What the Israeli Deep State Would Be Doing If They Actually Believed Their Own Rhetoric

ההמלצה לניצחון לשמאלנים בבחירות / Recommendation for an Israeli Left-Wing Election Victory

ב׳ לחודש השמיני תשע״ט
English follows the Hebrew.

למי שרוצה לגייס בחורים חרדיים לצה״ל [אבל באמת לא רוצה אותם בצבא בגלל החשש שהם ישפיעו על הבנים שלהם]…
למי שמצפה מחיילים דתיים לראות ולהקשיב לבחורות שרות ורוקדות על הבמה…
למי שמתנגד לבניית ישיבה או מקווה חדש בשכונה שלכם…
למי שמתנגד לבניית סניף חדש של תנועות הנוער ״עזרא״ ו-״אריאל״ בשכונה למרות קיום הגרעין הדתי המתגדל בעיר שלכם…
יש לי המלצה אחת להמליץ לכם:
ללדת יותר ילדים.
אם אתם באמת מאמינים בדמוקרטיה, לכו ללדת עוד ויותר ילדים כדי שאתם תהיו הרוב ולא המיעוט.
יש כבר יותר תלמידים דתיים ומסורתיים [מוסורתים אמיתיים, ולא ה״קונסרבטיבים״] בכתות א׳ – ה׳ בבתי ספר במדינת ישראל מתלמידים חילוניים. אז בעיקרון לבסוף תהיה לנו כנסת שרוב החברים שלה יהיה דתי לאומי וחרדי.
אבל אני לא בטוח שאתם רוצים מערכת ממשלתית דמוקרטית אמיתית.
אלא אתם משיגים קולות נוספים לנצח בבחירות דרך קומבינות כאלה:
*עידוד לאתיופים נוצריים לעלות ארצה.
*לתת לעובדים הזרים מעמד חוקי ולבסוף תושבות קבע או אפילו אזרחות.
*לתת למסתננים האפריקאיים מעמד חוקי ולבסוף תושבות קבע או אפילו אזרחות.
*להקים מערכת נשואין אזרחי כדי לתת לישראלים להתחתן עם גוים בקלות יותר.
*לתת לבעלים ונשים הנוכריים האלה דרך לקבלת אזרחות.
*להגן על ״הזכויות״ של העברים [המזויפים] הכושים שמותרים להם להביא ארצה את כמה גוים שרוצים מארה״ב.
*לדרוש זכויות להבעה חופשית הדתות (חוץ מיהדות), קוראים לעניין הזה ״פלורליסטיות,״ ואגב עוזרים לנוצרים האבנג׳ליסטים, ״החברים״ של הכאילו ימינים, להשאר בארץ.
*ללמד את העניין ״כולנו חיים וגרים ביחד״ כדי להשפיע למדינת ישראל להפוך להיות מדינה דמוקרטית חילונית כמו המדינות של אומות העולם.
כבר ניסיתם את האסטרטגיה לעודד גוים מברית המועצות. אבל הרבה מהם מצביעים למפלגת ישראל ביתינו של אביגדור ליברמן ולא למפלגות השמאלניות.

וגם הקומבינה הכי מעודפת שלכם היא לבטל, לסלף, לשנות, להחליף את החוקים שאתם לא אוהבים דרך הבג״ץ למרות רצון העם.(ומה אכפת לכם על רצון העם??) ככה אתם ממשיכים להיות להשאר כשלטונים האמיתיים בישראל.

אין לנו מערכת ממשלתית דמוקרטות אמיתית כבר הרבה זמן. היתה לנו בכלל? ומה קשר בין דמוקרטיה לתורה בכל מקרה?

אין קשר.

For those of you who want to enlist Haredim (ultra-Orthodox) into the Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] (but who really don’t want them in the army for fear of their influence on their sons)

For those of you who expect religious soldiers to watch and listen to women sing and dance on stage…

For those of you who shout at the men who encourage Jews to put on tefillin

For those who object to the building of a new yeshiva or mikveh (ritual immersion pool) in your neighborhood…

For those who oppose the construction of a new branch of the Ezra and Ariel youth movements in the neighborhood despite the growing religious sector in your town…

I have one recommendation for you:

Have more children.

