Headlines In Halacha – Jews Going to College

1/18/20 – Show 255 – Is it Mutar to go to Secular College

January 17, 2020

Coed dorms, bathrooms and classes; frats, drinking, and OTD risk; “orthodox” Jews mixed dancing parties at night and Shacharis the next morning; rampant anti-Semitism; extreme liberalism and Kefirah – is there any Heter?

Are the Ivy League Schools worse than Brooklyn and Queens colleges? How does the situation in the U.S. compare to that of the U.K., South Africa and Australia? 

** Guest Hosted by Ari Wasserman ** Author of “Making it Work,” “Making it ALL Work” (for women) and 10 other Seforim, Maggid Shiur, Yerushalayim

with Rabbi Zevulun Schwartzman – Rosh Kollel – Yerushalayim – 8:06
with Yoni Goldberg – student, Princeton University – 33:34
with “Bracha” – student, Ivy League university – 53:24

with Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – author, speaker – London – 1:03:30
with Aaron Fishkind – student, University of Pennsylvania – 1:21:52
with Yoni Katz – student, NYU – 1:29:37
with Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl – Head of Kohelet Yeshiva – Pennsylvania – 1:41:00
with Cameron Isen – student, University of Pennsylvania – 2:09:00
with “Sarah” – student, Ivy League university – 2:21:30
with Professor Alan Dershowitz – retired Harvard Law School professor – 2:31:40
with “Alex Lyons – former student in the United Kingdom –  2:53:00
with Ari Jackson – former student in Australia – 2:55:10
with “Yaakov” – recent graduate, Queens College – 2:57:45

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From Headlines In Halacha, here.

Vote For Yigal Amir’s Release?

Party aiming to free Yigal Amir to run in March election

Mishpat Tzedek party, headed by wife of assassin Yigal Amir, registers to run in upcoming Knesset election.

Arutz Sheva Staff, 15/01/20 09:16

A party dedicated to securing the release of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassin, Yigal Amir, has been allowed to register for the upcoming Knesset election.

The Mishpat Tzedek (Fair Trial) party, headed by Yigal Amir’s wife, Larissa Amir (nee Trembovler), registered to run for the Knesset on Tuesday, after the party promised not to publicly back the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin.

Mrs. Amir told the Central Elections Committee Tuesday that the party, whose full name is the “Mishpat Tzedek Party for Judicial Reform and the Release of Yigal Amir”, was dedicated to securing a retrial for Yigal Amir as well as “all those people who deserve it, all the innocent people sitting in prison.”

Fourteen candidates are included in the party’s Knesset slate, with Yigal Amir’s wife in the top spot, and Yigal Amir’s mother, Geula Amir, in the sixth spot.

In November 1995, Amir, then a 25-year-old law student at Bar Ilan University, shot and killed Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin as he left a rally in Tel Aviv.

Amir confessed to the killing, saying that he had murdered Rabin to prevent the continuation of the Oslo process with the Palestinian Authority, and was sentenced to life plus 14 years in prison.

Despite his confession, some have argued that Amir was not actually responsible for Rabin’s death. Earlier this year, Bar Ilan professor Mordechai Kedar sparked controversy when he claimed that Amir was not the assassin.

Amir’s wife, who married Amir a decade after the assassination, has lobbied for his release.

Working in conjunction with his wife, Amir last year sought to promote the establishment of a political party dedicated to securing his release from prison, allegedly soliciting the involvement of Israeli rapper Yoav Eliasi, better known by his stage name “Hatzel” (The Shadow). Eliasi reportedly rejected the offer to help lead the party.

The party, tentatively named “Nura Deliba”, was not registered for either of the Knesset elections in 2019.

Attorney Eyal Globus of the Central Elections Committee ruled last month that the new party, renamed Mishpat Tzedek, could be allowed to run in the March 2nd election so long as it does not condone the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin.

From Arutz Sheva, here.

Israeli Government Violations of Disengagement Opponents’ Civil Rights

Civil Rights Violations during the “Disengagement” period

The 50 page report is authored by Dr. Yitzhak Klein, director of The Israel Policy Center; Shmuel Meidad, founder and director of Honenu, and attorney Itzik Bam. It can be downloaded here.

A particularly poignant Honenu case from the summer of 2005 is that of Chaya Belogorodsky, then 14 years old. Her drama began when she took part in a nonviolent demonstration against the expulsion. After watching two friends get arrested, she walked over to the police van to see how they were faring. As she stood nearby, a police officer told her to leave. When Belogorodsky replied that she was permitted by law to stand on the sidewalk, she was arrested for insulting a police officer.

The nightmare was now in full swing. Belogorodsky was placed in solitary confinement for five days. A hole in the ground served as a toilet; there was no shower, no toilet paper, no running water. She was also not permitted visits or phone calls. On Shabbat, the guards shut off the lights, guessing correctly that, as a religious Jew, she would not turn them back on. Belogorodsky spent that Shabbat in the dark. Because of the lack of kashrut supervision, she also avoided most of the food served. The “system” tried to break the spirits of hundreds of youngsters like her, aiming to discourage others from future protests.

