‘VI Es America Zich…’ Masterpiece Cakeshop Shemad Copied to Eretz Hakodesh

Freedom of religion violated, printing house fined

Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 20:08 In a legal precedent, Be’er Sheva Magistrates Court Judge Orit Lipschitz accepted a civil suit filed by an organization associated with LGBT activists against a printing house in Be’er Sheva which refused to print a custom order which violated the owner’s beliefs and would have forced him to violate Jewish law. The court awarded the plaintiffs 50,000 NIS.

The incident occurred approximately three years ago. Students from the LGBT association on the Ben Gurion University campus requested a price estimate for printing material. In response, the printing house emailed a warning not to send them abhorrent material: “We do not handle abhorrent material; we are Jews.” The students did not directly reply and all further correspondence was handled through an attorney. To the shock of the printing house owner, the matter resulted in a 100,000 NIS lawsuit.

Honenu Attorney Menashe Yado, who represented the printing house, presented the opinions of two rabbis who determined that according to Jewish law the printing house owner could not print material of the sort that the LGBT associated had requested. Yado also claimed that it was not possible to obligate the printing house to produce custom material for a client contrary to their beliefs and Jewish law.

In her precedent-setting decision, Judge Lipschitz ruled, “When beliefs conflict with the obligation to give service ‘in a public place’, the latter value takes precedence.” Her justification is that the law prohibiting discrimination of products, services and entrance to places of entertainment and public areas should be interpreted in a broad sense, and that it overrides freedom of religion. An additional point in her ruling is that business owners are required to give service not only concerning off-the-shelf items, but also to fill custom orders.

Honenu Attorney Menashe Yado sharply censured the decision: “The court has legitimatized secular coercion in Israel. If a believing Jew cannot manage his business in the State of Israel according to his way of life, where can he?
“Every believing Jew knows that the People of Israel has survived for thousands of years thanks to the Torah of Israel. The court forgot, or perhaps never learned, that lesson and issued a ruling which delivers a final blow to a business owned by G-d fearing and honest people who due to their conscience and the dictates of their faith did not bow to the LGBT idol.

“This is a difficult time for the State of Israel, which must in this complex reality allow equality also to those who keep the Torah and the commandments, as courts in the USA and Britain allowed in similar cases. However the court in Israel ruled in a one-sided manner, pro-LGBT and anti-religious, which will eat away at the solidarity of Israeli society and damage its resilience.”

Honenu: Support the printing house!

Honenu has distributed fliers calling on the public to support the printing house: “Today, in the Jewish State, a printing house that refused to print fliers which violated Jewish law and their faith, was fined over 50,000 NIS [50,00 NIS to the plaintiffs in addition to legal expenses] by the court!! This is the price of keeping mitzvot in the State of Israel.

“Following the publication of the scandalous ruling, we have received many requests for information from citizens interested in assisting the business owner who was fined. Whoever needs quality printing services is invited to place an order.”

Shmuel (Zangi) Meidad, the director of Honenu: “Today, unfortunately, a court in Israel crossed a line. What is left for us is the People of Israel, solidarity, and mutual assistance. ‘They helped every one his neighbor; and every one said to his brother: “Be strong”.’ (Isiah 41:6) The Torah and faith in G-d were here long before the court and they will be here forever.”

From Honenu, here.

POVERTY Kills Too: Doctor Ron Paul Supports the Sweden Model

What If the Lockdown Was All A Big Mistake?

From California to New Jersey, Americans are protesting in the streets. They are demanding an end to house arrest orders given by government officials over a virus outbreak that even according to the latest US government numbers will claim fewer lives than the seasonal flu outbreak of 2017-2018.

Across the US, millions of businesses have been shut down by “executive order” and the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Great Depression. Americans, who have seen their real wages decline thanks to Federal Reserve monetary malpractice, are finding themselves thrust into poverty and standing in breadlines. It is like a horror movie, but it’s real.