If you truly believe in democracy, go and produce more children, so that someday you will be the majority who vote in elections, rather than the minority.

There are already more religious and traditional students than secular students in the first through fifth grades in Israel. Of course, by “traditional,” I mean those who actually believe in the traditional version of the Torah, and not members of the so-called Conservative Movement. Theoretically, this means we could have a Knesset whose majority of members will be Religious Zionist and Haredi in the not too distant future.

But I’m not sure you want a real democratic government system.

Instead, you prefer to increase your voter base through tricky strategies like the following:

  • Encouraging Ethiopian Christians to immigrate to Israel.
  • Working to provide foreign workers with a special status, and eventual permanent residency, if not citizenship.
  • Working to provide foreign workers with a special status, and eventual permanent residency, if not citizenship.
  • Working to establish civil marriage in Israel, allowing Israelis to “marry” non-Jews much more easily.
  • Providing these husbands and wives a way to receive Citizenship, which includes the so-called Black [Fake] Hebrews who allow them to bring all the non-Jews from the United States they want to bring into Israel.
  • Fighting for “freedom of religious expression,” calling it “pluralism,” and benefiting Evangelical Christian “friends” of the quasi-right-wing.
  • Preaching “Co-Existence,” with the eventuality of having a secular, democratic state, just like the goyim.

You have already tried this strategy of actively encouraging the immigration of non-Jews to Israel from the Former Soviet Union. But, many of them ended up voting for the Israel Our Home Party of Avigdor Lieberman, instead of left wing parties.

In addition, your favorite strategy seems to be canceling, distorting, changing, and replacing the laws you don’t like through the Israeli Supreme Court, in spite of the wishes of the people. (What do you care about the wishes of the people??) In this way, you maintain your position of power.

We haven’t had a real democratic system of government in Israel for years, now, assuming we ever had one. We have had a deMOCKracy. And what does democracy have to do with Torah anyway?

There isn’t one.

A Philo-Semite Is an Anti-Semite Who Loves Jews…

With Friends Like These…

BOOKS about anti-Semitism are depressingly numerous. New studies of the subject appear in a constant stream, focusing on anti-Semitism in this or that country, in literature or politics, in the past, the present, or the future. In 2010 alone, readers were presented with Robert Wistrich’s A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism From Antiquity to the Global Jihad and Anthony Julius’ Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism in England, which between them offer 2,100 pages of evidence of how much people used to and still do hate Jews.

If only as a change of pace, then, a book called Philosemitism in History should be cause for celebration. Never mind that it is a mere 350 pages, and not a continuous history but a collection of academic papers on fairly narrow subjects, from the Christian Hebraists of the seventeenth century to documentaries on West German television. At least it promises a chance to hear about Gentiles who admired and praised Jews, instead of hating and killing them. There must have been some, right?

Well, yes and no. As every contributor to Philosemitism in History acknowledges, Jews have never been entirely happy about the idea of philo-Semitism. The volume’s introduction, by editors Adam Sutcliffe and Jonathan Karp, begins with a Jewish joke: “Q: Which is preferable—the antisemite or the philosemite? A: The antisemite—at least he isn’t lying.” This may be too cynical. Closer to the bone is the saying that “a philo-Semite is an anti-Semite who loves Jews.” That formulation helps to capture the sense that philo- and anti- share an unhealthy interest in Jews and an unreal notion of who and what Jews are. Both deal not with Jewishness but with “Semitism,” as if being a Jew were the same as embracing a political ideology such as communism or conservatism—rather than what it really is, a religious and historical identity that cuts across political and economic lines.

