מאי דהוה הוה

ר’ שלמה טויסיג מאי דהוה | Rabbi Shlomo Taussig May Dehave

פורסם בתאריך 1 בפבר׳ 2015

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האזינו: הרב שלמה טויסיג | די ניגון: http://bit.ly/2wGTjwi.

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האזינו: הרב שלמה טויסיג | אין גדולה כגדולתך: http://bit.ly/2ljtPMj.

האזינו: הרב שלמה טויסיג אין גדולה כגדולתך | הגרסה הווקאלית: http://bit.ly/2pjmK2Y.

ר’ שלמה טויסיג מאי דהוה | Rabbi Shlomo Taussig May Dehave.

“געוואלג’עט ברודער וואס שלאפסטו, איינס צווי דריי פיר
עס איז שוין צייט אויף צו שטיין, איינס צווי דריי פיר
עס איז שוין צייט אין בית מדרש צו גיין, איינס צווי דריי פיר
נישט אויף געשטאנען, אין בית מדרש נישט געגיינגען, נאר געשלאפן וואס טוסטו אויף דער וועלט, און וואס וועסטו ענטפערן אויף יענע וועלט

איד’עלעך! פארגעס וואס איז גיווען נעם זיך פון יעצט און וויטער, ווייל…

מאי דהוה הוה
מכאן ואילך חושבנא
וואס איז געווען איז געווען פון יעצט וועל איך זיין גוט
נאר לטובה אויסנוצען יעדע מינוט
מאי דהוה הוה מכאן ואילך חושבנא”.

מתוך האלבום “מכאן ואילך”.
לחן: ר’ משולם גרינברגר.
עיבוד והפקה מוסיקלית: רולי אזרחי.
מקהלות: אברימי ברקו.
מקהלות ילדים: ילד הפלא ייצי רוזינגר.
מיקס: לרי גייטס.
יחסי ציבור: “תומר כהן מיתוג תקשורתי ויחסי ציבור” | 0504-65-25-95 | E-mail: tomercohenpr@gmail.com.

“מכאן ואילך חושבנא טבא”.

ר’ שלמה טויסיג בסינגל חדש “מאי דהוה”.

שנה לא פשוטה עברה על בעל המנגן ר’ שלמה טויסיג, עם פטירת אביו האדמו”ר מבעלעד הגה”צ רבי יוסף טויסיג זצ”ל.

עם סיום ימי האבל החל ר’ שלמה להנהיג את הקהילה בדרך אביו זצ”ל, בהנהגות, הליכות, בתפילות ובשיעורים שבמשך ימות השבוע, בשבתות ובחגים.

עפ”י צוואת אביו זצ”ל ובהתייעצות עם מורו ורבו, ממשיך ר’ שלמה להופיע בחתונות ובשמחות. בבחינת השלמת מעגל השליחות עם הציבור שנועץ בו בענייני היום והשעה, ובערב הוא זוכה לשמח אותם בחתונות ובשמחות.

“מאי דהוה” – הינו הסינגל הראשון מתוך אלבומו החדש של ר’ שלמה, עליו הוא עמל בימים אלו ביחד עם המעבד והמפיק המוסיקלי רולי אזרחי. שיר קצבי ומלא שמחה שמילותיו שמתכתבות עם התחושות וההתמודדויות שחווה ועבר ר’ שלמה בשנה האחרונה, ונוסכות המון תקווה ואמונה.

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

The Israeli State ‘Justice’ System – A Tale of Two Innocents

Duma: The False Accusation

November 7, 2018 | Moshe Feiglin, Chairman of Zehut

The cynical abuse of Roman Zadarov, serving a life prison sentence for a murder that he apparently did not commit, is nothing compared to what is happening now with Amiram Oliel.

These are the main points of the story:

On the 15th of Av 5775 (July 2015) two homes in the Arab village of Duma were set on fire. A couple and their son were killed. Graffiti saying “Revenge” and “Long live the king Mashiach” were found scrawled on the buildings.

