Vayechi: the Tragedy of a Comfortable Galus

the greatest tragedy of all

Chazal offer different reasons why parshas Vayechi is a parsha stuma, a “closed” parsha, one with no break between its opening and the previous parsha.  One view suggests that the text is alluding to the fact that Yaakov’s access to ruach hakodesh was closed off and he was unable to reveal to his children what will happen in the end of days.  Another view sees the parsha stuma as an allusion to Klal Yisrael being closed off in galus.  A final view quoted in the Yalkut explains that the parsha is closed because, after suffering for so many years of heartache and pain, Yaakov was finally closed off and removed from all sorrows.
Although the same Midrash quotes all three views, the last one clearly stands out as  anomalous.  The first two explanations see a parsha stuma as alluding to something negative — Yaakov’s loss of ruach hakodesh, Klal Yisrael’s loss of freedom.  Not so the third view, which sees the stuma as alluding to Yaakov’s loss of sorrow — what could be better than that?

Chasam Sofer (derashos, 5593) explains that in fact, this third view actually reflects the most negative perspective on the parsha and sees in it the greatest tragedy of all.  Here we have Yaakov Avinu entering galus where he knows he will die, here we have the shivtei K-h leaving Eretz Yisrael with no idea when they will ever return home.  What happened when they entered the land of Mitzrayim?  Last week’s parsha ends by telling us that they settled in Goshen, “va’yeiachazu bah vayifru vayirbu me’od.”  They had beautiful homes, lots of kids, mistama they started businesses, and life was good!  There was probably a kosher pizza or two or three in Goshen, a sushi joint with fresh fish from the Nile, etc. — all the amenities we like to have.  And with no break our parsha starts, “Vayechi Yaakov…,” Yaakov had a second wind in life and he too could enjoy his final years in Mitzrayim.  What’s so bad?

Chazal tell us that when you see this scene, instead of jumping for joy, you should shed a tear.  Does anyone living that life in Goshen — a life similar to the life many of us live in galus USA — remember that this is galus, that this is not where we are supposed to be and not where we should want to be?

The greatest tragedy of the parsha is that we’ve forgotten the tzaros — we’ve gotten used to galus and we’re successful and happy here and we could care less about getting out.

Chasam Sofer elsewhere writes that when the navi tells us that the fast days that commemorate the churban habayis, among them today, 10 Teves, will one day be transformed into days of simcha, it does not mean that we will suddenly forget everything from the past.  Aderaba, the simcha comes davka because we never forgot the past.  It’s only because we continue to think about beis hamikdash even when we don’t have it,  showing that we still connect to it and long for it, that we will eventually be able to celebrate it’s return.  But if we forget, if it doesn’t bother us that it’s not here, then what exactly is going to move us to happiness when we do get it back?

דור טהור בעיניו ומצאתו לא רחץ

נתן גושן וישי ריבו – נחכה לך Nathan Goshen & Ishay Ribo

האזינו לשיר של נתן גושן וישי ריבו “נחכה לך”
Listen to the song “Nechake Lach” by Nathan Goshen & Ishay Ribo

נתן גושן – הופעות קרובות:

שמיעת השיר בדיזר:
שמיעת השיר בספוטיפיי:
שמיעת השיר בטידל:
הורדת השיר באייטיונס:
שמיעת השי באפל מיוזיק:
לשמיעה בטיק טוק:
הורדת שיר בהמתנה בהוט מובייל:
הורדת שיר בהמתנה בפרטנר:
הורדת שיר בהמתנה בפלאפון:
הורדת שיר בהמתנה בסלקום:

מילים ולחן – נתן גושן
הפקה מוסיקלית – גלעד שמואלי
עיבוד – גלעד שמואלי ונתן גושן

ריח הקרבות עוד באוויר
עם עייף חובש פצעיו
יושב, סופר ימיו.

צעקות בושה בכל העיר,
דור רוצה תשובה עכשיו,
זכאי ולא חייב.

בגוף עייף מכשלונות,
בלב שבור לחתיכות,
נחכה לך שתקבל פנינו.
לך קראנו בלילות,
ועוד נצעק ברחובות,
רחם עלינו אבא, הושיענו.

זמן עובר, כולם ממהרים.
דור מחיש את פעמיו,
רוצה הכל עכשיו.

שמש בשמיים אפורים,
עם בארץ אבותיו,
נלחם עוד על חייו.


פסנתר – עדי גולדשטיין
קאנון – אמיר אלייאב
בס – אייל רווה
גיטרות – רמי אוסרווסר
צ׳לו, כלי מיתר ועיבוד כלי מיתר – יועד ניר
תופים קלידים ותכנותים – גלעד שמואלי

מיקס מאסטרינג ועריכת שירה – שי סיון

עיצוב עטיפה וקליפ מילים – סטודיו סולם יעקב
צילום: סלי בן אריה

נתן גושן –
ניהול, ייצוג אישי ובוקינג : טדי הפקות ויזמות בע”מ 03-6488868
יחסי ציבור : מיטל אהרוני 054-6211902 |
מנהלת מחלקת אומנים, טדי הפקות : מירה שפיגל|
הפקה בפועל : אופיר צימבליסט לייבוביץ|
שיווק דיגיטלי: אביב לוסקי Digistage

ישי ריבו –
ניהול וייצוג: אור דוידסון | 03-6441169 |
יחסי ציבור : מורן פז | ‪03-5610288‬ |
ניהול מדיה : ג’ירף ניו מדיה | 0549001516
הופעות קרובות :


מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

No, Real-Life Businessmen Are HARDLY EVER a ‘Persecuted Minority’…

Ayn Rand’s Greatest Mistake

It was those heady early days of the Libertarian Movement. Icons like David Nolan, Murray Rothbard and James Libertarian Burns still walked the earth — and L. Neil Smith was just getting up a head of steam.

