America: Will It Become Turkey or Greece?

Turkey Now, America Later?

In the past seven years, Turkey’s central bank has tripled the money supply and pushed interest rates down to 4.5 percent. While Turkey’s government did not adopt Ben Bernanke’s proposal to drop money from helicopters, Turkish politicians have taken advantage of easy money policies to increase subsidies for key voting blocs and special interests.

The results of the Turkish government’s inflation-fueled spending binge are not surprising to anyone familiar with Austrian economics or economic history. Turkey is now plagued with huge deficits, a collapsing currency, and a looming economic crisis, making it the next candidate for a European Union or Federal Reserve bailout.

Turkey’s combination of low interest rates, money creation, and massive government spending to “stimulate” the economy parallels the policies the US government has pursued for the past ten years. Without drastic changes in fiscal and monetary policies, economic trouble in America is around the corner.

The very large and growing federal debt will cause a major crisis as the government’s debt burden will be unsustainable. Instead of cutting spending or raising taxes, politicians can be expected to pressure the Federal Reserve to do their dirty work for them via inflation. We may even see the Fed “experiment” with negative interest rates, which would punish Americans for saving. The monetization of the federal debt will erode the dollar’s purchasing power and decimate middle-and-working-class Americans who are already seeing any gains in their incomes eaten away by inflation.

If we are lucky, the next Fed-caused downturn will cause only a resurgence of 1970s-style stagflation. The more likely scenario is the type of widespread economic chaos not seen in America since the Great Depression. The growth of cultural Marxism, the widespread entitlement mentality, and the willingness of partisans of various sides to use force against their political opponents suggests that this economic crisis will result in civil unrest that will be used to justify new crackdowns on individual liberty.

Those who understand the causes of, and cures for, our current predicament have two responsibilities. First, prepare a plan to protect your family when the crisis occurs. Second, do all you can to spread the truth in hopes the liberty movement reaches critical mass so it can force Congress to make the changes necessary to avert disaster.

Since the crisis will result in a rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status, individuals should consider alternatives such as gold and other precious metals. Restoring a free-market monetary system should be a priority for the liberty movement. Other priorities include ending our interventionist foreign policy, cutting spending in all areas, rolling back the surveillance state, protecting all civil liberties, and auditing (and ending) the Federal Reserve. If we do our jobs, we can build a society of peace, prosperity, and liberty atop the ashes of the welfare-warfare state.

From, here.

Staring Into the Abyss: What McCain Actually Was

Child of the State, Man of War

And now, John Sidney McCain, III is a corpse in a morgue awaiting his state burial. It is as it should be, perhaps for the first time in his entire life.

McCain – the holy terror of teenager and Naval Academy cadet, mad pilot and poster child for the horrors of the towering enemy we faced for our very survival as a Republic in Vietnam, and political animal for much of his life – clearly was not at home in this world.

In a world filled with people who are all pretty much accountable on a daily basis for their decisions, choices, actions, and for the pain they have and are causing, John McCain was missing from his post.

Instead, as a son of a successful Naval commander, he path was not entirely his own, and yet he did, repeatedly, choose that path.  His biggest tragedy may have been that he was the namesake of a distinguished military family.   Certainly, the life of his younger brother Joe Pinckney McCain is a testament to how being born into service of the state doesn’t have to result in the deaths of so many for so long.

Where failures and character flaws occur in all families, when they occur in the important chapter of the national narrative called “Military Heroism And Sacrifice In The Name Of National Greatness And Security,” something must be done.

And what was done?  Props, propaganda and prose all came forth, and we aren’t done being propagandized and prosed to death just yet.  The funeral is coming.

While much has been written about John McCain, it’s the stories we haven’t been told that bother most people.  How he made it through the Academy one our dime with massive numbers of demerits and low academic performance, how he avoided courts martials and discharge from the Navy after the first two plane crashes and flying through the telephone lines in Spain, all before the interesting roles he played on the deck of the USS Forrestal before, during and after it burned.

The story of being shot down, likely by friendly fire, and his subsequent capture and torture by the “North” Vietnamese (a state construct in its own right) is rarely told in detail, but rather bundled in the official narrative under “courage.”  His divorce of his first wife and disconnect from his first family – understandable because of what war, separation and the stress of a military society do to human beings – is not discussed.  Nor are the personal, political and financial machinations that led to his first Congressional seat, and shortly thereafter, a secure Senate seat for Arizona, a seat he has held since this weekend.

