כיצד מותר להפעיל אתר אינטרנט בשבת?

אתר אינטרנט; הקמתו עבור מחלל שבת – השארתו פתוח בשבת – היענות לפניות שנעשו אליו בשבת

רבני בית ההוראה
ט”ו אייר ה’תשע”ב

שלום, אודה לתשובתכם לשאלות הבאות שלי:

א. האם מותר לבנות/לקדם אתר ללקוח שאינו שומר תורה ומצוות והאתר פעיל בשבת? (גם בתור פרטי גם בתור שכיר).
ב. מי שיש לו אתר שפונה לכל העולם (לאו דוקא יהודים, אבל גם), האם יש אופציה למכור את האתר לגוי בשבת?
ג. האם מותר לאחסן אתר בשרת שמטפלים בו בשבת?
ד. פניות שנעשו לאתר בשבת, האם מותר להיענות להן?
ה. האם באופן עקרוני, אם פותחים אתר שמיועד לציבור החרדי, בעיקר פורום שיש בו פעילות יום יומית ובגלל זה יכול להיות שמישהו חרדי החליט שהוא פותח אינטרנט ועל הדרך בטח יכול להיכשל בדברים אחרים, האם כדאי מראש לא להקים כזה אתר (גם אם יהיו ממנו רווחים) כדי לא להכשיל יהודי.

אודה מאד לתשובות


שלום וברכה.

א. מותר לבנות אתר גם ללקוח שמפעיל את האתר בשבת, אם פעילות האתר בשבת היא פעילות אוטמטית, אך אם היא פעילות ידנית, ראוי להחמיר בזה אם אפשר, אך אם מדובר בהפסד ממון יש מקום להקל.

ב. באופן עקרוני אם האתר (הפועל אוטמטית) פונה לכל העולם ורוב הנכנסים לאתר הם נכרים, אין צורך למכור את האתר לנכרי לשבת. אך אם רוב הפעילות על ידי יהודים ואין דרך לסוגרו בשבת, עדיף למוכרו לשבתות לגוי, וישנם כמה דרכים כיצד לעשות זאת, באגרות משה או”ח חלק ד’ סימנים נ”ה – נ”ח כתב כמה שטרות מכירה לגוי, ופירט את סדר עדיפותם, אך אם גם זה אינו אפשרי ניתן בשעת הדחק להשאירו פתוח.

ג. שאלה זו דומה לשימוש בחשמל של חברת החשמל בשבת, אם יש דרך אחרת עדיף להעביר את הפעילות לשרת שאין מטפלים בו בשבת (או שרת בחו”ל שבו העובדים הם גויים), אך אם אין דרך לעשות זאת, כיון שלא פועלים ישירות בשבילו וגם ללא פעילות האחזקה שלהם האתר היה נשאר בשרת – מותר.

ד. מותר לקרוא ולענות לפניות שנעשו לאתר בשבת, זמן קצר לאחר צאת השבת (שיעור זמן שבו היה ניתן לעשות פניה זו במוצאי שבת).

ה. אם באתר זה יש רק דברים כשרים וכן מקפידים על הקישורים המופעים בו שאינם מפנים למקומות פסולים, אין בכך איסור.


(לעיון בהרחבה בנושא זה עיין מאמר שכתב הרב צבי רייזמן בספרו רץ כצבי בנושא זה וניתן לעיין בו כאן, וכן כאן בשיעור בענין זה הכולל דפי מקורות)

א. בדבר פיתוח אתר למי שישתמש בו תוך כדי חילול שבת, יש לדון ראשית מצד איסור ‘לפני עיור לא תתן מכשול’ ובמקרה זה לפי המפורש בגמרא בעבודה זרה (ו,ב) שאין איסור לפני עיור אם יש לעיור דרך נוספת לחטוא חטא זה, גם כאן לכאורה אין איסור זה כיון שהלקוח יכול למצוא אדם אחר שיפתח עבורו את האתר.

