Political Favors Are NOT Capitalism

Why Politicians Love Deals like the Amazon Deals



Amazon isn’t the first big corporation to manipulate policymakers by shopping around the idea of relocating its headquarter to the “right” city. The “right” city, of course, is the one that provides the company with enough tax breaks and other political favors so as to make the move worth it.

Back in 2001, for example, Aerospace company Boeing did exactly the same thing, with Illinois and Chicago’s governments winning that contest:

State and local officials lobbied aggressively to lure Boeing, offering generous financial incentives, pushing the city’s business and cultural advantages and creating a blue-ribbon commission.

In the end, the State of Illinois offered Boeing up to $41 million in tax and other incentives over the next 20 years, and Mayor Richard M. Daley said the city offered millions more in property tax abatement and other benefits over that period.

Amazon has done something very similar with its own recent search to find the city and state that will provide the political favors necessary to lure the company to set up a second or third headquarters.

The problem with these schemes, however, is not that they involve tax cuts. Contrary to what some leftwing outlets might claim, a tax “incentive” (i.e., a tax cut) is not a “subsidy.” Only people thoroughly indoctrinated into government doublespeak think that a decline in government revenue is a type of “spending” and is thus the same thing as a subsidy.1

But, while deals like those made with Boeing and Amazon are primarily based on tax incentives, they do represent a type of public policy in which certain firms are granted political favors. The ultimate effect is one in which a government agency has decided to impose high costs on Firm A while imposing relatively lower costs for Firm B. In other words, it’s a way for the government to pick winners and losers.

For a sense of the political implications of this, imagine if this were done on an individual level. Suppose that, in order to attract more “talent” to a region, the state government of Indiana declared that all new immigrants would not be required to pay income taxes. Everyone who already lived in Indiana, though, would pay the usual full tax. Or, imagine if as part of a reparations scheme, Black Americans were not longer required to pay payroll taxes. But everyone else was.

It’s true that none of these schemes are subsidies, rightly defined. Moreover, there may be certain economic benefits that could result. Those who were no longer required to pay payrolls taxes or sales taxes would be able to spend and invest more in the local economy. But few would argue that these are neutral policies, or policies that lessen the political power of the policymaking authorities. In fact, policies like these could easily end up being significant political boons for the powers that be.

Tax Incentives as Government Planning

Looking at this strictly through the lens of economics, there’s clearly nothing wrong with a tax break.

Moreover, the fact that state and local politicians are so eager to give tax breaks to certain companies shows that they admit that a low-tax environment is better for business, employment, and prosperity.

Once deals like the Amazon deal go down, though, we’re left wondering: why do only billionaires get a tax cut, while ordinary small business owners have to keep paying the usual tax rate?

Of course, it would be better for the economy overall if all businesses got a tax break. In that case, business owners across all industries and sectors would have more money to hire workers, pay dividends, pay down debts, raise wages, or expand operations.

So why not do that?

Basically, politicians prefer to hand out tax cuts for only select favored groups because they think they know how to manipulate and plan the economy. Certainly, these policymakers could create an environment that was generally good for businesses and business owners, by lowering taxes and regulations overall.

But, that strategy would allow consumers and business owners to decide what businesses get built, and where, and what is produced.

But, as far as politicians are concerned, that’s allowing entirely too much freedom. Moreover, incentive deals provide a way for politicians to rationalize not providing tax relief for the economy overall. “See?” they’ll say. “Companies want to come here even with our high tax rates!”

Favoring Large Firms Over Small or Indigenous Firms

Another problem with these schemes is that they favor established, large businesses over small firms that are just getting started.

The main fault in this idea is immediately obvious if we consider the fact that Amazon was itself once a small startup. Indeed, most big firms today once began as small firms which had to build themselves up by catering to consumer tastes in the marketplace. But, it’s impossible for politicians — or anybody else — to predict ahead of time what new startups today will be the future’s big multinational firms.

Schemes like the Amazon and Boeing “incentive” plans, however, are based on the idea that it is more important to cater to large firms than to foster an environment in which local businesses thrive and grow.

