The Shanda of JEWISH Illegal Aliens in America…

By Stephen Steinlight on July 22, 2011

The old leftwing weekly The Forward, like every national Jewish paper and virtually every regional or local one, adheres to the Jewish Establishment’s line on immigration, advocating an unspecified incarnation of the radically subjective policy termed “comprehensive immigration reform,” denoted increasingly by the less menacing-sounding, more user-friendly appellation “immigration reform.” Virtually identical robotized editorials appear ad nauseam in the Jewish press demanding the passage of “immigration reform,” arguing on the basis of the worst eisegesis, out-of-context and mistranslated quotation torn from Hebrew scripture, as well as allusions to “Jewish social values” as though that abstraction meant precisely the same thing to everyone and carried hard, fast and immediate policy implications reflecting a universal Jewish consensus. These astounding illogical leaps and arrogant assumptions are matched by a suffocating ideological conformity.

But The Forward evidently retains sufficient independence to wander off the reservation occasionally and publish a story dealing with a problematic aspect of immigration unlikely to originate elsewhere in the Jewish media: in this case the fact that several thousand illegal aliens who are Jews currently reside in the United States. Not only is the subject problematic, but the story paints a distinctly unflattering picture of the Jewish Establishment. Not, to be sure, for its being zealous in the pursuit of a bad cause, but for its own brand of hypocrisy with regard to a parochial but revealing aspect of the issue. To its credit, it should also be noted that the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) syndicated the story, giving it wide exposure. “Undocumented Jews Live in the Shadows of U.S. Society: Not the Usual Illegal Alien and Off the Communal Agenda,” by Nathan Guttman is a significant piece, and not solely or primarily for what would seem the most obvious reason: providing readers knowledge they didn’t previously possess.

More than a groundbreaking news story, Guttman has written a thinly-veiled editorial, a terse, surprisingly sharp moral critique of the Jewish Establishment as a whole and perforce the organization historically deemed most responsible for protecting Jewish immigrants, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS). Guttman indirectly berates them – showing as opposed to telling is invariably the more effective means of skewering one’s targets – for the political indifference to their own. HIAS has abandoned wholesale its historical mission by refusing to take up their cause of Jewish illegal aliens publicly and making them part of its political advocacy on immigration. This refusal is particularly telling in light of the fact that HIAS vigorously promotes the interests of every other group that comprises America’s vast illegal population, making an exception only for Jews while embracing groups with the highest levels of anti-Semitism on earth.

Though Guttman is too much a partisan of “comprehensive immigration reform” to make the point, the policy is a disaster for America and emphatically not in the interest of Americans who are Jews, as I have argued on many occasions. One would think the morally adolescent, universalistic, post-American Jewish Establishment must surely recognize this at some level, but in its complacency and blind fidelity to political correctness it ignores it, preferring its not-so-naive “disinterested,” and therefore make-believe higher morality. Its callousness regarding the Jewish illegal aliens is a species of the self-destructive policy they mistake for virtue.

The story thus constitutes a very welcome change from the usual Jewish media approach to immigration-related issues. It is not unsympathetic to the Jewish illegal aliens. But arguing their case is not what Guttman is primarily about. Rather, his purpose is exposing the remarkable failure of empathy of Jewish advocates of “comprehensive immigration reform” for other Jews.

Guttman telegraphs his message about this peculiarly Jewish psychologically problematic self-effacing or, perhaps more accurately, noblesse-oblige moral selectivity in the italicized words that conclude his title: “and Off the Communal Agenda.” The critique is all the more damning because of the reticent tone; the story’s compelling human-interest narratives; the comparison between the humane behavior of the those engaged in the charitable home visitation to the sick of the inward-looking, politically uninvolved ultra-Orthodox Satmar sect as opposed to the disregard shown by the well-heeled politically “compassionate” mainstream Establishment; and, finally, his rhetorical device of allowing the hypocrites to condemn themselves out of their own mouths.

There is also much in Guttman’s piece that is tacitly damning. For the Jewish Establishment figures he interviews — Gideon Aronoff, President and CEO of HIAS, and Melanie Nezer, HIAS’s senior director for American policy and advocacy — the story of the Jewish illegal aliens is of course not news. They have known about it all along and have consciously chosen to bury it. Aronoff, the Jewish Establishment’s “point man” on immigration, is evidently keen that this story is not regarded or allowed to emerge as an “issue.” Their various evasions, sometimes virtually incoherent, and senseless rationales are essential components of the indictment.

It is essential to bear in mind that Aronoff’s organization would never, could never, contemplate adopting so indifferent, nonchalant and disengaged an attitude when discussing Hispanic illegal aliens or the Somali refugees, whose highly-questionable resettlement in communities in the heartland suggests indifference at the highest levels to the strong Jihadist presence among that exists among them. The Somali resettlement is an important part of HIAS’s for-profit business; it is government contract work and not charity.

Even more shocking is its collaboration and joint ventures with U.S. Muslim Brotherhood legacy organizations. In a forthcoming piece, we will detail HIAS’s links, and those of Jewish fellow travelers, to such infamous organizations as the Muslim Public Affairs Committee and the Islamic Society of North America, groups whose agenda include proven material support to HAMAS’s annihilationist campaign against Israel, promoting the Islamization of America, and spreading Islamist Jew-hatred. The relationship HIAS has formed with these organizations is aimed at mainstreaming Muslim Brotherhood legacy organizations and increasing Muslim immigration to America.

