Aliyah Works Best TOWARDS Israel, Not AWAY FROM Chutz La’aretz

I consider myself an Aliyah “cheerleader and motivator” which means that I encourage Aliyah from a positive and optimistic perspective. I have always advocated the need to run towards Israel and not away from America (or wherever else Jews live). It is for this reason why I cannot stand with those people who are posting – all over social media – that Jews need to “leave America NOW, before it’s too late!” Yes, every Jew outside Eretz Yisrael should begin preparations to come home as soon as possible… but not because of riots, looting or Covid-19. Let me explain.

When I played tag or “ringalevio” with my friends (do kids still play that amazing game?), we always had a home-base. While touching that home-base, nobody could get us out… we were perfectly safe! I have been thinking a lot about this recently since many people look at Israel and consider it a nice, big, comfortable “home-base”. Yes, Israel must be safe for every Jew on the planet, but that is not why you move here. Sorry to disappoint you, but if you sell your house, quit your job and take your kids out of school to run to “perfectly-safe-home-base” Israel… you might be very disappointed… very quickly.

Please do not move here because of George Floyd or the lunatics who use that tragedy for personal gain. Its ok, and quite natural, for these recent events to speed up your Aliyah plans but I beg you – literally beg you – that this should not be the main reason you move here. I agree that the last 2 weeks have opened many eyes to what is really happening in the USA and that serious decisions need to be made but there’s a big difference between something being a catalyst for Aliyah vs the reason for Aliyah.

Dearest brothers and sisters; there’s only one reason why you should make the life-changing move to Israel. It is because you want to be part of the Jewish Nation and, since 1948, the only place that can happen is in the Land of Israel. That’s right… although you won’t like these next few words, I write them because nobody else will: There is no Am Yisrael outside of Eretz Yisrael.

When was the creation of Am Yisrael finalized? When we left Egypt? That was Part I. When we received the Torah? That was Part II… but there was one part left. Moshe told us (Devarim, chapter 27) that when we enter the Land of Israel, 6 tribes are to stand on Mount Gerizim, 6 tribes on Mount Ebal and the Kohanim are to stand with the Aron in the middle – in the city of Shechem. On that day, when that happens, and only when that happens, Moshe prophesized (verse 9); “Pay attention and listen, Israel. Today you have become a nation…” That awesome event (described also at the end of Chapter 8 in sefer Yehoshua) was the culmination and transformation of the People of Israel into the Nation of Israel… and it only happened after we entered the Land.

For the next 1,350 years (minus a few years here and there) Am Yisrael lived in the land. There were many challenges, wars, plagues and even mass destruction of Jews inside Israel but as long as we were there, the concept of the Nation existed. Unfortunately, after the destruction of the 2nd Bet Ha’Mikdash, we were exiled from Israel and dispersed all over the world. At that moment, the status of our Nation was put on “hold”. We remained the Jewish people and we stuck together as best as we could. We built communities and produced the Talmud Bavli and thousands of holy seforim. The Jewish people refused to become extinct and despite the odds, we remained alive and strong! Many communities started to pop-up in Israel (especially at the time of the Arizal) but they were still communities…

In 1948 everything changed. For the first time in close to 2,000 years, there was a Jewish government and a Jewish army. We were independent! Although that government was – and still is – far from the way it needs to be, this independence was much more than just another country in the UN. We, the Jewish people, were back in our land, defending our borders and speaking our language… it was the rebirth of Am Yisrael! The “hold button” was no longer pressed and the status of the Nation returned.

Just like we became a Nation in the Land of Israel in the year 2488, we became a Nation – once again – in the Land of Israel in 5708. What started in the Land… continued in the Land… and remains only in the Land. Therefore, to be part of Am Yisrael one needs to live, thrive and settle Eretz Yisrael. Being a Jew anywhere else – at this time in history – means that you are part of the Chosen People, part of the 5,000 year old heritage and 100% my beloved brother or sister… but not part of the Nation. This is the reason – and only reason – to make Aliyah!

Therefore, please make this your dream – whether or not – your favorite store was looted. Make this your goal – whether or not – your community was hit hard by Coronavirus. Make this your plan, your ambition and the thing that drives you, night and day, to reconnect to your Nation – to Am Yisrael!

May that day happen very soon. Amen!

From Am Yisrael Chai, here.

How the State Killed People via Lockdown

Three Ways Lockdowns Are Costing Human Lives


The conversation about the lockdowns when the COVID-19 crisis started was centered on saving lives at the cost of the economy. This makes sense, since many of those making decisions were epidemiologists and we cannot expect them to fully understand the lockdowns’ impact on the economy and human lives. The problem is that even many economists argued the same thing and completely ignored the harm that the lockdowns would create.

These economists have fallen prey to what Frédéric Bastiat called the “unseen” consequences of a policy. Frédéric Bastiat argued that an “act, a habit, an institution, a law, gives birth not only to an effect but to a series of effects. Of these effects, the first only is immediate; it manifests itself simultaneously with its cause—it is seen. The others unfold in succession—they are not seen: it is well for us, if they are foreseen.” Applied to lockdowns this means that it is easier to see the deaths caused by COVID-19 than to see the deaths caused by lockdowns. In what follows, I provide three arguments on how the economic lockdowns are costing us human lives and will continue to do so long after they end.