This is often done for political reasons. Once a large firm is enticed to move to a new city, politicians and “economic development” bureaucrats can claim they have given the local economy a shot in the arm. They will have bragging rights when socializing with their peers at conferences and at meetings with other mayors or state governors. It helps politicians feel important.

In other words, bringing  in a company like Amazon is “sexy.” It gets headlines. It may even get votes.

Incentive programs may also require that the new company keep track of how many jobs it creates or how much tax revenue it creates. And then report those metrics to the government. That makes it easy for politicians to then claim they “created jobs.”

A general pro-business environment would create jobs too, of course. But it’s harder to calculate the job creation and wealth creation that takes place when a thousand small- or medium-sized firms grow and hire more people. It’s especially hard for a politician to then connect that economic growth to a specific policy that the politicians favored.

So, in a classic case of the “seen vs. unseen” problem, large corporations are often favored simply because they are more visible. They offer better opportunities for politicians to get attention.

Making Life Harder for Smaller Business

And additional problem with bringing in certain favored firms with tax incentives is that it can increase costs for smaller and indigenous firms. While the presence of the new big firm may help some vendors who will provide goods and services to the large firm — such as a local janitorial company which provides building maintenance for the new large firm — many other firms will have to pay higher prices as a result. For example, the new firm may drive up construction costs or energy costs for everyone in the region. It may drive up local costs for catering services or accountant services. Office space may become more expensive. This will then drive up the cost of doing business for many other local businesses. Those firms may then have to eliminate jobs as a result.

And then, of course, there are the intangible costs in terms of time and the quality of life. The presence of the new firm may lead to overcrowding on highways or in local schools, or at local parks.

These schemes may also serve to make a local economy less diverse or more dependent on a single firm or single industry. When politicians decide that a local economy ought to be a “tech hub” or some other type of industry-specific “hub,” they are using public policy to tie that local economy to a specific industry. If that industry or business fails or goes into decline, the local economy will go down with it. Had politicians refrained from favoring certain firms, however, this fate might have been avoided.

Supporters of incentives schemes may claim “well, it will all even out because the new big firm will bring more tax revenue. And the rising prices will benefit local firms as much as they will hurt local firms. Some win, some lose, but the net benefit is surely positive!”

Or they might point out that even without incentive schemes, certain economies can become dependent on certain industries or companies.

That’s all possible. But, frankly, defenders of these schemes don’t have enough data to know for sure.

In the end, incentives schemes and other forms of government planned “economic development” are based on conjecture and speculation. They’re based on politicians thinking themselves qualified to re-shape and re-direct a region’s economy to suit what is — in their minds — trendy, exciting, or politically advantageous. In the long run, more firms, more wealth, and more growth could be achieved by simply cutting taxes and regulatory requirements. And this strategy would have the added benefit of not inserting government preferences for certain firms and industries over others.

After all, supporters of special favors for certain powerful firms can’t know if their incentive plans will lead to a net benefit in terms of tax revenues or employment growth — if compared to a plan in which taxes and regulations were scaled back.

And it’s not likely that they care.

1. Some economic development deals do involve outright subsidies in the true sense of the word, and those should be condemned as the subsidies they are.

From Mises.org, here.

Jews Don’t Make Bets


Efraim and Menachem were best friends. They had gone to yeshivah together. They worked for the same company. But most importantly, they were chavrusos. They had learned Torah together for more than twenty years, every night from 8:30 until 11:00, rain or shine. Both of them were passionate about their learning and were not shy about expressing their opinions. They often found themselves in heated debate. Yet they had a great deal of respect for each other. Anyone seeing Efraim and Menachem learning together could sense that there was something special and intense happening.

