The World Seems To Be On Fire…

Governments Have Crippled the World’s Economies. Revolution May Soon Follow.


The world seems to be on fire. A couple of months ago, the economic upswing was still firmly established, production expanded, and unemployment was declining. It all changed with the advent of the coronavirus or, to be precise: things turned really sour with the politically dictated lockdowns. As a reaction to the spread of the virus, governments in many countries ordered shops and firms to shut down and people to stay home. The inevitable result was a close to complete breakdown of the economic system. Hundreds of millions of people were thrown into outright despair; in India alone 120 million workers lost their jobs in April 2020.

The economic collapse sent the unbacked paper money system into a tailspin. Borrowers were unable to service their debt, and banks unwilling to roll over maturing loans, let alone extend new funds to struggling debtors. The entire credit pyramid was about to come crashing down. To prevent this from happening, governments and their central banks went “all in,” providing huge amounts of money to pay for people’s lost incomes and firms’ evaporating profits. Of course, governments do not have the money that they have promised to spend.

Central banks have started running the electronic printing presses, issuing great amounts of newly created money into the banking and financial sector and also injecting new balances into people’s accounts held with banks. In other words: as production contracts heavily, the quantity of money is rising strongly. This is, no doubt, an inflationary policy, for, if anything, inflation must be understood as an increase in the quantity of money. One possible outcome of a policy of increasing the quantity of money is price inflation: the increase in the money prices of goods and services.

Another result of a rise in the money stock is a redistribution of income and wealth among people. Not all people will get a share of the newly created money at the same time, as there will be early receivers and late receivers. The former can buy goods and services at unchanged prices. The latter, however, lose out: they can only purchase vendible items at already elevated prices. As a result, the early receivers of the new money get richer compared to the late receivers. The money injection, therefore, amounts to a redistribution of income and wealth.

The vast amounts of money that central banks are issuing to fend off the symptoms of the crisis will create winners and losers. It will make some richer, and it will make many others poorer. It does not create a win-win situation. Banks, the financial industry, big business, and governments, as well as their entourages and close beneficiaries, can be expected to be on the winning side. In contrast, medium and small business, the average employee, and pensioners can be expected to be on the losing end. If anything, the printing of ever greater amounts of money increases economic inequality.

It is no longer hard work, ingenuity, frugality, and consumer orientation on the part of the individual that determines his economic fate, but closeness to the central bank’s money printing press and meeting the requirements for receiving government favors. In times of economic expansion, opposition and protest against the social injustice that comes with money printing are subdued—most people see their slice of the cake increasing at least to some extent. A recession, however, changes that: it lays the foundation for outright opposition and rebellion.

As Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) noted perceptively:

Permanent mass unemployment destroys the moral foundations of the social order. The young people who, having finished their training for work, are forced to remain idle, are the ferment out of which the most radical political movements are formed. In their ranks the soldiers of the coming revolutions are recruited.1

Opposition and rebellion against what?

Most people these days blame the loss of jobs and the dire income situation on capitalism—the economic system in which the means of production are in private hands. They argue that capitalism makes the rich even richer and the poor even poorer and that capitalism is inherently unstable and causes recurring economic and financial crises. However, this is an entirely false interpretation. First and foremost, neither in the US, Europe, Asia, nor Latin America do we find capitalism in the pure sense of the word.

Economic systems around the world represent the interventionist system. Governments have greatly restricted the workings of the free market forces through taxes, directives, laws, and regulations. Wherever you look, what little is left of the capitalist order is under siege and gets eliminated further. A rather obvious point is the monetary system: money production has been monopolized by government-sponsored central banks, which hand out licences to privately held banks to participate in money creation that is not backed by any real savings.

Sound economic theory teaches us that such a monetary system causes great trouble: it is inflationary, causes boom and bust cycles, makes the economy run into overindebtedness, and allows the state to become ever greater, transforming itself into the deep state. Indeed, there should be little doubt that without an unbacked paper money system, today’s governments could not have become as big, encroaching, and suppressive as they are. The unbacked paper money system is, so to speak, the elixir for creating a tyrannical government.

Unfortunately, those blaming capitalism are barking up the wrong tree. For all their critique of inflationary money, economic hardship and rising inequality are the direct results of governments’ successful war against capitalism, which has been replaced by a system of interventions. The free market system was replaced by a system of decrees and prohibitions, all of which are incompatible with capitalism in the true sense. Against this backdrop, the question arises: How come people put all the blame on capitalism rather than interventionism-socialism?

Of course, there is this thing called the “anticapitalist mentality.” Many people do not like capitalism, because under capitalism, those who serve consumer demand best are economically rewarded: making a profit is the result of having produced something that others want to buy. Those who are less eager to serve their fellow man must settle for lower incomes. This inevitable truth is the breeding ground for resentment, envy, and malevolence. And these emotions can be instrumentalized quite easily by demagogues.

