At Least End Patent Protections

An Argument for Ending Patent Monopolies

Google’s market power traces back to patents. Google has allegedly levered this economic power into politics by slanting its algorithms of search toward Hillary Clinton and away from Donald Trump. Google influences the presentation of political information. Among social media platforms, shadowbanning is another way to influence political discourse. A third way is the outright banning of platforms such as that of Alex Jones.

Reporter Allum Bokhari writes “Facebook claims to have boosted voter turnout by 3 percent in 2016 by making small tweaks to their algorithm. And studies have shown that if search engines like Google manipulated their results to favor particular candidates, they could sway up to 40 percent of undecided voters. The author of the same studies estimates that biased search results shifted between 2 and 3 million votes towards Hillary Clinton in 2016. How much more could they shift in 2020?”

Although this quote from Bokhari is convenient for me to cite, I do not accept most of what he says in understanding the problem or as solutions.

Bokhari favors government regulation of social media giants. I strongly oppose it, because it means the government will control political speech, a horrible totalitarian outcome.

Bokhari uses the common carrier rationale, for one rationale. This certainly does not apply, because entry is in many ways open (within the patent limitations noted below). He suggests that “alternative distribution channels” do not “help people who are just starting now, at a time when exclusion from social media is increasingly tantamount to exclusion from the public square.” I think Bokhari vastly under-estimates the capacity of start-ups to gain acceptance, and he implicitly fails entirely to grasp the vitality of the venture capital market to finance such start-ups. He also doesn’t realize that if a media giant, such as Facebook, exhibits enough bias such that it loses customers and loses market value, shareholder efforts will arise to alter the company’s leadership and take it over. Boards of Directors and outside holders of the voting shares are not passive.

I do not accept the Supreme Court’s idea that social media are the “modern public square”, which Bokhari also accepts. That notion confuses private and public. That concept treats discourse as a static entity produced by existing institutions. We need not accept that assumption. There are all sorts of dynamics to make political discourse wide open. New social media companies can enter the market. Voters can learn what platforms are biased and act accordingly to adjust what they think and how they vote. Platforms are open to criticism by candidates and others. Furthermore, votes are influenced in ways beyond calculation.

Bokhari makes a big thing out of the fact that Facebook is not a Christian bakery: “Most will find it obvious that the vast concentration of power in Silicon Valley is a little different from a small-town baker.” That power, he tells us, has caused a number of businesses to fail when Facebook “tweaked its algorithm” in January. What of these failures? Most unfortunate for the people involved, but that’s business. Those companies took a risk by relying on Facebook’s older algorithm and by working within a world in which Facebook and others have secure patent positions. This is a profit-and-loss economy, and there are bound to be losses when expectations fail to pan out. Would Bokhari force Facebook not to make changes that it deems in its own interest if they damage the business of others? That kind of policy is deadly to free markets and partially-free markets such as we have.

It’s true that Facebook is not a bakery. It’s also true that an elephant is not a flea. The latter two animals are both alive and share the essentials that give life. The bakery and Facebook share the essential that the initiation of violence is wrong. This is where the analysis needs to focus. By what means do the business decisions of the social media and tech giants initiate violence? One key area is that of patents. Patents make entry more difficult, sometimes impossible. Instead of regulating the giants, as Bokhari suggests, what we need is to de-regulate them, by removing patent protection. It’s wrong to grant government-enforced monopolies that prevent others from using their property as they see fit.

Many companies are now giants and many rely on patent protections. Many lobby Congress. Many make political contributions. They are levering their patent protections into undue political influence on top of their undue economic influence. To help mitigate these influences, ending patent protection will help. This is an argument in addition to other arguments about intellectual property. The suggestion here is that certain costs have been under-recognized or left out of consideration. First are the costs of further government regulation that limit speech. Second are the costs of political corruption.

From Lewrockwell.comhere.

How Government Grows and Grows and Grows…

Protectionism Abroad and Socialism at Home

One of the most insidious ways politicians expand government is by creating new programs to “solve” problems created by politicians. For example, government interference in health care increased health care costs, making it difficult or even impossible for many to obtain affordable, quality care. The effects of these prior interventions were used to justify Obamacare.

Now, the failures of Obamacare are being used to justify further government intervention in health care. This does not just include the renewed push for socialized medicine. It also includes supporting new laws mandating price transparency. The lack of transparency in health care pricing is a direct result of government policies encouraging overreliance on third-party payers.

This phenomenon is also observed in foreign policy. American military interventions result in blowback that is used to justify more military intervention. The result is an ever-expanding warfare state and curtailments on our liberty in the name of security.

Another example of this is related to the reaction to President Trump’s tariffs. Many of America’s leading trading partners have imposed “retaliatory” tariffs on US goods. Many of these tariffs target agriculture exports. These tariffs could be devastating for American farmers, since exports compose as much as 20 percent of the average farmer’s income.

President Trump has responded to the hardships imposed on farmers by these retaliatory tariffs with a 12 billion dollars farm bailout program. The program has three elements: direct payments to farmers, use of federal funds to buy surplus crops and distribute them to food banks and nutrition programs, and a new federal effort to promote American agriculture overseas.

This program will not fix the problems caused by Tramp’s tariffs. For one thing, the payments are unlikely to equal the money farmers will lose from this trade war. Also, government marketing programs benefit large agribusiness but do nothing to help small farmers. In fact, by giving another advantage to large agribusiness, the program may make it more difficult for small farmers to compete in the global marketplace.