The President and Prime Minister immediately determined that this was an act of Jewish terror, the media was ecstatic and the GSS energetically embarked on a manhunt after “hilltop youth” to apprehend the guilty party. When no evidence was found, the media began to criticize the Defense Minister at the time, Bogi Ya’alon, saying that when it came to Jewish terror, Israel’s security services were dragging their feet. Bogi publicized an announcement, bragging that the security services knew who the murderers were, but had not yet arrested them in order not to reveal hidden sources.

Following that, a complaint was filed with the High Court to obligate him to arrest the criminals. Bogi had to provide an answer, the system was under pressure and began arresting young ‘hilltop youth’. These boys, arrested with no evidence against them, were interrogated under torture and were not allowed to see an attorney. Obviously, this torture had no legal justification – these boys were not ticking time bombs – but when give an excuse to justify torture of hilltop youth, the media and High Court – the ‘guardians’ of democracy- turn into the Dobermans of dictatorship. In this way, human rights in Israel deteriorated to an unprecedented low.

There was, of course, good reason to examine other motives and directions, such as the fact that four homes in Duma were burned in the months preceding this incident and another home was burned in the month following the incident. But for some reason, nobody investigated those acts of arson. The residents of Duma seem to have a hobby of burning their neighbors’ homes and it is possible that they had already learned how to write graffiti in Hebrew (as was the case, for example, in the Hassan Bek mosque and in other places).

But let us return to the story.

The parents of the tortured youth and many people from the Religious Zionist public began to rebel against the bits and pieces of information about the youth being tortured. There were public protests, angry articles in the sector publications – things began to sizzle. And then, with great “courage and responsibility”, the leader of the Religious Zionists, Naftali Bennett declared:

“Do you want the roof to fall in on us? Who do you believe? Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked? Or rightist attorney Itamar Ben Gvir?”

Bennett did not want to stand up to the evil winds blowing from the media and defend his constituents. Instead, he allowed the gang rape to proceed – and even joined in.

But Bennett is not the story.

The story is that nothing came of all the ‘ticking time bombs’ and severe torture. The only person indicted in the Duma incident was Amiram Ben Oliel, who is now in his third year of incarceration under conditions reserved for terrorists.

Under unspeakable torture, the GSS extracted a ridiculous confession from Ben Oliel – so ridiculous that the court refused to accept it. Nevertheless, those who know that it would be impossible to leave the GSS and the prosecution empty-handed, employed a legal trick in which the court accepted the same confession made by Ben Oliel 36 hours after his confession under torture. Just that this confession, which according to the court was made of his free will, was made – according to court records – only after the representative of the GSS entered the interrogation room. It is easy to understand that the GSS man’s threatening presence was what ‘convinced’ Ben Oliel to confess of his own ‘free will’.

But that is not the end of the story. The GSS got stuck with a confession that is illogical and does not fit in with any of the testimony in the Duma file. According to witnesses, there were at least two people at the scene of the crime. There was also a car, about which some of those arrested were interrogated. All of that disappeared from the indictment. According to the indictment, Amiram Ben Oliel is a superman, performing amazing feats all by himself. He sets two homes ablaze at the same time, writes two different graffiti slogans on the two homes and perhaps even dresses up as two different people. In the end, he runs away on foot, without leaving any evidence at all that connects him to the crime.

Just like Zadarov, it is impossible to free Ben Oliel because that would be an admission of the system’s evil. But it will also be very difficult to convict him, as Chaim Levinson wrote in the extreme Left Ha’aretz newspaper because nothing in the indictment connects to anything else.

So, like Zadarov, Ben Oliel will continue to rot in prison – with two differences: One, Oliel underwent severe torture and now he is also being abused in unbearable conditions. He is in solitary confinement, his wife and four-year-old daughter meet him once a week for half an hour from behind a glass partition. He is allowed to hug his daughter for only a few minutes. The second difference is that Zadarov was already convicted. Amiram Ben Oliel’s trial will be starting this month. Public pressure may bring about a retrial for Zadarov and may not. By contrast, public pressure for Amiram may prevent a severe verdict, which would have no basis other than an illogical confession extracted under torture.