Collaborating with those bent on destroying Israel and ridding the world of Jews and seeking to augment their numbers in the United States speaks volumes about the intellectual credibility and political and moral judgment of the Jewish Establishment’s “point man” on immigration. HIAS is not working on behalf of Jewish values or interests at all: it is a radical leftist organization disguised in Jewish trappings. As previously noted, in addition to heading HIAS, Aronoff is the current Chair of the National Immigration Forum, an organization whose meetings I attended during my years in the Jewish Establishment. I can personally attest to the extreme views of the representatives of its member organizations, their collective loathing for America, and their common espousal of the most aggressive forms of racial/ethnic identity politics. I do not use the term “anti-American” lightly given the abuse to which it is subject, but no term better describes the National Immigration Forum. Aronoff’s leadership of that body provides further evidence he is a doctrinaire leftist disguised in Jewish trappings.

The sole person working for the Jewish Establishment whom Guttman interviews that comes across as sympathetic is Angela Task, a social worker with the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, who counsels Israeli illegal aliens who come to her office in Brooklyn for help and is not primarily a political actor.

Who are these Jewish illegal aliens and how many are there? Guttman tells us that not enough is known about this underground world to posit a more precise guesstimate than stipulating it totals “some thousands,” but he offers a clearer view of its sociological makeup. While all those he discusses come from Israel, they belong to three separate and distinct groups:

  • Opportunistic Russians with some Jewish blood who settled in Israel unenthusiastically during the mass exodus from the former Soviet Union but wished to come to America in the first place and then entered illegally and remained, many for decades, seeking the material advantages that drives most others;
  • Ultra-Orthodox Jews who desire to live in the American enclaves of their respective sects and remain, and, as they used to say in the ads for Hebrew National hot dogs “they obey a higher authority;”
  • Young Israelis in their twenties, most of whom recently completed military service and traveled to South America, a favorite destination for many (along with South East Asia). After spending some months there they head to the U.S. to work illegally to pay for their globe-trotting before returning home. Few members of this group plan to remain for long in the U.S., but those that try quickly discover that the poor economy offers few opportunities and they are also unprepared for the what one characterizes as the “unhelpful” attitude of the Israeli expatriate community and adds, “that the broader American Jewish community is ‘very closed.”

It would appear that far from having been persuaded by the ceaseless harangues from the pulpit by the leftist rabbinate to “love the stranger,” these prosaic, law-abiding American Jews are no more thrilled by illegal immigration from Israel than they are from Mexico or Guatemala. If, to cite Guttman’s opening, many American Jews are reportedly “ashamed” of illegal aliens who are Jewish, so are many Americans of Hispanic heritage of Hispanic illegal aliens who have stigmatized the larger Hispanic community.

One commonality among the heterogeneous Israelis is that all enter on legal visas and then overstay them, disappearing into America like 40-45% of all other illegal aliens. Other common characteristics and experiences are not only shared by the Israeli illegals (most of all for the older Russians) but by the more typical illegal aliens from Mexico and central America: poor language skills, lack of employment opportunities aggravated not only by the present deep recession but the language issue previously cited and outmoded or non-existent skill sets, and their being preyed upon by unethical immigration lawyers who promise everything and deliver nothing.

The Forward’s piece is not without a modicum of comic relief, though the humor is unconscious. We learn the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv has begun an ad campaign, complete with a menacing video clip, to deter young Israelis from entering the U.S. illegally. The video includes testimonies by young Israeli illegal aliens caught by law enforcement who describe what it is like to spend time in a U.S. prison before being deported.

Of course no one should enter the U.S. in violation of our laws; take scarce jobs from Americans suffering the worst unemployment since the Great Depression; enjoy public benefits gratis; then commit the ancillary crimes required to remain undetected, including identity theft, the use of false driver’s licenses, lying to law enforcement and employers; and contributing to the wholesale violation of the rule of law and the outrageous devaluation of American sovereignty.

No one is suggesting that Israelis get a pass, and if the ad campaign acts as a deterrent, fine and well. But does the minuscule percentage of illegal aliens who are Israeli justify the need for a campaign of deterrence? One cannot help but wonder whether the State Department conducts such campaigns and produces similar videos for Mexican and Central American audiences. What about the many Muslim countries not on the risible absurd “terror watch list” whose regimes are putatively “friendly” but whose populations hate America, like virtually all the mass murderers of 9/11 who came from our “good friend” Saudi Arabia? If not, and one suspects that’s the case, this Israeli campaign amounts to a bad joke that leaves one wondering about the mindset of the people at State.

Continue reading…

From The Center for Immigration Studies, here.

רק הקב”ה יכול לרפא את הלב – שיר

ישי ריבו – הלב שלי | Ishay Ribo – Halev Sheli

Published on Jan 28, 2019

הצביעו ל”לב שלי” במצעד בגלגלצ –

״הלב שלי״ שיר ראשון מתוך אלבום קונספטואלי
•אלול תשע״ט• שעתיד לצאת בספטמבר הקרוב בע״ה
האלבום יהיה מורכב מביצועים מיוחדים לפיוטי סליחות מהעדות השונות לצד שירים מקוריים
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סיבוב הופעות קיץ 2019!

30.5 אמפי קיסריה-sold out!