אמנם נחלקו הפוסקים אם כשהאחר שיתן את המכשול הוא גם ישראל נחשב הדבר כחד עברא דנהרא או לא, ודעת המשנה למלך הלכות מלוה ולוה פ”ד ה”ב שעובר על ‘לפני עיור’ בכה”ג, ובשדי חמד מערכה ו’ כלל כו אות ט’ כתב שגדולי האחרונים הכריעו כמשנה למלך ואם כן לכאורה כאן ייאסר.

אך מטעם אחר פשוט שבנדון זה אין איסור ‘לפני עיור’, מכיון שכתבו הפוסקים שהיכא שנותן לאדם דבר שיכול להשתמש בו לאיסור, אך אין בזה הכרח שיעשה כך אין איסור ‘לפני עיור’, וכן כתב הביאור הלכה סי’ קס”ג ד”ה ואסור שמותר ליתן לחם למי שאינו נוטל ידיו אם הולך לאכול לחם זה בביתו, כי מי יודע שיאכל שם בלא נטילת ידים, וכן בכל מכירת מוצר שניתן להשתמש בו בשבת אין איסור ‘לפני עיור’ כיון שאין זה מוכרח, ולכן גם בכה”ג שמפתח אתר שניתן להפעילו בשבת אך ניתן גם שלא להפעילו אין איסור ‘לפני עיור’.

ויש לציין שבשו”ת מהר”ל דיסקין קונ”א סי’ קמ”ה כתב שליכא ‘לפני עיור’ כשיש הפסד ממון.

אך כתבו תוספות בשבת (ג,א ד”ה בבא) והר”ן (בע”ז שם) שאף כשאין ‘לפני עיור’ דאורייתא יש איסור דרבנן של ‘מסייע לידי עוברי עבירה’, מכל מקום הרבה ראשונים חלקו על זה וכן פסק הרמ”א ביו”ד קנא,א, אך הביא שם את הדעות המחמירות וכתב שלבעל נפש ראוי לחוש בזה. ובנדון זה יש מקום לומר שגם לבעל נפש אין צורך להחמיר בזה על פי מה שכתב הבנין ציון (סי’ ט”ו) שאיסור מסייע נאמר רק אם מסייע בשעת האיסור ממש, וכן על פי מה שכתב המהרש”ם (חלק ב’ סי’ קפ”ד) שאיסור מסייע הוא רק כשנותן לו את גוף הדבר שנעשה בו איסור, ואם כן במקרה זה אין איסור מסייע לידי עוברי עבירה.

ב. בשמירת שבת כהלכתה פרק כ”ט הערה ע”ה הובאו דברי הגרש”ז אוירבאך זצ”ל שכתב לגבי מכונה לממכר אוטומטי שמעיקר הדין מותר להשאירה פועלת אף במקום שתעמוד לשירות יהודים, כיון שאינו מעמיד את גוף האיסור אלא את הכלי שיכולים לעשות איתו איסור, וכיון שאפשר לתלות שלא יקנו בשבת אלא בשאר ימות השבוע אין איסור, אך למעשה כתב שבמקום שרוב יהודים ראוי לכתחלה לא להשאירה בפעילות בשבת. ומכיון שישנם כמה פוסקים שכתבו לאסור הפעלת מכונות אוטומטיות בשבת מסיבות שונות זלזול בשבת, שכר שבת ועוד (יעוי’ בשיעור של הרב רייזמן שם פרק י’ שהביא דברי השבט הלוי ועוד פוסקים, וכן בשו”ת חלקת יעקב סי’ ס”ז, ושו”ת מנחת יצחק ח”ג סי’ ל”ד וח”ה סי’ י”ד) ולכן ודאי שראוי למכור את האתר לנכרי וכך אפשר להשאירו פתוח בשבת לכל הדעות.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר דין, כאן.

כד עייל שבתא… – שירו של יואל שטיינברג

“וכולהון מתעטרין בנשמתין חדתין, כדין שירותא דצלותא לברכא לה בחדוה, בנהירו דאנפין”.

ניתן למצוא את הסרטון המקורי ביוטיוב כאן.

Reproduced with permission.

Is There Really a Chazakah of ‘Quality Control’ for Fish Missing Simanim?