This Jewish mistrust of philo-Semitism finds ample support in the history of the word offered by Lars Fischer in his contribution to the book. Fischer’s essay focuses rather narrowly on debates within the socialist movement in Germany in the late nineteenth century. But since this was exactly the time and place that the words “anti-Semitism” and “philo-Semitism” were coined, Fischer’s discussion of the political valences of the terms is highly revealing. From the beginning, when the word was coined by Wilhelm Marr in 1879, “anti-Semitic” was a label proudly claimed by enemies of the Jews. In Austria and Germany, there were political parties, trade unions, and newspapers that called themselves “anti-Semitic,” even when their political programs went beyond hostility to Jews.

Philo-Semitism sounds like it would have been the rallying-cry of the opponents of anti-Semitism, a movement with its own political program. But Fischer explains that this was not the case. “Philo-Semitism” was invented as a term of abuse, applied by anti-Semites to those who opposed them. Though Fischer does not draw the parallel, he makes clear that “philo-Semite” was the equivalent of a word like “nigger-lover” in the United States, meant to suggest that anyone who took the part of a despised minority was odious and perverse. “Its obvious implication was that anybody who could be bothered to oppose anti-Semitism actively must be in cahoots with ‘the Jews,’ ” in thrall to the very Jewish money and power that anti-Semitism attacked.

What this meant was that, in Wilhelmine Germany, those who fought anti-Semitism—above all, Germany’s Social Democratic Party, whose leadership included many Jews—had to be careful to deny that they were philo-Semites. In 1891, the New York Jewish socialist Abraham Cahan, later to be famous as a novelist and the editor of the Forward, attended the International Socialist Congress at Brussels, in order to propose a motion condemning anti-Semitism. Victor Adler and Paul Singer, the leaders of Socialist parties in Germany and Austria—and both Jews—fought against Cahan’s motion, afraid that condemning anti-Semitism would only heighten the public perception of socialism as a Jewish movement. Finally, the motion passed, after it was amended to attack anti-Semitism and philo-Semitism in equal measure.

No one, it seems, wanted to be a philo-Semite; and for a long time, on the evidence of Philosemitism in History, almost no one was. Certainly, it takes pathetically little good will toward Jews to qualify for a place in the book. Robert Chazan, looking for “Philosemitic Tendencies in Western Christendom,” finds one in Saint Bernard’s warning to the Second Crusade not to repeat the anti-Jewish violence of the First: “The Jews are for us the living words of Scripture, for they remind us always of what our Lord suffered. They are dispersed all over the world, so that by expiating their crime they may be everywhere the living witnesses of our redemption.”

In this context, philo-Semitism means persecuting Jews to the brink of killing them, but no further. (Paula Frederiksen wrestled with this ambiguous Christian legacy in her excellent book Augustine and the Jews.) Likewise, Chazan shows, the medieval princes who invited Jews to settle in their lands did so not out of any love for Jewish people, but in order to create a taxable commercial class—and they often ended up killing the goose that laid so many golden eggs.

As early as the eleventh century, then, we can see the ambivalence that continues to mark Christian philo-Semitism down to the present. Jews are valued, but only as long as they play the role assigned them in a Christian project or worldview. If Jews step out of that role, they are bitterly criticized. During the Renaissance, a desire to read the Bible in its original language drove many leading humanists to study Hebrew. These Christian Hebraists engaged with Jewish traditions more deeply than any Gentiles had done before, even studying the Mishnah and Gemara for clues about historic Jewish practices. As Eric Nelson showed in The Hebrew Republic, the Israelite commonwealth became a major inspiration to English political theorists in the seventeenth century.

Three essays in Philosemitism in History focus on the Christian Hebraist movement. Yet as Abraham Melamed writes in “The Revival of Christian Hebraism,” “the big question … is whether the emergence and influence of Christian Hebraism in early modern Europe led to a more tolerant attitude toward the Jews, and additionally to any kind of philosemitism.” Reading Hebrew and admiring the Israelites were all well and good, but did they lead scholars such as Johann Reuchlin and William Whiston to have any sympathy with the actual, living Jews of their time? “This is not necessarily the case,” Melamed answers. The English scholar John Selden was referred to, jokingly, as England’s “Chief Rabbi,” for his mastery of Jewish texts, but he seems not to have known any Jews, and he publicly endorsed the blood libel, citing Jews’ “devilish malice to Christ and Christians.”

