Yes, Russian-Hoax Humor During ELLUL!

Putin Declares Victory In Israel Elections

“Today marks a victory for democracy as cover for my machinations.”

Moscow, September 18 – A long night of vote-counting, speeches, and tension culminated this morning in an announcement by Russia’s president thanking Israeli citizens for voting into office the candidates and parties of his choosing.

Vladimir Putin congratulated Israelis Wednesday morning on voting the way he had manipulated them via social media trolling, bankrolling elements to sow division, and fomenting uncertainty on the Jewish state’s northern border to undermine any sense of security.

“I would like to take this special moment to show my appreciation for the victory the Israeli electorate has handed me,” pronounced the autocrat-in-all-but-name and former KGB operative. “We can now move forward with the fractured polity, political stalemate, hyperpartisanship, and mutual mistrust that best suits the policy I have been pursuing for Russian interests in the Middle East and beyond. Today marks a victory for democracy as cover for my machinations.”

“Together, or it will appear that way at least, we can work to build a region and world as I have envisioned,” continued Putin. “This mandate to continue undermining democratic institutions and sentiments in the West and elsewhere forms an important building block in Russia’s long-term strategy for hegemony. I would say we couldn’t have done it without you, but that is not strictly true; what we could not have done without you, the voters, is give the result the veneer of democratic legitimacy. So thank you for that.”

Last night’s electoral triumph marks the second time this year that Putin has achieved the desired outcome in Israeli elections. In April, the divided electorate chose enough parties with mutually exclusive core demands that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu proved unable to form a majority coalition in the 120-seat Knesset. The political stagnation and loss of faith in Israel’s democratic system – as demonstrated by low voter turnout and increased apathy in polls before the election – serve as a key element of the Russian leader’s global strategy to distract the US and its democratic allies with internal strife while Putin pursues an imperialist agenda without American, European, or NATO interference that would otherwise make his designs unattainable.

Putin declined to reveal whether his near-term strategy calls for more inability to form a coalition, necessitating yet another round of elections in Israel early in 2020, or whether such a move would backfire as dissatisfaction with the status quo deadlock drives enough Israelis to vote for an outcome out of line with Russian interests.

From PreOccupied Territory, here.

Pesak Halacha Is Reduced to ARITHMETIC…

Two New Halachic Fallacies Defined

It’s time to add two more halachic fallacies to our ongoing list. Remember, ideally, these types of arguments should not be made when trying to arrive at the true halacha.

1. Lagur Mip’nei Ish (Fearing a Man): Moses himself instructed the judges he appointed to “fear no man” (Deuteronomy 1:17), and this rule is based on the language of the verse. The basic meaning is that the judges should not fear potentially dangerous and vengeful individuals they may have to put on trial. But, on another level, the sages point out that (Sanhedrin 6-8) when rabbinical judges and decisors are called upon to render their opinions, they must be willing, when necessary, to disagree with precedent exposited by someone else, no matter his stature. That is, they should not fear any of their predecessors. For example, there are many around me today who will not entertain any opinion that goes against one of the explicit opinions of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. Now, if they wish to follow the rabbi’s decisions all the time, I can not fault them, but ideally they should at least consider disagreeing with Rabbi Yosef, much like they would consider any side of a dispute, despite those throughout the ages who held otherwise. Another example was the case of Rabbi Eisenstein, who believed that Rav Elyashiv could not be disagreed with. Of course, he does not have a problem with disagreeing with the opinions of, for example, the Shulhan Aruch and other great decisors on occasion. It is only with regard to Rav Elyashiv that he applies the fallacy.

2. In Bava Bathra 36b we find what I will dub the Plurality-Precedent Fallacy:

R’ Bibi inquired of R’ Nahman: What is the reason of those [authorities] who hold that ploughing a field [year after year] confers a presumption of ownership? — [He answered:] A man will not watch someone else plough his field without objecting. [He asked further:] And what is the reason of those who hold that ploughing a field [year after year] does not confer a presumption of ownership? — Because the owner says to himself, ‘The more he ploughs, the better it is for me.’ The inhabitants of Pum Nahara sent the following inquiry to R’ Nahman son of R’ Hisda: Will our master please instruct us whether ploughing a field [year after year] confers a presumption of ownership? He replied: R’ Aha and all G’dolei Hador, the great minds of our generation, hold that ploughing a field [year after year] does not confer a presumption of ownership. R’ Nahman son of R’ Isaac said: Is it greatness to count men? For Rav and Samuel in Babylonia and Rabbi Ishmael and Rabbi Akiba in the land of Israel hold that ploughing does confer a presumption of ownership.