Of the two, Efraim had a bit more of that competitive edge, and it showed itself in an interesting way. Efraim would often cite Talmudic sources from memory, and he was correct more often than not. Despite Efraim’s impressive accuracy (or maybe because of it), Menachem often claimed that Efraim was mistaken. This would inevitably lead to Efraim saying, “I know for a fact that I am right. I am so sure about it that I will even sign a paper stating that if I am wrong, I’ll owe you ten dollars.” Menachem had come to expect this reaction from Efraim. Often, he would be reaching for his pen even before Efraim could conclude his offer.

Menachem was more than willing to take advantage of Efraim’s hot-headed “generosity.” He had nothing to lose and everything to gain. And he gained indeed. Over the years Efraim had given Menachem hundreds of dollars due to these mistaken quotes. However, this week was unusual. Efraim had been wrong three times in a row! To his credit, Menachem felt bad for his friend, and as he put the ten dollar bill into his wallet he almost wished that Efraim had not been wrong. Then, in a rash moment of mercy that he would later regret, Menachem said to Efraim, “You know what, Efraim? The next time that I am certain about a source that I cite if you prove me wrong I’ll owe you fifty dollars.”

Efraim’s face lit up! In the more than twenty years that they had been chavrusas, Menachem had not once bet his money in the way that Efraim had. Efraim had waited a long time for this day to come. “Really? Are you serious? I hope you are not doing this because you feel sorry for me,” Efraim asked bluntly. “And if I am?” answered Menachem. Efraim thought for a moment and smiled. “Menachem, you have a good point. I accept your offer. Now let’s get back to learning. There are fifty dollars to be won!”

Two weeks passed before the inevitable happened. “Ha! I got you, Menachem! That Gemara is in Sotah, not Nazir,” exclaimed Efraim with glee. Menachem stood his ground. He was quite sure that he was correct about the Gemara he had cited. “No, Efraim. I am sure that it is in Nazir. I know you have been waiting a long time to win those fifty dollars, but today will not be the day,” Menachem said confidently. In a flash, Efraim produced a paper ready for Menachem to sign. Menachem signed without thinking twice and Efraim raced off to find the Gemara. After a few moments, Efraim returned with a Sotah in his hand and a proud smile on his face.

“Do you have your checkbook on you?” teased Efraim. “I can’t believe it. Let me see that Gemara,” Menachem said reaching for the sefer in Efraim’s hands. After checking the Gemara, Menachem had no choice but to admit that he was mistaken. Menachem pulled out his checkbook and started to write a check.

“Excuse me, but I don’t think you owe your chavrusa that money,” said an unfamiliar voice. Bewildered, Menachem looked up from his checkbook. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” Menachem asked the stranger.

The distinguished-looking man introduced himself. He said his name was Rabbi Lerner and that he had come into town for a chasunah. “I’m sorry, but I was learning at the table next to you and I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. I’ve been learning Choshen Mishpat for quite some time and it seems to me that the bet you made with your chavrusa is an asmachta,” said Rabbi Lerner. Efraim had been listening to the conversation between Menachem and Rabbi Lerner and he didn’t like what he was hearing.

“What’s an asmachta? I’ve never heard of it and I’ve been learning a long time,” Efraim asked suspiciously.

“I’ve never heard of it either, but that’s probably because we’ve never learnt Choshen Mishpat,” Menachem retorted.

Rabbi Lerner nodded in agreement with Menachem and explained, “The word asmachta is derived from the word somach, which means ‘to rely.’ Your chavrusa relied on his expertise in Gemara when he agreed to the bet. He never expected that he would ever have to pay you.”

“You’d better believe it!” Menachem said emphatically.

Rabbi Lerner continued. “In Choshen Mishpat 207:13 this type of situation is discussed. The laws of asmachta are quite complex and it took me months to learn them, but I can give you a general rule. Often a person may agree to accept upon himself a conditional penalty. For example, a person might agree to a penalty of ten dollars if he does not arrive by a certain time, or a penalty of a hundred dollars if he does not repay his loan on time. An agreement to pay fifty dollars if proven wrong is another example of a conditional penalty.

