Machon Shilo: Aspiring to a Full and Authentic Expression of Torah

Machon Shilo: Interview with R’David Bar-Hayim





My final interview for the week was with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim, the founder of Machon Shilo, a center of Jewish learning in Jerusalem dedicated to the exposition and dissemination of Torath Eretz Yisrael, the Judaism of the Land of Israel.

Rabbi Bar-Hayim defines his vision as “laying the groundwork for a restatement and reconstitution of Jewish thought and practice, based on the Written Law and the Oral Tradition (Tora ShebiKhtav and Tora SheBa’al Pe), in order to facilitate the realization of the Jewish nation’s divinely mandated purpose and duty to establish “a nation of priests, a holy people” (Exodus 19:6).

For Rabbi Bar-Hayim the crucial issue of our day is the reconstitution of the Jewish Nation. “In order for the Jewish people to realize its true potential and destiny and live up to HASHEM’s expectations of His people, it is crucial that we cease to define ourselves as Hungarian, Russian, Polish, Moroccan, Tunisian or Yemenite Jews…and begin to see ourselves simply as Jews. Or more precisely: as Jews privileged to dwell in our ancestral homeland in which we aspire to live according to a full and authentic expression of Tora.”

Rather than relying exclusively on the traditions of Rabbinical authorities in the Exile who studied and lived Judaism within the historical context of a minority residing in a foreign land under non-Jewish sovereignty, R’Bar-Hayim’s school encourages the study and implementation of the traditions and rulings found in the ancient sources of Land of Israel. For instance, Machon Shilo tends to privilege the methodology and rulings of the Talmud Yerushalmi, compiled in Tiberias in the 4-5th centuries, rather than the Talmud Bavli, compiled by rabbinic authorities in Babylon some 200 years later.

One aspect of this approach explains Rabbi Bar-Hayim, is the reintroduction of Nusah Eretz Yisrael, the format of prayer and liturgy used by the Jews of the Land of Israel until the first Crusade (1096-1099), at which time most of the Jewish population of Eretz Yisrael was either massacred or fled the country. This calamity, explains Rabbi Bar-Hayim, sealed the fate of Torath Eretz Yisrael, with the result that by the 12th century the Halakhic rulings, customs and liturgy of the Babylonian Jews had become the norm throughout the Jewish world. It should be noted that the liturgies in current use – the Ashkenazic, Sephardic and Yemenite rites – are all based on the Babylonian custom and liturgy.

R’Bar-Hayim asserts that there is a qualitative difference between the study and practice of Judaism in Eretz Yisrael as opposed to the Galut (exile), a fact stressed in several Talmudic sources. While many of the ancient and contemporary rabbinic authorities also assert such a difference, he takes them rather seriously. What is needed at this juncture of history, he argues, is a reconstituted Halachic Judaism which is in step with and complements the modern reality of the sovereign Jewish people living in their ancestral land.

Here the Rav explained to me that there is no such thing as Judaism without a halachic system at its base; that Judaism only exists in its present form today because of this system put into place 2500 thousand years ago by chazal (the foundational rabbinic authorities). From this perspective, both Reform and Conservative Judaism are flawed concepts from the outset. The former because it was founded on a rejection of Halachah as a basis for religious practice, and the latter because of its efforts to pick and choose Halachic interpretations as convenient for social integration into the diasporic milieu.

However, Orthodox Judaism too is flawed, according to Rabbi Bar-Hayim, as it was by definition a response to the rise of Reform Judaism in the early 19th century. Responding to the Reform movement’s complete disregard for traditional practice and established religious jurisprudence, the new and reactionary “Orthodox Judaism” (a previously unknown term) adopted an extreme and opposite approach, viz. that the Ashkenazi Jewish practice which had evolved in Europe until that time should be enshrined, denying the possibility of any change whatever, even where such change is mandated by the Torah itself.

In this sense, the anti-Zionist approach of the most Haredi sects like the Satmars who reject the legitimacy of the state of Israel is in fact the most orthodox of all. It was their forefathers’ custom to not live in the Land of Israel or to seek redemption of the land through human efforts. So too will they not engage in the building of the state or its society. They simply take the logic of orthodoxy as originally formulated to its most logical conclusion. As such, orthodox Jewry of today is fighting the “war” of religious practice in Israel today using the weapons of 200 years ago.

This is not and never was the intent of Halachic Judaism. The Rav argues that the rabbinical authorities of the past, Chazal, the Geonim, and the Rishonim, always understood the need and were willing to take stock of the realities of the present, to allow changes for the better. They were always redefining and reinventing certain elements of halachah, even changing well-established practices to suit the different circumstances and needs of the Jewish people in their times.

Now, with the creation of the State of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people and a territory under its political sovereignty, there is a need for just such an adaptation. Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook, the first chief rabbi of the State of Israel, understood this concept well, arguing that a newly reformulated, updated, and refreshed halachic system must be put in place in Eretz Yisrael. This as a means to become “more Jewish and more able to connect to Torah in Eretz Yisrael in the present historical context.” This need may not be pressing for those Jews who still live in galut, but he believes it is absolutely necessary for those who have returned to the land.

Why are we here? One of the reasons that the Jewish people who live in Israel need R’Bar-Hayim to complete and publish a Siddur Nusach Eretz Yisrael (a Jewish prayer book based on the liturgy and customs of Eretz Yisrael), suggests one of his students, is because we do not have a picture of our own reasons for living in the land. As long as Ashkenazi Jews continue to follow the customs that came from 12th century Germany and Sephardi Jews do the same with traditions from Spain, there will exist a psychological barrier between who they are and who they aspire to be.