Last week the UN Secretary General warned that a global recession resulting from the worldwide coronavirus lockdown could cause “hundreds of thousands of additional child deaths per year.” As of this writing, less than 170,000 have been reported to have died from the coronavirus worldwide.

Many Americans have also died this past month because they were not able to get the medical care they needed. Cancer treatments have been indefinitely postponed. Life-saving surgeries have been put off to make room for coronavirus cases. Meanwhile hospitals are laying off thousands because the expected coronavirus cases have not come and the hospitals are partially empty.

What if the “cure” is worse than the disease?

Countries like Sweden that did not lock down their economy and place the population under house arrest are faring no worse than countries that did. Sweden’s deaths-per-million from coronavirus is lower than in many lockdown countries.

Likewise, US states that did not arrest citizens for merely walking on the beach are not doing worse than those that did. South Dakota governor Kristi Noem said last week, “we’ve been able to keep our businesses open and allow people to take on some personal responsibility.” South Dakota has recorded a total of seven coronavirus deaths.

Kentucky, a strict lockdown state, is five times more populated than South Dakota, yet it has some 20 times more coronavirus deaths. If lockdown and house arrest are the answer, shouldn’t those numbers be reversed, with South Dakota seeing mass death while Kentucky dodges the coronavirus bullet?

When Anthony Fauci first warned that two million would die, there was a race among federal, state, and local officials to see who could rip up the Constitution fastest. Then Fauci told us if we do what he says only a quarter of a million would die. They locked America down even harder. Then, with little more than a shrug of the shoulders, they announced that a maximum of 60,000 would die, but maybe less. That is certainly terrible, but it’s just a high-average flu season.

Imagine if we had used even a fraction of the resources spent to lock down the entire population and focused on providing assistance and protection to the most vulnerable – the elderly and those with serious medical conditions. We could have protected these people and still had an economy to go back to when the virus had run its course. And it wouldn’t have cost us six trillion dollars either.

Governments have no right or authority to tell us what business or other activity is “essential.” Only in totalitarian states does the government claim this authority. We should encourage all those who are standing up peacefully and demanding an accounting from their elected leaders. They should not be able to get away with this.

From LRC, here.

Aliyah: The Morbid Aspect

The Aliya Apocalypse is coming

The difference between the situation of Jews in the Diaspora and those in Israel during the corona pandemic has led to a change in the way Diaspora Jews look at the Jewish state, from the Zionists to the haredim to the progressives.

If there is one thing we know about the post-coronavirus era that connects with the post WWII era, it is that we have no idea what the world will look like.. Who will be the winners? Who will be the losers? We do not know what industries will survive and which won’t, which economies will rise, and which will crumble.

One thing we do know for certain: the Aliya apocalypse is coming.

As many have noted, for American Jews, the notion that America is a first-world country, and Israel is some kind of second world country can no longer exist. Sitting in New York hearing the harrowing sounds of ambulances all day and all night, while watching videos of Israelis singing Ma Nishtana from their balconies, can never be erased. The far superior management of the coronavirus outbreak in Israel, while we felt stranded and abandoned by state policies, will never disappear. Haredi Jews in Brooklyn and Rockland County who had seen tens of deaths a day for the past few weeks will never again be able to look down on Israel.

The contrast between the swift and effective action taken in Israel confronting the coronavirus, although it did suffer fatalities – a much lower number proportionately than outside Israel –  contrasted with the slow and inadequate actions taken against it in most states in America, highlights the technological, governmental, and medical superiority Israel has been able to exercise in defense of its citizens. This is something everyone considering making Aliya will now have on their minds. This is not true only of Jews in America. It is also true of Jews in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Australia, and more.

Then comes the economic aspect.

We do not know when economies will go back to function. We do know that many aspects of the economy may never come back. Others will be very hard hit. We do know that the world may be facing the greatest economic depression since the 1930s.

For American Jews it’s a simple choice: would you like to stay here to find out what a full-blown economic catastrophe looks like during an unresolved pandemic, with no guarantee for health insurance, not able to afford your children’s education, or would you like to take your chances and go to Israel? In Israel, you are guaranteed almost free healthcare—which has proven itself far superior and more effective—free or low-cost high-quality Jewish education (and low-cost higher education), and effective public policy (albeit with a civic license to complain and insane politics).