Fine Tuning Tuna

Once, tuna fishing thrived on the Pacific coast of the United States. Pioneered by adventurers straight out of the novels of Herman Melville and “Papa” Hemingway, it blossomed into a major industry, employing thousands and filling countless American lunchboxes.

Then came the dolphins.

Tuna and dolphins, it seems, travel together-the dolphins on the water’s surface and the tuna below. Inevitably, the nets used for tuna caught dolphins, as well. Could we allow Flipper such a painful demise? Soon, most tuna production had shifted to the Asian Pacific, and the American tuna industry was no more. Whatever the environmental and quality standards, the world’s tuna production was now in the hands of fishing industrialists in Thailand and the Philippines.

Enter the Rabbis.

In Vayikra (Leviticus) 11:9, the Torah says: “This may you eat of all that is in the waters: everything that has fins and scales.” The Talmud (Chulin 66b) states that, in fact, every fish with scales has fins, making scales the sole determining sign. But what exactly are kosher fish scales? After all, some reptiles also have scales.

Biologists identify four types of scales, two of which, cycloid and ctenoid, are found on kosher fish, such as tuna.

In the pre-industrial world, fish fresh from the monger were not skinned, and their species could be identified. Even absent the actual signs, as with an immature fish of a type that grows scales late in life, the fish’s kosher status would depend on its species. Only fish with the skin removed and arriving with no clear sign of their species, demanded special measures such as constant supervision or an untouched seal with two separate Hebrew signs, indicating that it had been sent by a person trustworthy in Jewish law.

The Debate:

In 1962, prominent authority Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Henkin wrote that without supervision from the beginning of production, consumers could not trust a can’s assertion that it contained tuna. However, many tuna brands were already certified kosher without such supervision.

In place of constant supervision, the best-known supervising agency arranged intermittent visits to factories abroad to check that production was according to kosher standards. As is the case with other areas of kosher supervision, it was assumed that fear of the supervisor’s appearance at any moment would motivate management and workers to prevent non-kosher fish from entering the production line. Despite these less-than-ideal conditions, widespread distribution of the tuna continued.

In the years following, Torah authorities from around the world, both Sefardi and Ashkenazi, in Israel and the Diaspora, joined in demanding constant supervision. In 1977 and 1984, the highly respected Rabbi Moshe Feinstein entered the discussion, outlining the reasons for this exceptional vigilance.

Finding it unfeasible to identify a fish as kosher without overt signs, Rabbi Feinstein insisted that a reliable kosher supervisor examine every fish before skinning. The large volume of industrial fishing, he said, makes it certain that non-kosher fish will be present in the nets. Intermittent visits, even if sufficiently frequent and surprising, would not serve their traditional purpose. At the speeds of a mechanized cannery, workers could expect any non-kosher fish to be gone before anyone would notice.

The function of supervision, Rabbi Feinstein wrote, is not to make life difficult for the producer in order to reduce the percentage of non-kosher fish to an acceptably insignificant level. Supervision, he explained, is testimony; it indicates that a reliable witness has seen production and can testify that the contents are kosher.

While certain agencies (including OK Kosher Certification) followed Rabbi Feinstein’s guidelines, in most tuna supervision, upgrades were slow in coming.

In 1988, the controversy bubbled over in rabbinic journals. Arguments for and against constant supervision were passionately presented. Most leading rabbinic authorities favored constant supervision. However, invoking the classic talmudic principle that a tradesman will not jeopardize his reputation, Rabbi Tzvi Schacter asserted that since it is in the fisherman’s business interest to deliver albacore tuna, for example, to the factory, he would surely allow only albacore to remain among his catch. And in the name of “quality control,” the factory would check again before skinning the fish.

Have we reached a stalemate? Perhaps. Yet, by his own admission, Rabbi Schacter’s position rests on the assumption that virtually no non-kosher fish slip through quality control. Kosher supervisors tell another story, and undeniable gaffes in the intervening years, such as octopus and clams in tuna cans, cast doubt on his premise. Much more problematic (as the Talmud cautions and ichthyologists corroborate), appearance and taste do not always reveal the identity of a fish fillet. Without our eyes wide open, we cannot know what we have received.