To be continued…

From Zehut, here.

Don’t Fall for Religious Charlatans – Here Is How They Operate

Charlatan Masquerades as Kabbalist

From time to time one hears tragic stories of master con-artists that masquerade as holy cabbalists who not only chisel people out of their hard earned money and their health, but also make their lives miserable and sad.

One poor soul who had gone to one of these cabbalistic charlatans for help in finding his life-partner was told by him that he must marry a particular girl. Even though he was warned by his good friends to stay away from her since “she wasn’t all there,” the “cabbalist” kept on urging him to get on with the marriage. He told him in no uncertain terms that he would never be successful or achieve true happiness in life unless he marries her. Being very naive and fearful that the words of this cabbalist would actually come true, he finally consented to the marriage. Since then, it was all downhill. His life turned into one of misery and gloom. Despite all the money he had given to the supposed cabbalist for his constant advice, he soon realized that it was a bottomless pit.

Unfortunately, he is only one of the many suckers that have fallen for these big time charlatans who make a career out of ruining other people’s lives with their supposed “cabbalistic” advice. They claim to know your past as well as your future and are experts at fleecing people out of their money as well as their health. They break up good marriages and sometimes prevent proper ones from materializing. They use numerous clever techniques to fool the unwary into believing that they have a special line to Heaven and can cure all your troubles or ills. They’ll sell you all sorts of foolish “cabbalistic charms” with the promise that they will solve all your problems and bring you long life, riches, and everlasting happiness. They’ll even give you a free “red bendel” to wear around your wrist to protect you from all the “evil spirits” that may hound you. For the low fee of only $1,000 they’ll also provide you with a bottle of pure undiluted “holy water” that is guaranteed to bring you instant salvation and lifetime riches.

A story is told about a “cabbalist” who once checked into a five star hotel in Miami which was filled with Jews just before the Pesach holiday season. When he came to the check-in counter, he asked to be given room 1826. The clerk told him that he was very sorry but that room was already occupied and that he would gladly assign him a different room that was even nicer and in fact had a beautiful view of the entire surroundings. However, the “cabbalist” turned down his offer explaining that room number 1826 had mystical meaning and therefore he wanted only that room. He was even willing to compensate the occupier of the room and pay for him to be upgraded to a beautiful room of his own choosing. The clerk said that he would have to call Mr. X down to the check-in counter and he would have to try and convince him to make the change. He could do absolutely nothing without the occupant’s approval. “Very well” replied the cabbalist. “I’m sure that I will be able to convince him to make the change.”

A few minutes later, a large heavy set man came downstairs into the lobby and asked him what he wanted. The cabbalist explained that he was a very holy rabbi and that according to the deep mystical secrets of cabbala it was very important for him to get room number 1826 and that he was willing to have him upgraded to a better and nicer room. The man looked the cabbalist in the eye and replied that he didn’t believe in all the cabbalistic numbering nonsense and that he was unwilling to make any changes. A loud exchange of words now erupted in the hotel lobby and a large crowd of Jews gathered around to find out what’s happening.

The shouting match continued with the man calling the cabbalist all sorts of derogatory names and even threatened to harm him if he didn’t disappear at once. As the cabbalist remained defiant and insisted on making the exchange, the man suddenly raised his hand and swung it down toward the cabalist’s head with all his strength. Amazingly, as it was only a few inches above the cabalist’s head, his hand froze in its place and the man shouted out in agonizing pain. His hand seemed to be paralyzed and he couldn’t move it no matter how hard he tried. “Please, I beg you for forgiveness,” he cried out to the cabbalist. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just please pray that my hand be healed,” he cried out for everyone to hear. After pleading and begging the cabalist for mercy and forgiveness for the rude manner in which he had treated him, the cabbalist finally forgave him and prayed that his hand return to normal. Sure enough, after the cabbalist tied it with a “red bendel,” and said some prayers for him, the hand suddenly got better and he was able to move it as before.