That’s when I got my first clue to Ayn Rand’s greatest mistake, though, as often happens, I failed to understand it at the time. It came as Larry Moser and I gave a talk to the Las Vegas Junior Chamber of Commerce (the “JCs“).

We presented two libertarian issues; heroin decriminalization to demonstrate civil liberties and voluntary exchange in free markets to demonstrate economic freedom. Since JCs are business folks, we figured we’d get static on decriminalization, but if we addressed the free-trade issues last, we would leave them happy.

Sure enough, immediately after the decriminalization presentation one JC stood up and in no uncertain terms told us we were crazy to propose such a thing. Before we could answer, another JC said, “Sit down Bob. They’re right.”

There was a murmur of assent from the rest of the thirty or so, presumably conservative, business folks in the audience.

Larry and I looked at each other amazed. We figured we were over the hump.

After our free market presentation, however, there was dead silence. We felt a chill. Someone murmured something like “You can’t have that sort of thing going on.” Another murmur of assent. What was going on here?

My second clue came a few years later at the Colorado LP Presedential Nominating Convention just outside Denver where Bill Huncher was squaring off against Ed Clark. It came in a story related to me by a libertarian, let’s call him “Jim,” running for office in Colorado.

Jim had managed to get an appointment with Adolph Coors Jr., purportedly a libertarian sympathizer himself. During small-talk, Coors expressed admiration and support for the Libertarian Party and its “bold pro-freedom platform” about which he proved himself well informed. However, when Jim asked for a campaign contribution, Mr. Coors declined.

If you were elected, you’d eliminate the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) wouldn’t you?” he asked. Jim responded that, in accordance with the LP Platform, indeed he would.

Mr. Coors explained that because of a regulatory technicality, Coors trucking subsidiaries didn’t have to “dead-head” and could bring their trucks back loaded, something ICC didn’t permit other trucking companies to do at the time.

ICC literally defined a truck returning full as “illegal competition” with the railroads. Coors Jr. forth-rightly told Jim that elimination of the ICC would thus weaken Coors’ competitive advantage and so he couldn’t justify supporting Libertarian candidates.

And another clue: In the late 1970s, developers in Lake Tahoe wanted to build a hotel/casino they were calling “The Park Tahoe,” but an environmental organization calling itself approximately “The Society to Preserve Lake Tahoe” (SPLT) blocked them every step of the way.

The main movers and shakers behind SPLT weren’t, however, environmentalists; they were Harrah’s, Harvey’s, Barney’s, Sahara Tahoe, and the other hotel/casino operators already established in the Stateline-South Shore area. Had all these casino organizations suddenly become environmentally conscious?

Shortly after the grand opening of Park Tahoe — which later became Caesar’s Tahoe — a local rancher applied for permits to build yet another hotel/casino across the street. Would you care to guess the identity of the newest environmentally conscious member of SPLT who zealously led the fight against this newest environmental hazard?

Park Tahoe of course!

As I finally began to realize, business people, Rand’s heroic figures notwithstanding, generally aren’t the champions of laizze-faire and free market voluntary exchange many libertarians tend to assume. Often, quite the contrary. Assuming otherwise was Ayn Rand’s greatest mistake.

Merchants using government to stifle the competition etc. is nearly as old as government itself. Like this “seven or eight hundred years’” effort to stifle competition from rural textile production and early trading for example – – –

“(h) The countryside was cut out of trade in the Middle Ages.
‘Up to and during the course of the fifteenth century the towns were the sole centers of commerce and industry to such an extent that none of it was allowed to escape into the open country’ (Pirenne, _Economic and Social History_, p.169). ‘The struggle against rural trading and against rural handicrafts lasted at least seven or eight hundred years’ (Heckscher, _Mercantilism_, 1935, Vol. I, p. 129). ‘The severity of these measures increased with the growth of ‘democratic government‘ . . . . ‘All through the fourteenth century regular armed expeditions were sent out against all the villages in the neighborhood and looms or fulling-vats [in which cloth was dyed] were broken or carried away.’ (Pirenne, op.cit., p. 211).” -Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation. (Boston: Beacon Press 1957), p. 277

You have to admit a century of loom-stealing and fulling-vat smashing shows persistence and dedication. And notice the connection to ‘democratic government.’

Seminal Austrian-school economist Ludwig von Mises completely understood the broader context of vested economic interests using government for their own ends, which of course, has been quite thoroughly perfected today – – –

The consumers do not care about the investments made with regard to past market conditions and do not bother about the vested interests of entrepreneurs, capitalists, land-owners, and workers… It is precisely the fact that the market does not respect vested interests that makes the people concerned ask for government interference.

– Ludwig von Mises, Human Action

So, when vested interests ask for government interference — to protect themselves from markets and competition — they have to do it in cahoots with politicians.

To make this work, they regularly disguise the interference as “regulation.” They pretend “regulation” is to protect us “consumers” from businesses instead of the other way around.

You can catch a surprising glimpse of just how remarkably successful vested interests are at using politicians to get their disguised and bogus protective “regulation” here:

UNCOMMON SENSE: What government regulation is REALLY used for

HERE for updates, additions, comments, and corrections.

AND, “Like,” “Tweet,” and otherwise, pass this along!

From LRC, here.

The Malicious Myth of ‘Economic Power’

Government Power vs Economic Power (by Ludwig von Mises)

Oct 27, 2017

Ludwig von Mises explains the difference between governmental power and economic power.

This is part of an essay called “The Elite Under Capitalism”, originally published in 1962 by The Freeman. The essay became chapter 3 of the Mises collection “Economic Freedom and Interventionism” (1980).

Article text:…

From YouTube, here.