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לרכישת שלושת האלבומים
אלבום פיזי /אלבום עם אקורדים / הקדשה אישית עד הבית

הַלֵּב שֶׁלִּי נִקְרַע לִשְׁנַיִם
מָה שֶׁלֹּא רָאֲתָה שִׁפְחָה עַל הַמַּיִם
כְּמוֹ סוּפָה מִן הַיָּם ,הוֹלֵם
כְּמוֹ תֹּפָהּ שֶׁל מִרְיָם , פּוֹעֵם
וְאֵין תְּרוּפָה בָּעוֹלָם

הַלֵּב שֶׁלִּי מֵרִים יָדַיִם
כְּבָר מוֹעֵד לֹא עוֹמֵד עַל הָרַגְלַיִם
שֶׁבֶר כְּלִי שֶׁאֵין בּוֹ כְּבָר מָה
וְהַשָּׁמַיִם הֵם לִי חוֹמָה
אֵיךְ אֶעֱבֹר בְּתוֹךְ הַיָּם בְּיַבָּשָׁהּ⁠

וְרַק אַתָּה יָכוֹל
לַהֲפֹךְ מִסַּפַדִי לִמְחֹל
לְזַכֵּךְ אֶת הַחוֹל
לְרַכֵּךְ בִּי הַכָּל

וְרַק אַתָּה מֵבִין אֵיךְ לָגֶשֶׁת לַלֵּב שֶׁלִּי
מֵּשַׁכֵּךְ כָּל כְּאֵב שֶׁבִי
מְרַפֵּא אֶת הַלֵּב

הַלֵּב שֶׁלִּי נִקְרַע לִשְׁנַיִם
חֶצְיוֹ אָשֵׁם וְחֶצְיוֹ לְשֵׁם שָׁמַיִם
כְּמוֹ סוֹפָהּ מִן הַיָּם ,הוֹלֵם
כְּמוֹ תֹּפָהּ שֶׁל מִרְיָם ,פּוֹעֵם
וְאֵין תְּרוּפָה בָּעוֹלָם ,לַלֵּב

וְרַק אַתָּה יָכוֹל
לַהֲפֹךְ מִסַּפַדִי לִמְחֹל
לְזַכֵּךְ אֶת הַחוֹל
לְרַכֵּךְ בִּי הַכָּל

וְרַק אַתָּה מֵבִין אֵיךְ לָגֶשֶׁת לַלֵּב שֶׁלִּי
מֵּשַׁכֵּךְ כָּל כְּאֵב שֶׁבִי
מְרַפֵּא אֶת הַלֵּב

וְיֵשׁ עוֹד צַר שֶׁמֵּצִיק לְצֹאן
וְאֵין צִיר שֶׁיִּצְעַק לְצוּר
רַק אֲנִי מוּל יָם שָׁלֵם וְלֵב שָׁבוּר..


מילים ולחן: ישי ריבו
עיבוד והפקה מוזיקלית :מאור שושן וישי ריבו

קמנצ’ה וסאז: מארק אליהו
גיטרות: עמית יצחק
קאנון וכלי הקשה:אמיר אלייב
בס:שחם אוחנה
תופים:דקל דביר
פסנתר:דוד איכלביץ׳
מיתרים: יועד ניר
קלידים תכנותים וגיטרות נוספות: מאור שושן
קולות: ישי ריבו ומאור שושן

מיקס:שי סיוון
מאסטרינג: ארן לביא

צילום: Sebastian Voortman
גרפיקה: אלעד ליפשיץ
קליפ מילים: מתי שריקי

הוקלט באולפן של מאור שושן
למעט הקלטת תופים באולפני ברדו
ע״י שי סיוון

להזמנת הופעות : יהודה קלמן

ניהול מדיה: אביחי גרפי
ג׳ירף ניו מדיה | Giraffe New Media

יחסי ציבור : מורן פז
טלפון: ‪03-5610288‬

יחסי ציבור נוספים : קובי סלע

ניהול:אור דוידסון

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

The Versailles Treaty: How a Bad Peace Led to Very Bad War

The Treaty of Versailles — 100 Years Later

June 28, 2019 is the centenary of the Treaty of Versailles. The notorious treaty, signed by Germany on June 28, 1919, was the most important of the peace treaties that ended the First World War. Although each defeated nation signed its own treaty, the entire settlement is often called the Treaty of Versailles. The war and peace settlement caused a century of statism and war. On the centenary of the Treaty of Versailles, it is appropriate to reassess its consequences and its lessons for the future.


In early January, 1919, delegates from Britain, France, Italy, and the United States congregated in Paris. Initially, the Allies’ plan was to have a preliminary conference amongst themselves to decide on the peace terms to offer Germany. After the brief preliminary conference, the plan was to invite Germany to a full-scale peace conference to negotiate the terms.

As the Allies squabbled amongst themselves, the preliminary conference gradually developed into the full-scale conference. The Germans were not summoned to Paris until early May. And when they finally arrived, they were never allowed to negotiate the terms of the treaty. Thus, the Treaty of Versailles was a dictated treaty, not a negotiated treaty.

It was unfair for the Allies to dictate the terms of the treaty to Germany. This violated precedents set after the French lost the Napoleonic wars and the Franco-Prussian war. Breaking these precedents was bound to breed contempt for the treaty in Germany. The various military clauses, reparation clauses, and territorial clauses added fuel to the fire.