It is hard to imagine this will be a difficult choice. Once the airways reopen, and a ravaged world economy emerges, it is likely we will see an Aliya apocalypse. Americans from all walks of life are likely to find the fast track back to Israel.

Another group that is likely to find their way back are Israeli yordim, those who emigrated to other countries. Many of them decided to take a risk and relocate so they could succeed at building a better standard of life in New York, Florida, Berlin, or Los Angeles. When economic opportunities are at a one hundred year low, when they are guaranteed a better healthcare system, when the world is far less globalized than ever before, many of them are likely to jump on the first flight back to Israel available to them. Many have already.

Every day I turn with horror to the various sites to see if there is anyone I know, a family member, a friend, or a known community leader.

Another change we are likely to see in Israeli-Diaspora relations is between the haredi sector and Israel. My heart bleeds as I think of the dozens who died and die every day in Brooklyn, Rockland County, Lakewood, Kiryas Joel, and more. Every day I turn with horror to the various sites to see if there is anyone I know, a family member, a friend, or a known community leader. Sadly, this happens almost every day and I hope is on a downward trend.

Seeing this happen in our community (I see myself as part of this community in many ways) while sister communities in Israel go almost unscathed – and seeing the IDF helping haredim in Bnei Brak with food and transportation to hotels to save the elderly) is going to change attitudes towards Israel. No longer can Israel be viewed as the Nebach subject of pity and America as the benevolent stable one. There is likely to be a reversal of roles which is likely to impact decision making. More haredi and Yeshivish Jews will see Aliya as a sensible and desirable decision.

I vividly recall standing in my home in New York, at the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, getting one of the usual charity calls from Israel. “You know the situation here is very difficult,” was the pitch. I couldn’t even pretend to listen. Hundreds of people were dying in New York and they were asking for sympathy? Thank G-d, they did not need it as much as we do! American Jews will realize that not being the big brother—benevolent uncle Sam—is not much fun.

Earlier this year, Rav Ahron, one of the two current Satmar Rebbes, came from Brooklyn to Israel, greeted by thousands, donating five million dollars to non-Zionist institutions. There was a subtle message about his arrival. The drones on the way to the airport, the private jets, the fancy motorcades, dashing out cash to supporters, all gave a simple message: American dollars can outdo Zionism. Rabbi Mordechai Berkovitch, a leading figure in the Satmar community in America, said it then outright: “the Zionists bought the Jews of Israel for a few dollars, we are going to get them back with millions of dollars. We are going to fight them face to face.”

If indeed this was a battle between the Brooklyn dollar and the Israeli Shekel, the outcome is not looking great for Brooklyn. Time to begin opting for Jerusalem over a beleaguered Brooklyn.

This symbolism is not just true for Brooklyn. Jews in haredi communities in London, Manchester, and beyond will do the same. It is hard to imagine Jewish communities like Antwerp, Belgium, which are now bracing an 85% coronavirus infection rate, soon forgetting how much better off their cousins in Israel were during this period. Israel will become a far more appealing option than ever before.

Progressive Jews won’t fall far behind either. Especially young ones. Reflecting on my days of hitting the job market during the 2008 recession, I can say with certainty there is nothing exciting about hitting a job market in decline. No matter what you think about Netanyahu, he did not abandon his citizens during the coronavirus outbreak just because they didn’t vote for him. Those who lived in blue states during this outbreak felt, although unjustifiably, abandoned and stranded by the federal government. The possibility of a country with nationalized healthcare, effective public health systems, an economy that is open both to the West and the East, is likely to appeal to many young Jews.

During this coronavirus outbreak, we should be thinking about our friends, family, grandparents, and members of our community. We should be thinking about how to get over this 21st century horror alive and well, care for others, and look out for anyone we can. Israel has done so in a spectacular way. For that reason, Israel should also be preparing for the Aliya Apocalypse. Once the airways are open, many Jews will be saying: this year in Jerusalem. Israel should prepare to embrace them.

