קשה תרבות רעה בתוך ביתו

אל תהיו בועז

ארגון חותם משיק פורום מקצועי, להתמודדות עם תהליכי החילון בציבור הדתי ומוציא סרטון חדש הקורא למחנכים ואנשי מקצוע להצטרף. חותם

מסתכלים לבעיות בעיניים ופועלים לתקן

כנסו לאתר הקול היהודי – http://www.hakolhayehudi.co.il/
עקבו אחרינו בפייסבוק – https://www.facebook.com/hakol.hayehudi

From YouTube, here.

The Difference Between Judaism and Its Usurpers

“Democratic” Faith or a Faith Revealed to Humans From On High

By Rabbi Dov Berl Wein

Moshe, who is known as a person of limitless patience and tolerance, forgiving to all and the most humble of all humans, reacts apparently in an uncharacteristic manner to the attack mounted against his personal leadership of the Jewish people by Korach. Moshe’s aggressive stance against the rebels reveals therefore a different motive to that attack than mere office-seeking on the part of the rebels. For after all it was Moshe who himself declared that “would all of the people of Israel become prophets.” He tells Yehoshua not to be zealous in defense of his personal honor. And yet here with Korach and his followers Moshe adopts such a hard line and an uncompromising stance. The Torah always notes for us behavior of great people that on the surface appears to be uncharacteristic of their nature and past performance. Part of the reason for the Torah’s doing so is to alert us to a deeper issue that lies here and not to be satisfied with the superficial and surface statement of facts. And the deeper issue present here is that Korach wishes to convert Torah and Judaism to a man-made, “democratic” faith from its original and true source as being a faith revealed to humans from on high, a faith and life system ordained in Heaven and revealed to humans. Therefore it is not Moshe and his leadership that is the core issue in this dispute but rather it is the basic definition of Judaism – is it Godly or man-made, revealed or invented? And on that basic core issue of Judaism, Moshe sees no room for compromise or unjustified tolerance. It is not Moshe’s position that is at stake here. It is the understanding and true meaning of Judaism and its future that is now at risk.

Even though the Talmud teaches us that the dispute of Korach against Moshe is not one that is destined to last eternally, it nevertheless in the sense that I have described above, lasted until our very day. The struggle to maintain Judaism as a Godly revealed religion is an ongoing one. There are many forces within and without the Jewish world that have attempted and still attempt to remove the Godly revealed part out of Judaism. In spite of all of Jewish history that indicates the abject failure of such an approach, it still persists in our time. It is not an attack on the Orthodox establishment, so to speak – Moshe – that is present here, though on the surface it may be presented as such. At the root of the dispute is the view of Judaism that it is from Heaven given to earth and not merely a clever invention and artifice of ancient rabbis and scholars. Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch once characterized the difference between Judaism and other faiths as being that Judaism was a religion given by God to define man while the other faiths were created by man to define God. God is beyond our meager abilities to define or understand. Therefore He gave us a Torah, the Torah of Moshe, in order to aid us to live as proper human beings and as His devoted servants.

Feiglin: ‘A Sage Is Better Than a Prophet’

Israel’s Protection Money to Gaza: By Moshe Feiglin


Editor’s Note: Israel is the main provider of electricity for Gaza.  Although the ruling Hamas terror organization does charge Gaza residents for the electricity that Israel’s electric company provides, this money does not reach Israel. Instead, the Hamas uses it to build tunnels to attack Israel. In response, Israel has recently reduced the amount of electricity it provides to Gaza. Click here for more information on this issue. http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-to-reduce-electricity-to-gaza-after-pa-refuses-to-pay/

 Let us begin with the bottom line. Israel will not continue to reduce the amount of electricity it supplies to Gaza. On the contrary – It will continue to provide more and more water, electricity and other services for free – on an ever growing basis. According to official statistics, Israel funds Gaza’s utilities at a cost of 90 million NIS per month. In my estimate, Gaza costs Israel at least one billion NIS in a regular year, and more than 100 billion NIS every third or fourth year, when the ‘drizzle’ of rockets from Gaza to Israel turns into ‘rain’. Israel’s funding of Gaza’s electricity and water is clearly protection money, similar to the protection money that the cell phone companies pay to the Bedouins in the Negev to “watch” their antennas.

