מה שווה האקדמיה היום?! – בהנחה שהיה לה עבר מזהיר

ספר חדש:

ספרם של בני הזוג אלמוג הוא צילום רנטגן של מגדל השן האקדמי. הוא חושף את השיטה המצליחה, שהתקלקלה עם השנים, ואת תרבות השקר, ההכחשה והקיבעון שהשתלטה על המוסדות להשכלה גבוהה בעולם.

את אינפלציית הפרסומים המדעיים, שמביאה לירידה מדאיגה באיכות, ברלוונטיות ובאמינות המדע; את הניוון וחוסר העדכניות של מערכת השיפוט והבקרה של המחקר האמפירי; את הסבתם של חברי הסגל באקדמיה לפועלים צייתנים ושחוקים בקו ייצור מיושן; את בזבוז התקציבים והמשאבים הבלתי נסבל; את אובססיית הדירוגים, שגוררת ממשלות ומוסדות למערבולת של הונאה עצמית; את המונופול הציני והחמדנות החזירית של תאגידי המו”לות המדעית; את חוסר המקצועיות של ניהול המוסדות; את הניצול והולכת השולל של המרצים מן החוץ” ותלמידי המחקר; את הכרסום באטרקטיביות של הקריירה האקדמית; את הפיכתם של המדעים ההומניים לג’ברשת של תקינות פוליטית; את הוזלת ערכו של התואר האקדמי; את הדבקות העיקשת בשיטות הוראה שאבד עליהן הכלח ופספוס מהפכת האינטרנט; את הנתק בין תוכניות הלימודים לבין צורכי החברה ושוק העבודה; ואת תכסיסי השיווק והמיתוג שבעזרתם מפתים את הצעירים להירשם למוסדות ולקורסים שפג תוקפם.

אבל הספר הזה אינו רק תמונת מצב מדכדכת של אליטה אינטלקטואלית שמרנית, שעוצמת עיניים מול רוחות הזמן ובוגדת בשליחותה החברתית. לצד הביקורת הנוקבת מציעים תמר ועוז אלמוג חישוב מסלול מחדש ומַעבר למודל רענן של מחקר והשכלה, שמותאם למאה ה־21.

תמר היא מומחית ללמידה והדרכה, ועוז הוא סוציולוג והיסטוריון. שניהם חברי סגל באוניברסיטת חיפה.

עד כאן סקירה.

בדף הפייסבוק של הפקולטה למדעי הרוח באוניב’ חיפה דוקא מפרגנים:

כל ספר שיוצא לאור הוא מיוחד בדרכו, אבל דומה שהספר הזה, שכתבו פרופ’ עוז אלמוג מהפקולטה למדעי הרוח ובת זוגו ד”ר תמר אלמוג מהפקולטה לחינוך באוניברסיטה חיפה, הוא באמת נדיר (וגם אמיץ). ספרם הקודם, “דור ה־Y – כאילו אין מחר” (2016), היה רב מכר ועורר שיח ציבורי נרחב על המאפיינים, הצרכים והקשיים של הצעירים בימינו.

הספר החדש עוסק בעולם המדע וההשכלה הגבוהה ובקריירה האקדמית. הוא מעז לומר את מה שרבים יודעים (ושותקים) ואת מה שרבים אינם יודעים, ועכשיו אולי יתחילו לדבר עליו.

בריאיון למקור ראשון אומרים האלמוגים:

“תואר אקדמי לא נותן יתרון תעסוקתי”

התואר ארוך מדי, הקורסים ריקים, סטודנטים יוצאים לשוק העבודה ללא שום יתרון, הידע של המרצים איננו מחובר לשטח, ומודל ההשכלה שהכרנו עומד לעבור מהעולם. הצצה למחקר פורץ הדרך של צמד החוקרים עוז ותמר אלמוג, שעתיד לטלטל את עולם האקדמיה…

דמיינו לעצמכם שבעוד כמה שנים לא תלמדו תואר באוניברסיטה אחת, אלא תבחרו את הקורסים שלכם מכמה מוסדות במקביל; שתוכלו לצרוך את הקורסים בזמן ובמקום שמתאים לכם; שאולי בכלל לא תזדקקו לאוניברסיטה כדי להתמקצע בתחום מסוים, משום שהמוסד שבו אתם חפצים לעבוד יכשיר אתכם בעצמו.

