Publishing Your Own Sefer Is Easier Than You Might Think!

Easiest Self-Publishing Categories

What’s the easiest way to write a book?

Often, people view writing as an arduous task – and it can be – but becoming a published author doesn’t have to be difficult at all.

Hard to believe? Well, it’s true. In fact, your book might already be written!

The Easy Way

Tons of people have enough material right now to publish a book without having to sit down and start writing from scratch.

That’s because so many people are already involved in writing, teaching, and studying on a regular basis. If you’re one of them, it’s possible that all you need to do is to transform your raw material into a manuscript and – presto! – you’ll have a book.

Let’s take a look at some of the places your book might already be hiding.


Have you ever heard a lecture that transformed your life? Is there any record of it? Probably not.

Maybe you’ve given presentations about your work or spoken on topics near to your heart at special occasions. You might be one of the many teachers who shares their tremendous knowledge every day. If you’ve already put the work into creating one of these lectures, speeches, lesson plans, or presentations, why not use it to as a starting point for your book?

You might not have a written document of your lecture, but there might be an audio or video recording of it. These recordings can be transcribed and edited to form a wonderful book. Otherwise, you might have a set of notes that you can use as the basis for your book.

Collected Essays

Have you ever written a daily, weekly, or monthly column for a newspaper or magazine, in print or online? How about blog posts? How many have you posted on your website over the years? Perhaps you send regular emails with Torah thoughts, personal advice, or business insight.

All of these can easily be collected and transformed into very special books, and a lot of people are making a lot of money doing this.

If these articles were printed in old newsletters or magazines, it’s possible there is barely a trace of them today. What a pity! And even if they do exist online, is it easy for them to be noticed among the billions of other articles on the world wide web? Collecting and publishing your writings in one attractive volume can create a good opportunity to promote your work and get it to those who are interested in it.


Maybe you have a notebook filled with your most treasured ideas. So many people, especially men and women who have devoted much of their lives to studying various parts of the Torah, have pages full of notes and thoughts waiting to be culled and organized into precious books.

If these notes are truly notable, then there is a great benefit in publishing them as a book. Even if these notes are only special to your family, your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will cherish these thoughts. They can create an everlasting bond between the generations.

Unpublished Manuscripts

You might not believe it, but since I entered the publishing world, I have met many people who have told me that they have complete manuscripts that have never been published. I’m sure that there must be tens of thousands more like them in the world!

Why would someone write a manuscript and not publish it?

They might have submitted it to a traditional publisher without getting a positive response. Instead of trying again and again, they gave up. Some authors might be too nervous to even submit their work to a publisher at all.

These stories break my heart. After all the effort these authors invested in their manuscripts, they have nothing to show for it. What a shame!

If you are one of those people, please don’t waste all that effort. No matter what, don’t give up. Find a way to publish your manuscript, and often the easiest way is by self-publishing.

Where Do You Start?

The first thing you’ll need is a Microsoft Word document with your raw material in it. Whether you’re starting with a hand-written notebook, emails, or a tape cassette, you’ll need to transfer your writing to this industry-standard electronic format.

Of course, your book can’t be a random assortment of thoughts; it needs a coherent and consistent approach. So, sit down, review the material available, and devise a plan for organizing the material so that it’s sensible and engaging. Even with plenty of good material to work with, be prepared to do a little more writing to make the title a complete success.

The next stage is to decide if you are going to attempt to publish through traditional channels or to self-publish. This choice really depends on how marketable your manuscript is. A really specialized book – a family history, for instance – will be an invaluable treasure to a few people, but it won’t have the large audience a traditionally published book demands.

If you are going to submit it to a publisher, you don’t need to hire an editor to edit your work. If the publisher accepts the manuscript, he will edit it according to his style. The time and money you will spend on editing is likely to go to waste.

If you are going to self-publish, which is an increasingly popular approach, decide how much money you are prepared to invest in the book. The more you invest, the better the quality of publication, and the more pleasure you will have from it. If you have a minimal budget, you can still put out a good publication (and you can try crowdfunding). In either case, it’s important to plan your budget.

Whatever your situation is, I can’t encourage you enough to make the small effort to realize your publishing dreams today.

From Jewish Self Publishing, here.

הרב ברנד: פאה נכרית היא מזכרת עון גם *בלי* תקרובת עבודה זרה

הדימיון בין מצוות התורה ותכשיטי נשים

דמיון לקיום מצוות בארץ ישראל ● חיבור בעל ואשתו דומה לחיבור כלל ישראל עם הקב”ה ● מצות לולב להקב”ה או לעבודה זרה ● פאה נכרית בגמרא בשביל קישוט לבעלה ● הקלקול של פאה נכרית לרחוב ולא לבעלה ● הנהגת לאה אמנו עד לידת זבולון ● החיבור בעולמות העליונים

22:08 (22/12/19) מכון בריתי יצחק ● הרב יצחק ברנד

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר בריתי יצחק – הרב ברנד שליט”אכאן.