The market may take care of itself, but does it take care of kashrut? How deep is a producer’s commitment to quality control? I once heard the following anecdote: A supervisor arrived late to a Philippine factory for a kosher production run. Discarding the fish processed prior to the supervisor’s arrival, the plant manager remarked: “Really, rabbi…would it be so terrible if someone ate a bit of catfish?”

Rabbi Chaim Zalman is kosher editor of Kosher Spirit.

If You Have Wisdom You Don’t Need Prophecy…

Rough Times Ahead, But Liberty Can Still Win

While Congress and the president fight over funding a border wall, they continue to ignore the coming economic tsunami caused by the approximately 22 trillion dollars (and rapidly increasing) federal debt. President Trump may not be troubled by the debt’s effect on the economy because he believes he will be out of office before it becomes a major problem. However, the crisis may come sooner than he, or most people in DC, expect.

The constituency for limited government, while growing, is still far outnumbered by those wanting government to provide economic and personal security. From lower-income Americans who rely on food stamps, public housing, and other government programs, to middle-class Americans who live in homes they could not afford without assistance from federal agencies like Fannies Mae and Freddie Mac, to college students reliant on government-subsidized student loans, to senior citizens reliant on Social Security and Medicare, to billionaire CEOs whose companies rely on bailouts, subsidies, laws and regulations written to benefit politically-powerful businesses, and government contracts, most Americans are reliant on at least one federal program. Many programs are designed to force individuals to accept government aid. For example, it is almost impossible for a senior citizen to obtain health insurance outside of Medicare.

The welfare state is fueled by the Federal Reserve’s easy money policies, which are also responsible for the boom-and-bust cycle that plagues our economy. The Federal Reserve’s policies do not just distort our economy, they also distort our values, as the Fed’s dollar depreciation causes individuals to forgo savings and hard work in favor of immediate gratification. This has helped create an explosion of business and individual debt. There has been a proliferation of bubbles, including in credit card debt, auto loans, and student loans. There is even a new housing bubble.

An economy built on fiat currency and public and private debt is unsustainable. Eventually, the bubbles will burst. The most likely outcome will be the rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status due to government debt and the Federal Reserve’s monetization of debt. When the bubbles pop, the result will be an economic crisis that will likely dwarf the Great Depression.

The fall of the dollar and the accompanying economic downturn will make it impossible for the government to continue running up huge debts to finance a massive welfare-warfare state. Thus, Congress will be forced to raise taxes and cut benefits. Cowardly politicians will likely outsource the job of raising taxes and cutting benefits to the Federal Reserve. This will cause a dramatic increase in the most insidious of taxes: the inflation tax.

As the Federal Reserve erodes the value of the dollar, thus reducing the value of both earned paychecks and government-provided welfare benefits, a large number of Americans who believe they are entitled to economic security will react by engaging in acts of violence. Politicians will use this violence to further crack down on civil liberties. The resulting economic and civil unrest will further the growth of authoritarian political movements.

Fortunately, the liberty movement confuses to grow. This movement counters the authoritarian lies with the truths of Austrian economics and the non-aggression principle. While the years ahead may be tough, if those of us who know the truth work hard to educate others, the cause of liberty can prevail.

From Lewrockwell.com, here.

Prepare BEFORE the Expected Blackouts…

How to Prepare for and Stay Comfortable During a Power Outage [Short term and Long Term]

With winter comes the wind, the snow, the ice, and the extreme cold.  And, more likely than not, winter will also bring the occasional power outage.

Have you asked yourself what you would do if the power went out for a day or two or for even a week?  What would you do? Could you fend for yourself?  Could you keep yourself warm in the winter and cool in the summer?  What about food?  Would your refrigerated and frozen items spoil?  And yikes!  What would you do about money if credit cards and ATMs no longer worked?  Did I mention that in all likelihood you would not have internet access either?

Today I would like to provide 15 tips for getting through short-term power outages.  These are the power outages that occur during winter storms or when a vehicle hits a power pole.  (Longer term, apocalypse type outages are a subject for another time.)  Now if you have a good memory, you will recall we discussed this subject back in July. That was summer. And now, with the cold months ahead of us, it would not hurt to have a refresher course.