The military clauses of the treaty disarmed Germany. But the German disarmament was supposed to be part of general European disarmament sponsored by the League of Nations. While the Germans were disarmed by the treaty, the Allies did not fulfill their promise to disarm. This was unfair, and the Allies’ broken promise infuriated German public opinion.

German reparations received too much attention in the aftermath of the war. This was due in large part to John Maynard Keynes and his highly influential book . Keynes’s entire analysis of the reparations problem was fatally flawed, for it was based on a mercantilist theory called the transfer problem. Economic science shows that the transfer problem does not exist.1 Keynes’s mercantilist analysis of the reparations problem incited the Germans, and has misled economists and historians ever since.

Economic historians have increasingly recognized that the reparations imposed on Germany were not as onerous as Keynes insisted.2 However, there was one feature of the settlement that was certainly unwise and unfair: the Allies did not fix the amount of reparations in the treaty. The Germans were forced to sign a blank check, and this allowed them to complain that they had been condemned to indefinite slave labor. Keynes was in charge of preparing the British Treasury’s position on reparations, and it was his tragic idea to not fix the amount of reparations in the treaty.3

The reparations section of the treaty included Article 231 – the infamous war-guilt clause. Article 231 required Germany to accept responsibility for starting the war. This clause was unfair, because Germany was not solely responsible for the war. All the major European powers share the blame. Interestingly, Keynes and John Foster Dulles were the lead draftsmen of Article 231.4

An unfortunate consequence of Keynes’s book was to shift attention away from the territorial problems with the treaty. As the title of his book suggests, Keynes’s criticisms of the treaty were entirely economic; he never criticized the territorial clauses. The really significant problems with the peace settlement were the imperialistic territorial clauses.

Prior to the conference, the Allied leaders assured the world that the peace would be based on the principle of national self-determination. Their actions proved otherwise. At the conference, the Allies imperialistically carved up the world and created new but unsustainable nation states with government coercion.

The Versailles Peace Treaty meant Germany would lose 13 percent of its territory and 10 percent of its population. In the West, Germany lost Alsace-Loraine to France. The residents of Alsace-Loraine were never allowed to decide for themselves whether they wanted to rejoin France. The Allies’ violation of the principle of national self-determination in Alsace-Loraine embittered the Germans.

In the east, the Allied leaders imperialistically carved up Germany (along with Russia and Austria-Hungary) to recreate Poland, a country that had ceased to exist in 1795. To resurrect Poland, millions of Germans, Lithuanians, Byelorussians, and Ukrainians were denied the right to self-determination. Moreover, President Wilson had promised the reborn Poland access to the sea, so the Allies created the Polish Corridor. The Polish Corridor cut off East Prussia from Germany, and it contained the German city of Danzig. The Polish Corridor meant Poland was loathed in Germany.

The Allies created the new nation of Czechoslovakia by carving up Germany and the shattered Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Slovaks, Poles, Ukrainians, and Hungarians in the new Czechoslovakia were denied the right to self-determination. This was also the case for three million Germans in the Sudetenland. In Germany, Czechoslovakia was a constant reminder of the Allies’ bad faith on the issue of self-determination.

Finally, the Treaty of Versailles prohibited the unification of Germany and Austria. This prohibition violated the Austrians’ right to national self-determination. The territorial clauses regarding Alsace-Loraine, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Austria meant the right to self-determination had been unfairly denied to millions of Germans and other Europeans.

Any person interested in the preservation and proliferation of humanity must despise Adolph Hitler and his vile Nazi regime. But it must be asked: how could a lunatic like Hitler rise to power in Germany? The answer is the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles. The German population thought the treaty was unfair, and they wanted someone to oppose it. The treaty created the platform for Hitler’s rise to power. For this reason, the Treaty of Versailles must be considered a major cause of the Second World War.


Italy was the weakest power at the outbreak of the Great War. Although Italy had a defense treaty with Germany and Austria-Hungary before the war, these nations had not been attacked. This meant Italy was not obliged to enter the war on the side of the Central Powers. Instead, Italy remained neutral and opportunistically shopped around for territory.

The Central Powers offered Italy territory, but Italy wanted a piece of Austro-Hungarian territory called South Tyrol. This would give Italy a defensible border in the Alps. For obvious reasons, the Austro-Hungarians refused to promise their own territory to Italy. The Allies, by contrast, were happy to promise Italy this territory. On April 26, 1915, Britain, France, and Russia signed the imperialistic Treaty of London with Italy. With this agreement, Italy would get South Tyrol, Austrian Littoral, and Northern Dalmatia when the Allies won the war.

At the peace conference, President Wilson refused to uphold the Treaty of London. This enraged the Italians. The Italians were granted South Tyrol, and this pushed the Italian border up to the Alps. But the Allies broke their promises on Austrian Littoral and Northern Dalmatia. Rather, the Allies gave this territory to the new nation of Yugoslavia.

The Allies’ failure to uphold the Treaty of London left many Italians feeling cheated. The Allied victory became known as the “Mutilated Victory” in Italy. The Allies’ broken promises to the Italians at the Paris Peace Conference launched Benito Mussolini and his fascist regime into power in 1922.


The Paris Peace Conference had a significant impact on Asia. Prior to the war, the Western powers exercised imperialistic control over most of Asia. Britain controlled modern day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar, along with Hong Kong and Singapore. France controlled modern day Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Russia took territory in Northern China; the Netherlands had Indonesia; the United States controlled the Philippines.