Come, See How Hashem Helps Jewish Families Make Aliyah

Rebecca Lefkowitz – Waiting for Moshiach here

Reflecting upon my life, I am not certain why or when it started, but in my heart was always a desire to live in Eretz Yisroel. Perhaps its root was in an early trauma of mine – when I was 7 and my brother 4. At that time my father was stationed in Turkey for an extended stay, and my mother left us with relatives to rendezvous with him in Israel! How I wanted to go with her! But all is gam zu l’tova and perhaps those feelings planted the seed…

After our marriage, my husband learned in a Rochester kollel for 3 years, then we moved to North Miami Beach where we lived happily for the next 20 years. I became an elementary school secular studies teacher and my husband a high school Rebbe. We were a real chinuch and kiruv family; very involved in our community and everything was going well. Although I very much continued to nurture my dream, as did my husband, his inability to speak Ivrit held us back from seriously considering a move, until Hashem set the gears into motion. Four years ago toward the end of the school year, my husband got a notice – his contract was not being renewed. This was not a shock to us as he was the last black-hatter on the staff; the school had moved in a different direction.

Where to go now? We could not stay in Miami without parnassah. As we considered options, we were sure that EY could not work out – plenty of men are looking for the kind of job my husband was suited for, a Rebbe in an American Yeshiva. What were his chances? But the only other job opportunity that came up was in Dallas!!!  We were very reluctant to make such a move with our 9 children ranging in age from 21 to 1! My husband called his Rebbe in EY, not expecting much, and described our situation. His Rebbe said he would ask around and see if there was an available job for him. Imagine our surprise and delight when, a week later, my husband was offered a job in his Rebbe’s American Yeshiva!

We consulted with HaRav Shmuel Kaminetsky, Philadelphia’s Rosh Yeshiva. He reviewed all the details of the move with us, as our situation was different than most. Rav Shmuel then told us, “Go (to Eretz Yisroel) and wait for Moshiach there!” At the time, our 4 oldest children did not make Aliyah with us. But since then our oldest has married and is living in the States, and our 4th is still there in beis medrash; the other two have since come to EY and are starting their own homes here.

When we moved here, we arrived only 5 days before the school year started. Despite the fact that we had already been accepted to schools, there was the all-too-familiar rush of getting school supplies, books, and uniforms, coupled with the pressure of settling into a new home and a new land, and new language. When the school found out I was an experienced English teacher, they kept asking me to join the staff, and after Succos I began working there on a part-time basis. My husband had begun immediately in the Yeshiva, so we all slid into position without too much initial friction.

Certainly, there were and still are adjustments. In the USA, we were the frummies, the chinuch family living among all kinds of ba’alabatim. Here we are the Americans… different ideas, different expectations, in some ways, more modern. As could be anticipated, it was a big change for our oldest who made aliya with us; nevertheless, she is doing well and developing her character as she adjusts. The three middle children, not so in tune to the nuances and differences, didn’t find it so hard and they are also doing very well. BH, the baby is just growing up here and doesn’t really know anything else.

Even though the preliminary move was relatively easy, there are still many adjustments for me. One is figuring out who is a suitable playmate for my children. In Miami, since I taught in the schools and lived there a long time, I knew all families. Here, I’m starting from ground zero, not knowing anyone nor having any points of reference. It’s harder to see if someone really has the middos, values that are important to us. Here, many people are in kollel, but there are still all types within that framework. Also, I had to make a paradigm shift in my teaching. I only have my students for 3 hours a week instead of 20 as I had in Florida. It’s not possible to connect to the students and teach in the same way. Additionally, shopping and all kinds of trips can be challenging since we downsized from 2 cars to a bus! I work on creating a safe space for me and focusing on the positive.

The Hashgacha Pratis and nachas are incredible; since we came, we made a chasunah every single year! I was thrilled to be able to be with my daughter in America when she had her baby. Hashem made it work out so well! I run a summer camp in my home in Israel, and I only had a 2 week gap between school and camp – that was the only time I could go to the States to help her. I arrived at her home and we spent a wonderful 3 days and beautiful Shabbos together and then went to the hospital for the birth! I made the bris for her and came back right on time to Israel for my camp program.

All I can add is a tefillah that Hashem help us continue to reap nachas – for us and all klal Yisroel!

Written By: Tova Younger

This article is part of our Haaretz Hatovah series featuring Yidden living in, settling, and building up Eretz Yisroel. For more info please contact or visit

From Naava Kodesh, here.