As for the sources on the basis of which Nusach Eretz Yisrael can be reconstructed, R’Bar-Hayim explains that many snippets of the nusach are quoted in the Talmud Yerushalmi, Midrash Bereshit Raba, Vayikra Raba, Siphre, etc. In addition, the many thousands of manuscripts found in the Cairo Geniza towards the end of the 19th century, many dating from the 9th -12th centuries, have provided a wealth of material from a community where the nusach was still in use as recently as two or three generations ago.

Following the argument that a different form of Jewish practice is needed in the Land of Israel, we discussed what is religiously required of Jews in terms of taking control of the land. R’Bar-Hayim explained that there are three concepts which are of primary importance: kibbush eretz yisraelyishuv eretz yisrael, and yeshivat eretz yisrael or in English, inheriting/conquering the land, settling the land, and residing in the land. While the second two obligations are individual in nature, the first is necessarily collective. Yet all three are intertwined.

To engage in kibbush requires that the land itself be already substantially Jewish in character. In order for the Jewish people to achieve sovereignty in their land, it is essential that the Jewish population first achieve a certain critical mass. This can only be achieved through both yishuv and yeshiva. This is precisely how, in practice, the Zionist movement laid the foundations for the eventual state.

To engage in yishuv, settlement, is primarily a concept of property ownership. A Jew can fulfill the mitzvah of yishuv eretz yisrael simply by buying property in the land, even if that individual never resides in or develops that property. The importance here is to increase the amount of property in the land which is under Jewish control. This was long the primary mission of the Jewish National Fund, which in the pre-state British Mandate, collected funds from abroad for purchase of land in Israel. Arguably organizations like Ateret Cohanim, who buy property from Arabs in Jerusalem, are engaged in the same practice.

So important is this mitzvah that the Talmud declares (Talmud Bavli Gittin 8b, Bava Qama 80b) that should a Jew be approached on Shabbat, when financial transactions are forbidden, by a non-Jew wishing to sell him land in Israel, certain Rabbinical prohibitions are waived. Specifically, the Jew may turn to a gentile and ask him to write up the contract and conclude the deal to guard against the seller changing his mind.

To engage in yeshiva, however, requires that an individual physically relocate his life and livelihood to the Land of Israel, preferably on a permanent basis. The Halakha does not obligate a Jew who visits Eretz Yisrael to remain. Similarly, a Jewish resident may visit countries outside Eretz Yisrael. It is, however, true that a Jewish resident of Eretz Yisrael is not permitted to uproot himself and move to another country on a permanent basis unless certain extenuating circumstances apply (see Rambam’s MT Melakhim 5:11 seq.).

Both mitzvot incumbent upon the individual are necessary preconditions for the fulfillment of the collective mitzvah of kibbush eretz yisrael, the conquest and control of the land. When there are sufficient numbers of Jews living here who own sufficient property to establish institutions of state and society, only then would they would have the capacity to exercise complete control over the land. This is the purpose of secular Zionism as understood by early religious Zionists like R’Kalisher and later R’Kook. Once Jewish control in a significant part of the land was achieved, strength could be built to serve the complete redemption of the land, as in the vision of R’Tzvi Yehudah Kook and the Gush Emunim movement. “Unfortunately,” notes the Rav, “the Gush Emunim movement, and R’Tzvi Yehudah Kook, did not correctly assess the task before them. This is a long discussion in itself.”

From a kabbalistic (Jewish mystical) and arguably haredi perspective, the moshiach (messiah) will come appointed by heaven to lead the Jewish people back to the Land of Israel and herald a prophetic end of days. From the perspective of many religious Zionists, R’Bar-Hayim, and even of the Rambam, this is not the vision of moshiach. The moshiach, R’Bar-Hayim suggested, is someone who will be the political leader of the Jewish people and who will succeed in his aims. If this person does not achieve the central aims of the Jewish people in the land of Israel, then he cannot be moshiach.

Political leadership of any kind, let alone Jewish political leadership, does not exist in a vacuum. There cannot be a king without a nation behind him and so too there cannot be a moshiach without a people ready to go into battle, literally or figuratively, for the cause for which he fights. This “realist” perspective of redemption has important political implications for a religious understanding of the fulfillment of the promised biblical borders of the Land of Israel.

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From Ariel Zellman, here.

War Propaganda REALLY Works…

Propaganda During World War I: An Illustrated Account

These stories are not unique cases from a remote war. The same methods are constantly rinsed and repeated, the mentality in our ruling elites is the same, and the risk of a major conflict is as great today as in 1914.

These examples concentrate mostly on British/American perception management and propaganda. First of all, because they are masters of the art, and secondly, as victors they still dominate the narrative.

Arthur Ponsonby and Falsehood in Wartime

After the Great War came a huge backlash of disillusion and revulsion. Calmly analysed, most of what had been told in the war turned out to be lies and half-truths. «» was the title of a book published in 1928. Written by Arthur, Ponsonby, it discussed 20 instances of lies in wartime.

The contents of the book can be summed up in the Ten Commandments of War Propaganda:

  1. We do not want war.
  2. The opposite party alone is guilty of war.
  3. The enemy is the face of the devil.
  4. We defend a noble cause, not our own interest.
  5. The enemy systematically commits cruelties; our mishaps are involuntary.
  6. The enemy uses forbidden weapons.
  7. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous.
  8. Artists and intellectuals back our cause.
  9. Our cause is sacred.
  10. All who doubt our propaganda, are traitors.

The Enemy Is the Face of the Devil

The perception of German atrocities in World War 1 has had is up and downs during the decades.  They ‘Huns’ were indeed quite ruthless, and freely executed several thousand suspected franc-tireurs and hostages when they invaded Belgium and Northern France in 1914.