From being a savior of the A-10 Warthog program, refusing to allow it a natural death — ironically the aircraft known for causing the most friendly fire and civilian deaths — to saving Obamacare from the breach, to reliably supporting projects to change governments overseas, all while waging low-level but steady combat against liberty and the Constitution at home, McCain was a busy man, and a well-connected, well-funded politician.

The actions of McCain as Senator are legion, and while no doubt people of various political stripes may find at least one or two things to laud in his progressive neoconservative warmongering and state-strengthening agenda in over three decades, in reality, he earned no loyalty.  This glowing yet strangely surreal obit by Jeff Goldberg of the leftward progressive and warmongering Atlantic says it all – and has it all wrong.

Goldberg links John McCain to Anne Frank – someone who cares about the underdog and has a deep moral compass.  To study John McCain’s life and times would lead one to conclude many things, but that he cares about the underdog and was guided by a deep sustaining morality would not be among them.

A better way to understand John McCain is to see him for what he really was and what he never escaped, although in his wistful moments one wonders if he dreamed of it.  He was a child of the state, the military state specifically.  He was the namesake of men who fought for the state, sacrificed their principles and families for the state, he was schooled by the state, both in the many military base schools he attended as a child, then the Naval Academy, later the US Navy, even later a prison camp – and in all of these places John McCain was treated and handled just a little bit different than the average Joe.  In every way, he owed his very life and his very liberty to the fact that he was deeply connected to the elites who are the shining beneficiaries of the American empire.

Later, as long-serving Senator and presidential candidate he became one of those elites in his own right and earned every drip of contempt by the thinking people — and every plaudit by state mouthpieces — on his own merit.

I’ll never forget a story I heard, where, in the privacy of an elevator (with some people who didn’t count as witnesses) McCain repeatedly jabbed a fellow Senator in the chest while making his point and/or intimidating his inferior.   Even after he learned to box at the Academy, as Robert Timburg writes, he “would charge into the center of the ring and throw punches until someone went down.”  For a national narrative that likes physical courage and loves the quick fighter, McCain was tailor-made.

Timburg, in writing about McCain’s Naval Academy days, was extraordinarily prescient.  McCain was “…an unofficial trail boss for a lusty band of carousers and partygoers known as the Bad Bunch.”  That lusty band of carousers and partygoers we have seen before in our lives.  When that group persists for decades and rules an empire, it is because they are consistently protected from the consequences of their own decisions and actions.

Joe McCain, John’s younger brother, took a different path, where he would not become rich or powerful, where he would be accountable for his decisions and actions.  He is not lauded in the media, and in fact, was ridiculed when brother John was running for President in 2008 for calling 911 to find out what was happening in a traffic jam on the Wilson Bridge.

Both were children of the state.  Joe called 911 innocently, because why not, it’s there to serve me!  John rained hell on governments and populations around the planet, including his own, for similar reasons.  It’s a kind of entitlement mentality, and it is as understandable as it is deeply immoral.

In John McCain’s lifetime, the US Government has nearly quadrupled in size and scope, while popular trust in government has collapsed.   Solutions to local and global problems today, however, are far more accessible to far more people.  Today, no one would call 911 for a traffic report when they have real time traffic mapping in their cars, and a full range of productive things to do while waiting.  Technology and human nature both favor decentralization and individualism whenever they can get it, preferring liberty over lockstep marching in spitshined boots and buckles that young John resented so much at the USNA.

Perhaps he had an inkling about the future after all.

From, here.

Money Does Buy Happiness!

590 smily face.png

Americans have a peculiar conviction that the one thing money can’t give us is satisfaction. You can’t buy happiness, we’ve all been told. “Mo Money Mo Problems”, Biggie concurred. And while we can all agree that desperate poverty is hideous, there is a broadly held view that after a certain level of income (around $75,000, say), more money doesn’t buy more well-being.

But it’s just not so. Economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers have been arguing for years that, yes, richer families tend to be happier, and no, there is not an automatic cut-off point. In other words: Mo money, fewer problems.

Continue reading…

From The Atlantic, here.

סוציאליזם היא שנאת הצלחה

הקנס של האיחוד האירופאי על גוגל – התעללות שרירותית

פקידי אירופה, שונאי תאגידים (בייחוד אמריקאים), קנסו את גוגל ב-5 מיליארד דולר. כל אירופאי צדקני חופשי להסיר אפליקציות של גוגל, אבל מורשת סוציאליסטית של שנאת הצלחה – גוברת. בייחוד אם המצליח גם מתעשר.


