If We Must Have Tyrants, We Prefer the Jewish Kind

Importance of the US to Israel’s National Security is Overstated!

The following headline and opening line got my blood boiling:

How Long Could Israel Survive Without America?
The importance of the United States to Israel’s national security cannot be overstated.

As far as I’m concerned such a thing is the demise of the independent State of Israel, G-d forbid.

The State of Israel owes nothing to the USA. We had our greatest victories before American President Johnson began the present relationship with Israel. The truth is that because Israel began listening to the USA, we were almost destroyed in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. But in typical “victim dependent” behavior successive Israeli governments keep on trying to be America’s “best friend.” In the process, we are not only damaging our military industry and economy, but we confide in American officials and have lost the confidence to fight on our own and do what’s best for us.

Things will only get better if we go cold turkey off of American buy in America  Shopping Coupons.

The State of Israel must wisen up and act as an independent country or the Americans will just keep tightening the noose until we are finished.

From Israel Blogger, here.

‘FDA’ Stands for Federal Death Administration

The World Is Up to Its Eyeballs in Debt

The War On Savers And The 200 Rulers Of Global Finance

There has been an economic coup d’état in America and most of the world. We are now ruled by about 200 unelected central bankers, monetary apparatchiks and their minions and megaphones on Wall Street and other financial centers.

Unlike Senator Joseph McCarthy, I actually do have a list of their names. They need to be exposed, denounced, ridiculed, rebuked and removed.

The first 30 includes Janet Yellen, William Dudley, the other governors of the Fed and its senior staff. The next 10 includes Jan Hatzius, chief economist of Goldman Sachs, and his counterparts at the other major Wall Street banking houses.

Then there is the dreadful Draghi and the 25-member governing council of the ECB and still more senior staff. Ditto for the BOJ, BOE, Bank of Canada, Reserve Bank of Australia and even the People’s Printing Press of China. Also, throw in Christine Lagarde and the principals of the IMF and some scribblers at think tanks like Brookings. The names are all on Google!

Have you ever heard of Lael Brainard? She’s one of them at the Fed and very typical. That is, she’s never held an honest capitalist job in her life; she’s been a policy apparatchik at the Treasury, Brookings, and the Fed ever since moving out of her college dorm room.

Now she’s doing her bit to prosecute the war on savers. She wants to keep them lashed to the zero bound—-that is, in penury and humiliation—–because of the madness happening to the Red Ponzi in China. Its potential repercussions, apparently, don’t sit so well with her:

Brainard expressed concern that stresses in emerging markets including China and slow growth in developed economies could spill over to the U.S.

“This translates into weaker exports, business investment, and manufacturing in the United States, slower progress on hitting the inflation target, and financial tightening through the exchange rate and rising risk spreads on financial assets,” she said, according to the Journal, which said she made the comments on Monday.

In the name of a crude Keynesian economic model that is an insult to even the slow-witted, Brainard and her ilk are conducting a rogue regime of financial repression, manipulation and unspeakable injustice that will destroy both political democracy and capitalist prosperity as we have known it. They are driving the economic lot of the planet into a black hole of deflation, mal-distribution, and financial entropy.

The evil of it is vivified by an old man standing at any one of Starbucks’ 24,000 barista counters on any given morning. He can afford one cappuccino. He pays for it with the entire daily return from his savings account where he prudently stores his wealth.

After a working lifetime of thrift and frugality, his certificates of deposit now total $250,000. Yes, the interest at 30 bps on a quarter million dollar nest egg buys a daily double shot of espresso and cup of milk foam.

What kind of crank economics contends that brutally punishing two of the great, historically-proven economic virtues——-thrift and prudence—-is the key to economic growth and true wealth creation?

In this age of relentless consumption and 140 character tweets, what kind of insult to common sense argues that human nature is prone to save too much, defer gratification too long, shop too sparingly and consume too little?

Forget all of their mathematical economics and DSGE model regressions. Our 200 unelected rulers are enthralled to a dogma of debt that is so primitive that it’s just plain dumb.

By purchasing existing debt with digital credit conjured from the “send” key on central bank computers, they make room for more and more of it. And they do so without the inconvenience of deferred consumption or an upward climb of interest rates owing to an imbalance of borrowings versus savings.

Likewise, by pegging the money market rate at zero or negative, they enable even more debt creation via daisy chains of re-hypothecation. That is, the hocking of any and all financial assets that trade at virtually zero cost of carry in order to buy more of the same and then to hock more of them, still.

Continue reading…

From David Stockman, here.

Israel’s Security Theater Deserves a Golden Globe Award

June 19, 2018 | Moshe Feiglin, Chairman of Zehut

Our military technology is amazing. What other army is capable of shooting a missile from far from an unmanned military vehicle, very close to people, without concern that they will be hurt due to a technical error or inaccuracy? Wondrous. We are really awesome. The Hamas also admires our capability. Without it, the terror organization would no longer exist…

From Zehut, here.

You Can Change the World! – Simcha Leiner

Simcha Leiner – Change The World (Official Audio)

Published on Feb 20, 2018

They tell you that you’re too small to make a difference
They tell you that you’re too weak to go the distance
But take the first step, and you’ll see that you can go far
They tell you that you’re too lost to be inspired
They tell you that you’re too short to reach up higher
But they’re not feeling the passion that lives in your heart
Oh, just trust in yourself and show them who you really are

You can change the world, can change the world
You can change the world, can change the world
You need to light up your inner spark
And go on and make your mark
You can change the world

You almost thought you’d never amount to greatness
And you almost agreed you would never make it
But you pushed to the limit and see now what could be achieved
Oh, you showed them the world can be changed if you only believe

You can change the world, can change the world
You can change the world, can change the world
You need to light up your inner spark
And go on and make your mark
You can change the world
To purchase on iTunes http://apple.co/2nImQ4y
After a non stop 2 years of world tours and performances, Simcha Leiner is back with his third solo album ‘Merakeid’ produced by Yochi Briskman.
Featuring an amazing array of composers and arrangers – Merakeid is bound to become your new favorite album!

From his latest hit album “Merakeid” Simcha Leiner will bring more Music Video’s in his series of videos. (Navor’s Video)Waking up in the middle of the desert only 3 hours to shabbos can pose some really interesting issues! Follow Simcha as he is given multiple tests, ultimately making it to Yerushalayim on time!



From YouTube, here.