נשמע סוריאליסטי? אולי, אבל פרופ’ עוז אלמוג, סוציולוג בחוג ללימודי ישראל באוניברסיטת חיפה, משוכנע שלשם אנחנו צועדים. בעוד מספר חודשים הוא עתיד לפרסם מחקר יחד עם אשתו, ד”ר תמר אלמוג, מומחית ללמידה והוראה, שעומד לתקוף חזיתית את כל חוליי האקדמיה.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר רציו, כאן.

Corona: The Case For Optimism

The least bad prediction of our post-coronavirus future

I recall feeling sorry for New Yorkers immediately after 9/11. I assumed that New York would be seen as a future target of terrorists, and thus a less desirable place to live. I wondered if people would want to work in tall buildings. In those (paranoid) days many worried about terrorists getting their hands on a nuke. Hmm, which city would they target?  (Today, we probably worry too little about that risk.)

How wrong I was!  New York’s real estate market went into a huge boom after 9/11, extending a boom that began around 1980.  (Indeed if the 1970s you gave an individual tens of millions of free dollars to invest in NYC real estate, it would have been very difficult not to become rich.  Ahem. . . .)

Not only were people still willing to work in tall buildings, but in the 2000s it suddenly became trendy for billionaires (who could live anywhere) to buy penthouses 100 floors up in impossibly slim skyscrapers, which looked like they’d topple over in the slightest breeze.

The lesson here is don’t make predictions, especially about the future.  But you wouldn’t be reading this unless you expected some sort of prediction.  So I’ll make the least bad prediction that one can make after a very traumatic experience like 9/11 or Covid-19; nothing will change after the epidemic is over.

We’ll go back to eating in restaurants and flying to Italy on vacation.  Cruise lines will start up again.  We’ll go back to working in offices and learning in classrooms. We’ll get on crowded subways and sit in crowded basketball arenas.  We’ll still buy our cheap manufactured goods from China.

Of course trends that were occurring before Covid-19 will continue to occur.  More online shopping, more Netflix films, and so on.  But a continuation of a trend is not a change caused by Covid-19, indeed it’s evidence of no effect.

Now for two more predictions:

1. I predict that my prediction in this post will end up being wrong.

2. I predict that my prediction will be less wrong than most of the grand sweeping predictions that you see on the internet, from pundits who are much smarter than I am.  And that’s because no matter how smart you are, the future’s almost impossible to predict.  That’s why someone who predicts tomorrow’s stock prices will be similar to today’s stock prices is usually more accurate than the prediction of a much smarter investor who goes out on a limb and predicts sharply higher or lower stock prices tomorrow.

That’s not to say these highly speculative predictions are useless; perhaps they have some value in thinking about what we need to do next.  Just don’t take them as the most likely outcome.  The most likely outcome is the same as what happened after 9/11; no change in the way we live in America.  (Iraq is another story.)  And the most likely outcome is the outcome that occurred in America in 1920 after a far worse epidemic; no change in the way we live in America.

From EconLib, here.