In December 2014, then head of Israel’s National Security Council and present head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen, appeared before an open meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Security Committee on this topic. At that point, Gaza owed 1.55 billion shekels to Israel’s electric company. Cohen promised that Israel and Gaza were close to an agreement and that the bill would be paid. “If that happens, I will take you out to dinner in the restaurant of your choice,” I said to him. Cohen agreed and in the next meeting, he admitted that he owed me a restaurant meal. I am still waiting for the meal, but in the meantime, Gaza’s debt to Israel’s electric company is a whopping 3 billion NIS.

If the protection money paid to Gaza does not prevent Jewish fatalities, which have increased five-fold since the Oslo peace accords broke out and Israel retreated from Gaza, why does Israel continue to pay these huge sums of money to our sworn enemies?

The Oslo Accords, which officially adopted the idea of a two-state-solution, turned Israel into a hostage of the terror organizations.

If we do not pay – they will shoot missiles into our cities.

If they shoot missiles into our cities – we will have to go to war with them.

If we go to war with them – the Hamas will fall.

If the Hamas falls – the situation in Gaza will revert to what it was prior to Oslo (when Gaza paid Israel for its electricity, there was plenty of drinking water because there was no pirate pumping and there was relative peace and quiet, which we can only dream about today).

If the situation reverts to its pre-Oslo state – there will be no more Oslo Accords and the entire ‘peace industry’ built on those accords (politicians, generals, judges, professors, journalists, broadcasters, etc.) will have to find new jobs.

So do you really think that Israel will stop paying the protection money?

From Jewish Israel, here.

Liberty: Contempt Prior to Investigation

Would Anything Possibly Convince You that You Are Living Under a Protection Racket?

by Benjamin Marks, Economics.org.au editor-in-chief

Using or threatening force to take the justly earned property off another is theft. You would hope that this point is not too controversial, that its implications would not lead to one of the most radical philosophies of today, that those people commonly considered smart would not disagree, and that some highly respected members of society are not the thieves. But, alas: it is, it does, they do, and they are. This thieving is not only happening in some far away time or place. In fact, it’s happening to you.

You are living under a cartelising, monopolising and racketeering gang of thieves. Your parents have been and their parents have been. Don’t believe me? What would make you? What would convince or even begin to convince you that you live under the aegis of a protection racket? What would you regard as being some evidence of it?

If you figured out that this criminal band is (and has been) using or threatening force to take money from you, in the name of protecting you from others doing the same, would that be enough? If you found out that this group called themselves “government” and their pillage “tax,” would you believe it then? If this government took special interest in making sure that what it wants children to learn is taught, even if it means confiscating children from their parents, how about then?

Speculate what living under a cartelising, monopolising and racketeering gang of thieves might entail. Would this gang claim to do things for its subject’s benefit? Would they allow some freedoms and enforce some rights, so they could claim they do believe in them, so they can use it as leverage for committing higher-priority oppressions? Would they ensure that they had control of the most important aspects of society: things like money, schooling, transport, business regulation, defence and the judiciary? Would the protection racket attempt to make itself look respectable and useful, and welcome into its arms anyone who considered it so? Would there be countless logical inconsistencies in the protection racket’s actions and policies, which the professoriate they fund and the syllabus they enforce ignore? Would the protection racket claim that its behaviour is consensual, without any evidence of written, signed and witnessed contracts? Would the protection racket maintain that the services it provides are of superior quality and of an entirely different type to the services that anyone else could provide, and that therefore the protection racket itself is an exception to the rules it applies elsewhere? Would the protection racket claim that a bit of paper gives them legitimacy, even if you didn’t sign it and it is an invalid contract (the Constitution) that would never be considered sufficient evidence of consent in a civilian relationship? Would the protection racket claim that the fact you do what they tell you and do not run off is evidence of consent, even though that would mean that paying a ransom to a kidnapper turns them into a babysitter?

Why then, if that is exactly the situation now, do you not think you are living under a protection racket? It takes a lot more effort to try and defend the protection racket than to say what it actually is. How can you, who may be otherwise-intelligent, support the protection racket? Do you really lack the alertness, education and confidence necessary to question such everyday occurrences?

Continue reading

From Economics.org.au, here.