However, the theme of barbaric, nun-raping, baby-bayonetting Huns was so carried to excess by the Entente propaganda machine that there came a backlash in public opinion after the war. By the 1920s, the disillusionment with the war and its aftermath was so great that all of these stories were dismissed as atrocity propaganda, which again would backfire in 1939, when there was reluctance to believe stories of – this time real – massive German atrocities.

The same theme was used more recently, with the infamous tale of «Iraqis ripping babies from incubators in Kuwaiti hospitals», in the warm-up to the Gulf War in 1990. Before the US Congress, a young woman in tears testified how she as a nurse in Kuwait witnessed Iraqi soldiers ripping prematurely born babies out of their incubators, leaving them to die on the floor. The story was later repeated by an equally moved President George HW Bush.

The public later found out that the woman was in fact not a nurse, but the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to Washington, and the story was concocted as part of the propaganda effort by the PR-Agency Hill & Knowlton.

Mussolini Changes His Mind — Italy Should Join the War

Italy at first stayed neutral, then chose to join the Entente. This turned out to be a really bad decision, killing a generation of young men, and with not many gains to show for it in the peace treaties.

The decision was partially helped by subsidies from English and French intelligence to the Italian press. The Italian journalist Benito Mussolini (picture: in white coat, arrested during a scuffle with police in 1914) had a change of heart, and went from a leading socialist and war opponent to a fierce advocate of Italy joining the war.

According to a note written in November 1922 by the French secret services in Rome, Mussolini (who was described in another note from the same service as «an agent of the French Embassy in Rome») had in 1914 collected ten million francs «to support Italy’s war alongside the allied powers». In 1915, he was one of the founders the Fascist movement, which later took power in 1922.

The Difference Between Declared War Aims and Real Ones

In August 1914, when an almost unanimous German parliament voted yes to war, it was presented to the German public as a defensive Schutzkrieg against conniving enemies. With the exception of one member, Karl Liebknecht, the entire 110-member delegation from the Social Democratic Party bowed to the war euphoria and voted yes to war loans.

The perception presented to the public during the first few years of fighting, was of a Germany fighting a defensive war for survival, not a scheme for imperial aggrandizement. But in reality, already in September 1914, in the first few weeks of the war, a secret plan for an extensive redrawing of Europe’s borders was prepared for Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, the Septemberprogramm (see map).

After the Brest-Litovsk separate peace with the Bolsheviks in 1917, the eastern part of these war aims were achieved, where Germany occupied or created puppet governments in Poland, Ukraine, the Caucasus and Baltic areas, and created a dependent state in Finland.

Although a victory, this led to great disillusionment in the German liberal-left, which so far had supported a war to preserve the country. Now he myth of a defensive war was exposed as a lie, and the treaty showed it to be a war for imperial expansion.

The Sinking of the Lusitania

In May 1915 the British Government was in trouble. The European war was not going well. Instead of reacting to aggressive British blockades by begging for mercy, Germany was sinking more and more British ships with her U-boats.

The Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine on Friday May 7 1915, 12 miles off the coast of Ireland, killing 1198 people. The ship was running at two-thirds speed and in a straight line, rather than the recommended zigzag used to avoid torpedoes. The passengers were mostly US citizens (including millionaire Alfred Vanderbilt).

No members of the press even considered asking why Lusitania had been steaming so slowly and in a straight line, or why the British Admiralty had chosen to withhold the usual naval escort.

The numerous travel warnings posted by the German government in US newspapers, warning people they traveled on British shipping into British waters at their peril, was left out of the narrative. The German explanation, that the Lusitania was a legitimate target because she carried armaments, was dismissed out of hand.

And totally forgotten was the aggressive policy of starving Germany to its knees that had prompted the U-boat campaign in the first place. After the war began in 1914, Britain immediately began a naval blockade of Germany. Since even food was classified as “contraband,” the Germans had to ration food. By all estimates, several hundred thousand people ultimately died of starvation due to the blockade.

The sinking of the Lusitania was one of the main causes that brought the United States into the war, saving the war for the British

In July 1915, Pope Benedict XV published the apostolic exhortation «To the Peoples Now at War and to Their Rulers.» Two years later, in 1917, this became The seven-point plan, a peace note presented to the warring parties. It was based on a peace linked to justice rather than military conquest, cessation of hostilities, a reduction of armaments, a guaranteed freedom of the seas, international arbitration, and Belgium restored to independence and guaranteed «against any power whatsoever.» (But it tacitly implied that Germany would gain some territory in the east).

The decision to reject any proposal from the Vatican was already decided in 1915. The threat was that a peace mediation from someone like the Pope might create so much pressure from a war-weary populace that it might just gather enough momentum to force the powers to accept.

The secret Treaty of London (1915), committing Italy to the Entente (Britain, France and Russia) contained a clause, article 15, where Italy is given carte blanche to do whatever is deemed necessary to silence the Church: «France, Great Britain and Russia shall support such opposition as Italy may make to any proposal in the direction of introducing a representative of the Holy See in any peace negotiations or negotiations for the settlement of questions raised by the present war» .

From Women’s Liberation to a Tool for the State

There is nothing new about liberal social reformers falling into lockstep when the country goes to war.

British Emmeline Pankhurst was the most prominent member in the Women’s Suffrage movement. She founded the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) in 1902. After a remarkable and highly radical campaign for women’s rights, including hunger strikes, arson and window smashings, the group changed from a reformist program to a hard right reactionary nationalism as soon as the war broke out.

In 1914-15, bands of women roamed the cities of England handing out white feathers of cowardice to men wearing civilian clothes. The ‘White Feather Brigade’ was established by admiral Charles Fitzgerald, a war hawk who wished to see Britain institute mandatory military service. The campaign spread through the country with astonishing rapidity.

Not unconnected, the WSPU successfully carried out secret negotiations with the government, and on the 10th August 1914, the government announced it was releasing all suffragettes from prison. After receiving a £2,000 grant from the government, the WSPU organised a pro-war demonstration in London. Members carried banners with slogans such as «We Demand the Right to Serve» and «Let None Be Kaiser’s Cat’s Paws».