China and Japan were the only real significant independent Asian countries before the war. But China was on the verge of losing its independence. The British, French, Germans, and Russians all exercised control of territory in China via concessions. But Japan was China’s greatest threat. Before the war, Japan had already taken Taiwan and Korea from China, and they controlled Manchuria. The First World War halted European expansion in China, but this left Japan unchecked to wrest away more Chinese territory.

Japan entered the war on the side of the Allies. Before the war, Germany had control of islands in the Pacific, and Japan took these islands during the war. Germany had controlled a territory in China called Shandong, and Japan seized these German concessions. The Japanese made secret imperialistic agreements with Britain during the war that would allow them to keep the German Pacific islands and Shandong.

The Japanese had two demands at the Paris Peace Conference. First, they wanted the Allies to uphold their secret wartime agreements on Shandong and the German Pacific islands. Second, they wanted a racial equality clause. In other words, the Japanese desired a clause in the peace treaty stating that Europeans and Asians are of equal racial quality.

Like the Japanese, the Chinese joined the war on the side of the Allies. The Chinese believed that contributing to the war effort would prevent the Europeans and Japanese from expanding in China after the war. China had one major demand at the Paris Peace Conference: Shandong. This territory had a large Chinese population, and it was culturally important because it was the birthplace of Confucius. But the British had promised Shandong to the Japanese. The Allies found themselves in a dilemma over Shandong.

According to the principle of national self-determination, the Chinese had the proper claim to Shandong. Sadly, the principle of imperialism prevailed over the principle of national self-determination. The peacemakers upheld their imperialistic wartime agreement and granted Shandong to the Japanese instead of the Chinese.

Why grant Shandong to the Japanese? The Allies felt they had two choices: 1) meet the Japanese demand for a racial equality clause, or 2) reject the racial equality clause, but appease the Japanese with Shandong. The peacemakers, especially Wilson, could not overcome their racist inclinations, and they refused the Japanese demand for a racial equality clause.

The Japanese received Shandong, but they were disillusioned by the treaty. The Allies’ refusal to include the racial equality clause made the Japanese lose faith in the West. The treaty bred Japanese militarism and put Japan on the road to war with the United States.

Incredibly, the ramifications in China were just as disastrous. The peacemakers’ decision on Shandong ignited protests in Beijing on May 4, 1919. These protests evolved into the May Fourth Movement, and the Chinese communist movement was born. Seventy-five million Chinese died as a result of Mao Zedong’s communist regime. Eventually, Communism would spread to Korea and Vietnam, resulting in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and ongoing tension between North Korea and the West.

The Middle East

The geopolitical problems in the Middle East over the last century have their roots in the First World War and the Paris Peace Conference. Before the war, the British controlled Egypt, the French controlled Algeria and Tunisia, and Italy controlled Libya. By contrast, the Ottoman Empire controlled modern day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.

At the beginning of the war, the Allied Powers made secret imperialistic agreements to carve up the Ottoman Empire. For their part in the war, the Russians demanded the expansion of its territory down to Constantinople. This was a sensitive issue for the British, for it would give Russia influence in the Mediterranean waters around the Suez Canal. India was the jewel in the crown of the British Empire, and Britain shuttled their troops to India through the canal. In short, the Suez Canal was essential to Britain’s imperial control over India.

The British would agree to the Russian demand for Constantinople, but only if Britain was guaranteed certain territory around the Suez Canal. This territory included modern day Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and southern Iraq. British control of these territories would create a bubble around the Suez Canal and thereby secure the British route to India.

The Sykes-Picot Agreement of January 3, 1916 was a secret treaty between Britain and France to carve up the Middle East after the war. France would get the territory of modern day Syria, Lebanon, and northern Iraq, while Britain would get the territory of modern day Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and southern Iraq. Later, the Russians and Italians assented to the treaty.

Unfortunately, the British made promises to the Arabs inside the Ottoman Empire that were incompatible with Sykes-Picot. The British and French controlled territory in India and North Africa that contained vast numbers of Muslims. The British and French were terrified that the Turkish sultan would incite Muslim revolts inside their empires. They were desperate to knock the Ottomans out of the war to avoid an Islamic uprising.

British military campaigns against the Ottomans were disastrous. As a result, the British devised a plan to destabilize the Ottoman Empire from within. The plan was to have the Arabs revolt against the Turks. The British promised Hussein, the Sharif of Mecca, that he would be made king of a unified and independent Arab state after the war if he revolted against the Turks. Hussein agreed. His son Faisal, advised by Lawrence of Arabia, led the Arab revolt against the Turks. The Arab revolt played an important role in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

At the peace conference, the British broke their promise to establish a unified and independent Arab state. Instead, they created a handful of new nations in the Middle East that would be dominated by Britain and France. In 1921, the French created the Kingdom of Syria. The British convinced the French to make Faisal the ruler of Syria, but he had no independence. He was exiled by the French in July 1920. The French created the state of Lebanon in 1920, and transferred territory from Syria to Lebanon. This act of imperialism still irritates Syrians today.

The imperialistic Sykes-Picot Agreement led to the creation of Iraq. According to Sykes-Picot, the British would get Baghdad and Basra, while the French would get Mosul in the North. The British realized the importance of oil much earlier than the French, and the British suspected there was oil in Mosul. In 1918, the British convinced the French to relinquish their claim to Mosul. In this way, the British took control of the entire territory that is now Iraq. The British formed the Kingdom of Iraq in 1921, and Faisal was made king.