“The Torah understands that a person who agrees to a conditional penalty relies on his expectation that the event upon which he agreed to pay will never occur and the penalty will never be levied. You might say that the Torah plumbs the depths of a person’s mind. It knows that deep down, the person feels he never really agreed to pay the penalty since he did not expect that the condition would be met. Therefore, the Torah exempts him from paying it.

“Although there are many exceptions to this general rule, in your specific case it is my opinion that to take the money as a result of this bet would involve a question of stealing! In fact, this is one of the many reasons why the Rabbanim strongly disapprove of betting and gambling.” Efraim and Menachem squirmed at Rabbi Lerner’s words.

“Are you telling me, Rabbi Lerner, that a person does not have to keep his word? After all, I did say that I would pay Efraim fifty dollars if I was proven wrong,” Menachem asked.

“No, not at all,” Rabbi Lerner replied. “A person certainly has to keep his word. Furthermore, it is absolutely forbidden to agree to an asmachta penalty with the premeditated intention of reneging on the agreement, since that would be a form of deception. However, your situation is different, since you agreed to the asmachta in good faith. The Torah knows that a person like you who has agreed to an asmachta-type deal could never truly have meant what he said. Words that are known not to reflect the speaker’s heart are of no meaning. The Torah only demands that a person keep his meaningful words, not words that by their very nature are meaningless.”

Menachem’s face turned apologetic as he glanced at Efraim. “Rabbi Lerner, can I give Efraim the fifty dollars anyway?” asked Menachem.

“Of course you may, and it would show that you stand by your word even beyond what the halachah requires. However, you should realize that in essence, you are giving your friend a present,” answered Rabbi Lerner.

“Menachem, you are missing the point,” Efraim said with a wry smile. “There is no fun in taking presents. I would only take the money if you owed it to me. Though I wouldn’t mind if you returned to me the hundreds of dollars in lost bets that I have mistakenly paid you during the past twenty-some years!”

“Not so fast,” said Rabbi Lerner. “In Choshen Mishpat 207:10, there is a discussion about whether one has to return money mistakenly given to him as the result of a deal involving an asmachta. Your chavrusa certainly may act according to the opinion that says that he does not have to give you back the money.”

Efraim laughed. “I guess I just can’t win today!” said Efraim.

Rabbi Lerner looked at Efraim intensely. Efraim stopped laughing. He thought for a long moment and said softly, “Rabbi Lerner, thank you for saving me from taking money that didn’t belong to me. I guess on second thought today was my lucky day.”

“You’re welcome,” Rabbi Lerner said as he turned to leave, “any time.”

From Business Halacha, here.

למה לחנך על טהרת הקודש, אם אתה מקבל את כל תרבות הגויים באינטרנט?

הרב שהשמיד את המחשב בראיון מיוחד: “גם משה רבינו שבר את הלוחות”

הסרט שתיעד את ראש ישיבת מחנה ישראל, הרב אהרון פינהדלר, שובר מחשב ‘טושיבה’ חדש – עורר סערה • בראיון מיוחד ל’בחדרי חרדים’, מסביר הרב את המעשה יוצא-הדופן: “שברנו כבר כמה מחשבים, אי-אפשר לצמוח כשיש מחשב בבית” • “במשרדי הישיבה אנחנו לא מחזיקים מחשב” • בפנים: הווידאו

יוסי כץ ודוד קורן, בחדרי חרדים , ו’ אלול תש”ע 16/08/2010 18:35

הסרטון שפרסמנו אתמול (א), בו תועד ראש ישיבת מחנה ישראל, הרב אהרון פינהדלר, כשהוא שובר מחשב ‘טושיבה’, תוך שהוא אומר לתלמידיו כי חובה גמורה לבער את המחשבים ולא להותיר מהם זכר, מחמת העוונות הרבים שנגרמים כתוצאה מהמחשב – עורר סערה.

המערכת הוצפה בתגובות. גולשים רבים ניסו להבין כיצד רב מכובד מבצע קבל עם ועדה ‘בל תשחית’. גם כלי תקשורת שונים פנו לבקש את פרטי הרב, כדי לקבל ממנו מקורות הלכתיים למעשה.