נציבת התחרותיות (הממונה על ההגבלים העסקיים) באיחוד האירופי גב’ מרגריטה וסטאגר מדנמרק, הטילה קנס של 4.34 מיליארד אירו (כ- 5.1 מיליארד דולר) על גוגל בטענה שהיא מפירה את כללי התחרות החופשית.

הטענה הספציפית היא זו: גוגל פיתחה את מערכת ההפעלה אנדרואיד, ונותנת אותה בחינם לכל דכפין. כמעט כל יצרניות הסמארטפון בעולם (כולל סמסונג, LG, וכל הניידים הסינים) מתקינות בטלפונים שלהם את אנדרואיד של גוגל מתוך בחירה. גוגל מחייבת את יצרניות הסמארטפון שמתקינות אנדרואיד להתקין מראש (In factory) עוד מספר אפליקציות של גוגל (כמו הדפדפן כרום), ולעשות את גוגל למנוע חיפוש ברירת המחדל בסמארטפון.

משתמשי הסמארטפון אינם נפגעים ממצב זה. הם יכולים, בקלות, על ידי מספר לחיצות, להתקין אפליקציות אחרות כמו הדפדפנים מוזילה-פיירפוקס או סאפארי (אני משתמש בפיירפוקס), ולהפוך, למשל, את דקדקגו DuckDuckGo למנוע חיפוש ברירת מחדל. כלומר: האפליקציות שגוגל מכריחה את יצרני הסמארטפון להתקין מראש אינן פוגעות באיש, הן טובות ומשרתות את המשתמשים, ואינן מונעות מהם להתקין משהו אחר, לפי העדפת המשתמשים. הטענה על “פגיעה” כביכול (שאותה בא חוק התחרותיות למנוע) – אין בה ממש. אף אחד לא נפגע, ויותר מזה אף אחד לא התלונן. אז מה ישיג הקנס הזה? האם ישפר במשהו את מצבם של מאות מיליוני בעלי הטלפונים? לא. הוא לא ישפר.

אז למה הוטל הקנס? למה ככה. גב’ מרגריטה היא סוציאליסטית טובה, שונאת מהבטן שנאה גדולה חברות גדולות (כמו גוגל) בייחוד חברות גדולות מארה”ב (באירופה, ב”ה, אין חברות הייטק גדולות. הטכנולוגיה המתקדמת דילגה על אירופה הזקנה, העייפה, והצדקנית). גב’ מרגריטה תראה להם! היא תרדוף אותם עד חורמה! גב’ מרגריטה היא פוליטיקאית שאפתנית, חריפה ומפולפלת והיא יודעת שכותרות גדולות רק מקדמות את הקריירה שלה. גוגל ניסתה להידבר ולראות מה ניתן לעשות “לתיקון המצב” (שלא היה מקולקל כלל), בשקט. גב’ מרגריטה דחתה אותם על הסף, היא אינה מעוניינת בפתרון שקט לבעיה (היא יודעת שאין בעיה ואין פתרון) היא מעוניינת רק בכותרות.

האם גוגל תשלם לאירופה את הקנס של 5 מיליארד דולר? מה פתאום? עכשיו מתחילה מסכת של דיונים, תביעות משפטיות, ערעורים וברבורים. זה ייקח בקלות 10 שנים, אולי 20. בזמן הזה יתרחש דבר אחד בטוח: צבא של עורכי דין משני הצדדים יתעשר ויצחק כל הדרך לבנק. בעוד 10 או 20 שנה לא תהיה מרגריטה ואולי אפילו לא גוגל (מי יודע?). אבל למי זה אכפת? מרגריטה קיבלה את הכותרות עכשיו, וזה מה שחיפשה.

האם הציבור – משתמשי הטלפונים הסלולריים באירופה – נפגע מגוגל? ברור שלא! לא רק שלא נפגע, אלא קיבל מערכת הפעלה (שבלעדיה לא יכול סמארטפון לפעול) בחינם. האם הקנס של מרגריטה ייטיב עם המשתמש האירופאי? כלל וכלל לא. אם גוגל תחויב אי פעם לשלם את הקנס (אם גדול…) היא תוכל, למשל, לדרוש תשלום עבור אנדרואיד מהטלפונים שנמכרים באירופה, ויצא המשתמש האירופאי מופסד. תודה, מרגריטה…

כל המנגנון של חוקי התחרותיות או חוקים נגד הגבלים עסקיים – antitrust – הוא מערכת שרירותית, לא מוגדרת, לא ממשית, הנותנת כוח אדיר בידי פקידים להציק לחברות בצורה שרירותית ומזיקה ולתקוע מקלות בגלגלי הכלכלה. אגב כך הן פוגעות בהתפתחות הכלכלית, דהיינו בעושר ושגשוג של האנשים.