Note that there are three Amora’im by the name of Nahman in this passage. R’ Nahman son of R’ Hisda followed a known ruling by many great Rabbis, and the latter R’ Nahman challenged him, pointing out that although his opinion was well-precedented, it did not take into account that the other side of the argument also had its supporters. When a true decisor is asked a question of halacha, he is not merely supposed to start counting how many authorities would side with his ruling; he must consider all of the sides, and actually draw his own objective conclusion. And yes, it would be good if his conclusion has been reached by others in the past, but that can not be the only factor. Sometimes, I get mentally frustrated reading responsa that reach their conclusions by using R’ Nahman son of R’ Hisda’s methodology without trying to show which opinion best fits with the Talmudic sources.

From Rabbi Avi Grossman, here.

לספר את האמת אודות ריטלין = מעין התאבדות מקצועית

“הפרעת קשב” היא “ליקוי הלמידה” הנפוץ בקרב תלמידי ישראל. ב”מחלה” מטפלים באמצעות ריטלין – סם ממריץ, קרוב משפחה כימי של קוקאין. אסור היום להעניש ילד בבית ספר, אבל מותר לסמם את הילדים שמפריעים למערכת הממשלתית האחידה להגיע ל”שוויוניות”.

דר’ יעקב אופיר הוא פסיכולוג קליני, עמית מחקר בטכניון ובאוניברסיטת תל אביב. דר’ אופיר פרסם מאמר במוסף הארץ (30/08/2019) אותו הגדיר כ”מעין התאבדות מקצועית”.

דר’ אופיר כופר בקיומה של ה”מחלה” הנפוצה אצל ילדים בעידן המודרני: הפרעת קשב, וממילא מתנגד ל”תרופה” הנפוצה – ריטלין.

“הפרעת קשב” היא “ליקוי הלמידה” הנפוץ בקרב תלמידי ישראל ומזכה את התלמידים המאובחנים בהקלות וב”התאמות” אחרות במבחנים ובבגרות. דוגמאות: תוספת זמן במבחנים, סיוע מורה בזמן הבחינה, בחינה בעל פה.

בשנות ה-80 הונהגו בהולנד קצבאות נכות נדיבות מאות. תוך מספר שנים הסתבר: כל הולנדי שישי הצליח להצטייד ב”אישור נכות” והיה זכאי לקצבה. כאשר מחלקים לתלמידים “הקלות” במבחנים אין פלא שבערך 40% מתלמידי ישראל מאובחנים כבעלי “לקויות למידה”. בשנת 2017 פורסמו האזורים המחזיקים באליפות הארץ במספר התלמידים עם “לקויות למידה”:

 2521 1

באזור השרון, לדוגמה, יש יישובים רבים שבהם שיעור גבוה מתלמידי י”ב אובחנו כלקויי למידה: במועצה האזורית חוף השרון, בדרום השרון, בתל מונד וברעננה – 65% בכל אחת, בהוד השרון 60%, בהרצליה 59% ובכפר סבא 57%.

לא מפתיע שככל שמשפחה משתייכת לאשכול חברתי גבוה יותר, מתרבים “לקויי הלמידה”. יש יותר כסף לשלם ל”מומחים לאבחון” (אלפי שקלים). ישנם בתי ספר באזורים מבוססים שבכיתה י’ 76% מהתלמידים “לקויים”. לכן לערבים ולבדואים כמעט ואין “לקויי למידה”…

האבחון הוא למעשה אישור רשמי שהתלמיד פטור ממאמצים להצליח. התלמיד מקבל ומפנים שהוא בעל נכות. מעניין – מאוחר יותר, בצבא, באקדמיה ובחיים האמיתיים ה”ליקויים” לפתע נעלמים וצריך להתמודד עם העולם האמיתי, וכנראה שבהצלחה לא מבוטלת למרות אבחנת הנכות בה רבים הצטיידו בצעירותם…

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר קו ישר, כאן.