פנינו אל הרב בבקשה לערוך עימו ראיון מצולם, בכדי שיסביר לקהל הגולשים את הסיבות שהובילו אותו לשבור את המחשב אל מול עדשת המצלמה. הרב סירב להצטלם בווידאו, אך הסכים להבהיר את עמדותיו, בשיחה שקיימנו איתו.

עוד לפני תחילת השיחה ביקש הרב להבהיר, כי סרט הווידאו הועלה על-ידי תלמיד מהישיבה לרשת ללא רשותו, וכי בשעת מעשה לא היה לו כל מושג שהמעשה מתועד, וצפוי להגיע לעיניהם של רבבות הגולשים.

“במשך השנים הרבות בהם אני מתעסק עם בעלי תשובה”, פותח הרב, “ראיתי שהתפרקו משפחות רבות, הן דתיות והן לא דתיות. ב-25 השנים האחרונות, מגיעים אלי מדי שבוע עשרות בעלי תשובה מכל רחבי הארץ, בכדי לעשות את השבת בישיבה שלנו. אני מעורב בייעוץ ובהכוונה של רבים מהם, ואני יכול לומר לך בוודאות ברורה: אני מכיר אנשים רבים אשר שלום ביתם נהרס בגלל זה. נאמתי נאומים במקומות אין-ספור, כדי להסביר עד כמה מסוכן האינטרנט.

“לדוגמה, באינטרנט אתה רואה נשים ללא כיסוי ראש – אז מדוע אשתך צריכה לכסות את ראשה? אם אתה רואה תמונות לא צנועות באינטרנט, למה אתה שם וילון בחתונות? למה אתה שולח את הילדים שלך לבתי חינוך חרדים על טהרת הקודש, אם אתה מקבל את העולם הנוצרי והאיסלמי ואת כל תרבות הגויים באינטרנט?

“הסיבה שאנחנו שולחים את ילדינו חינוך חרדים היא, כי אנחנו רוצים לשמור על צביון חיינו. אז למה אנחנו מביאים את האינטרנט לתוך הבית שלנו? אנחנו רוצים לרקוד על שתי חתונות, אבל זה לא הולך”.

• גולשים רבים שאלו אם לא היה בשבירת המחשב לאו של ‘בל תשחית’, הרי זה יכול לשמש לצרכים משרדיים וכדומה?

“למה משה רבינו שובר את שני לוחות הברית? בכדי לזעזע את היהודים. הוא רצה שהם יבינו שעגל הזהב לא יכול ללכת עם לוחות הברית.

“אליהו הנביא עשה את אותו הדבר. הוא אמר ליהודים בני זמנו: לכו עם אלוקים או עם הבעל, אבל אתם לא יכולים לפסוח על שניהם יחד”.

• המחשב היה תקין וראוי לעבודה?

“המחשב היה תקין לחלוטין ואף די חדש. הוא היה שייך לצלם אירועים, ושימש אותו כדי לערוך את תמונותיו, אבל אז הוא הבין שזה גורם לו לרדת וליפול מבחינה רוחנית. הצלם החליט שעדיף לצלם במצלמה ולערוך את זה במעבדת הצילום, מאשר להחזיק מחשב.

“אגב, זו הפעם השלישית שאנחנו ניפצנו מחשבים. המחשב הראשון ששברנו היה בשווי אלף דולר, שגם הוא היה שייך לתלמיד שרצה להציל את עצמו מפני הפיתוי של צפייה בסרטים”.

• יש לך בישיבה תלמידים עם מחשבים?

“בישיבה שלנו לא יקבלו תלמידים שיש להם מחשב או טלפון סלולרי שלא כשר. כאשר אנו עושים שידוך לתלמידים שלנו, אנו דורשים וממליצים כי בבית שהם מקימים לא יהיה מחשב. גם במקום העבודה, רק אם יש סינון. לא נבצע שידוך עבור כל תלמיד בעל תשובה שלנו, אלא אם הם מסכימים לתנאים אלה. למותר לציין כי לא תוכל להתקבל לאולפנה שלנו בת אם יש לה מחשב בבית או טלפון נייד שהוא לא כשר”.