The British promise for an independent Arab state was incompatible with Sykes-Picot. But British promises to European Jews further complicated the situation in the region. On November 2, 1917, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration — a public statement supporting a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine. Czarist Russia was the great anti-Semitic power before the war, and this made many Jews reluctant to support the Allies. The English believed the Balfour Declaration would foster Jewish support of the Allies and weaken Jewish support for the Central Powers.

Sykes-Picot gave the British control of Palestine. In 1921, the British carved Jordan out of Palestine and made Hussein’s son Abdullah king. However, the creation of Jordan infuriated both the Jews and the Arabs. On the one hand, the Jews thought the Balfour Declaration granted them the entire territory of Palestine. Thus, they viewed the creation of Jordan as a broken promise. On the other hand, the Arabs in Palestine revolted at the idea of a Jewish homeland in their territory. There has been tension between the Jews and Muslims in the region ever since.

The war and peace treaties resulted in the creation of new and unsustainable nation states in the Middle East. For those living in the Middle East, even the names Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, etc., are constant reminders that Britain and France betrayed the Arabs. In the end, British and French imperialism in the Middle East caused a century of turmoil in the region.

A Lesson for the Future

The First World War and the Paris Peace Conference led to Nazism in Germany, fascism in Italy, militarism in Japan, extremism in the Middle East, and communism in Russia, China, Korea, and Vietnam. What must be learned from the war and peace settlement? Here is the most important lesson: the free market economy is the only way to lasting world peace.

The war was caused by Europe’s imperialistic intervention in foreign trade. In the decades before the war, there was a massive drive by the European powers to expand their empires. This put the European powers on a collision course. Why the imperial expansion? The European powers did not allow other powers to trade freely in their empires. For this reason, the European powers viewed imperial expansion as the only way to gain new markets for their goods. Europe’s rejection of the principle of free trade was the fundamental cause of the First World War.

The peacemakers at the Paris Peace Conference could not establish a durable peace, because they refused to renounce the imperialistic system that caused the war in the first place. During the war, the British and French made imperialistic agreements to carve up the globe after the war. At the peace conference, they used the peace treaties to enshrine British and French imperialism. The Allies used the treaty to fortify their empires, and the result was a century of war.

Government intervention in the free market economy is the fundamental cause of all modern wars. Government intervention in the domestic economy makes it impossible for domestic producers to compete with foreign producers. To level the playing field, government must enact protectionist measures to shield hobbled domestic producers from foreign competition. Any government that intervenes in the domestic economy must inevitably embrace protectionism. And protectionism leads to conflict and war.

Free trade between nations is required to maintain world peace. But free trade between nations is impossible if nations intervene domestically. External free trade requires internal free trade. The path to lasting world peace starts with the free market economy at home. The great lesson from the First World War and Treaty of Versailles is this: the free market economy at home and abroad is the only way to establish durable peace between nations.

1. As Ludwig von Mises writes, “There is no such thing as a ‘transfer’ problem.” Omnipotent Government (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, [1944] 2011), p. 241. Even Robert Skidelsky, Keynes’s greatest living defender, had to admit: “If we stick to the pure theory of the matter, Keynes was wrong.” John Maynard Keynes: Economist as Savior (New York: Viking, 1992 [1994]) p. 311. For a critique of The Economic Consequences of the Peace, see “Keynes and the First World War,” E.W. Fuller and R.C. Whitten, Libertarian Papers (vol. 9, no. 1, 2017), available at:

2. Richard Davenport-Hines writes, “Economic historians now tend to believe … that Germany could have afforded to pay the stipulated reparations, which were not as irrational as Keynes claimed.” Universal Man (New York: Basic Books, 2015), p. 119. Also see Mises, Omnipotent Government (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, [1944] 2011), pp. 236-41.

3. Charles Hession writes, “when the conference became bogged down on the amount of reparations to be demanded of the defeated nation, it was his suggestion that the exact sum be left undetermined.” John Maynard Keynes (New York: Macmillan, 1984), p. 147. For documentation, see

4. According to Donald Moggridge, “The significant draftsman of the clause were Keynes and John Foster Dulles.” Maynard Keynes: An Economist’s Biography (New York: Routledge, 1992), pp. 308, 331, 346. For documentation, see

From, here.

Sorry, but It’s TRUE: Teshuvos Chasam Sofer Are Often About Meta-Halacha

Chatam Sofer on Women’s Hair Covering

by R. Gidon Rothstein

I wish Star Wars was right when it said only a Sith thinks in absolutes, when in fact many of us fall into the trap, especially in our characterizations of rabbis. One of the ways in which I have been surprised as I’ve studied responsa has been in the nuance I have found in the writings of respondents whose reputations painted them with a broad brush.

Shu”t Chatam Sofer 1; Orach Chayyim 36, dated 16 Sivan 1839 (six months before he passed away) offers an example. He takes what could easily be labeled a stringent position on women’s hair covering, yet his reasoning leaves ample room to wonder whether he would have continued to rule the same way in other circumstances. Let me show you what I mean.

Hair as a Type of Nakedness

He starts with Berachot 24a, where R. Sheshet tells us a woman’s hair is ‘ervah—the word most easily translates as nakedness, although the responsum assumes more specific connotations.  R. Sheshet bases himself on Shir Ha-Shirim 4;1, which praises a woman for her hair (since the man focuses on the woman’s hair as a feature of beauty, hair must be a body part which, if uncovered, will distract him during the recitation of Shema, the topic of the Talmudic discussion).