‘Flattening the Curve’ VS Herd Immunity

Perspectives on the Pandemic II: A Conversation with Dr. Knut Wittkowski

videomp3 (41:30), PDF
Interviewed by John Kirby, Libby Handros and Lee Davis
The Press & The Public Project
New York City, April 1&2, 2020
Referred to in the interview, the following paper is a work-in-process and will continue to be updated as more data comes in.
The first three months of the COVID-19 epidemic:
Epidemiological evidence for two separate strains of SARS-CoV-2 viruses spreading and implications for prevention strategies

Two epidemics of COVID-19

About one month after the COVID-19 epidemic peaked in Mainland China and SARS-CoV-2 migrated to Europe and then the U.S., the epidemiological data begin to provide important insights into the risks associated with the disease and the effectiveness of intervention strategies such as travel restrictions and social distancing. Respiratory diseases, including the 2003 SARS epidemic, remain only about two months in any given population, although peak incidence and lethality can vary. The epidemiological data suggest that at least two strains of the 2020 SARS-CoV-2 virus have evolved during its migration from Mainland China to Europe. South Korea, Iran, Italy, and Italy’s neighbors were hit by the more dangerous “SKII” variant. While the epidemic in continental Asia is about to end, and in Europe about to level off, the more recent epidemic in the younger US population is still increasing, albeit not exponentially anymore. The peak level will likely depend on which of the strains has entered the U.S. first. The same models that help us to understand the epidemic also help us to choose prevention strategies. Containment of high-risk people, like the elderly, and reducing disease severity, either by vaccination or by early treatment of complications, is the best strategy against a respiratory virus disease. Social distancing or “lockdowns” can be effective during the month following the peak incidence in infections, when the exponential increase of cases ends. Earlier containment of low-risk people merely prolongs the time the virus needs to circulate until the incidence is high enough to initiate “herd immunity”. Later containment is not helpful, unless to prevent a rebound if containment started too early.

About the Author
Dr. Wittkowski received his PhD in computer science from the University of Stuttgart and his ScD (Habilitation) in Medical Biometry from the Eberhard-Karls-University Tuüingen, both Germany. He worked for 15 years with Klaus Dietz, a leading epidemiologist who coined the term “reproduction number”, on the Epidemiology of HIV before heading for 20 years the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at The Rockefeller University, New York. Dr. Wittkowski is currently the CEO of ASDERA LLC, a company discovering novel treatments for complex diseases from data of genome-wide association studies.

[00:36.03] JOHN: You gave recommendations for how best to deal with COVID-19. Could you just describe what you wrote?

[00:44.20] WITTKOWSKI: As with every respiratory disease, we should protect the elderly and fragile because when they get pneumonia, they have a high risk of dying of the pneumonia. So that is one of the key issues that we should keep in mind. On the other hand, children do very well with these diseases. They’re evolutionarily designed to be exposed to all sorts of viruses during their lifetime, and so they should keep going to school and infecting each other. Then, that contributes to herd immunity, which means after about four weeks at the most, the elderly people could start joining their family because then the virus would have been extinguished.

[01:36.02] JOHN: You mention in the piece that in fact you think containment would prolong the duration of the virus. Can you talk about that?

[01:45.00] WITTKOWSKI: With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity. About 80% of the people need to have had contact with the virus, and the majority of them won’t even have recognized that they were infected, or they had very, very mild symptoms, especially if they are children. So, it’s very important to keep the schools open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd immunity as fast as possible, and then the elderly people, who should be separated, and the nursing homes should be closed during that time, can come back and meet their children and grandchildren after about 4 weeks when the virus has been exterminated.

[02:33.24] JOHN: And so, what do you make of the policy that was enacted in the United States and England and most places throughout the world, this policy of containment, shelter-in-place, etc.? What’s your opinion of it?

[02:47.05] WITTKOWSKI: Well, what people are trying to do is flatten the curve. I don’t really know why. But, what happens is if you flatten the curve, you also prolong, to widen it, and it takes more time. And I don’t see a good reason for a respiratory disease to stay in the population longer than necessary.

[03:06.17] JOHN: And what do you say to people who just say, “We just didn’t know about the lethality of this virus and it was the smartest thing to do, to do what we did, and contain everybody, because we just didn’t have the data.”