A more complicated case of Christian philo-Semitism is the subject of Yaakov Ariel’s essay “It’s All in the Bible,” which explores the strong support of Israel by contemporary American Evangelicals. For centuries, but especially after 1967, evangelical Christians have been staunch Zionists, and their friendship has been welcomed by the Israeli government. Yet the premise of that friendship is a millenarian theology, based on a reading of the Book of Revelation, which holds that the establishment of a Jewish state in the Holy Land is a precondition to the Second Coming of Christ. On the road to the redemption, Christian Zionists believe, the majority of Jews will be wiped out in apocalyptic wars, and the remainder will convert to Christianity.

This philo-Semitism is, at its heart, deeply anti-Jewish, and the attempts of Israeli politicians to court evangelical support have been awkward, to say the least. In 1996, during Benjamin Netanyahu’s first term as prime minister, he supported a bill, urged by Orthodox members of the Knesset, to ban Christian missionary activity in Israel. When he realized that this would profoundly offend the Christian right in America, Netanyahu changed his mind and thwarted the bill. Here we have the Jewish leader of a Jewish state permitting Christians to try to convert Jews as the price for Christian political support. Tactically, this might have made some sense, since the Jews of Israel were anyway not about to be converted to Christianity and the end of days is a long way off; but as a matter of principle it was awful.

Does this count as “philo-Semitism”? And what about the painfully earnest documentaries aired on West German television in the 1970s, discussed by Wulf Kansteiner, in which “self-pity and appropriation of Jewish culture went hand in hand with awkward silences”? Or the Jewish kitsch on sale in many Eastern European cities, which Ruth Ellen Gruber writes about? Lodz, in Poland, was once a great Jewish metropolis, and then one of the most lethal Nazi ghettoes. Today it is home to a restaurant called Anatevka, after the shtetl in Fiddler on the Roof, where you can be served matzoh by a “waiter dressed up in Hasidic costume, including a black hat and ritual fringes.” Gruber is rather indulgent toward this kind of thing, seeing it as a byproduct or precursor of a genuine rebirth of Jewish life in Eastern Europe. Seen in a colder light, this Jewish kitsch, like many of the phenomena on display in Philosemitism in History, might seem to call for a reversal of Wilde’s famous line: not “each man kills the thing he loves,” but each man loves the thing he killed.

But this is too bitter. There may be little to love about philo-Semitism, and little to be grateful for in its history; but that is because genuine esteem between Christians and Jews, like real affection of all kinds, cannot be grasped as an “-ism.” Ideologies deal in abstractions, and to turn a group of people into an abstraction, even a “positive” one, is already to do violence to them. That kind of violence is what historians tend to record, but most of the time, it is not the way real people think and live.

One of the most heartening stories in this book History comes from fourteenth-century Marseilles, where a Jewish moneylender named Bondavid was tried for fraud. The trial record still exists, and it shows that Bondavid called a number of Christians as character witnesses. A priest, Guillelmus Gasqueti, testified that “actually [Bondavid is] more righteous than anybody he ever met in his life. … For, if one may say so, he never met or saw a Christian more righteous than he.” This kind of genuine, personal esteem between Christians and Jews was “unusual,” Robert Chazan writes, “but surely not unique.” And it is the proliferation of such face-to-face friendships in modern America that has made this country, not the most “philo-Semitic” in history, but the one where individual Jews and Christians have actually liked each other most.

This piece was originally published in Tablet.

Adam Kirsch is a senior editor at The New Republic.

From The New Republic, here.

State Religion Is Omission of the Past and Failure to Imagine the Future

Separate Religion from State and Judaism will Flourish

by Moshe Feiglin

“The State must keep religion in its hands,” said Ben Gurion to Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz. “Thus, I will never agree to the separation of religion from the State.”