Rosh thought the Gemara referred to married women, since unmarried women did not cover their hair [Chatam Sofer will not follow up on the implications for a society where married women as well do not cover their hair; we will get there]. Beit Yosef Even Ha-‘Ezer 75 mentions Rashba’s further leniency, based on married women’s tendency  to leave a few strands (or a thin line) of hair outside their hair covering. Their husbands are accustomed to seeing those hairs and can recite Shema even when they are visible.

How to Cover the Hair

Rashi reads “mi-ba’ad le-tzamatech, behind your veil” as a description of her hair (in contrast to the English translations I saw, which think the veil in the verse covers the beloved’s eyes, praised just before, and her hair is praised for being like flocks of goats). Rashi thinks the verse praises her hair and her modesty, shown by her keeping her beautiful hair tied up.

Rashi refers to one way of covering or keeping her hair in check, where Chatam Sofer sees two ways in the verse, the ordinary hat (which he assumes is there, as far as I can tell), and the further veil or tie she wears to ensure no unusual hairs slip out. Chatam Sofer understands Rashba to have permitted only the random hairs which slipped out of the second covering, because the husband does not pay attention to them.

The Way of Jewish Women

The other Talmudic passage relevant to women’s hair covering appears on Ketubbot 72a, where a Mishnah discusses dat Moshe, the ways of life prescribed by Moshe (really, the Torah), and dat Yehudit, the common practice of Jewish women. Violation of either standard opens a wife to being divorced with financial prejudice, meaning she loses her ketubbah, the payment Chazal instituted to safeguard her from being summarily ejected from a marriage. The Mishnah says dat Yehudit prohibits a woman from wearing flowing hair in public.

The Gemara questions the Mishnah’s characterization, because Bamidbar 5;18 says the sotah ceremony, which checks the fidelity of a woman who has given her husband legal cause to suspect her of adultery, should include the priest uncovering her hair. Married women ordinarily covering their hair seems to be a matter of Biblical law, not dat Yehudit.

Basic and Additional Covering

The Gemara resolves the problem by positing two obligations, the Torah-level one of kalta, and the further step of dat Yehudit (the specifics are not as important; Rambam, Laws of Marriage 24;12 referred to a mitpachat and a redid, a kerchief and a veil, but Chatam Sofer understands the second level to be a hat).

Aside from how she covers her hair, the Gemara also discusses where she must do so. In her own chatzer, for example, the Gemara assumes no Jewish women bother to cover their hair. We ordinarily translate chatzer as courtyard, whereas Tosafot limit the permission to her room in her house. Shulchan Aruch Even Ha-‘Ezer 115;4 did not mention Tosafot’s stringency, speaking only of the second level of covering when she goes from one courtyard to another.

Chatam Sofer notes Ba”ch, who read Rambam as going further than Tosafot, having prohibited completely uncovering her hair even in the privacy of her own room, and Beit Shemuel both did expand the areas where she was required to cover her hair.

Accepted Custom

Chatam Sofer agrees with them, recommends such conduct as the proper course of action—a significant stringency for most women today—but his reasoning leaves room to wonder whether he would have ruled the same way in our times. Given the debate on the matter, he promotes following the conduct of most women, which in his time was to cover their hair even in their homes. He takes it as evidence kibbelu ‘alayhu, they’ve accepted this as proper Jewish conduct.

Magen Avraham enunciated an obligation to follow common practice unless and until one performed hattarat nedarim, the ceremony releasing a Jew from a vow (551;7, about whether one may do business during the nine days leading up to the fast of Tish’a B’Av).  The same applies to women’s common practice, says Chatam Sofer. Leaving home with only one covering certainly violates dat Yehudit, in his view, and justifies divorce with financial prejudice.

[Pay attention to how he bases himself on the practice of women in all places he knows, who cover their hair even at home. Were practice to change, or were we to find out there were many other Jewish women practicing in other ways, his rule would seem open to change as well].

Maharam Al-Ashqar’s Leniency

Chatam Sofer knows of Shu”t Maharam Al-Ashqar 35, who responded to a questioner troubled by a practice he saw, women leaving a row of hair uncovered between their ears and forehead. Maharam infers from Baba Batra 60b the practice goes back to Talmudic times. The Gemara lists ways we can and should continue to remember the destruction of the Temple, and Rav says one such is bat tzeda’a. Rashbam and ‘Aruch dispute what Rav meant, whether women would burn off the hair (using lye), or would refrain from perfuming it as a sign of their lasting mourning over the Destruction. For ‘Aruch, they clearly left the hair uncovered.

Maharam thought a passage in Zohar supported his leniency; Chatam Sofer both disagreed with Maharam’s reading and thought we need not pay attention to the Zohar. ‘Aruch understood the Gemara to specifically contradict the Zohar, and whenever the Zohar contradicts the Gemara, we follow the Gemara [at the end of the responsum, he concedes he could have avoided seeing a contradiction between the Gemara and Zohar had he adopted Rashbam’s reading, but does not seem overly bothered].