• קשה להסתדר היום בלי מחשב. במשרד הישיבה לא מחזיקים מחשב?

“אין לנו מחשב במשרד הישיבה. אנו שולחים מכתב בכתב יד לשרותי משרד בפקס, והם מחזירים לנו אותו מודפס. לא דרך דוא”ל. אנחנו משלמים להם עבור השירות. ויש לנו הרבה עבודה במשרד, יש לנו 75 תלמידים בישיבה שלנו ואולפנה המונה למעלה מ-40 בנות”.

• יש היום שירותי סינון לאינטרנט, למה לא להשתמש בהם?

“אם אנחנו לא יכולים לגרום לאנשים להיפטר המחשב לגמרי, אנחנו אומרים לאנשים להשתמש ברימון או נתיב. אבל לצערי הרב, הרבה הצליחו לעקוף את שרותי הסינון, ולכן אני לא ממליץ לאיש לסמוך על עצמו, כי רבות המכשולים. אני יכול לספר לך אינספור סיפורים על בני נוער שעזבו את הישיבות והסירו את הכיפות, ונערות שהפסיקו להתלבש בצניעות בגלל השפעתו של האינטרנט.

“ולצערינו הרב על פי נתונים של לב לאחים, 70% מכלל בני הנוער שעזבו את היהדות בגלל האינטרנט או טלפונים סלולריים”.

• מה עם מי שצריך לעבוד על המחשב בבית או בעבודה?

“אם אתה צריך לעבוד באינטרנט עבור פרנסתך? חז”ל הורו לנו: פשוט נבלה בשוק. אל תאמר גברא רבא אני. עדיף לך לנקות את הרחובות וללכלך את גופך, מאשר לעבוד מהבית וללכלך את נשמתך.

“החפץ חיים סיפר: אדם שהיה מוכר ספרים חיצונים עם מינות וכפירה והציע לו החפץ חיים שהוא יסדר לו עבודה לצלצל בפעמוני הכנסיה להזמין את הגויים לתיפלתם. כאשר היהודי נפגע מההצעה ומחה איך הוא יכול לעשות את זה, החפץ חיים אמר לו: עדיף לצלצל בפעמון להביא גויים לכנסייה, מאשר למכור ספרים ליהודים ולגרום להם לעזוב את יהדותם. האינטרנט הוא הרבה יותר גרוע מאשר ספרי מינים”.

בסיום השיחה סיפר לנו הרב כי הוא קיבל המון תגובות בעקבות הסרט שפורסם באתר ‘בחדרי חרדים’, והוא מקווה שהצפיה בסרט תגרום להתעוררות אנשים בנושא.

מאתר בחדרי חרדים, כאן.

רבנו יחיאל מפריז: טומאה הותרה בציבור

האם ניתן לחדש את העבודה בזמן הזה כשהציבור טמא?

מצד אחד, אסור לטמאי מת להכנס למקדש ולעבוד בו, וכיום כולנו טמאי מת • מצד שני, מצווה עלינו להביא מדי יום שני תמידים, להביא מוספי שבת וחג ועוד • האם איסור הטומאה נדחה במקרים מסוימים? • תשובה מבית מכון המקדש

הרב אבי כהנא יום ראשון, י’ בכסלו ה’תשע”ט

שאלה: לכשיבנו ישראל את המקדש בזמן הזה, ותעמוד שאלת חידוש העבודה, תתעורר גם השאלה, שבזמננו מוגדרים הכל כטמאי מתים, שכן, אין בידינו אפר פרה אדומה – כיצד אם כן תיעשה העבודה? האם ניתן להסתמך על ההלכה, ש’טומאה הותרה בציבור’ ולהתחיל את העבודה בטומאה?