[03:23.16] WITTKOWSKI: We had two other SARS viruses before. Or, coronaviruses. It’s not the first coronavirus that comes out, and it won’t be the last. And for all respiratory diseases, we have the same type of an epidemic. If you leave it alone, it comes for two weeks, it peaks, and it goes for two weeks and it’s gone.

[03:46.07] JOHN: You were speaking to my producer the other day on the phone, and you said, “The pandemic is over.” What do you mean by that?

[03:56.04] WITTKOWSKI: There are no more new cases in China and in South Korea. The number of new cases in Europe is already beginning to decline. The virus came later to the US, so here we see a bit of an incline, maybe, and leveling off within the next couple of days. And if we see that the cases are not increasing dramatically, that means that the number of new infections has already declined substantially and peaked about a week ago.

[04:27.09] LIBBY: Do you believe the Chinese statistics? Do you think they’ve lied to us? Do you believe the stats that have come out of China?

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From Ratical, here.

Ron Paul Against the Government Rush to Vaccination

Ron Paul: People ‘Should Be Leery About’ a Coronavirus Vaccine

Ron Paul, in a Monday interview with host Dan Dicks at Press for Truth, warns that people “should be leery about” coronavirus vaccines that may come out. Further, says Paul, a doctor and former United States House of Representatives member, “right now I wouldn’t think there is any indication for anybody to take them,” noting that “scare tactics” are being used to pressure people into thinking they should take such potential vaccines to protect against coronavirus.

Paul supports this conclusion by stressing in the interview the potential danger of a vaccine as well as the overstated threat from coronavirus.

Regarding the potential danger from a coronavirus vaccine, Paul discusses at the beginning of the interview how, in 1976 in his first week as a House member, Paul was one of only two members, both doctors, who voted against legislation that helped rush through a vaccine in response to swine flu. Paul describes the results of the push for people to take the swine flu vaccine as follows:

They rushed the vaccine through. The vaccine was not properly made. It had nothing to do with the virus that was out there, so it saved nobody’s life from it. It caused a lot of harm. More people ended up dying from the inoculation than died from the flu that year. And that sort of was a lesson, like that’s a little bit too extreme. But, that’s about what happens when governments get involved and you do things for political reasons.

There was also, because a lot of people ended up getting the vaccine, I think there were like 50 people or more who got Guillain-Barré syndrome, which is temporary total paralysis and you can die from it but most of them did get better. But, it was a very, very serious complication of a viral injection, you know, a vaccine.

Paul also discusses in the interview the overstated danger from coronavirus that is being used to scare people to take actions including to potentially take a coronavirus vaccine.

Paul notes that many of the people whose deaths have been blamed on coronavirus are elderly people, including people living in nursing homes, who have multiple other diseases. Further, explains Paul, doctors have “been instructed by [the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and other politicians that, when the doctors sign the death certificate, if [patients] have four different things but they happen to have a positive test for the virus that is to be put down as the major cause of death.” “The numbers mean nothing,” concludes Paul regarding the daily tabulation of coronavirus deaths.

In addition, Paul explains that many more people than officially recorded have contracted coronavirus. Some of these individuals never became sick. Others got better without any treatment, says Paul, pointing to his son Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) as an example. While Rand Paul was given a test that confirmed he had coronavirus, most people who have had coronavirus and suffered no to minor medical problems have not been tested. With “probably millions of people” having contracted coronavirus, Paul concludes that the percentage of people who have contracted coronavirus and have died as a result “is probably very, very small.”

While Paul says he would choose not to take a vaccine for the coronavirus should one appear next week even if people claim it is 99 percent effective, he says that the decision to take or not take a vaccine is one that should be made by each individual, who can discuss the vaccine alternative with a doctor. Absolutely, Paul concludes, that decision should not be made by government.

Watch here Paul’s complete interview, in which he also discusses how government actions taken in the name of fighting coronavirus are harming the economy and his support for people speaking out for ending coronavirus-justified encroachments on freedom:

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From Ron Paul Institute, here.