When the five days had ended, Belogorodsky was moved to a regular prison cell. She was now granted one hour each day outside her cell for exercise and phone calls home. Her family was permitted a 30-minute visit once a week. Older girls in prison on similar charges were strip-searched after each family visit, ostensibly so prison authorities could find hidden drugs.

Belogorodsky’s father called Honenu. The prosecution wanted her remanded until trial, which at that point could have been months away. Honenu’s lawyers took the case to the Supreme Court, where Judge Ayala Procaccia, a strong advocate for government crackdown on dissenters, accepted the prosecution’s arguments that teenage Belogorodsky was an “ideologically motivated criminal” who could negatively influence others even in house arrest. The prosecution was willing to allow her to be released to a kibbutz, saying it would be a “good educational experience for her.” Belogorodsky and her parents refused on religious grounds.

As Belogorodsky’s days in jail grew to 40, public pressure on the State intensified. Eventually, the justice system relented and allowed her to return home. Belogorodsky’s father credits Honenu with extricating her from the nightmare.

Akiva Vitkin’s story also began at a non-violent protest. As the 19-year-old sat in the streets of Ramat Gan protesting the expulsion, three police officers sat on top of him and pretended to handcuff him. “Another police officer approached Akiva from behind, leaned towards his head, stuck his fingers in Akiva’s nostrils and pulled violently upwards and backwards,” Tuvia Lerner of National News Network recalls. “Akiva was dragged to a police car while he was bleeding from his nose and eyes.” Lerner had stopped his car nearby and caught the shocking incident on film.

At the Ramat Gan police station afterwards, Vitkin was taken into a room where a witness observed four policemen beating him with their fists and knocking him to the floor before the door was closed. Akiva emerged with his face swollen and bloody, barely able to walk.

Belogorodsky and Vitkin are not alone. Their stories are recorded among dozens of others in a 50-page report entitled Israeli Government Violations of Disengagement Opponents’ Civil Rights. The devastating indictment against the Israeli leadership documents 165 cases of unlawful use of pretrial detention, declared immunity for police brutality, false arrest, torture, and use of General Security Services (GSS) for cases of unarmed civil disobedience.

From Honenu, here.

How Laws and Cooperation Arise in a State of Anarchy

Why Thieves Hate Free Markets – Learn Liberty

Jan 27, 2012

Make sure to watch our latest video: “What are the basic concepts of Criminal Law?”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWJQX… –~–
Many believe that market economies create a dog eat dog environment full of human conflict and struggle.
Learn more: http://lrnlbty.co/1izBCmC

To Prof. Aeon Skoble, the competition in markets does not create conflict, but rather, encourages people to cooperate with one another for mutual benefit.

For instance, suppose a thief steals a suit from Macy’s. If Macy’s knew who the thief was, one could argue that Macy’s has an incentive to keep this information from their competitors. By withholding information about the thief, it would make it much less likely that thief would get caught while robbing Macy’s competitors. However, in the real world, competitors share information about theft with one another, creating a valuable information network. Competitors share information because it is in all of their mutual interest to crack down on theft. If a business chooses to ignore the information network, they lose out on valuable information.

The example above is just one of many examples where competitors have a strong incentive to cooperate with one another. In a certain way, we’re all merchants who trade with one another. We all individually depend on networks of reputation and trust to own a car, own a home, and have a job. In a world of competition and scarcity, we are not only capable of cooperating with one another, but we frequently do.

These voluntary systems of social cooperation, often called organic or spontaneous orders, are not planned from the top down by enlightened rulers. Rather, they emerge overtime as individuals interact with one another. These spontaneous orders are all around us, and include important things like language, fashion, internet memes, prices in a market, and law.

Going back to the suit thief, it may very well be the case that some individuals abstain from crime because of the threat of jail. However, it is also very likely that crime is prevented through networks of trust and reputation. The next time you hear that the problems that society faces can only be solved by applying force from the top down, you are right to be skeptical. Peaceful and voluntary mechanisms that encourage and facilitate cooperation are all around us.

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From YouTube, here.

קניין הש”ס – שיטת השינון

קניין הש”ס

מסגרת קניין הש”ס

המסגרת הוותיקה והגדולה ביותר בכולל דורשי ציון הינה מסגרת ‘קניין הש”ס’, אשר מהווה בשורה ופריצת דרך ללימוד המשתמר לאורך ימים, עפ”י תכנית לימוד וחזרות מושכלת ומלוטשת, אשר  התעצבה ושופרה במשך השנים, עד למצב אופטימלי שבו כל לומד מסוגל לשלוט במסכתות רבות ולקנות בהן קניין נצחי. התכנית החלה לפעול בחודש חשוון תשע”א בקבוצה של כעשרה לומדים, בהכוונת ראש הכולל הרב צוויג שליט”א, ומאז גדלה במאות אחוזים הן בכמות הלומדים והן באיכות הלימוד והסיפוק המתלווה אליו. בראש המסגרת עומד הרה”ג רבי עמרם קנטור שליט”א, המוסר מידי יום ביומו שיעור על העמוד היומי.