הקנס האבסורדי הזה, על גוגל, הוא דוגמה טובה.


John McCain Is Finally Dead!

McCain’s Legacy is Death

“Buzzard’s gotta eat, same as worms [spit]”
— Outlaw Josey Wales

John McCain is dead.  Good.

There are few figures in American politics more odious than John McCain.

McCain was chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee.  The main vector of our aggressive and ruinous foreign policy.

He served on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee overseeing everything we see today as needing reform.

And he blocked all of it.

He was, in short, no maverick.

John McCain was the ultimate member of the Status Quo. 

He worked hard to block any reform to our foreign policy of subjugation and control.  He oversaw and championed the worst legislation of the past generation.  Through him the expansion of the surveillance state flourished.

The Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act name only a couple. Through McCain the annual National Defense Authorization Act was a vector for the worst expansion of Deep State and MIC power through last minute riders and in recent years, cynical moves to block or stymie Donald Trump.

And being the vindictive little troll that he was, a pampered Admiral’s son who was the puppet of every major power-broker in D.C., he went after political opponents with the ferocity of a wolverine.

But, make no mistake, this man was a weasel and a snitch.

His death, however, is emblematic of the sea-change occurring in global politics.  Lying, racist psychopaths with dreams of global domination like McCain are yesterday’s news.

The generational shift away from Cold Warriors who have over-stayed their welcome to assist their feckless Baby Boomer children to destroy everything that the U.S. was supposed to stand for cannot be stopped at this point.

But, believe me, they will continue to try.

It’s no secret that John McCain hated Russians.  He also hated Iranians. It was a hatred so deep it meant embracing as a ‘freedom fighter’ anyone who stood against them.

Ukrainian Nazis? Check.

Head-chopping Salafist Animals in Syria? Check

Mujahadeen?  Check.

Hillary Clinton?  Check.

Likely this was because McCain betrayed his country in Vietnam as a captured high-value target to the Russians.

And that shame drove the next 40 years of his political career, along with his being spared the details of his treason going public if he served the goals of the globalist elites intent on destroying America.

So, his vile treatment of Donald Trump came as no surprise.  Trump calling him out publicly as weak for being captured and implying the truth about McCain drove McCain to apoplexy.

It’s why he passed on the ridiculous Steele dossier to the FBI.  It’s why he voted against Obamacare reform and tax cuts.  It’s why he gleefully put forth the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act last year.

The legacy of which is handing the U.S. Treasury and Office of Foreign Asset Control the power to impose sanctions on anyone or any country for pretty much any reason.

With that name the bill’s sponsors no longer felt it necessary to hide behind Bill Browder’s completely insane story about Sergei Magnitsky like they did in 2012.

John McCain did whatever his handlers told him to do.

And, because he was sticking it to Trump, whom he hated, he did it with a malicious sneer.

This is why he refused to relinquish his seat and it is why the rules need to be changed to allow Senators to be recalled.

So, what’s next?

What’s next is a big show of public grief by the world’s most disgusting people, lionizing one of their own while we are supposed to be shamed into not denigrating the memory of a sick, twisted, venal little tyrant whose actions are responsible for the death and displacement of tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of people.

Well, sorry to disappoint you, I’m not that enlightened.  Watch the video if you don’t believe me.

Why these mid-terms are so important comes down to the committees he’s a member of.  It comes down to who will rise to the chairmanship of the Armed Services Committee.

McCain was one of the most powerful men in D.C.

And he’s dead.

And his refusal to give up his seat has stymied any change.  It’s why they are pushing so hard for a Trump impeachment.  If Trump remakes the Republicans along center-right libertarian lines, i.e. filled with more people like Rand Paul than Mitt Romney, Trump can shuffle the committee decks along with the party hierarchy.

That’s why there has to be a Blue Wave in November. 

That’s why George Soros is whining in public. 

That’s why Alex Jones was de-platformed.

That’s why Michael Cohen plead guilty to something that isn’t a crime.

The only thing I’m sad about is that John McCain didn’t live long enough to see it all come crashing down.
That would have been some small measure of karmic justice for his legacy of death.

Good riddance.

Reprinted with permission from Gold Goats ‘n Guns.