Maharam further thought Ashkenazic women who come to visit Sephardic regions could follow Sephardic women’s more lenient practice while they were there. Ordinarily, a Jew who temporarily relocates must observe the stringencies of both places, whence s/he came and where s/he is currently. Maharam thought hair covering was different, because Ashkenazic women covered all their hair as a matter of what all women—non-Jewish as well—did in their home locale. In a place where the general standard allowed for more hair, there was no reason for them to continue to cover so much.

Continuing Custom When Circumstances Change

In Chatam Sofer’s world, non-Jewish women no longer covered their hair in public, which seems to open room for Jewish woman to take on a different standard as well. Chatam Sofer assumes, however (and quotes a Mahar”a Stein who had already taken this position), the women of his area decided to follow the more stringent view of the Zohar. While halachah would never have ruled this way, the women’s decision to do so turns it into a custom and halachic requirement.

Chatam Sofer uses the phrase minhag ‘oker halachah, custom uproots the law, where here the custom seems more to be asking more than required. Of greater interest to me, Mahar”a Stein said custom can uproot halachah when the custom bases itself on a passage in works such as Massechet Soferim or Semachot— Talmudic-era works not canonized in the Talmud. Chatam Sofer took for granted, without explanation, Zohar qualifies.

He also sourced the idea of the immutability of established customs to Magen Avraham 690;22. It’s a surprising choice, because Magen Avraham gives much reason to think the women of Chatam Sofer’s time could handle hair covering differently. Chatam Sofer quotes Magen Avraham accurately, but he ignores Magen Avraham’s having cited Shu”t Rema 21, who in turn quoted Maharik to have allowed people to change customs when underlying circumstances changed. Were the women of Chatam Sofer’s time—or ours—to say the women around them no longer cover their hair, reducing the extent to which the Jewish women needed to cover their hair, Magen Avraham, Rema, and Maharik all seem to leave room for some such adjustments.

Machatzit Ha-Shekel (a supercommentary to Magen Avraham, who was also one of Chatam Sofer’s childhood teachers) gives the example of water left uncovered, which the Talmud forbade for worry a snake had drunk from it. No longer a worry for us, we drink such water.

Magen Avraham also thought only customs established by reputable authorities have the power to override halachah; customs which spring up popularly are errors, and need not be followed.

As I present Chatam Sofer’s conclusion, then, it’s one to think about carefully. He omitted material (in sources he cited) which could have shaped his own ruling differently, and based himself on practice current in his time, no longer in ours. For his time, general practice (among non-Jewish women as well) led him to conclude married women had to cover all their hair, even in their bedrooms, and to have a second covering when out in public. For our times, matters seem more equivocal, even from his perspective.

From Torah Musings, here.

Gedolim Oppressing the Orphan (TRUE STORY by Rabbi Daniel Eidensohn Shlita)

A true story of how gedolim dealt improperly with a pedophile

I recently met with some rabbis who have had extensive experience dealing with abuse issues in the frum community. The following is one of the stories that they told me regarding rabbinic incompetence dealing with abuse. The incompetent rabbis that were described are not community or shul rabbis but are genuine gedolim They had sufficient funds and access to experts who would have informed them that they should have called the police. However, they relied on their own judgment and a disaster resulted. This is the story – with identifying details removed.

There was a promising bochur. He was intelligent and diligent in his studies and handsome. He also had good midos and came from a distinguished family. He had only one problem – he was a pedophile. He had abused over a hundred children by the time he was 24 years old. When this was brought to the attention of seniors rabbis at the major yeshiva where he studied, they came up with what they thought was a brilliant solution to his problem. They arranged and encouraged a match with an orphan girl. It was the perfect match they thought. She got a real catch and he would now be able to manage his sexual appetite with his wife – rather than with little children. They picked an orphan because she would not be able to do serious background checking and would have to rely on the advice of these gedolim.  Of course she wasn’t told about his problem – after all, that would be lashon harah. Since they “knew” that the problem would be solved by marriage there obviously wasn’t any reason to mention to her that this young man had destroyed the life of 100 children. They also didn’t bother checking with a psychologist with expertise with pedophiles – after all, what does a psychologist know?

Of course, the young lady was ecstatic that gedolim had taken such a personal interest in her and she was overwhelmed with gratitude that the great men had devoted time and energy for her – a nobody but with a lot of emunas chachomim. It was just like the Artscroll stories that she read every Shabbos about great tzadikim. The marriage seemed to be in fact the solution to the problem. The young couple was very happy They eventually had several children. Unfortunately, however, the young man still had his perverted lusts which did not go away with marriage. This was something that anybody with even a minimum knowledge of pedophiles would have predicted.

Periodically there were rumors of his activity but his wife didn’t understand why she was treated coldly by the neighbors. The senior rabbis suggested that they move to Brooklyn where they would be able to start life fresh. The wife still didn’t know her husband’s problem – but the new neighbors did not know either because the rabbis knew that if they informed anybody the young couple would not get a chance for a new life.  Unfortunately, the change of neighborhood did not help his condition.  This time however she found out the hard way – by a visit from the police who were investigating charges against him for abusing children. As you may imagine she was traumatized. Not only was her husband a destroyer of children, but she had been betrayed by gedolim. In addition, she feared for the safety of her own children. But what could she do – she had no family or friends and she had no money to pay for advice or a divorce.

Fortunately, the rabbi who told me about this tragedy found out about this horror story and successfully raised money for the divorce. He even got one of the gedolim to write a letter to aid in fundraising because that gadol humbly acknowledged that he had made a serious mistake!