Pankhurst founded the Women’s Party in 1917. Excerpts from the program:

(1) A fight to the finish with Germany.

(2) More vigorous war measures to include drastic food rationing, more communal kitchens to reduce waste, and the closing down of nonessential industries to release labour for work on the land and in the factories.

(3) A clean sweep of all officials of enemy blood or connections from Government departments. Peace terms to include the dismemberment of the Hapsburg Empire.

(8) Irish Home Rule to be denied.

In the Suffrage Movement’s defense, many members chose a different and more honorable stance, like her daughter Sylvia Pankhurst. In 1915, Sylvia gave her enthusiastic support to the International Women’s Peace Congress, and she later became a leading international voice in the resistance to Mussolini’s attack on Ethiopia.

Edith Cavell – Nurse (And a Hundred Years Later, a Spy After All)

Few incidents created bigger outrage in the First World War than when the British nurse Edith Cavellwas executed by firing squad for helping Allied soldiers escape occupied Belgium. In the trial, she admitted to leading a people smuggling network.

But the German charges also claimed that Cavell was a spy, sending sensitive intelligence through the same network, a claim which was strongly denied by both Cavell and the British government.

The government’s insistence on her innocence was taken as implicitly true in Britain, and she became a symbol for victims of Hunnic habitual cruelty. This perception also had great impact on public opinion in the still neutral United States. The implicit presumption of innocence lingered for a many years, and was a useful propaganda tool for many decades.

In a BBC-program in 2015, a hundred years after Cavell’s death, Stella Rimington, former head of the MI5, revealed that she had discovered documents in Belgian archives indicating that Cavell was in fact a spy.

This is of course a limited hangout. MI5 would have known this all along, being Cavell’s boss, but naturally chose to keep quiet about it, since the idea of her innocence was so convenient.

Rimington said her evidence showed «that the Cavell organisation was a two-pronged affair» and that espionage was the other part of its clandestine mission.

The documents included an account by Herman Capiau, a young Belgian mining engineer who had brought the first British soldiers to Cavell in 1914 and was an important member of her network.

He wrote: «Whenever it was possible to send interesting intelligence on military operations, this information was forwarded to the English intelligence service punctually and rapidly.»

Capiau referred to information about a German trench system, the location of munitions dumps and the whereabouts of aircraft.

Since she was in fact guilty, it would make her case similar to the famous spy Mata Hari, who was unceremoniously executed by the French in 1917, without any international outcry. Of course, Cavell’s case is worse, since she used a humanitarian cover for her activities, putting all medical personnel under suspicion.

Most of Our Opinions Are Formed by Men We Have Never Heard of

After the United States joined the war in 1917, president Wilson founded a government agency, The Committee on Public Information, to drum up support in public opinion for the US Crusade for Freedom©.

A young man, Edward Bernays,  started working for it, and quickly learned his trade there. He later became known as «the father of public relations», and a pioneer in the modern PR-industry, where he, among other things, arranged the media part of the CIA-regime change operation in Guatemala in 1954. The full quote from him is as follows:

«The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.»

The Invasion of 1910 — A Book Commissioned to Tell the Public Who the Next Enemy Is

Describing an imagined German invasion of England, the book  was written by William le Queux on commission from the press magnate Lord Northcliffe and serialized in his newspaper the Daily Mail in 1906. After the detente with France and friendlier relations with Russia, British elites circles agreed on who the next likely enemy would be. But the British public still wasn’t ‘with the program’, and a large campaign was started to prepare them mentally. In the years 1906-1914, a torrent of books and articles on the terrible Hun menace poured out from a number of authors, including Arthur Conan Doyle.

Bits by Bits a War Memorial Day Gets a New Meaning

World War 1 was a bloody affair for the Commonwealth countries. Most Australian country towns or even small villages have a cenotaph or monument with a shockingly long list of local men lost in WW1. ANZAC-day  (on 25th of April, the anniversary of the Anglo-French campaign to conquer Gallipoli and the Dardanelles, where Australia played a part) was decided as a holiday in 1921 to commemorate these war dead, in a rather sombre spirit. The holiday and ceremony was a quiet affair for most of last century, apart from the usual right-wing forces trying to capitalize on it. It reached it’s nadir in the late 1970s, after the Vietnam war.

A marked change started in the 1990s, with a concerted and very well funded campaign from the government to militarize Australian history. Now the ceremonies are huge, military-political events, full of pathos, cant and sentimentality.  By spending huge sums to connect the public idea of Australianness to a glorification of its military glory, it seems Australian participation, like in 1914 by choice, in the next bloody world war is inevitable – nothing learned Down Under.

Neutral Countries Are the Winners

This Swiss cartoon by Karl Czerpien, is captioned «The wooing of the Neutrals», where orators from the warring countries are trying to entice neutrals to join them. The different alliances spent large efforts to tangle neutral countries into their imperialistic intrigues (see the case of Italy above). For smaller neutral countries, war between the great powers is always a dangerous time, but by trying to stay neutral, they are rather better off than by joining an alliance. A lesson for our time, when small countries in Europe seem very eager to get the honor of being the battlefield in the next war.

1924 — The Pacifist Ernst Friedrich Shows the Real Faces of War

In 1924, in the book War against War, the German anti-war activist Ernst Friedrich breaks a taboo in war reporting, by showing real war injuries. Such horrific pictures were – and still are – generally very rarely shown in war reporting, both in the corporate media and in anti-war literature.

This unwillingness contributes, intentionally or just because the pictures are too shocking to handle, to an almost idealized image of war, where our dead are always beautifully serene and the wounded well wrapped in bandages.