Zehut advocates keeping religion as far as possible from the State. This stance brings out a fear in religious Jews who were born into our current, warped situation. They can’t imagine Judaism that is not chained to the State. In this way, for the meager price of State funding, the free soul of Judaism has been sold. To understand Zehut’s position on Religion and State, see our platform on this issue.

Non-Jewish Higher Education Is a SCAM!

At Wake Forest University last fall, one of the few events designated as “mandatory” for freshman orientation was attendance at Blue Eyed, a filmed racism awareness workshop in which whites are abused, ridiculed, made to fail, and taught helpless passivity so that they can identify with “a person of color for a day.” In Swarthmore College’s dormitories, in the fall of 1998,first-year students were asked to line up by skin color, from lightest to darkest, and to step forward and talk about how they felt concerning their place in that line. Indeed, at almost all of our campuses, some form of moral and political re-education has been built into freshman orientation and residential programming. These exercises have become so commonplace that most students do not even think of the issues of privacy, rights, and dignity involved.

A central goal of these programs is to uproot “internalized oppression,” a crucial concept in the diversity education planning documents of most universities. Like the Leninists’ notion of “false consciousness,” from which it ultimately is derived, it identifies as a major barrier to progressive change the fact that the victims of oppression have internalized the very values and ways of thinking by which society oppresses them. What could workers possibly know, compared to intellectuals, about what workers truly should want? What could students possibly know, compared to those creating programs for offices of student life and residence, about what students truly should feel? Any desire for assimilation or for individualism reflects the imprint of white America’s strategy for racial hegemony.

You would be wise to read his report in its entirety if you plan to send a child to college. If you want to know what American higher education is all about these days, read it.

Lest you imagine that things have gotten better since he wrote his article, consider this recent report in World magazine.

Brown University is one of the most expensive schools in America. Parents spend up to $140,000 to fund one child in the quest for a diploma. The school is academically rigorous. It trains the students who were not quite competitive enough to get into Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Chicago, or Yale. The elite attends Brown and schools like it (e.g., Swarthmore).

Some freshmen-orientationdirectors say they are only trying to prevent future studentclashes over racism and “homophobia.” Otherssay outright that such presentations are designed to shake thesoil from new students’ small-town roots, dismantle traditionalvalues they might have brought from home, and – in presentationsby hard-left facilitators – help white freshmen own and overcometheir inborn racism. “I really want [freshmen] to understandthat they are no longer at home, they’re not in high school anymore,and a lot of the values and morals they may have had from thoseexperiences may change here over the next four years,” said diversityissues coordinator Marcus Newsom of Wartburg College in Waverly,Iowa.

You might think that these are isolated events. You would be wrong. An academic-supply industry is growing rapidly to meet the demand by colleges for these courses.

A smallarmy of diversity “experts” stands ready to help. BlueEyed facilitator Jane Elliot is one star in aconstellation of highly paid, ultra-leftist facilitatorswho travel from campusto campus to proclaim diversity dogma.

EdwinJ. Nichols, a Washington, D.C.-based diversity guru (whocounts as clientsthe U.S. Department of Labor and the EnvironmentalProtection Agency) charges schools about $5,000plus expenses for a workshop in which he teaches studentsto recognize andcombat “white privilege.”

Hugh Vasquez ofthe Todos Institute in Oakland, Calif., is the brain behindSkin Deep, another racial-awareness film popularwith college diversity programmers. Freshmen at Virginia’s Washingtonand Lee University this month watched the film, in which minorityworkshop participants lambaste “whiteness,” while white studentsrepent of generational racism.

This is the tip of the iceberg. Yet parents shell out anywhere from $20,000 to $140,000 to send a child into what is best described as the academic gauntlet.


In a great movie, “The Black Robe,” there is an unforgettable scene of a gauntlet. Forcing an enemy to run the gauntlet was a widely practiced ritual among Indian tribes. A hapless captive was beaten by clubs as he ran in between a twin line of hostile braves. Different tribes had different rules. In the Shawnee tribe, those who survived the run were adopted into the tribe. Those who didn’t make it down the lines were burned at the stake. The gauntlet was a rite of passage.

