ועל מי יש לנו להשען? על אבינו שבשמים – שולי רנד

שולי רנד – בך בטחו אבותינו // מתוך פרויקט צמאה 3

Published on Sep 25, 2016

בך בטחו אבותינו – מתוך האלבום צמאה 3

מילים (תהלים כב, ה-ו): בְּךָ בָּטְחוּ אֲבֹתֵינוּ, בָּטְחוּ וַתְּפַלְּטֵמוֹ: אֵלֶיךָ זָעֲקוּ וְנִמְלָטוּ, בְּךָ בָטְחוּ וְלֹא בוֹשׁוּ.

התרגשות גדולה לקראת צאתו של האלבום השלישי בסדרת ‘צמאה’, חבלי הלידה לקראת הדיסק היו לא קלים.
את הסינגל שבחרנו לשחרר מבצע היוצר המופלא שולי רנד. את הניגון בחר שולי בעצמו מתוך חיבור אישי אליו, הוא הרגיש שהמילים ממש נוגעות בו.

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

Marry Young!

You’re Ready!

By: Rabbi Shalom Arush

Translated by Rabbi Lazer Brody

Dear Rabbi Arush,

I’m a 21-year old student in a yeshiva for English-speaking Baalei Teshuva. I gave up a scholarship to university to learn Torah fulltime, and I have been learning for a little more than two years now. Recently, someone suggested a shidduch that seems to be very appropriate. I asked my rabbi here at the yeshiva, and he said I’m not ready and I should be learning for at least another year or two before I even listen to prospective marital proposals. I don’t want to dispute with my rabbi, Heaven forbid, but my heart tells me that he’s not right on this matter. I know that you are extremely busy, but I’m writing for your guidance and opinion. What’s more, I’m sure that there are many other people in my situation who could benefit from your answer. With utmost respect and appreciation, Joshua from NJ

Dear Joshua,

Your letter is of utmost importance and I’m glad you wrote.

Don’t be angry at your rabbi. He cannot teach you what his rabbis did not teach him. Many rabbis and teachers within the Yeshiva world never learned the profound importance of learning in holiness or the priceless value of every day of holiness.

Many think that marrying young is a Chassidish practice and that Torah scholars should emulate Ben Azai and delay marriage. The Torah giants of Judaism don’t agree. The Steipler Rav, of blessed and saintly memory, moaned the phenomena of the many older and unmarried Yeshiva students, and encouraged people to get married while they’re young. Why? Marriage teaches us character development, compromise, understanding, consideration and self-improvement. You don’t develop good character by staying single. If one learns Torah with uncorrected character traits and arrogance – both of which must be corrected to be happily married – his Torah learning will go to fueling his ego even further. Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai warns against this in the Zohar.

I appreciate the fact that your rabbi thinks that you should have more Gemara, Halacha and Torah-learning skills under your belt before you get married. Yet, the value of one day’s learning in holiness will override a month of learning as a bachelor. Marrying young and personal holiness are so vital that I wrote about it in three of my books – The Garden of Wisdom, The Garden of Peace and the Garden of Purity. Also, many of my inspirational pamphlets and CDs speak about this. I urge you – and your rabbi – to read them. In the meanwhile though, I’ll summarize eight important reasons why you should not delay finding a soul-mate as soon as possible and getting married:

1. Our sages teach us not to delay doing a mitzvah once we have the opportunity to perform the mitzvah. The Torah’s first command to mankind is, “Be fruitful and multiply.” As with every other mitzvah, we should strive to fulfill the commandment of marriage and starting a family as soon as possible.

2. Our sages teach that a person must marry before the age of twenty to maintain a pure mind. Why? A man who marries young is far more capable of maintaining personal holiness, or tikkun habrit, which is conducive to every blessing in life – good income, success, peace of mind and especially Torah learning. Even though you’ve already passed the age of 20, it’s not too late to benefit from the blessings of getting married early – you’re certainly ready.

3. An unmarried person is not a whole person, for he or she lacks a soul mate from whom he or she can derive tremendous strength and gratification. Therefore, a person should marry as soon as he or she is mature enough. The claims that one should first complete higher education, learn more Torah or save the needed funds are erroneous. Indeed, a married person is much more settled and serious as far as Torah and professional learning go. Not only in Yeshiva, but even in university or professional school, married men can concentrate on their studies rather than on other things that occupy – even monopolize – a single young person’s thoughts.

4. The greats of Israel almost all married at a young age. Not only did marriage not hinder their personal and spiritual growth, but it helped them become great. Rebbe Nachman himself married at the age of 13, and so did Rebbe Natan. True, that was a different generation, but you get the point – every day of holiness is priceless.

5. A couple living in holiness is the ideal vessel for abundance, whereas single people are not.

6. Since a married person must provide for a wife and children, he gives Hashem the reasons to give him the blessings of an income and livelihood, as well as good character.

7. Marriage gives a person stability and motivation. A married person has a reason to apply himself. He’s much more serious and mature and less confused and swayed.

8. The younger a person is, the more adaptable he or she is to a spouse. Younger parents often have a closer rapport with their children.

Consider the above and I’m sure you’ll make the right decision. You have my blessing for finding a wonderful soul-mate and building a beautiful home of emuna, Torah, love and loving-kindness.

With blessings always, Shalom Arush

From Breslev.co.il, here.

Ron Paul: US Is a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Is North Korea Really a ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’?