This article was also published on the author’s blog site: Midt i fleisen.

Reprinted with permission from

From, here.

צביעות חוקי הסטטוס קוו

עיר עברית או יהודית ? /הרב אליהו קאופמן

     לצערי הרב הנציגים הדתיים והחרדים במדינה מיצגים אולי –  ובקושי , צבורים דתיים וחרדים אך לא את היהדות, שהרי אחרת אינני מבין על מה ה”יללות” בנוגע להפעלת התחבורה הציבורית בשבתות ובחגים בת”א , גבעתיים וכו’. הרי עד היום נהוג  היה שהאוטובוסים הצבורים יצאו לדרכם עוד  לפני צאת השבת (ועוד בימי הקיץ). האם ישנה הלכה המתירה  לחלל את השבת רק משעה 16 אחרה”צ ונותנת עדיפות בחילול שבת לאלה מהאוטובוסים הנוסעים ליעדים רחוקים יותר? האם באיזה מקום ב”שולחן ערוך” כתוב שלמוניות יש דין אחר בחילול שבת מאוטובוסים? מדוע לנוכרי כמו אבולעפיה אסור לפתוח את חנות הפיתות שלו בפסח , אך מנגד מותר לחנות של יהודים בטהרן למכור יין ? לא פעם אני שומע אידיאוטים דתיים  בחסד המתנגדים לזכותו של כומר או  קאדי להיכנס לבית סוהר עבור אסיר נוכרי בטענה  כי “זו מדינה יהודית” אבל כאשר במדינה נוכרית רוצים לבטל את ברית המילה או השחיטה היהודית בטענה שזו “מדינה נוצרית” הם נזעקים על “זכויות המיעוטים”.  ורשימת התהיות שלי  עוד ארוכה. התשובה   הזו , שמדובר כאן ב”עיר יהודית” או ב”מדינה יהודית” היא בדיחה. הכל “קאלם פאדי”. ת”א איננה עיר יהודית בדיוק כמו שניו יורק – עם ראש העיר היהודי שלה, בלומברג, איננה עיר יהודית.

     וחוץ מזה , לאלה המדברים על “ציויון יהודי” הרי שכל המסבאות , אתרי התועבה ובתי המרזח הפתוחים בשבת –  בכל עיר חילונית , ובמיוחד בת”א, עבירתם חמורה פי שבעתיים מאיזה אוטובוס של “דן” שבמקום לחלל שבת “רק” מאחה”צ יתחיל לחלל אותה כבר בליל שבת. ובעיקר , בטוח שלשומרי השבת זה לא יגרע ממנוחתם ומקדושת השבת שלהם. אז על מה המלחמה?

    המלחמה מועלית בשם “המשך הסטאטוס קוו” שמזמן כבר איננו קיים. למעשה זהו מושג אפיקורסי שהרי על פי דעת תורה אין מצב כזה –  ואסור שיהיה אי פעם מצב כזה , שיהודים יראים ושלמים יסכימו שחלק אחר מעם ישראל יחטא באזורים ובגבולות מוגדרים בהסכמה מראש לכך. ה”סטאטוס קוו” הזה נוגד לחלוטין את “ישראל ערבים זה בזה” ו”זה לזה”. והנה לכם עוד “קלאם פאדי” נוסף . אז על מה המלחמה האמיתית?

     המלחמה האמיתית איננה על היהדות אלא על המשך קיומן של ה”מפלגות הדתיות” והקשר בינן לבין בוחריהן. כדי להיבחר שוב צריך להצביע על “הישגים” וכאלה ישנם רק אם ה”סטאטוס קוו” נישמר. לעומת זאת אם “דן” ייסע מת”א לגבעתיים (העיר המרדנית הבאה בתור…) בליל שבת ולא בצהרי השבת הרי שה”הישגים” הדתיים יפלו וקולות הבוחרים יתנדפו. במיוחד אמורים הדברים אצל המפלגות  החרדיות –  שם הציבור המצביע להן אינו מונע מ”סיבות לאומיות”, אלא מהרצון ל”חזק את הדת”.

     והנה  אלה –  המפלגות החרדיות, שנכשלו בחיזוק היהדות באמת ומתירות להכניס “גרי חלומות” סלביים לקהל ישראל, הנה דווקא בשלב האוטובוסים בשבת או  בעניין מכירת חמץ מנוכרי  לנוכרי   בפסח , הן עומדות על רגליהן האחוריות. זו צביעות ממדרגה ראשונה. פתאום לאלה שמעלימים עיניים ממכירת בשר טרף בחותמת כשרה ומחטיאים את ישראל האמיתיים, פתאום להם איכפת שנוכרי מאוקראינה או ערבי מיפו לא יחללו את השבת! והרי כבר נאמר בהלכה שאסור לגוי לשמור שבת! אם השבת כל כך יקרה להם , אזי, היו  הללו נלחמים עלייה באזורים החרדים ממש כמו בירושלים ובבית שמש, אבל מה לת”א, גבעתיים וכו’ ול”שמירת שבת” , ועוד רק לשליש ולרביע?!