College is the final rite of passage for Americans who plan to enter the professions or business. It is imposed by college faculties on teenagers and young adults. Those who survive the ordeal – half of them don’t – are then invited to enter the world of diploma-certified income. Those who don’t graduate are relegated to the world of careers without high school diplomas– the outer darkness.

Parents regard themselves as trapped in this alien system. They want the best for their children, which in the post-WorldWar II has attending college and earning at least a bachelor’s degree. Parents have been led to believe that this is the safest pathway to a child’s success in life.

So, they send their children into alien territory, at great expense, only to see their children indoctrinated with ideas that the parents had warned against. Yet the parents regard themselves as helpless. “What else can we do? We never graduated from college.” Or this: “We can’t hang onto our children forever.”

Their ideological enemies long ago spotted this weakness, and for over a hundred years, they have taken advantage of it. They have persuaded parents to finance an alien program of indoctrination, either directly (tuition)or indirectly (taxes).


The American public school system serves the same purpose as the colleges do but at a lower level. The states require attendance at state-certified institutions of education. It takes special exemptions for parents to teach their children at home.

Amazingly, in terms of money, it takes as little as $200, plus toner and paper, to home-school your entire family, K-12, in every course except for math. It takes another $800 to buy the math textbooks. Even more amazing, the entire program is self-taught by the student. It takes less parental time than any other home-school curriculum. It’s the Robinson Curriculum, designed by research chemist Arthur Robinson for his six children. Two of them are pursuing Ph.D.’s in chemistry. The others are still in college or high school.

Parents are taxed to send their children into classrooms that are dominated by people who share a different religion from the parents.

By a series of Supreme Court decisions, all tax-funded education must be secular, yet fewer than 10% of Americans are atheists,i.e., people who believe that the world can be explained without reference to God.

In high school, in every academic field, the assumptions of modern Darwinism dominate the textbooks, yet only 10% of Americans admit to being Darwinists. Almost half say that God created mankind less than 10,000 years ago. Almost 40% say that God created everything, but used evolution – an anti-Darwinist outlook. This was discovered by a 1999 ABC News poll. You would not intuitively guess its results by watching PBS specials on nature or “Nova.”

College completes the academic ordeal. Here, Darwinism provides the conceptual framework for a host of rival ism’s. Defenders of competing ism’s strive to gain tenure on college faculties in order to have a chance to recruit young people at taxpayers’ expense. Even private religious colleges are dominated by one or another of these Darwinist ism’s, for the textbooks are written by professors in major universities. Only a handful of tiny Bible colleges, Bible institutes, and under-capitalized, high-tuition four-year colleges offer slightly less radical viewpoints.


The most famous early warning was William F. Buckley’s book – I think his best book – God and Man At Yale (1951). He wrote it as a recent Yale graduate. It sent the liberal Yale faculty ballistic. In 1960, his undergraduate successor at Yale, M. Stanton Evans, wrote Revolt On The Campus, which dealt with the incipient conservative collegiate movement, which I had recently joined. The movement was tiny. Evans by then was the editor of the editorial page at the Indianapolis News, and for a quarter century has run the National Journalism Center, a top-flight organization that trains prospective journalists.

My favorite book attacking the collegiate system is the 1989 bombshell, Profscam, by Charles J. Sykes. I believe that every parent of a college-bound student should read this book before spending a penny on higher education. It will help get things more clearly in focus. The prospective student should also read it; if he or she should find that the book is too confusing or too advanced, there is no doubt in my mind that the student should defer enrollment until the book becomes crystal clear.

In Chapter 1, Sykes lays out the truth about the modern academic culture without sugar-coating. It is the same problem that crops up in every aging monopoly: the complacency of the protected group.