The large crowd who had gathered around and witnessed this miraculous event with their very own eyes were in shock and awe over what they had seen and instantly became his staunch admirers and believers. Each day there were long lines in front of the cabalist’s room and everyone requested his advice and blessings. Along with his advice and blessings he also encouraged them to contribute lots of money for some worthy cause he claimed to be collecting for. The money came pouring in until the cabalist’s suitcase was bursting at the seams.

Upon checking out from the hotel some days later, he made one last stop at the room of Mr. X. He divided all the money with him and thanked him for his magnificent performance. Few would ever know that the two of them were in cahoots with each other and that the entire “miracle” was nothing but a clever charade. The onlookers had fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker. ( I heard the above story from Rabbi Yisroel Belsky.)

Continue reading…

From My Western Wall, here.

Wars for the Arms Industry, Big Oil, Wall Street, Tel Aviv, and the US Empire

Let’s Have a War with Russia!: I’d Rather Be Ruled by Autistic Hamsters

The current state of the American Army. Troops learn the hardships of pregnancy.

The United States seems to be contemplating war with Russia, Iran, China, or all three Washington pushes NATO ever closer to Russia, leaves the nuclear-missile treaty and tries to destroy both countries and China economically. Why the push for war?

Simple. Asia is awakening. China (from which I have just returned) grows economically at a scorching pace–and all power rests on economic power. China is a large country, America a medium-sized one. America’s roughly two hundred million whites do virtually all of the scientific work on which national power depends. China has a billion increasingly educated Han Chinese, a five-to-one advantage. China’s stated aim is to united Eurasia among other places in one vast commercial union. Washington’s pugnacity has pushed China, Ira, and Russia together. The chain of nations, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey all totter between looking east and looking west. If Washington doesn’t stop this growth, the American Empire will be marginalized within decades.

This doesn’t threaten the American public. It threatens the Empire and Israel.

What would a war with Russia look like, even assuming that it didn’t go nuclear? A great military thinker–me, actually–ññonce said that military stupidity comes in three levels: normally stupid; really really stupid; and invading Russia. From Chuck XII to Adolf I, it has proved a poor career move.

The US military has not won a war since 1945, with the exception of the First Gulf War, which the LAPD could have won. It lost decisively in Vietnam. It got run out of Lebanon with 241 dead Marines as its only accomñlishment. After seventeen years it shows no signs of defeating barely armed Afghan peasants. Iraq has been a complete botch, achieving none of its goals, control of the oil, permanent bases, and a puppet government. Just now the military is losing in Syria.

Nothing short of genius can account for losing so consistently given the enormous resources available to American forces. In light of this very low level of military competence, maybe wars are not our best choice of hobby.

What sort of war is envisaged? The United States cannot fight a sizable land war. Iran can. Russia can. The American military means air power and little else.   The Army hasn’t fought a serious war since 1973, the fleet since 1945. In long periods of inaction, things deteriorate because they do not seem important. Crucial supplies cease to exist, spare parts aren’t there, the logistics train quietly becomes inoperable.  Money goes instead to pricey weapons of little practical use.

The Army recruits from a soft millennial population. America is no longer a country of tough rural kids. Social engineering has rotted the ranks. The military has suffered years of feminization, SJW appeasement,  affirmative action, lowered physical standards, and LGBTQ insertion. Conscription is politically impossible. The Army cannot defeat Afghans even with the advantages of unlimited air power, artillery, gunships, medevac, helicopters, and drones, It would last a very short time if it had to fight the Afghans or Iranians, on even terms.  Muslims are more virile than today’s Americans and have proven tenacious.