From INN, here.

האם אי פעם קיבל אליעזר ברלנד ימ”ש היתר הוראה, או שגם זה שקר

חקירה: מי זייף את המסמך שהוגש לבית המשפט בדיון של הרב ברלנד?

עו”ד עמית חדד הציג בביהמ”ש מסמך לפיו מנהיג קהילת ‘שובו בנים’ הוסמך לרבנות – אלא שהוא התברר כמזויף • בעקבות הפרסום נפתחה חקירת משטרה, במסגרתה נגבתה עדותו של עו”ד וחסיד של ברלנד, שחתם על המסמך כ”העתק נאמן למקור”

חרדים 10
כ”ג אדר התש”פ / 19.03.2020 01:56

המשטרה פתחה בחקירת מסמך ההסמכה לרבנות המזויף של הרב אליעזר ברלנד.

כפי שפורסם באתר ‘וואלה’, עורך הדין עמית חדד, המייצג את מנהיג קהילת שובו בנים’ –  המואשם בעבירות עושק, מרמה והלבנת הון – הציג במהלך דיון לבית המשפט מסמך מזויף, בניסיון להוכיח כי מרשו קיבל הסמכה לרבנות וראוי להיקרא בתואר רב.

החקירה מתנהלת במשטרת ירושלים.

לפי דווח באתר ‘וואלה’, במסגרת החקירה נגבו עדויות, ובהן של עו”ד עמנואל קאלוב, מאנשיו של הרב ברלנד, שחתם על המסמך כ”העתק נאמן למקור” – חתימה שעשויה להיחשב עבירה פלילית שדינה מאסר.

עו”ד חדד טען מיד לאחר הפרסום בתגובה ל’וואלה’, כי אם יתברר שהמסמך זויף, הוא ישקול את המשך ייצוגו של ברלנד – אולם עד כה לא התפטר, למרות שהוכח כי מדובר בזיוף.

הבוקר צפוי בית המשפט המחוזי בירושלים לדון בבקשה שהגיש חדד לשחרר את הרב ברלנד  ממעצר בגלל התפשטות נגיף הקורונה.

המסמך המזויף,  שהוצג לשופט בית המשפט השלום בירושלים אלעזר ביאלין, נכתב במקור על ידי הגר”ע יוסף זצ”ל  בעת שכיהן כרב הראשי לישראל בסוף שנת 1979. הוא נושא את התאריך העברי כ”ט כסלו תש”מ, וכך גם את סמל המדינה והלוגו הרשמי של לשכת הרב הראשי.

בין היתר נכתב בו “הריני מאשר בזה כי הרה”ג ר’ אליעזר ברלנד שליט”א למד בבית מדרש לרבנים ודיינים, בעה”ק (בעיר הקודש) ירושלים, ולאחר שנבחן בהלכות איסור והיתר, והשיב בבקיאות רבה ובהבנה עמוקה, קיבל סמיכה לרבנות”. עוד נכתב: “וראוי הוא לכהן פאר כרב בעיר ואם בישראל”.

אלא שהמסמך נכתב במקור אל הרב יוסף פנחסי, בדיוק באותו תאריך, בנוסח כמעט תואם.

המסמך של הרב פנחסי הופץ בפומבי לאחר שעמד למכירה פומבית ב-2016, ועל הנוסח שלו התבססו המזייפים.

בבדיקה נוספת שנערכה מול הנהלת בית המדרש חזון עובדיה ששמו צוין במכתב המקורי עולה כי נוסח מכתב זה יצא רק לתלמידי בית מדרש חזון עובדיה שבראשה עמד הגר”ע  יוסף באותן שנים, והרב ברלנד לא למד בבית מדרש זה. לדבריהם, המסמך מהווה אישור לימודים אך לא הסמכה לרבנות.

מאתר חרדים 10, כאן.