Professors have convinced society that this culture is essential for higherlearning, and have thus been able to protect their own status and independenceby cheating students, parents, taxpayers, and employers, and polluting theintellectual inheritance of society. Over the last 50 years, this academicculture has secured professors almost ironclad job security and the freedomto do whatever they like – and do it well or poorly – or do nothing at all. [Charles J. Sykes, Profscam: Professors and the Higher Education Game, 1988,p. 5.]

He lists a series of accurate indictments, but this one has not been widely acknowledged, on campus or off, as central to the whole problem: the two-tier faculty. The system works to the advantage of senior faculty members, whose courses are kept scandalously few in number and incredibly small, and whose intellectual interests are subsidized, but to no one else’s advantage. “In pursuing their own interests – research, academic politicking, cushier grants– they have left the nation’s students in the care of an ill-trained, ill-paid, and bitter academic underclass.” This existence of this academic underclass– teaching assistants, untenured professors, and part-time instructors – is not perceived by the vast majority of parents of first-year students; the students themselves may take years to figure it out. This underclass has become crucial for the economic survival of almost all of the institutions of higher learning, but it has a whole host of evil implications for college education.

By the time they read a book like Sykes’, parents have already made the decision to send their children to college, sometimes with a retail price tag of 140,000+after-tax dollars per bachelor’s degree (Ivy League universities). Once a major decision is made in life, nobody wants to have to reconsider it. Nobody wants to have his illusions unceremoniously shattered. Nevertheless, my recommendation is that those people putting up the money get these illusions shattered early rather than late, so that the potential victims can salvage something of value by making the system work for them – the real system, not a figment of their imaginations. It is time for parents and students to bone up on the reality that awaits them.

If Profscam is true – and it really is true – then parents and students need to reorganize their plans: soon. There are some parents and students who will resent this and will do their best to deny it psychologically. They will dismiss what I say with the standard phrases: “This can’t be true. He is exaggerating.” To skeptics, I say only: you have been warned. Repeatedly.

Sykes is not alone in his criticisms. Roger Kimball’s book, Tenured Radicals (1990), is equally critical, though from a narrower perspective. Kimball points out that the radical student protesters of the 1960’s have become the tenured professors of today. His book is filled with one horror story after another: of reduced academic standards, of tyranny in the name of the oppressed, of courses that are hostile to Western civilization. A parent had better read it before he signs the student’s first tuition check.

An equally pessimistic account is provided in Page Smith’s book, Killing The Spirit (1990). Smith, now deceased, was a first-rate professor of history, formerly of UCLA. He is the author of the marvelously written eight-volume work, People’s History of the United States, as well as the standard two-volume academic biography of John Adams. Killing The Spirit focuses on what goes on in the great research universities, as does Sykes’ Profscam. Smith’s conclusion is the same as Sykes’: the students are being cheated, the parents are being cheated, and the taxpayers are being cheated. Furthermore, the research produced by faculty members at these universities is substandard. But Smith, unlikeSykes, comes from inside the system.

So does Bruce Wilshire. He Wrote The Moral Collapse of the University (1990). He tells the same story: professors who hate to teach undergraduates, instruction without meaning, and a breakdown of educational standards. “If universities can not confront questions of meaning – and of goodness, vitality, purpose, beauty, reality, the universe directly lived – they suffer moral collapse. This has happened” (p. 205).

These books paved the way for Dinesh D’Souza’s Illiberal Education (1991).D’Souza’s book caught the attention of the book-buying public and the media. It was as if there had been no previous books on the subject as if there had not been two generations of tenured liberalism dominating the college classrooms.

You might think that with so much criticism from intelligent sources, there have been changes. You would be correct. Things have indeed changed. They’re worse.


Professor Kors ended his report with these words:

Orwellmay have been profoundly wrong about the totalitarian effectsof high technology, but he understood full well how theauthoritarians of this centuryhad moved from the desire for outer control to thedesire for inner control. He understood that the new agesought to overcome what, in Julia’s terms,was the ultimate source of freedom for human beings: “They can’t get inside you.” Ourcolleges and universities hire trainers to “get inside” Americanstudents.

