Not Everything on PreOccupied Territory Is Satire…

Pundits Too Stupid To Know Temple Mount, Not Western Wall, Judaism’s Holiest Site Still Considered Experts

Observers cited the related phenomenon of journalists describing Jerusalem as “holy to three religions” without noting that the importance of the city to Christianity and to Islam derives directly from its centrality to Judaism.

Jerusalem, March 28 – Commentators and journalists who lack the basic knowledge that the location of both ancient Temples marks the most sacred spot on Earth to Jews, and not a portion of the retaining wall around the plateau on which it stood, somehow maintain their status as knowledgeable media sources on the matter.

No negative consequences to the credibility or to the number of appearances in media have accrued to the numerous reporters, pundits, interviewees, or panelists who, time and time again, mention the Western Wall in Jerusalem as Judaism’s holiest site, when in fact even young Jewish schoolchildren, Wikipedia, or a cursory Google search could inform them the Temple Mount holds that distinction.

Media watchdogs focused on coverage of Israel and Jews note that a full 30% of the corrections they demand from news sources relate to the centrality of the Temple Mount to Judaism. “We’d have a lot less work if reporters and so-called ‘experts’ knew what the hell they were talking about,” lamented Hugh-Kent B. Siryes of UK Media Watch. “Unfortunately, what passes for knowledgeability in today’s press falls far short of what people expect and deserve.”

Siryes cited the related phenomenon of journalists describing Jerusalem as “holy to three religions” without noting that the importance of the city to Christianity and to Islam derives directly from its centrality to Judaism, a status it attained many centuries before the appearance of either Christianity or Islam. “It’s as if many, if not most, of these experts assume history began in 1948 or 1967, and display no curiosity as to what might have happened in the thousands of years before then.”

Tamar Facepalm of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East reporting in America (CAMERA) elaborated. “Israel voluntarily allows the Jordanian Waqf to administer the Temple Mount, and the latter imposes all manner of restrictions on Jews,” she observed. “So Jewish religious ritual takes place at the Western Wall, which welcomes them. That situation has made some observers assume, without checking reputable sources, that the Wall is where it’s at for Jews. Many of these commentators and reporters even grew up with some semblance of a religious education, so one might expect that they would have a clue. The Temple is one of the main venues for the great dramas of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. But nope. Flagrant ignorance.”

One observer attributed the phenomenon to malice and egoism rather than simple ignorance. “Remember, this is the same group of media personalities who trumpeted Russiagate without a critical thought because it confirmed their prejudices,” argued Simon Goodgrief of Honest Reporting. “The idea that Jews might have a historical claim to a place the world doesn’t want them to be doesn’t even register with these ‘experts’ as worth considering, and if it does, it’s to be suppressed like some unspeakable evil.”

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From PreOccupied Territory, here.

Coronavirus – The Bottom Line

A Special Message About the Coronavirus

15 Shevat 5780
Rosh Hashanah l’Ilanot

This may sound counterintuitive, but I believe the less said about this coronavirus outbreak, the better.  In this case, there is no way to know if any of the information we are getting is reliable, so it’s better to ignore it all.  Even if we could know positively the correct numbers of infected vs. killed by the virus or its source of origin, the knowing would make no difference to our lives whatsoever.  But, the over-the-top obsession with the discussion is a distraction from the things that really do impact our lives, not only in the present, but in the future as well; not only in this world, but in the world-to-come as well.

This is what we need to be doing to protect ourselves from any negative outcomes:

  • Teshuvah
  • Torah learning
  • Prayer
  • Acts of kindness/Giving Tzedaka
  • Healthy nutritious meals in correct amounts
  • Stay properly hydrated
  • Proper sleep and rest
  • De-stress (Exercise Emunah) as stress lowers immunity
  • Strictly limit or eliminate sugar as it lowers immunity and feeds microorganisms

Note that this is how we are supposed to be living our lives in any case. If you do all of that, you will then have the right to claim and rest on this promise…

“If you hearken diligently to the voice of Hashem, your God, and do what is just in His eyes, give ear to His commandments and observe all His decrees, then any of the diseases that I placed upon Egypt, I will not bring upon you, for I am Hashem, your Healer.”  (Shemot 15.26)

What I’m seeing over and over again in relation to this subject is the promotion of fear and that doesn’t help anyone unless it might provoke the first step as listed above.  But after that, it serves no useful purpose whatsoever.  In fact, Rebbe Nachman told us that “the most important thing is not to fear at all.”

Continue reading…

From Tomer Devorah, here.

Economic Nationalism Is Baloney!

Ep. 1587 The Problems With Economic Nationalism

Gene Epstein joins me to discuss the problems associated with protectionism, industrial policy, and the overall package of economic nationalism.


Article Discussed

Economic Nationalism as Political Realism,” by Daniel McCarthy

Read the original article at

From Tom Woods, here.

Naftali Bennett: ‘Charedi Politicians Will Do ANYTHING For Money’

Quote of the Day

The Haredim are a convenient and easy political bedfellow because they are not interested in policy and are willing to support any initiative – whether diplomatic, economic, or security – as long as they get their financial budgets… with them it is very easy.. the Haredim say: give me the money and you can do whatever you want – you want a Palestinian State, go ahead and make one. You don’t want a Palestinian State? Go ahead and don’t make one. You want this economic policy or that one? You want a Second Lebanon War? They just say give me the money..

— Minister Naftali Bennett


the Haredi parties never like to e called out, let alone like this…