תשובה: כבר היו דברים מעולם, שהעבודה במקדש נעשתה בטומאה. וכגון, בעת הקמת המשכן בימי משה, חנכו את המשכן בטומאה, כמובא בדברי חז”ל, שהכנת אפר פרה אדומה, התקיימה רק ביום השני להקמת המשכן, והתחילו ביום השלישי להזות מי אפר פרה על הכהנים והלויים ושאר כל ישראל[1].

כך גם בימי חזקיהו לאחר שהעבודה במקדש הושבתה עשרות שנים בימי המלך אחז, חידש חזקיהו את העבודה, עם זאת, חגגו ישראל את הפסח בטומאה. ככתוב: “וישחטו הפסח בארבעה עשר לחדש השני… כי רבת בקהל אשר לא התקדשו… כי מרבית העם רבת מאפרים ומנשה יששכר וזבולון לא הטהרו”[2], וסופם שאכלו את הפסח בטומאה.

כך גם אירע בתחילת ימי הבית השני, שעבודת הקרבנות במקדש התקיימה במשך עשרים ושתים שנה, והכהנים הקריבו תמידים ומוספים בשבתות ובמועדים, והכל בטומאה. רק עם סיום בנין הבית בשנה השישית לדריוש, חגגו את הפסח בטהרה, ככתוב: “ויעשו בני הגולה את הפסח בארבעה עשר לחדש הראשון, כי הטהרו הכהנים והלויים כאחד – כולם טהורים וישחטו הפסח לכל בני הגולה”[3]. ומבואר בתוספתא[4], שכשעלו בני הגולה, לא היה להם אפר פרה, וגידלו ילדים בטהרה עד גיל שמונה עשרה, והכינו את אפר הפרה האדומה. כך היא גם דעת רבי יהודה שם, שלא היה להם אפר פרה, ועשו את העבודה במקדש בטומאה. רק בשנת העשרים ושתים מן היום בו התחילה העבודה במקדש, כשהצליחו להכין אפר פרה, ניטהרו הכהנים והקהל, וזכו לעשות הפסח כולו בקדושה וטהרה.

וכתב רבי אשתורי הפרחי, שבימיו רצו בעלי התוספות שהגיעו ארצה לחדש את העבודה במקדש, זו לשונו: “רבנו יחיאל דפריש ז”ל אמר לבוא לירושלים, והוא בשנת שבע עשרה לאלף השישי, ושיקריב קרבנות בזמן הזה. ואני מטרדתי… לא שאלתיו מה נעשה מטומאתנו… אנכי בדרך לפני שילה שב למקומי, נזכרתי הלכה, שאין לחוש על הטומאה כדאמרינן במסכת תמורה… שקרבנות ציבור דוחין את השבת ואת הטומאה”[5].

שאלה אחרת: שמא צריך ציץ לכפר?

תשובה: בזמן הזה שיש ציץ זהב טהור, שכבר הוכן עבור הכהן הגדול, כמו כן ניתן למנות כהן גדול – לפחות לזמן ההקרבה, ולקיים את העבודה כהלכתה, ממילא, החיוב לחדש את העבודה – אפילו בטומאה – בעינו. 


[1] ראה מסכת גיטין ס, א – ב; וכן בספרי פרשת נשוא ‘בראש חודש הוקם המשכן, בשני לו נשרפה פרה, בשלישי היזה ממנו’.

[2] דברי הימים ב’ ל, טו.

[3] עזרא ו, יט.

[4] פרה פרק ג, ג- ה.

[5] כפתור ופרח פרק ו.

מאתר חדשות הר הבית, כאן.

Israeli Gun Control – Just Like the Nazis

Gun Control in the Third Reich (book)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun Control in the Third Reich
Book cover for Gun Control in the Third Reich by stephen halbrook.jpg

Cover of the first edition (paperback)
AuthorStephen P. Halbrook
Cover artistDenise Tsui
CountryUnited States
PublisherThe Independent Institute
Publication date
Paperback-November 2013, Hardcover-January 2014
Media typePrint (PaperbackHardcover) & ebook
Pages364 pp

Gun Control in the Third Reich is a non-fiction book from the Independent Institute that describes the gun control policies used in Germany from the 1918 Weimar Republic, through the Third Reich in 1938. The book aims to substantiate the Nazi gun control theoryof gun politics in the United States by referencing German archives, diaries, and newspapers that attest to restrictions on firearm ownership for Jews and enemies of the state.