Thought reform is making its way inexorably to an office near you. If welet it occur at our universities and accept it passively in our own domains,then a people who defeated totalitarians abroad will surrender their dignity,privacy, and conscience to the totalitarians within.

What can you do about it? To change the system, not much. To keep your child out of the system, or on the distant fringes, where the damage will be minimal, you can do a great deal. Start looking for Internet-based courses that will let your child stay at home and out of the gauntlet.

I also encourage you to click through and read Phyllis Schlafly’s 19-point survival guide for college students.

From Lewrockell.com, here.

עקב הלב מכל ואנש הוא מי ידענו

יונתן רזאל – פותח לב 🖤 Yonatan Razel – Open to Change

Published on May 16, 2017

פותח לב – שיר הנושא מתוך האלבום החדש של יונתן רזאל “פותח לב”

מילים ולחן: יונתן רזאל
על-פי אבות דרבי נתן פרק ו’ וירמיהו פרק י”ז פסוק ט’: “עקוב הלב מכל, ואנוש הוא מי יידענו”

אני מבין, אני נכנע, אני רוצה אחרת
אני פותח לב
מסע ארוך מתחיל, אני יודע
אני פותח לב

עקוב הלב,
עקוב מכל,
ואנוש הוא
מי ידענו?
עקוב הלב,
עקוב מכל

כל התפילות שהתפללנו
לא היו לשווא
כל הדרכים שעברנו
התחברו אחד לאחד
כי אם מים יכולים לשנות את האבן
אז הלב יפתח

אני מבין אני בוחר אני רוצה אחרת
עוד יהיה לי לב בשר
לאט לאט
עוד מאמץ עוד צעד
במעלה ההר
אל החיים

עקוב הלב…

כל התפילות שהתפללנו
לא היו לשווא
כל הדרכים שעברנו
התחברו אחד לאחד
כי אם מים יכולים לשנות את האבן
אז הלב יפתח

טוב אני מבין אני נכנע אני רוצה אחרת
אני רוצה להיות אדם

ניהול אישי וייצוג בלעדי, ולהזמנת הופעות: אלון חלמיש 054-4796106
יחסי ציבור: עופר מנחם – תקשורת ויחסי ציבור 050-7286538 menachem.ofer@gmail.com

בקרו בדף הפייסבוק של יונתן: http://bit.ly/yonatanFBpage
האתר הרשמי של יונתן: http://www.yonatanrazel.com

עיבוד: יונתן רזאל ואלון יופה
הפקה מוסיקלית: אלון יופה ויונתן רזאל
עיבוד מיתרים וניצוח: יונתן רזאל
תזמור: רועי פרידמן
פסנתר, גיטרה חשמלית שירה וקולות: יונתן רזאל
חצוצרה: איתמר בורוכוב
קונטרבס: גלעד אפרת
תופים וכלי הקשה: אלון יופה
כלי הקשה נוספים: יאיר מור
מיתרים: הרכב קאמרי בראשותו של אייל שילוח
הקלטות פסנתרים: ע”י מרקו גורקן באולפני סך הקול בירושלים
הקלטות מיתרים: אולפני משכנות שאננים ירושלים – ע”י צביקה הירשלר. עוזר טכנאי: עידו באום
הקלטות נוספות: ע”י משה דעבול ב”לול של דעבול”
ניהול תוכנה ומחשב: דוד מיימוני
טכנאי מיקס: ארן לביא
מאסטרינג: ארן לביא
פסנתר: אודי מרום, “מרום מוסיקה”

הפקה בפועל: ליאור שלום משה
עזרה טכנית: בנימין דויטש
ניהול אמנותי NMC: גדי גידור
ניהול פרוייקט: שחר ורד
ניהול הפקה: שושי אלחייק
צילום: אוהד רומנו
עיצוב: יוני לוי
ניהול מדיה ושיווק דיגיטלי: IDOS עידו שטיינר – 050-8851136

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.