimately they offered no conclusion at all:

“Face masks could offer an important tool for contributing to the management of community transmission of Covid19.” 

They could, but they almost certainly don’t. Nor is there any reason to think they will.

Read the rest here (libertarian philosophy)…

Thanks to a dear reader for the link!