Post-Indictment Career Advice for ‘Israel’s Bill Clinton’ (From Over a Decade Ago…)

In What State Should Bibi Run for the U.S. Senate?

Friday, March 02, 2007

By Bradley Burston

He’s obviously cut out for the job. He speaks well. He is telegenic. He has high levels of face and name recognition. He is second to none at the sound byte. He knows how to raise money. He knows how to make waves.

Most importantly, American Jews love him.

It’s time for Benjamin Netanyahu to do what he was made to do. Run for the U.S. Senate.

Why should he continue to waste his talents and what’s left of his relative youth on the Israeli electorate? His comrades in the Likud scheme to undermine him. His former comrades in Kadima miss no chance to demonize him. His potential coalition partners in Labor want nothing to do with him.

Already 10 years ago, elected prime minister at age 46, he had gone as far in Israeli politics as anyone can.

It’s time for a change.

He could be the very model of the modern Schwarzenegger Republican, moderate on abortion, stem cell research, and health care reform, hawkish on terrorism and tax cuts.

Most remarkably, he is an Israeli leader who thinks he speaks English and actually does.

Of course, there would be technical obstacles to a Netanyahu race for the Senate. Citizenship, for one thing. But assuming the hurdles could be smoothed by his many admirers of influence, there would be a more difficult problem: Where to run.

Does he go for the Jews — knowing that many American Jews vote liberal, blue and to his left? Or does he stand a better chance courting the Christian Right?

Does he go for New York — home to an enormous reservoir of expatriate Israelis — knowing that he lacks liberal credentials? Does he go for California, knowing that he lacks acting credits?

Continue reading…

From The Jewish Leadership Blog, here.

Who’s Ox Is Being Gored?

We Have Our Own Interests

I remember, one of the first things I saw when I visited Yad V’Shem, the Holocaust Museum, were pictures from American Planes of the camps and train lines.
Israelis, Jews from as far back as I can recall often held these pictures and other events like turned back boats and late entry to the war as proof that America failed. “America hated the Jews too,” they said.

And the answer that America had its own interests was never accepted. Because it was the Holocaust and it happened to us.

And then I heard Israeli President Peres, at the beginning of the Arab Spring, defending Assad & Mubarak as men of stability.

I read Wiki Leaks and learned of secret deals between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

And selling “defense” weaponry to whoever can pay.

And on and on and on.

And I ask people, how can Israel support, trade and defend dictators with barbarous regimes?

And the answer is always the same: We have our own interests.

Rabbi Avigdor Miller’s PRAISE for Rabbi Meir Kahane…

Rav Avigdor Miller on Rabbi Meir Kahane

Q: What do you say about Rav Meir Kahane?

A: I’m not going to say much about him because I didn’t know him personally. But one thing I will say, however. A shevach, a praise. I want to say one shevach about him.

He was the most outspoken critic of the Reform Jews who are plaguing the Jewish people here in America – and all over the world too. People don’t know that about him. He spoke against Reform Jews, against all the people who aren’t loyal to the Torah, more than anybody else. And that’s why he was hated. Don’t think he was hated so much because of his political views. He was hated by the establishment because he criticized the Reform and the Conservatives. He spoke so bitterly against them that it burned them up. And that’s a good thing! Nobody spoke up against the resha’im in the AmYisroel like he did in the last forty-five years.

TAPE # 806

From Toras Avigdor, here.