The book is written by Stephen Halbrook, a lawyer who has argued and won three cases before the US Supreme Court[1] and is well known for his involvement in Second Amendment and gun control litigation.[2][3]

In an interview in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Halbrook said that he decided to research the topic because “Nobody has ever researched it. I first heard about it when I was an undergraduate in college in 1968, and there were these gun registration bills proposed in Congress. […] The proponents of the bill challenged that and said they actually had commissioned a Library of Congress study saying there was no use of gun registration lists by the Nazis, either in Germany or in occupied countries, which was blatantly stupid. When (the Nazis) took power in 1933, they immediately used the (gun registration) records to disarm political enemies.”[4]

In a November 2013 review of the book in The New Republic, senior editor Alec MacGillis said Halbrook told him that he wanted the book to be seen as a scholarly work. As for analogies between Nazi gun laws and today’s gun control debates, Halbrook said: “The Nazis thought it was really important to disarm political enemies and Jews, but as far as contemporary comparisons, I’m very aware of how loosely people use these comparisons, and it does a disservice to the victims of the Holocaust.”[5]

Critical reception

Washington Times review said, “It is the most extensive history to date of Nazi Germany’s policies on firearms, drawing largely on original documents.”[6]

The New Republic wrote, “…the book’s marketers, who are not shy at all about framing the Nazi’s disarming of Jews and other political enemies as a giant, .950 caliber warning shot amid efforts in Washington and some states to pass new regulations on firearms.” and “[…] surely this book, now selling fairly briskly on Amazon, will have no impact whatsoever on the number of people making those loose comparisons [between contemporary gun control and the Nazis]”.[5]

The Daily Caller said, “the famed Second Amendment attorney attempts to take a scholarly look at gun control in Germany before-and-after Hitler took power. But Halbrook doesn’t shy away from pointing out what he sees as parallels, if not comparisons, between what happened then with what is happening in America now.”[7]

American Thinker wrote, “Would armed resistance on German soil have made a difference? No one can answer that with any certainty, but clearly it was a formidable concern for Werner Best and his Gestapo henchmen. Without arms there was no hope of meaningful resistance. [… the book] analyzes the manner in which the Nazis capitalized on the strict gun control policies of the Weimar Republic and used those policies to consolidate power and render the political opposition defenseless and the Jews hopeless.”[8]

See also


  1. Jump up^ Halbrook, Stephen P. Gun Control in the Third Reich. Independent Institute. ISBN 978-1-59813-162-8.
  2. Jump up^ Gibeaut, John (October 1, 2008). “Bringing Lawyers, Guns and Money: In Chicago and elsewhere, the decision in Heller promises more litigation”ABA Journal. American Bar Association. 2008 (October).
  3. Jump up^ Marjolijn Bijlefeld, People for and against gun control: a biographical reference, Greenwood Press, 1999, pp. 105-108ISBN 0313306907, 9780313306907
  4. Jump up^ Halbrook, Stephen (December 7, 2013). “The Review: The day the Holocaust began”TribLIVE (Interview). Interviewed by Eric Heyl. Pittsburgh.
  5. Jump up to:a b MacGillis, Alec (November 10, 2013). “The Mother of All Nazi Analogies, Now Available at Amazon”. The New Republic.
  6. Jump up^ VerBruggen, Robert (December 29, 2013). “BOOK REVIEW: ‘Gun Control in the Third ReichWashington Times.
  7. Jump up^ Weinstein, Jamie (November 7, 2013). . The Daily Caller.
  8. Jump up^ Miller, Abraham H. (November 20, 2013). “Gun Control, the Jews, and the Third Reich”. American Thinker.

From Wikipedia, here.