     ופתאום מי קופץ בראש? הרב ה”גאון” ישראל מאיר לאו. הדמעות תנין שלו הפסיקו להרשים אותי למעלה מעשור וחצי . קודם שידאג הלה שבפתח בית הכנסת שלו לא יגיעו מתפלליו עם רכבים בשבת ורק אח”כ יקשקש על כך שלא יתירו ל”דן” ול”קווים” לחלל שבת מוקדם יותר. עשר שנים שימש האיש –  לאו שמו, כ”רב ראשי לישראל”, וחמש מהן היה אחראי לכשרות הארצית וחמש שנים היה ראב”ד בתי הדין הרבניים. בימיו הותרה הרצועה וכל הטריפות, הנבלות והפיגולים נכנסו לישראל תחת אנשי ה”רבנות” שלו והוא לא עשה דבר לעוצרם! הלה בטח זוכר כי יותר משבע שנים פרסמתי –  שבוע אחר שבוע, תחקירים בעניין והוא מעולם לא תבע את העיתון שבו התפרסמו הכתבות. בשנים שהיה ראב”ד הפכו “גרי החלומות” ל”תעשייה” שלמה  מאותם  בתי הדין שעליהם פיקח  אך מלבד חיוכים אויילים הוא לא עשה דבר למונעם.  במשרדו הוא מעסיק עוזר שבימים אלה נאשם על קבלת שוחד ל”תארים רבניים” עבור אנשי קבע שבינם לבין “יהדות” אין ולא דבר. וחוץ מזה עד היום הרב לאו לא תבע את אותן  נשים – ובראשן טלילה סטן האגדית , שהאשימו אותו בעריות. ומה עם ה”מעטפות” שהכניס לכיסו  אחרי החופות והוא כ”אב”ד ישראל”  עלול היה לפגוש את בעלי השלמונים ב”בית הדין הגדול”? והנה  מתי התעורר ה”צדיק”     הזה ? –  כאשר האוטובוסים של “אגד” יצאו מעט מוקדם יותר לחלל את השבת למען נוכרים או כאלה שאינם שומרי מצוות…

     אז רבותי היקרים, אין כאן שום עניין של דת אלא הצגה מכוערת של “שימור ציויונה היהודי של המדינה” כדי שתמשיך  הענקת לגיטימציה – מחד גיסא, ללאומנות הציונית לפעול בשמה של היהדות, ומאידך גיסא לתת כוח וחיות פוליטיים להמשך קיומן של ה”מפלגות הדתיות” וה”חרדיות”  על שלל “רבניהן” הציונים  והצבועים  תמורת שירותי “עלה התאנה” שהן מעניקות למפלגות הציוניות.

     ומכאן למציאות האמיתית. ת”א נולדה כ”עיר העברית הראשונה” וכזו גם תישאר. המונח “עברי” קיים עוד לפני התהוות עם ישראל  או לפני המושג “העם היהודי”.  “העברים” –  כך כונו אותם נוכרים שחיו בין הפרת למצרים, “ארץ עבר הנהר”. והעיר ת”א  –  זו שלא מזמן זכתה לפרס של עיר התועבה מספר אחת בעולם, באמת “ראויה”  במראיה ובפרסייה לחדש את תרבות כנען והאמורי ששלטו כאן עד בואו של יהושע  בן נון. חוקי עירייה ופרלמנט לא ישנו השקפת עולם של יהודי זה או אחר ולא “יחזירו בתשובה” איש , ומנגד חוקים כאלה  יכפו איסורים אסורים ומיותרים  על נוכרים. היו באמת זמנים שמאיר דיזנגוף (לפני הבחירות הראשונות לעיריית ת”א) הסכים ל”סטאטוס קוו” כדי ששלוש שכונות (“נווה שלום”, “נווה צדק” ו”שבזי”) לא תחזורנה ליפו הערבית אם תחולל “כליל” השבת בת”א. אבל מאז עברו לא מעט מי שופכין בירקון והציונים החילוניים בת”א כבר אינם תלויים בדתיים כמו אז , וכמו כן אותם ציונים חילוניים אינם זקוקים עוד ללגיטימציה “יהודית” כדי לקבל קולוניאלית את הארץ מידי הבריטים, ולבסוף יפו הערבית כמעט ולא קיימת ואפילו את  בתי העלמין שלה מנסים למחוק. אז אפשר להתניע ולנסוע מהר יותר בשבת.

     ולכן, כמי שבאמת מאמין באמיתות התורה ובמלחמה על כל לב יהודי שישמור תורה ומצוות הרי שאין זו עבורי מדינה יהודית ות”א בטוח שאיננה עיר  יהודית , שהרי אין כוהנים בעבודתם ולויים במעמדם וגלו האורים והתומים,  אז באמת –  כמו שכתבתי כבר , אין שום הבדל בין ניו יורק לת”א  וכדאי לחדד את העניין כדי שלא יטעו טועים וכסילים, ולכן אין גם צורך למנוע מנוכרים וחילוניים לנסוע חופשי ברחובותיהם. אך במקום זאת יפה יעשו “יהדות התורה” וש”ס אם יפסיקו לכפות הבלים על נוכרים ומנגד  יוציאו מן ההסכלה הציונית את צאן מרעיתם שבגרו , יאבקו נגד “גיורי החלומות” ולא ישתפו פעולה עם כשרויות מזויפות מבית היוצר שלהם.

     אילו יכולתי היום לנהל מו”מ על חולדאי ושכמותו הייתי מחתימם על כך שת”א תמשיך להיקרא “עברית” ולא יהודית ומנגד –  בתמורה לכל התרות ה”סטאטוס קוו” המצחיקים, הייתי מבקש מהם  את שמירת השבת והדת עפ”י “יבנה וחכמיה” בכל השכונות, הערים והישובים הדתיים והחרדים ומחכה למשיח צדקנו בנחת ללא קשר למדינת מכבי ת”א ודנה אינטרנשיונל , ושמצידי הכל יישאר פתוח  ועל גלגלים . שהרי בלאוו הכי מיהדות של כפייה ורמייה לא תבוא הגאולה.

מאתר יורה דעה, כאן.