President Trump announced last week that he was returning North Korea to the US list of “state sponsors of terrorism” after having been off the list for the past nine years. Americans may wonder what dramatic event led the US president to re-designate North Korea as a terrorism-sponsoring nation. Has Pyongyang been found guilty of some spectacular terrorist attack overseas or perhaps of plotting to overthrow another country by force? No, that is not the case. North Korea is back on the US list of state sponsors of terrorism because President Trump thinks the move will convince the government to give up its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program. He believes that continuing down the path toward confrontation with North Korea will lead the country to capitulate to Washington’s demands. That will not happen.

President Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson argued that North Korea deserved to be back on the list because the North Korean government is reported to have assassinated a North Korean citizen – Kim Jong-Un’s own half-brother — in February at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. But what does that say about Washington’s own program to assassinate US citizens like Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16-year-old son under Obama, and later Awlaki’s six-year-old daughter under Trump? Like Kim’s half-brother, Awlaki and his two children were never tried or convicted of a crime before being killed by their own government.

The neocons, who are pushing for a war with North Korea, are extremely pleased with Trump’s move. John Bolton called it “exactly the right thing to do.”

Designating North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism will allow President Trump to impose the “highest level of sanctions” on North Korea. Does anyone believe more sanctions – which hurt the suffering citizens of North Korea the most – will actually lead North Korea’s leadership to surrender to Washington’s demands? Sanctions never work. They hurt the weakest and most vulnerable members of society the hardest and affect the elites the least.

So North Korea is officially a terrorism-sponsoring nation according to the Trump Administration because Kim Jong-Un killed a family member. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is in the process of killing the entire country of Yemen and no one says a word. In fact, the US government has just announced it will sell Saudi Arabia $7 billion more weapons to help it finish the job.

Also, is it not “state-sponsorship” of terrorism to back al-Qaeda and ISIS, as Saudi Arabia has done in Syria?

The truth is a “state sponsor of terrorism” designation has little to do with actual support for global terrorism. As bad as the North Korean government is, it is does not go abroad looking for countries to invade. The designation is a political one, allowing Washington to ramp up more aggression against North Korea.

Next month the US and South Korean militaries will conduct a massive military exercise practicing an attack on North Korea. American and South Korean air force fighters and bombers will practice “enemy infiltration” and “precision strike drills.” Are these not also to be seen as threatening?

What is terrorism? Maybe we should ask a Yemeni child constantly wondering when the next Saudi bomb overhead might kill his family. Or perhaps we might even ask a Pakistani, Somali, Iraqi, Syrian, or other child who is terrified that the next US bomb will do the same to his family. Perhaps we need to look at whether US foreign policy actually reflects the American values we claim to be exporting before we point out the flaws in others.

From Lewrockwell.com, here.

Mohammed bin Salman: Disgusting War Criminal

Biased Reporting on a Bad Guy: Mohammed bin Salman

Mohammed bin Salman, who seems to be running Saudi Arabia these days, is one of the bad guys. If he were a good guy, he wouldn’t have attacked his neighboring country, Yemen. He wouldn’t be committing war crimes there in conjunction with vital U.S. support. If he were a good guy, he’d respect not only the rights of females but also the rights of everyone else.

Based upon some cursory research, all that I have time for at the moment, I suggest that the dominant media in America are biased in their reporting about this political potentate. I searched Google using “Mohammed bin Salman 2016”. You can check me. I found headlines with terms like this: “…the prince trying to wean Saudi Arabia off oil”, “shatters decades of Royal tradition”, “plotting to try and take over as the country’s new king by the end of 2016”, “buys £452m yacht”, “Mohammed Bin Salman seems to have won a power struggle in the Kingdom”, “The 30-year-old prince who is changing the world”, “just pushed through a bold package of reforms”, “Prince Muhammad Bin Salman Three-Pronged Approach to Counter-Terrorism”, “Saudi deputy crown prince to visit the United States”, “Obama hosts Saudi Prince Salman at White House” and “Saudi Arabia Prince Mohammed Bin Salman To Visit Silicon Valley”.

The preceding articles mainly sell bin Salman as progressive, modern, bold, daring, and innovative. They paint him as a great guy with youthful energy. His age is almost always mentioned.

You would not know that he started a war against Yemen unless you searched on “saudi aggression on yemen 2016”. Then you’d find some headlines like these: “Airstrikes on Yemen funeral kill at least 140 people”, “U.N. experts warn Saudi-led coalition allies over war crimes in Yemen”, “Yemen conflict: The view from the Saudi side”, “US/Saudi Aggression in Yemen Celebrated by Co-Aggressor UAE”, “Why Saudi Arabia Is Continuing Its War In Yemen”, “Saudi-Led Coalition Says It Bombed Yemen Funeral Based on False …”, and “Why is Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen”.

Some of these war-oriented articles are justifying the Saudi aggression. One article explains that bombing the funeral procession can be blamed on false intelligence. The man’s name who is responsible for all this is not in these headlines.

Nowadays, the press is busy associating Yemen with Iran in order to justify Saudi aggression. However, it is reluctantly being forced to acknowledge the Saudi starvation strategy. The spread of cholera and the rising number of deaths is the attention-getter after 2 years.

Had the dominant press recognized and reported the Saudi aggression for what it was in 2015, the image of bin Salman would have been entirely different. Today he’s being celebrated in these media as a liberalizer, even a populist. He’s letting women drive cars! Think of that! He must be okay. He must be a good guy.

He’s not. Good guys do not kill with the left hand while distributing Thanksgiving turkeys with the right hand. That’s what neighborhood gangsters and Mafia do. Bin Salman is a gangster. He’s a bad guy.

ADDENDUM: 9 hours after this was written, an article in The Duran confirms the media bias.

From Lewrockwell.com, here.