This is exactly where the socialist ideology comes in. It appeals and caters to people’s resentments. Capitalism is declared the bad guy, the culprit of their dissatisfaction. In that sense, capitalism becomes a kind of “hate screen” against which people are encouraged to direct all their resentments. Most importantly, anticapitalist policies, the program of socialism, are praised and promoted as beneficial for the dissatisfied, to clamp down on the rich and to ensure a more even distribution of income and wealth.

No doubt the current income and wealth distribution has been brought about by interventionism-socialism rather than pure capitalism. One strategy to remedy it is to channel people’s dissatisfaction in the right direction—to make it clear that calling for less interventionism, less socialist policies, and the deconstruction of the state (as we know it today) is the way forward, not pushing the free market system off the cliff and allowing the deep state to become even bigger. No doubt this amounts to a gigantic educational task.

Much depends on making progress on this issue, as it would be a recipe for disaster if capitalism continued to be held responsible for the economic, social, and political problems that are, in fact, caused by a system that can perhaps best be characterized as anticapitalism. By bidding farewell to capitalism people put peace and prosperity in severe danger, jeopardizing the existential future of the great majority of human lives around the globe. That said, safeguarding capitalism from its destructive enemies is of utmost importance.

This is not only a time of economic crisis. In hindsight, it may also appear as a standoff between those forces wanting to push further toward socialism and those trying move back toward capitalism, and perhaps also as a time of social revolution. Hopefully a revolution against the encroaching socialism in the form of ever bigger and even more powerful governments. Hopefully a revolution in which people seek to regain control over their lives, putting an end to left-leaning ideologies, be it political globalism, interventionism, or outright socialism.

  • 1.Ludwig von Mises, Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis, trans. J. Kahane (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1959), p. 486.

Thorsten Polleit

Dr. Thorsten Polleit is Chief Economist of Degussa and Honorary Professor at the University of Bayreuth. He also acts as an investment advisor.

From, here.

שיר – כה אמר השם כי יפלא בעיני שארית העם הזה גם בעיני יפלא

Mordechai Ben David – Od Yeshvu מרדכי בן דוד – עוד ישבו

May 7, 2015

מתוך אלבומו ה-16 ‘האלבום הכפול’.

“עוד יישבו זקנים וזקנות ברחובות ירושלים ואיש משענתו בידו מרוב ימים ורחובות העיר מלאו ילדים וילדות משחקים ברחובותיה”

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

More American Corona Madness

Here are 31 more reasons why the COVID-19 lockdown is a scam

By Daniel Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

June 6, 2020

I just added 31 new reasons to my list of why I’m against the COVID-19 lockdown.

You can read my complete list here: Here are 140 reasons why I’m against the COVID-19 lockdowns

Here are my 31 new entries that I just added:

110) Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer “signed an order mandating that nursing homes and other long-term care facilities accept COVID-19 patients”

111) Minnesota nursing homes have 81% of COVID-19 deaths, still taking positive patients–570708611.html

112) States with the toughest lockdowns forced nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for COVID-19. This caused the U.S. death rate to be far, far higher than it otherwise would have been.

New YorkNew JerseyMichiganMinnesotaPennsylvania, and California all forced nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for COVID-19.

NPR reported:

New York and New Jersey both have ordered nursing homes to admit patients regardless of their COVID-19 status. California had a similar directive.

The Washington Examiner reported:

Whitmer signed an order mandating that nursing homes and other long-term care facilities accept COVID-19 patients

Valley News Live reported:

Many states, including New York, came under fire for a policy requiring nursing homes to admit COVID-19 positive patients…

Minnesota’s Department of Health did so…

The Daily Caller reported:

PA Health Secretary Moved Mother Out Of Personal Care Home After Ordering Nursing Homes To Accept COVID Patients

These are the very same states that had the toughest lockdowns.

If the real purpose of the lockdowns was to protect people from COVID-19, then why did the states with the toughest lockdowns force nursing homes to admit people who had tested positive for COVID-19?

113) Minnesota mayor gives masks to crowding rioters after warning in-person worship would be ‘public health disaster’

114) New England Journal of Medicine: “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection”

115) In Colorado, “a CBS4 Investigation revealed the state health department reclassified three deaths at a Centennial nursing home as COVID-19 deaths, despite the fact attending physicians ruled all three were not related to coronavirus”

116) In Michigan, someone who committed suicide was listed as having died from COVID-19

117) Dr. Deborah Birx: “if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death”

118) According to Elie Mystal, a writer for the Nation, people who protest against the lockdown “aren’t freedom fighters – they’re virus-spreading sociopaths,” while people who protest against the murder of George Floyd have “incredible strength”

Elie Mystal is a writer for The Nation.

According to Mystal, people who protest against the lockdown

“aren’t freedom fighters – they’re virus-spreading sociopaths”

while people who protest against the murder of George Floyd have

“incredible strength”

Make up your mind. Either the virus is too dangerous for people to be protesting in public, or it’s not. You can’t have it be safe for protesters that you agree with, but dangerous for protestors that you disagree with. Viruses don’t work that way. The virus doesn’t know or care why a person is protesting.

119) Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf violated his own lockdown to participate in a Black Lives Matter protest

120) The ACLU supported the lockdown for law abiding business owners, but opposed the lockdown for criminals who looted, vandalized, and burned those very same businesses

121) Knut Wittkowski, former head of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at The Rockefeller University’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science, said the lockdown “most likely made the situation worse”

122) Jewish children’s gathering turned into a George Floyd protest so de Blasio wouldn’t shut it down

Continue reading…

From Dan from Squirrel Hill’s Blog, here.

Aliyah Works Best TOWARDS Israel, Not AWAY FROM Chutz La’aretz

I consider myself an Aliyah “cheerleader and motivator” which means that I encourage Aliyah from a positive and optimistic perspective. I have always advocated the need to run towards Israel and not away from America (or wherever else Jews live). It is for this reason why I cannot stand with those people who are posting – all over social media – that Jews need to “leave America NOW, before it’s too late!” Yes, every Jew outside Eretz Yisrael should begin preparations to come home as soon as possible… but not because of riots, looting or Covid-19. Let me explain.

When I played tag or “ringalevio” with my friends (do kids still play that amazing game?), we always had a home-base. While touching that home-base, nobody could get us out… we were perfectly safe! I have been thinking a lot about this recently since many people look at Israel and consider it a nice, big, comfortable “home-base”. Yes, Israel must be safe for every Jew on the planet, but that is not why you move here. Sorry to disappoint you, but if you sell your house, quit your job and take your kids out of school to run to “perfectly-safe-home-base” Israel… you might be very disappointed… very quickly.

Please do not move here because of George Floyd or the lunatics who use that tragedy for personal gain. Its ok, and quite natural, for these recent events to speed up your Aliyah plans but I beg you – literally beg you – that this should not be the main reason you move here. I agree that the last 2 weeks have opened many eyes to what is really happening in the USA and that serious decisions need to be made but there’s a big difference between something being a catalyst for Aliyah vs the reason for Aliyah.

Dearest brothers and sisters; there’s only one reason why you should make the life-changing move to Israel. It is because you want to be part of the Jewish Nation and, since 1948, the only place that can happen is in the Land of Israel. That’s right… although you won’t like these next few words, I write them because nobody else will: There is no Am Yisrael outside of Eretz Yisrael.

When was the creation of Am Yisrael finalized? When we left Egypt? That was Part I. When we received the Torah? That was Part II… but there was one part left. Moshe told us (Devarim, chapter 27) that when we enter the Land of Israel, 6 tribes are to stand on Mount Gerizim, 6 tribes on Mount Ebal and the Kohanim are to stand with the Aron in the middle – in the city of Shechem. On that day, when that happens, and only when that happens, Moshe prophesized (verse 9); “Pay attention and listen, Israel. Today you have become a nation…” That awesome event (described also at the end of Chapter 8 in sefer Yehoshua) was the culmination and transformation of the People of Israel into the Nation of Israel… and it only happened after we entered the Land.

For the next 1,350 years (minus a few years here and there) Am Yisrael lived in the land. There were many challenges, wars, plagues and even mass destruction of Jews inside Israel but as long as we were there, the concept of the Nation existed. Unfortunately, after the destruction of the 2nd Bet Ha’Mikdash, we were exiled from Israel and dispersed all over the world. At that moment, the status of our Nation was put on “hold”. We remained the Jewish people and we stuck together as best as we could. We built communities and produced the Talmud Bavli and thousands of holy seforim. The Jewish people refused to become extinct and despite the odds, we remained alive and strong! Many communities started to pop-up in Israel (especially at the time of the Arizal) but they were still communities…

In 1948 everything changed. For the first time in close to 2,000 years, there was a Jewish government and a Jewish army. We were independent! Although that government was – and still is – far from the way it needs to be, this independence was much more than just another country in the UN. We, the Jewish people, were back in our land, defending our borders and speaking our language… it was the rebirth of Am Yisrael! The “hold button” was no longer pressed and the status of the Nation returned.

Just like we became a Nation in the Land of Israel in the year 2488, we became a Nation – once again – in the Land of Israel in 5708. What started in the Land… continued in the Land… and remains only in the Land. Therefore, to be part of Am Yisrael one needs to live, thrive and settle Eretz Yisrael. Being a Jew anywhere else – at this time in history – means that you are part of the Chosen People, part of the 5,000 year old heritage and 100% my beloved brother or sister… but not part of the Nation. This is the reason – and only reason – to make Aliyah!

Therefore, please make this your dream – whether or not – your favorite store was looted. Make this your goal – whether or not – your community was hit hard by Coronavirus. Make this your plan, your ambition and the thing that drives you, night and day, to reconnect to your Nation – to Am Yisrael!

May that day happen very soon. Amen!

From Am Yisrael Chai, here.