*עידוד לאתיופים נוצריים לעלות ארצה.
*לתת לעובדים הזרים מעמד חוקי ולבסוף תושבות קבע או אפילו אזרחות.
*לתת למסתננים האפריקאיים מעמד חוקי ולבסוף תושבות קבע או אפילו אזרחות.
*להקים מערכת נשואין אזרחי כדי לתת לישראלים להתחתן עם גוים בקלות יותר.
*לתת לבעלים ונשים הנוכריים האלה דרך לקבלת אזרחות.
*להגן על ״הזכויות״ של העברים [המזויפים] הכושים שמותרים להם להביא ארצה את כמה גוים שרוצים מארה״ב.
*לדרוש זכויות להבעה חופשית הדתות (חוץ מיהדות), קוראים לעניין הזה ״פלורליסטיות,״ ואגב עוזרים לנוצרים האבנג׳ליסטים, ״החברים״ של הכאילו ימינים, להשאר בארץ.
*ללמד את העניין ״כולנו חיים וגרים ביחד״ כדי להשפיע למדינת ישראל להפוך להיות מדינה דמוקרטית חילונית כמו המדינות של אומות העולם.
וגם הקומבינה הכי מעודפת שלכם היא לבטל, לסלף, לשנות, להחליף את החוקים שאתם לא אוהבים דרך הבג״ץ למרות רצון העם.(ומה אכפת לכם על רצון העם??) ככה אתם ממשיכים להיות להשאר כשלטונים האמיתיים בישראל.
אין לנו מערכת ממשלתית דמוקרטות אמיתית כבר הרבה זמן. היתה לנו בכלל? ומה קשר בין דמוקרטיה לתורה בכל מקרה?
אין קשר.
For those of you who want to enlist Haredim (ultra-Orthodox) into the Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] (but who really don’t want them in the army for fear of their influence on their sons)…
For those of you who expect religious soldiers to watch and listen to women sing and dance on stage…
For those of you who shout at the men who encourage Jews to put on tefillin…
For those who object to the building of a new yeshiva or mikveh (ritual immersion pool) in your neighborhood…
For those who oppose the construction of a new branch of the Ezra and Ariel youth movements in the neighborhood despite the growing religious sector in your town…
I have one recommendation for you:
Have more children.
If you truly believe in democracy, go and produce more children, so that someday you will be the majority who vote in elections, rather than the minority.
There are already more religious and traditional students than secular students in the first through fifth grades in Israel. Of course, by “traditional,” I mean those who actually believe in the traditional version of the Torah, and not members of the so-called Conservative Movement. Theoretically, this means we could have a Knesset whose majority of members will be Religious Zionist and Haredi in the not too distant future.
But I’m not sure you want a real democratic government system.
Instead, you prefer to increase your voter base through tricky strategies like the following:
- Encouraging Ethiopian Christians to immigrate to Israel.
- Working to provide foreign workers with a special status, and eventual permanent residency, if not citizenship.
- Working to provide foreign workers with a special status, and eventual permanent residency, if not citizenship.
- Working to establish civil marriage in Israel, allowing Israelis to “marry” non-Jews much more easily.
- Providing these husbands and wives a way to receive Citizenship, which includes the so-called Black [Fake] Hebrews who allow them to bring all the non-Jews from the United States they want to bring into Israel.
- Fighting for “freedom of religious expression,” calling it “pluralism,” and benefiting Evangelical Christian “friends” of the quasi-right-wing.
- Preaching “Co-Existence,” with the eventuality of having a secular, democratic state, just like the goyim.
You have already tried this strategy of actively encouraging the immigration of non-Jews to Israel from the Former Soviet Union. But, many of them ended up voting for the Israel Our Home Party of Avigdor Lieberman, instead of left wing parties.
In addition, your favorite strategy seems to be canceling, distorting, changing, and replacing the laws you don’t like through the Israeli Supreme Court, in spite of the wishes of the people. (What do you care about the wishes of the people??) In this way, you maintain your position of power.
We haven’t had a real democratic system of government in Israel for years, now, assuming we ever had one. We have had a deMOCKracy. And what does democracy have to do with Torah anyway?
There isn’t one.