Deaths of Despair

A recent study finds that we could have up to seventy-five thousand more deaths of despair over the next ten years. Deaths of despair refer to suicides and deaths from abuse of alcohol and drugs. The study argues that these deaths will primarily be caused by increased unemployment, fear, and isolation. Unemployment is the main factor and the analysis is based on the projected unemployment rate between 2020 and 2029. The authors estimate that in the best case scenario (lowest unemployment) we will have about twenty-eight thousand more people die deaths of despair and in the worst-case scenario (highest unemployment) we could see up to one hundred fifty-four thousand more people die. A recent study showing that unemployment will remain high for a prolonged period of time means that we can expect the number to be higher than seventy-five thousand.

This is not the only study that argues that unemployment is directly related to deaths of despair. Consider, for instance, a NBER study that found an increase of 3.6 percent in the opioid death rate for each 1 percent increase in unemployment. Based on this, we could see another twenty-nine thousand more deaths because of opioids annually. One may argue that these are only predictions, but sadly the indications we have so far show support for these studies. For instance, a doctor in the Bay Area told a local ABC7 reporter “I mean, we’ve seen a year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks.” This is not an isolated case. The Washington Examiner has reported recently that “More people died of suicide in a single Tennessee county last week than of the coronavirus across the entire state, according to one local official.” Hence, either directly through isolation or indirectly through unemployment, the lockdowns are costing us many human lives.

Deaths Due to Lack of Preventive Care

In a recent interview for Fox News, Dr. Scott Atlas, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, argued that “the cure is bigger than the disease at this point.” He argued that in the US every month one hundred and fifty thousand people are diagnosed with cancer, but the numbers are now much lower. Unfortunately, this will lead to higher death rates for this group of people. Add to this the people who are not receiving their chemotherapy as they should and we start to see a clearer picture of how the lockdowns are harming the lives of those with cancer. These are only two examples, but if we consider the many more preventive care visits that are not happening it becomes clear that we will see increased deaths because of a lack of preventive care.

This has become such a big concern for doctors that many of them are speaking out against this and hopefully we will see a policy response soon. As a Forbes article reports, at least six hundred doctors around the country are calling for an end to lockdowns, and their reasoning is in line with that of Dr. Scott. As Dr. Marilyn Singleton argued, “Ending the lockdowns are not about Wall Street or disregard for people’s lives; it about saving lives.”

Deaths Because of Hunger and Malnourishment

When the lockdowns started, many argued that it was worth giving up some economic growth in order to save lives. Unfortunately these people miss the point—that economic growth is what saves millions of lives around the globe every single year. We know that as economic conditions get worse many people around the world will struggle to meet their basic nutritional needs, which will lead to more deaths. In the New York Times,  Abdi Latif Dahir argues 265 million people will experience acute hunger in 2020. That will be nearly double the number of the year before. To put this in perspective, let us consider that poverty had been in decline since 1998. One may ask, Isn’t the economic downturn because of the COVID-19 crisis? As Ryan McMaken has noted, in previous similar pandemics we did not have the economic downturn we are experiencing now, so the answer is no. The downturn is due to the economic lockdowns, not the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is more, this is not a problem that only poor countries will face. Even though poor countries will be hit the hardest, we are seeing the consequences here in the US already. Consider, for instance, that “a survey…found 37% of unemployed Americans ran out of food in the past month and 46% said they worried about running out.” Although deaths directly caused by hunger may not be high in the US, we must keep in mind that malnourishment also harms our health and leads to more deaths in the long run.


The careful and concerned reader may argue that although it may be true that lockdowns cost human lives, COVID-19 does as well, so we had to implement the lockdowns. This is a good point, and it is not the purpose of this article to diminish the danger that COVID-19 poses to certain groups of people or downplay the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been lost. The point is that we must still consider the tradeoffs carefully, since both COVID-19 and lockdowns cost human lives. So, the answer is not as simple as it is sometimes presented by officials who are so eager to shut everything down.

If we do not correctly take into account the opportunity cost, in terms of lives that can be lost from lockdowns, then we will most likely continue to make bad decisions in the future. We need to look for alternatives, and instead of locking down the whole economy we should protect those who are the most vulnerable. But, even when we consider this solution we should keep in mind that centralized solutions hardly ever work for such complex issues and large countries like the US.


Klajdi Bregu

Dr. Klajdi Bregu is an assistant professor of economics at IU South Bend’s Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics and a fellow at the Center for Market Education. Prior to his appointment to the Leighton School faculty, Dr. Bregu taught at the University of Arkansas. He has published research in the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control and the Southern Economic Journal.

From, here.

Making Aliyah Demands Emunah, But Making Aliyah GRANTS Us Emunah, Too

The Aliyah Mindset

When a Jew starts looking into making aliyah, they can get completely overwhelmed by all the logistical issues that pop up. Our brains are flooded with questions like:

• What the heck is an apostille and how did I get to this age without ever hearing of it?
• How did I accumulate so much stuff and how am I going to decide what to take and what to leave behind?
• How can I choose a community that will be a good fit if I’ve never lived in Israel?
• How will I make a living?
• How do I transfer my money to Israel without losing a ton on the exchange rate?