A military that never fights a war that it has to win, that never encounters an enemy that can dangerously hit back, inevitably deteriorates.

Militaries come to believe their own propaganda. So, apparently, do the feral mollycoddles in the White House and New York. The American military’s normal procedure is to overestimate American power, underestimate the enemy, and misunderstand the kind of war it is getting into. Should Washington decide on war with Iran, or Russia (unless by a surprise nuclear strike) there will be the usual talk of the most powerful, best trained, best equipped etc., and how the Ivans and towelheads will melt away in days, a cakewalk. Bet me.

Militaries have a very poor record of predicting outcomes of wars. This might provoke thought. The American Civil War was expected to be over in an afternoon; this was wrong by 650,000 dead and four years. When Napoleon invaded Russia, he did not expect Russians to occupy Paris. Germany thought that WWI would be a war of movement over in weeks; in fact a ghastly war of attrition lasting four years. When Japan attacked Pearl, it was not intentionally inviting GIs to the geisha houses of Tokyo. When Germany invaded Poland, the occupation of Germany by Russia and America was low on its list of expectations. When France re-invaded Vietnam, it did not foresee Dien Bien Dien Phu and utter defeat by les jaunes. When America invaded Vietnam, it did not expect a decade-long losing war. When Russia invaded Afghanistan it did not expect to lose to Afghans in sandals. When America invaded Afghanistan, having seen what had happened to Russia, it did not expect the same result.

We do not know what a war with Iran, or Russia, or China would look like or what the Iranians might do. An overconfident military and an inexperienced government in Washington will predictably predict a short war and speak of precision weapons and surgical strikes. The Navy will guarantee that it can keep the Straits open, and speak of its advanced technology. The expectation will be that there will be nothing unexpected. The White House will believe that  Iran will lie there and be bombed without response. Russia? The nukes will fall on the European countries from which the attack came. Germany might ponder this carefully.

America could, of course, destroy much of Iran and kill millions of the defenseless. This is what America now calls “war.” It would be amusing to see what would happen if the Air Force had to fight an enemy that could fight back, but this would mean only Russia or, perhaps, just possibly, barely, to some extent, China. It is a coward’s way of war and, to judge by South Vietnam and Afghanistan, not very effective. Killing lots of people and winning a war is not the same thing.

What if Iran did stop petroleum traffic in the Persian Gulf with, say, missiles mounted on pickup trucks. Is this possible? I don’t know. Neither, I suspect, does the Navy–which will insist that it can handle mere pickup trucks with its superb this and that, its best trained, best equipped, the only hyperpower, and so on. But tankers are not going to run even a small risk of going up in flames.

How long would the Straits have to be closed with the world screaming for oil before Washington, desperate, its vanity bruised,  full of huge egos, would have to do something stupid to save face?

Further, American leadership is of dangerously low quality. An essentially absentee Congress, the sordidness and criminality of the Clintons, Trump’s utter crassness and shady past, the submission to Israel, the widespread and never punished corruption. In this sorry brew, no one seems interested in the wellbeing of the county, only unseemly grasping at benefits for the arms industry, big oil, Wall Street, Tel Aviv, and the Empire. Note that wars generate huge profits for the arms makers and the longer the war can be kept going, neither winning nor losing, the greater the profits. War against Iran would be a magnificent profit center. Since American casualties are extremely low, permanent war has few downsides.

At the top of government, we have an unprepossessing bunch that would make Kaiser Wilhelm’s court seem wholesome. Their chief characteristics are pathological aggressiveness and a severe case of Beltway Bubble Syndrome. There is Trump with his weird eruptions. The ever-combative Nikki Haley. Steve Bannon, prophesying and hoping for a war with China. Mike Pompeo, threatening Iran, Venezuela, threatening North Korea. John  Bolton of the codpiece mustaches, always counseling a war he won’t fight in, like Trump – a draft dodger with something to prove.

The life of millions depends on this freak show? I need a drink.

From Lewrockwell.com, here.