Distributing surplus food to programs serving the needy may seem like a worthwhile use of government funds. However, the federal government has neither constitutional nor moral authority to use money taken by force from taxpayers for charitable purposes. Government-funded welfare programs also crowd out much more effective and compassionate private efforts. Of course, if government regulations such as the minimum wage and occupational licensing did not destroy job opportunities, government farm programs did not increase food prices, and the Federal Reserve’s inflationary policies did not continuously erode purchasing power, the demand for food aid would be much less. By increasing spending and debt, the agriculture bailout will do much more to create poverty than to help the needy.

Agriculture is hardly the only industry suffering from the new trade war. Industries — such as automobile manufacturing — that depend on imports for affordable materials are suffering along with American exporters. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (who supports tariffs) has called for bailouts of industries negatively impacted by tariffs. He is likely to be joined in his advocacy by crony capitalists seeking another government handout.

More bailouts will only add to the trade war’s economic damage by increasing government spending and hastening the welfare-warfare state’s collapse and the rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. Instead of trying to fix tariffs-caused damage through more corporate welfare, President Trump and Congress should pursue a policy of free markets and free trade for all and bailouts for none.

שויתי השם לנגדי תמיד

הינדיק – לא אכפת לי

Published on May 24, 2016

‘לא אכפת לי’ מתוך אלבום הבכורה של הינדיק:
להורדת האלבום:
מילים ולחן: הינדיק
עיבוד והפקה מוסיקלית: איציק קרייף
גיטרות: דרור ראובני ויהונתן מוסקוביץ
קלרינט: לונה
סיטאר: יהונתן מוסקוביץ’
הוקלט באולפני ההקלטות: IK פרודקשיין
מיקס ומאסטרינג: שמעון דיין
גרפיקה: רוסי רוייס
יחסי ציבור וניהול מדיה: יוסי לחיאני – 054-2455565 |
לפרטים ויצירת קשר חייגו: 0525108853 – אולפני IK


צריך תמיד להיות שמח
כי הזמן חולף בורח
ואם נפלתי לעצבות
אני ארקוד אקפוץ
אני אעשה מעשה שטות

כי לא אכפת לי מה אומרים עליי
לא משנה לי מה חושבים
רואה רק את השם אל מול עיניי
ולא את האנשים

לא חייב לעשות מה שכולם עושים
כי לפעמים הם טועים
מחפשים כסף כבוד ופרסום
ובסוף לא נשאר מזה כלום

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

The Masores Seudah Returns!

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Treife!

Here is an article that I published this week in the Jewish Link of New Jersey
Notwithstanding the vast range of kosher foods available today, keeping kosher sometimes seems limiting in terms of the actual species that we can eat. I remember staying at a lodge in Zimbabwe, where the other guests were eating ostrich burgers, crocodile steaks and grilled warthog, whereas the participants in my group had to settle for chicken and beef. And while the species that are available to the kosher consumer are strictly of the mammalian, avian or piscine variety, if you go to the market in Bangkok, you’ll see people munching on all kinds of grub—literally.

Still, the truth is that there are many more kosher species than is commonly assumed. A few years ago, at the Biblical Museum of Natural History, we decided to prepare banquets that were not only delicious, but also educational, and very special from a kashrut standpoint. Inspired by the trailblazing work of our colleague Rabbi Dr. Ari Zivotofsky and Dr. Ari Greenspan, we decided to see how far we could take this idea. These events are enormously complicated, stressful and expensive to produce, but they are unique educational and cultural experiences!

Our first banquet at the museum, two years ago, was a Feast of Biblical Flora & Fauna. This featured species that we see in the Torah were consumed, but that are not normally eaten nowadays. Thus, there was no chicken—chickens are not mentioned anywhere in Tanach, since they were domesticated from Indian jungle fowl, which had not yet reached the land of Israel in the Biblical period. Instead, we served species such as doves, quails, geese, goa and deer—which was served daily at King Solomon’s table, but which is almost impossible to obtain (under kosher certification) today.

Dessert was, of course, chocolate-covered locusts. The Torah states that certain locusts are kosher, and various North African and Yemenite Jewish communities retained the tradition as to which species is kosher—namely, the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Eating locusts is not a relic of a primitive era; locusts are considered by food nutritionists to be the super-food of the future. They are high in protein and very nutritious, although that benefit is lost somewhat when they are coated in chocolate. The Feast of Biblical Flora & Fauna will be repeated in Teaneck in October, though there is not yet any guarantee as to exactly which species will be served, since the shechitah of unusual species can be even more complicated in the US than in Israel.

The next year, we wanted to do something different at the museum, and so we held a Feast of Exotic Curiosities (which we plan to run again in Los Angeles next February). That menu featured non-Biblical foods of halachic intrigue, including kingklip, sparrow, pheasant, guinea-fowl, udders, turkey animelles, Asian water buffalo and more. Yet perhaps most controversial were the breeds of chicken; after all, last year was the summer in which controversies raged in Israel as to whether conventional supermarket Cornish Cross chickens are a treife breed and only a rare breed called the Braekel is kosher, or whether Braekel is treife and only Cornish Cross are kosher. We made a soup out of both of them together! (Contrary to widespread misconception, all these breeds are simply varieties of chickens—they are not new halachic categories that require a separate mesorah.)