These are important questions that have to be dealt with and they can overwhelm. My advice is to keep a master notebook or computer file with all the information on the many topics you’ll need to address. For example, when we made aliyah, I created a spreadsheet for all the companies we were doing business with and whether I needed to cancel service, change our address or take some other action.

All these are legitimate aspects of making aliyah, but there’s so much more to it. There’s a whole new mindset that happens when a Jew moves to Israel, and that’s what I really want to talk about here.

Aliyah requires a total paradigm shift. There are 6.7 million Jews living here, including a few hundred thousand olim from the US. It absolutely is possible to make it in Israel, if you adjust your expectations and don’t try to recreate your American life here.

I’ve identified four important paradigm shifts that are important for a successful klita. These aren’t meant to be all-encompassing, but rather to introduce prospective olim to the idea that you aren’t just changing addresses.

You’re being called upon to change your mindset.

The Certainty Mindset
In America, I made decisions with a certain degree of certainty about the outcome. In Israel, the spiritual reality is different. Here, I learned that there are an infinite number of variables that we can’t control. In Israel, I learned to dial down my sense of control, in a way for which life in America did not prepare me.

Living in Israel, one experiences hashgacha pratit in a much more open manner. Doors open. Seemingly serendipitous meetings end up being deeply significant. Opportunities present themselves when we are least prepared. If you ask them, many olim will tell you that life got a lot easier once they relaxed into the flow, let Hashem run the show and stopped trying to manage everything.

This in no way means that we are not obligated to do our hishtadlut. We absolutely are obligated. My point is that, for those whose eyes are open, life in Israel makes it abundantly clear Who is running the world.

The Spreadsheet Mindset
When considering making aliyah, it’s natural to wonder how you’re going to make a living. You may have tried to plan everything out on a spreadsheet.

It’s true that some things in Israel cost significantly more than they do in the US and, unless you’re a Member of Knesset or high-tech CEO, salaries are generally significantly lower here. It’s also true that some of the major expenses Orthodox Jews have in America, like tuition and health care, are negligible in Israel.

Many Israelis, especially those who live in a city, do not own a car and certainly very few outside of those in the wealthiest households, or those who live in very remote communities, have two cars.

Israel has a public transportation culture. People from every strata of society use public buses, light rails and trains. That’s a huge paradigm shift for those coming from suburban America.

If you’re going to try to plot everything out on a spreadsheet, you may feel discouraged about your ability to make it financially. There is absolutely a certain amount of emunah necessary to thrive in Israel. And it’s important to remember that the same Hashem Who provides your parnassa wherever you are now is also overseeing things here.

A combination of emuna, tefillah and hishtadlut go a long way toward making a successful life in Israel.

The Shopping Mindset
Life in Israel is, for most of us, materially simpler than it was in America. We live in smaller spaces. We own fewer things. We dress more casually. We put more of an emphasis on experiences over acquisitions.

One thing that struck me is that in Israel, there are hardly any billboards. Traveling on highways in America feels like a constant assault on your pocket – Eat here! Shop here! Stay here! Buy this! Those kinds of messages are virtually absent in Israel.

In addition, though we have IKEA, we don’t have WalMart and Target or other one-stop department stores. We have indoor malls, but overall, shopping definitely requires more effort here which, in my opinion, reduces the tendency to engage in recreational shopping.

After they’ve been here for a few years, many American olim will tell you that the two things they miss most about America are their families… and the ease of shopping. (I lied. We also miss decent kosher Chinese food.) Yet, we adapt and learn to shop differently.

The Eretz Yisrael Mindset
I became religious when I was in my 20s in America. To me, Jewish life was about me, Hashem, the Torah and only a little bit about what my community called klal Yisroel. After living in Israel for some time, I realized that my understanding of what it means to be a Torah Jew had been grossly deficient.

I had completely missed the entire nationhood part of being a Jew. It’s all over Tanach, but I didn’t experience it until I lived in Israel.

Many years ago, when I lived and worked in America, I came to the realization that my Catholic secretary got all her holidays off because they were Federal holidays. I took vacation days for all the chagim.

In Israel, we live within the Jewish calendar. There are public chometz burnings and the municipalities collect schach after Sukkot. The foods on display in the grocery stores and the bakeries match the upcoming holiday. The public buses and the bottles of Coke wish you a Chag Sameach.

Although, due to our many sins, we yet lack a Temple on Har HaBayit, life in Israel already operates on Jewish time. Olim are aware of being part of a national destiny, of a Biblical story.

In a few months, we will celebrate our tenth aliyahversary. I’m not suggesting that it has been smooth sailing every moment. We’ve had our challenges. Of course we have.

But once we made some of these paradigm shifts, once we accepted the reality that we live in the Middle East (“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”), the unbelievable richness of living a Jewish life in Israel began to accrue.

I wish nothing less for you.

From Bring Them Home, here.