COVID: 43 Problems with the USG Response

43 of the Many Reasons People Don’t Believe the Authorities About Covid

  1. The vaccine is an experimental one—it has not gone through the several years of testing normally required.
  2. The drug manufacturers are not liable for any injuries caused by the vaccine.
  3. People are needed in the control group to determine the vaccine’s effectiveness, but no such studies have been underway.
  4. The CDC and others had to trash Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine because the rules state that an experimental drug cannot be authorized if there is an existing effective treatment.
  5. An Indian state of 241 million people stopped the ravages of Covid with Ivermectin.
  6. Ivermectin is a safe, Nobel Prize earning drug used worldwide billions of times for 40 years as an anti-parasite with only rare and minor side effects and is on the WHO’s List of Essential Medicines. The FDA was forced to retreat on its all-out attack on Ivermectin, stating that doctors do have the authority to prescribe it for Covid treatment.
  7. The deaths due to Covid have been overstated.
  8. The CDC has recommended that children as young as 6 months old get this experimental vaccine even though children are the least likely to have complications from the disease.

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From LRC, here.

‘That Public Men Publish Falsehoods Is Nothing New’

Be Angry At The Sun

That public men publish falsehoods
Is nothing new. That America must accept
Like the historical republics corruption and empire
Has been known for years.

Be angry at the sun for setting
If these things anger you. Watch the wheel slope and turn,
They are all bound on the wheel, these people, those warriors.
This republic, Europe, Asia.

Observe them gesticulating,
Observe them going down. The gang serves lies, the passionate
Man plays his part; the cold passion for truth
Hunts in no pack.

You are not Catullus, you know,
To lampoon these crude sketches of Caesar. You are far
From Dante’s feet, but even farther from his dirty
Political hatreds.

Let boys want pleasure, and men
Struggle for power, and women perhaps for fame,
And the servile to serve a Leader and the dupes to be duped.
Yours is not theirs.

[Anonymous submission.]
From here.

Noose Tightens on NY Jews’ Necks…

Morris: Emails Show New York Times Collaborating with State Government to Target Orthodox Jews

by EMMA-JO MORRIS8 Aug 2023

The New York Times collaborated with the New York State government to produce its now-infamous series of stories targeting Orthodox Jewish schools, according to over 800 pages of emails obtained by Breitbart News.

The Times’ Eliza Shapiro — self-described “serious reporter who doesn’t pull punches” — is seen in the massive volume of communications, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, discussing with the New York State Education Department how “we” can craft comment for the first story launching the Times’ series of articles targeting yeshivas, and giving the government almost a full business-week longer than the schools to comment. Emails also show she worked with the government to direct blame for the Times’ allegations, and coordinated timing on publishing with a vote to regulate the religious schools.

The Times’ first story that launched the anti-religious crusade, published in September, alleges Hasidic students “[know] nothing” and grow up “barely [able] to support their own families.” The story was revealed by Breitbart to have been carefully curated by omitting relevant information, shunning sources directly involved with the schools, and declining to publish pertinent on-the-record statements — producing a weapon used by secular political interest groups to attack the Orthodox Jewish community’s most sacred institutions.

As Breitbart previously reported, the “investigation” dropped in what appeared to be unbelievable timing, the day before the Board of Regents held a unanimous vote, without debate, to allow state functionaries heavier say in the education of Orthodox children. Those children happen to be of parents vehemently opposed to the social justice curriculum that has been injected into most other New York schools.

Now, newly obtained emails show the Times working with the New York State Education Department in close collaboration to produce the story with maximum political impact.

In one correspondence, Shapiro is seen working with the government to produce the state’s comment on the reporting, with almost a week longer to respond than the private religious schools being maligned.

Continue reading…

From Breitbart, here.

The ‘Land For Peace’ Ruling = Insanity

“Land for Peace” < Life

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A guest post by Lurker:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
— Albert Einstein

A few days ago, DovBear presented an argument that since the mitzva of living in the Land of Israel is not categorized as yahareg v’al y’avor (a mitzva for which one is required to sacrifice one’s life), it would therefore be appropriate to surrender land to the Palestinians, rather than endanger lives.

He also noted that this is not simply his own personal view, but rather, the view of a number of halakhic authorities. And in fact, he is quite correct about this: R. Ovadiah Yosef has ruled that due to the halakhic imperative of pikuah nefesh (preservation of life), it is permissible to cede parts of Eretz Yisrael in order to save lives. The late R. Eliezer Schach also issued a similar ruling.*

DovBear is also correct that anyone who would accuse him of being a “heretic” for embracing this particular legitimate opinion, is simply a fool.

Where DovBear is wrong is in his belief that lives can, in fact, be saved by giving land to the Palestinians. This assumption has been tried, and has failed completely, multiple times over the past fifteen years. The idea has been done to death, quite literally: The plain, harsh reality is the exact oppositeGiving land to the Palestinians endangers the lives of Jews, and has resulted in the deaths of thousands of them.

It is for this reason that R. Ovadiah — who still stands by his halakhic ruling in principle — has stopped supporting the surrender of land to the Palestinians in practice.

Here is a question to which not many people know the answer: How many suicide bomb attacks there were before the Rabin government signed the Oslo Accords with the PLO?

Answer: ZERO (0). Yes, really. Suicide bombings first began only following the signing of Oslo.

In 1993, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres (now President) inaugurated a complete reversal of prior Israeli policy: They decided to negotiate with terrorists, and to arm them with land, money, and weapons. Plenty of Israelis were aghast, and wondered how this could possibly lead to anything other than disaster. Unfortunately, their fears were borne out in spades: The September 1993 Oslo Accords sparked a massive wave of terrorist attacks in Israel, of unprecedented proportions: Immediately following the signing, terrorism skyrocketed to levels that had been previously unknown. Regardless of this, the Rabin government was undeterred: Ignoring the mounting carnage, they negotiated and then signed the Oslo II agreement in 1995 — in spite of the constant suicide bombings, which had become a matter of routine by then. And not surprisngly, the rate of terror death climbed even higher with Oslo II.

In the 30 months beginning with the Oslo signing, more Israelis were killed by terrorists (213) than in the entire preceding decade (209 from January 1983 to September 1993). You can find graphs illustrating this phenomenon here[Note: These graphs cover the relatively “quiet” period prior to the much bloodier “Second Intifada” period, which began in October 2000.]

This massive explosion of terror attacks continued until Binyamin Netanyahu came to power in 1996. Netanyahu had campaigned on a platform that precluded any further territorial concessions as long as the terror onslaught continued. And interestingly, as soon as he assumed office, the terror attacks dropped dramatically, for the very first time since the Oslo Accords had been signed. Netanyahu’s term in office marked the first time that the level of terror attacks dropped back down to pre-Oslo levels. (You can see this visually, along with the figures, on the graphs cited above.)

This respite didn’t last very long, unfortunately. In 1999, Netanyahu was succeeded by Ehud Barak (now Defense Minister), who declared his intention to continue the policies of Rabin and Peres. True to his word, at Camp David, he offered Arafat a final-status deal that included the entire Gaza Strip, 97% of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Arafat’s response was to angrily reject the offer, and to launch a new terror war (the infamous “Second Intifada”) that dwarfed even the monstrous levels of bloodshed that had hit Israel during the Rabin and Peres governments.

More Israeli civilians — men, women, and children — were slaughtered in the years since Oslo than in all the years since the founding of the state in 1948 up until the accords were signed in 1993. The numbers speak for themselves.

From DovBear, here.