Edom: The Higher He Climbs, The Harder He Falls

Planet of War

Still Trapped in a Greater Middle Eastern Quagmire, the U.S. Military Prepares for Global Combat

American militarism has gone off the rails — and this middling career officer should have seen it coming. Earlier in this century, the U.S. military not surprisingly focused on counterinsurgency as it faced various indecisive and seemingly unending wars across the Greater Middle East and parts of Africa. Back in 2008, when I was still a captain newly returned from Iraq and studying at Fort Knox, Kentucky, our training scenarios generally focused on urban combat and what were called security and stabilization missions. We’d plan to assault some notional city center, destroy the enemy fighters there, and then transition to pacification and “humanitarian” operations.

Of course, no one then asked about the dubious efficacy of “regime change” and “nation building,” the two activities in which our country had been so regularly engaged. That would have been frowned upon. Still, however bloody and wasteful those wars were, they now look like relics from a remarkably simpler time. The U.S. Army knew its mission then (even if it couldn’t accomplish it) and could predict what each of us young officers was about to take another crack at: counterinsurgency in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Fast forward eight years — during which this author fruitlessly toiled away in Afghanistan and taught at West Point — and the U.S. military ground presence has significantly decreased in the Greater Middle East, even if its wars there remain “infinite.” The U.S. was still bombing, raiding, and “advising” away in several of those old haunts as I entered the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Nonetheless, when I first became involved in the primary staff officer training course for mid-level careerists there in 2016, it soon became apparent to me that something was indeed changing.

Our training scenarios were no longer limited to counterinsurgency operations. Now, we were planning for possible deployments to — and high-intensity conventional warfare in — the Caucasus, the Baltic Sea region, and the South China Sea (think: Russia and China). We were also planning for conflicts against an Iranian-style “rogue” regime (think: well, Iran). The missions became all about projecting U.S. Army divisions into distant regions to fight major wars to “liberate” territories and bolster allies.

One thing soon became clear to me in my new digs: much had changed. The U.S. military had, in fact, gone global in a big way. Frustrated by its inability to close the deal on any of the indecisive counterterror wars of this century, Washington had decided it was time to prepare for “real” war with a host of imagined enemies. This process had, in fact, been developing right under our noses for quite a while. You remember in 2013 when President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton began talking about a “pivot” to Asia — an obvious attempt to contain China. Obama also sanctioned Moscow and further militarized Europe in response to Russian aggression in Ukraine and the Crimea. President Trump, whose “instincts,” on the campaign trail, were to pull out of America’s Middle Eastern quagmires, turned out to be ready to escalate tensions with China, Russia, Iran, and even (for a while) North Korea.

With Pentagon budgets reaching record levels — some $717 billion for 2019 — Washington has stayed the course, while beginning to plan for more expansive future conflicts across the globe. Today, not a single square inch of this ever-warming planet of ours escapes the reach of U.S. militarization.

Think of these developments as establishing a potential formula for perpetual conflict that just might lead the United States into a truly cataclysmic war it neither needs nor can meaningfully win. With that in mind, here’s a little tour of Planet Earth as the U.S. military now imagines it.

Our Old Stomping Grounds: Forever War in the Middle East and Africa

Never apt to quit, even after 17 years of failure, Washington’s bipartisan military machine still churns along in the Greater Middle East. Some 14,500 U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan (along with much U.S. air power) though that war is failing by just about any measurable metric you care to choose — and Americans are still dying there, even if in diminished numbers.

In Syria, U.S. forces remain trapped between hostile powers, one mistake away from a possible outbreak of hostilities with Russia, Iran, Syrian President Assad, or even NATO ally Turkey. While American troops (and air power) in Iraq helped destroy ISIS’s physical “caliphate,” they remain entangled there in a low-level guerrilla struggle in a country seemingly incapable of forming a stable political consensus. In other words, as yet there’s no end in sight for that now 15-year-old war. Add in the drone strikes, conventional air attacks, and special forces raids that Washington regularly unleashes in Somalia, Libya, Yemen, and Pakistan, and it’s clear that the U.S. military’s hands remain more than full in the region.

If anything, the tensions — and potential for escalation — in the Greater Middle East and North Africa are only worsening. President Trump ditched President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal and, despite the recent drama over the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, has gleefully backed the Saudi royals in their arms race and cold war with Iran. While the other major players in that nuclear pact remained on board, President Trump has appointed unreformed Iranophobe neocons like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo to key foreign policy positions and his administration still threatens regime change in Tehran.

In Africa, despite talk about downsizing the U.S. presence there, the military advisory mission has only increased its various commitments, backing questionably legitimate governments against local opposition forces and destabilizing further an already unstable continent. You might think that waging war for two decades on two continents would at least keep the Pentagon busy and temper Washington’s desire for further confrontations. As it happens, the opposite is proving to be the case.

Poking the Bear: Encircling Russia and Kicking Off a New Cold War

Vladimir Putin’s Russia is increasingly autocratic and has shown a propensity for localized aggression in its sphere of influence. Still, it would be better not to exaggerate the threat. Russia did annex the Crimea, but the people of that province were Russians and desired such a reunification. It intervened in a Ukrainian civil war, but Washington was also complicit in the coup that kicked off that drama. Besides, all of this unfolded in Russia’s neighborhood as the U.S. military increasingly deploys its forces up to the very borders of the Russian Federation. Imagine the hysteria in Washington if Russia were deploying troops and advisers in Mexico or the Caribbean.

To put all of this in perspective, Washington and its military machine actually prefer facing off against Russia. It’s a fight the armed forces still remain comfortable with. After all, that’s what its top commanders were trained for during the tail end of an almost half-century-long Cold War. Counterinsurgency is frustrating and indecisive. The prospect of preparing for “real war” against the good old Russians with tanks, planes, and artillery — now, that’s what the military was built for!