עיקרון המסגרת מתחלק לכמה ראשים:

  • לימוד ראשוני של קטע גמרא [בדרך כלל עמוד ליום], בשימת לב לכל פרט עד להבנה מלאה.
  • שינון הקטע כמה פעמים עד שהוא שגור על הלשון, ובחינה הדדית עם החברותא.
  • חזרה על חומר זה עוד פעמים רבות בתכנית החזרה של שינון 2 דפים בכל יום, ובחזרות תקופתיות.

הרעיון העומד בבסיס התכנית, הוא תיאום בין הלימוד לבין כלי הלמידה של המוח האנושי, באופן שמאפשר גם קליטת ידע, וגם ריענון הידע אחת לשבוע, לחודש וכן הלאה. רעיון זה מאומת ע”י מומחים בחקר המוח ומיושם רבות בשנים אצל ת”ח מופלגים נודעים, ביניהם הגאון רבי בונים שרייבר שליט”א והגאון רבי יהושע כהן שליט”א אשר ליוו את התכנית ותרמו מנסיונם בעצה נכונה לשימור הלימוד, באופן המתאים גם ללימוד העיון וגם ללימוד הבקיאות.

בתכנית לימוד הגמרא נלקחו בחשבון שלשה גורמים עיקריים: ידיעה, הבנה, שימור. מתוך הכרה בנחיצות שלושת מוסדות-לימוד אלו.

  • ‘ידיעה’ משמעה קניין מסכתות הש”ס, כל מסכת מתחילתה עד סופה בלי דילוגים, באופן של שימת לב לכל נושא הן בהלכה והן באגדה ולקנות בו ידיעה שלמה ככל שניתן. למטרה זו מיועד סדר הלימוד היומי בו לומדים עמוד גמרא במשך כשלש וחצי שעות בחברותא, הכולל שיעור קצר בסופו לסיכום עיקרי שיטות הראשונים בנידוני הסוגיות, כך שבסוף השבוע נרכשת ידיעה חשובה בכשני דפים חדשים.
  • ‘הבנה’ משמעה בהירות בסוגייא הנלמדת, המושגת ע”י עיון והתבוננות בגמרא ובמפרשיה הראשיים, וכן ע”י משא ומתן בדיבוק חברים. למטרה זו נקבעה תכנית הלימוד במתכונת גפ”ת עם פסקי הרא”ש והר”ן שעל הרי”ף, כך שיש פנאי להתמקד בהבנת הפשט ובמסקנות העולות לדינא אצל עיקרי הפוסקים. כמובן שכדי למצות את ההבנה ולקנות ידיעה מקיפה בביאור הסוגיא ובשיטות שאר הראשונים יש לעמול הרבה יותר, אלא שלכך נקרא הלומד להשקיע מעצמו כפי כוחו ועיתותיו. רוב הלומדים בקבוצה זו הינם אברכים ותיקים שלמדו שנים רבות בעיון נמרץ בישיבות ובכוללים ומטרתם להשיג ידיעה ברורה, גם אם כרגע לא מקיפה דיה, במסכתות שלמות, ולזכות לרכוש בהמשך ידיעת הש”ס כולו בס”ד.
  • ‘שימור’ היינו כל השתדלות למען זכירת הלימוד בכדי שלא יהיה העמל לריק חלילה, וזאת ע”י ייחוד זמן לחזרה שבועית בכל יום חמישי, וכן חזרה תקופתית, כמו כן נערכים מבחנים מסכמים בכל שבוע ומידי תקופה, בכדי לכוין את הלומדים לחידוד ההבנה ולהגדרת המסקנות העולות מן הלימוד. הלומדים נקראים גם להעלות על הכתב ביאורים שנתחדשו להם במהלך הלימוד, כשמרבית החידושים נדפסים אח”כ בקונטרס היוצא לאור ע”י הכולל.

“נבחרת הכולל”

בתוך חבורת ‘קניין הש”ס’ התאגדה קבוצת אברכים מיוחדת לאתגר את עצמם מעל למצופה, ומעבר לרמה הרגילה של כלל האברכים,

קבוצה זו המונה כחמישה עשר אברכים, מגיעים לרמת ידיעה גבוהה במיוחד, ומתבטאת בין השאר בדברים הבאים:

  • כל שינון וחזרה שנעשה בכולל, נאמר על ידם בעל פה ממש ללא פתיחת גמרא, לכל הפחות בחזרות על חומר שנלמד בשלושת החודשים האחרונים.
  • בחינות פתע בעל פה ע”י ראש החבורה, עם שאלות מאתגרות במיוחד.
  • ידיעת הדפים בעל פה בפירוט מורחב כגון-ידיעת מספר הדף ,שמות בעלי המימרא , שקלא וטריא מלאים, ועוד ועוד.