We count on electricity for heat, food, medical, communication and financial needs. Our appliances and work-saving devices rely upon a source of electricity for operation and even many gas-powered appliances such as furnaces and hot water heaters need electricity to run.   The worst thing about it is that when the power goes out, it is likely to be the result of some other emergency such as a hurricane, tornado, or winter storm. This means that the folks that are supposed to fix the problem may be spread wide and spread thin and it may be days before the lights are back on.

A power outage is not something that just might happen.  I can pretty much guarantee that it will happen.  The more you can do to prepare, the greater the likelihood that you will be comfortable and that will only suffer an inconvenience when the lights go out.

15 Tips to Start Prepping

1.  Have flashlights ready in multiple, easily accessible locations around your home.  Be sure to also have plenty of fresh, spare batteries.  You need one really great flashlight but it is also nice to have a bunch of small, handheld LED handheld flashlights.

2.  Have emergency candles plus matches available as well a candle lantern, oil lamp, or propane lantern.  Be sure to include some longer, fireplace type matches or a butane wand for lighting fires in your fireplace or outdoors in a fire pit,

3.  Have either a battery-operated radio, solar radio or hand crank radio so that you can stay in touch with the world.  Make sure your radio is in working condition by testing it at least once a year.

4.  Learn how to cook over an open fire, using charcoal or wood or even biomass.

5  Make sure you have a manual can opener for opening cans of food.  If you are a coffee drinker, also have a French press available as well as pre-ground coffee,

6.  Fill the empty space in your freezer with containers of water. Frozen water will displace air and keep food cold longer if the power goes out. Remember to leave space in containers for ice to expand. Empty milk cartons can be repurposed in this manner.

7.  If you use a landline, have at least one phone with a handset cord in your home. Many cordless phones will not work in a power outage.  Cell phone users should keep their cell phones charged and at the very least, pick up a cell phone car charger so you can charge the cell in your car if it runs down.

8.  If you have an automatic garage door opener, learn how to use the manual release to open your garage door manually.  Keep the instructions handy – perhaps taped to the inside of a closet door – so you don’t have to search for them when the time comes.

9.  Keep your automobile’s fuel tank at least half full. Many gas stations will not be in operation during a power outage. And please – fill up your tank if a major storm is predicted.

10.  Once the power goes out, unplug sensitive electrical equipment such as computers, printers, televisions, and audio equipment.  When the power comes back on, there may be power spikes that can damage delicate electronics.  I know, it has happened to me.  Keeping these items plugged in to surge protector helps but it is still best to unplug these items from the wall completely.

11.  Do not open refrigerators or freezers any more than necessary. An unopened refrigerator will keep food cold for approximately 4 hours, an unopened freezer will keep food frozen for approximately 24 hours and even longer if it is located in a cold garage.  You will need to throw away any food items that become warmer than 41 degrees.   No testing, no tasting.  To the garbage it goes.  Sorry, that is just the way it is.

12.  Keep a supply of books, board games, playing cards and other items available to keep you entertained and amused during a power outage.  A bit of chocolate and a bottle or two of wine or whiskey would also help in the amusement area.

13.  Be wary of the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning, which is caused from exposure to odorless fumes created by charcoal grills, camping stoves or generators that are operated inside a home or garage. Never, ever burn charcoal or use gasoline or propane-powered equipment inside your home. Don’t even do it in your garage or on your porch. Use such equipment only when you’re completely outdoors.

14. Notify your power company in advance if you use special healthcare equipment like oxygen generators or dialysis equipment that require power. Most power companies have the ability to note this in their records and will prioritize the response to your home.

15.  If your budget allows, acquire a portable generator.   Learn to safely use your generator and test it monthly.  And don’t forget to store enough fuel to run the generator for up to a week.  Alternately, you can look into solar generator options which are becoming increasingly reliable. Remember, your portable generator does not have to run full time.  Your refrigerator will be just fine without power over night when it is not being opened and closed repeatedly.

Continue reading…


, here.