And despite all the over-hyped talk about Donald Trump’s complicity with Russia, under him, the Obama-era military escalation in Europe has only expanded. Back when I was toiling hopelessly in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. Army was actually removing combat brigades from Germany and stationing them back on U.S. soil (when, of course, they weren’t off fighting somewhere in the Greater Middle East). Then, in the late Obama years, the military began returning those forces to Europe and stationing them in the Baltic, Poland, Romania, and other countries increasingly near to Russia. That’s never ended and, this year, the U.S. Air Force has delivered its largest shipment of ordnance to Europe since the Cold War.

Make no mistake: war with Russia would be an unnecessary disaster — and it could go nuclear. Is Latvia really worth that risk?

From a Russian perspective, of course, it’s Washington and its expansion of the (by definition) anti-Russian NATO alliance into Eastern Europe that constitutes the real aggression in the region — and Putin may have a point there. What’s more, an honest assessment of the situation suggests that Russia, a country whose economy is about the size of Spain’s, has neither the will nor the capacity to invade Central Europe. Even in the bad old days of the Cold War, as we now know from Soviet archives, European conquest was never on Moscow’s agenda. It still isn’t.

Nonetheless, the U.S. military goes on preparing for what Marine Corps Commandant General Robert Neller, addressing some of his forces in Norway, claimed was a “big fight” to come. If it isn’t careful, Washington just might get the war it seems to want and the one that no one in Europe or the rest of this planet needs.

Challenging the Dragon: The Futile Quest for Hegemony in Asia

The United States Navy has long treated the world’s oceans as if they were American lakes. Washington extends no such courtesy to other great powers or nation-states. Only now, the U.S. Navy finally faces some challenges abroad — especially in the Western Pacific. A rising China, with a swiftly growing economy and carrying grievances from a long history of European imperial domination, has had the audacity to assert itself in the South China Sea. In response, Washington has reacted with panic and bellicosity.

Never mind that the South China Sea is Beijing’s Caribbean (a place where Washington long felt it had the right to do anything it wanted militarily). Heck, the South China Sea has China in its name! The U.S. military now claims — with just enough truth to convince the uninformed — that China’s growing navy is out for Pacific, if not global, dominance. Sure, at the moment China has only two aircraft carriers, one an old rehab (though it is building more) compared to the U.S. Navy’s 11 full-sized and nine smaller carriers. And yes, China hasn’t actually attacked any of its neighbors yet. Still, the American people are told that their military must prepare for possible future war with the most populous nation on the planet.

In that spirit, it has been forward deploying yet more ships, Marines, and troops to the Pacific Rim surrounding China. Thousands of Marines are now stationed in Northern Australia; U.S. warships cruise the South Pacific; and Washington has sent mixed signals regarding its military commitments to Taiwan. Even the Indian Ocean has recently come to be seen as a possible future battleground with China, as the U.S. Navy increases its regional patrols there and Washington negotiates stronger military ties with China’s rising neighbor, India. In a symbolic gesture, the military recently renamed its former Pacific Command (PACOM) the Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM).

Unsurprisingly, China’s military high command has escalated accordingly. They’ve advised their South China Sea Command to prepare for war, made their own set of provocative gestures in the South China Sea, and also threatened to invade Taiwan should the Trump administration change America’s longstanding “One China” policy.

From the Chinese point of view, all of this couldn’t be more logical, given that President Trump has also unleashed a “trade war” on Beijing’s markets and intensified his anti-China rhetoric. And all of this is, in turn, consistent with the Pentagon’s increasing militarization of the entire globe.

No Land Too Distant

Would that it were only Africa, Asia, and Europe that Washington had chosen to militarize. But as Dr. Seuss might have said: that is not all, oh no, that is not all. In fact, more or less every square inch of our spinning planet not already occupied by a rival state has been deemed a militarized space to be contested. The U.S. has long been unique in the way it divided the entire surface of the globe into geographical (combatant) commands presided over by generals and admirals who functionally serve as regional Roman-style proconsuls.

And the Trump years are only accentuating this phenomenon. Take Latin America, which might normally be considered a non-threatening space for the U.S., though it is already under the gaze of U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM). Recently, however, having already threatened to “invade” Venezuela, President Trump spent the election campaign rousing his base on the claim that a desperate caravan of Central American refugees — hailing from countries the U.S. had a significant responsibility for destabilizing in the first place — was a literal “invasion” and so yet another military problem. As such, he ordered more than 5,000 troops (more than currently serve in Syria or Iraq) to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Though he is not the first to try to do so, he has also sought to militarize space and so create a possible fifth branch of the U.S. military, tentatively known as the Space Force. It makes sense. War has long been three dimensional, so why not bring U.S. militarism into the stratosphere, even as the U.S. Army is evidently training and preparing for a new cold war (no pun intended) with that ever-ready adversary, Russia, around the Arctic Circle.

If the world as we know it is going to end, it will either be thanks to the long-term threat of climate change or an absurd nuclear war. In both cases, Washington has been upping the ante and doubling down. On climate change, of course, the Trump administration seems intent on loading the atmosphere with ever more greenhouse gases. When it comes to nukes, rather than admit that they are unusable and seek to further downsize the bloated U.S. and Russian arsenals, that administration, like Obama’s, has committed itself to the investment of what could, in the end, be at least $1.6 trillion over three decades for the full-scale “modernization” of that arsenal. Any faintly rational set of actors would long ago have accepted that nuclear war is unwinnable and a formula for mass human extinction. As it happens, though, we’re not dealing with rational actors but with a defense establishment that considers it a prudent move to withdraw from the Cold War era Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty with Russia.

And that ends our tour of the U.S. military’s version of Planet Earth.

It is often said that, in an Orwellian sense, every nation needs an enemy to unite and discipline its population. Still, the U.S. must stand alone in history as the only country to militarize the whole globe (with space thrown in) in preparation for taking on just about anyone. Now, that’s exceptional.

Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author, expressed in an unofficial capacity, and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.

Reprinted with permission from