Woe to You, Foolish Kingdom!

Trump and Haley Uncoordinated and Trump’s Contradictory Paths

Trump has stated in no uncertain terms that he’s against ISIS. He’s awaiting a military review due on Feb. 28 that provides him with options. In addition

“’The president has been very clear that he’s going to work with any country that shares our interest in defeating Isis,’ White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said on Monday, in his first daily press briefing.”

This includes Russia and Syria. Syria’s president in response said that he’d be willing to work with the U.S. to rid Syria of terrorists, but that his government would need to invite such cooperation. Syria has invited Russia but not the U.S. as of now.

Syria’s military continues to defeat the terrorists of all stripes.

Given these facts, it is singularly inappropriate that Trump’s UN ambassador, Nikki Haley, should launch an attack on Syria on chemical weapons grounds and introduce a resolution that Russia will veto. Trump and Haley do not appear to be coordinating their actions.

There is no need at all for the U.S. to escalate its military forces in Syria beyond what Obama has already placed there. That’s because Syria is winning. There is no need for Trump-styled safe zones or any other variety of U.S. engineered safe zones of any description. Syria is resolving the matter of refugees by defeating the terrorists.

What Trump could do, if he really wanted to contribute to stopping ISIS and other terrorists in Syria, would be to switch off their aiders and abettors: Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Jordan, other Gulf states. He could stop being antagonistic toward Iran, because Iran has forces in Syria that are fighting terrorists every day. He could stop being antagonistic toward Hezbollah for the same reason.

Russia has been willing to work with the U.S., but the U.S. military has refused. It basically was insubordinate to Obama and/or managed to scuttle any cooperation. So, another thing that Trump could do if killing off ISIS is his goal is to bring the U.S. military into line.

And he could muzzle Nikki Haley, who is coming across as a reincarnation of Samantha Power.

I expect none of this to occur. I do not expect a rational link between Trump’s anti-ISIS goal and his means of attaining those goals to occur. Not only is Haley’s activity inconsistent with it, but so are Trump’s trial balloons of safe zones and an anti-Iran alliance of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Trump is giving us two contradictory directions, plans, and suggestions. In time, we’ll discover more precisely what has priority. Neither of his two paths are any good. One path is to use more U.S. forces against ISIS and create safe zones; the other is stronger confrontation against Assad and Iran through an anti-Iran axis.

Trump is following Obama’s contradictory Syrian policies, more or less. In fact, he’s hardening them. He should be looking for ways to get the U.S. out of the Middle East altogether. That’s the surest way to defuse anti-U.S. sentiment and terrorism. That’s the America First policy he claims to want. It would mean stopping aid to Israel. Trump has fallen all over Israel, however, and so again we see contradiction between two paths: America First and pro-Israel.

As far as I can tell, Trump acts more or less instinctively or by the seat of his pants. Words are cheap to him, and contradictions don’t bother him because of this. His actions are telling us where his instincts are taking the U.S. policies. Because he’s so anti-Iran and so anti-ISIS, he won’t mind introducing more American forces into Syria, no matter what Syrians want. The notion that he’ll work with any country will go out the window because Syria for the Syrians is not on his agenda. To him, there is no contradiction. U.S. force is what counts because all he can see is an evil ISIS. He’s not thinking of the fallout and political ramifications of more deeply involving American forces in this region.

From Lewrockwell.com, here.

Pinpointing the Israeli Power Pyramid

The Evacuation of Amona: Who is “the Enemy”?

By HaRav Yisrael Rosen 
Dean of the Zomet Institute

“Keep guard for me, my good G-d…
Do not uproot the plants / Do not abandon hope.
Bring me back and I will return / To the good land.
Guard, my G-d, over this house / Over the garden, and the wall
From grief, from sudden fear, and from war.”

(Naomi Shemer, “Al Hadevash V’al Ha’oketz” – (On Honey and on the Sting)

The Judgement of the “Evil God”

The above song by Naomi Shemer has become something of a “settler hymn” and their prayer to “the good G-d,” asking Him to guard over our plants and our walls. This prayer with its plea echoed through the air last week in the area of Binyamin, in the mists of Amona, which was torn apart in the noise of the bulldozers that were sent to storm the mountain, by order of the Supreme Court. Who is the “evil god,” better known as “Satan,” who has decreed that the plants should be uprooted and that grief should abound (to quote from the above song)? Who is the main “enemy” who leads the charge against Amona and its subsidiaries?

Would you say it is the Palestinians, our bitter enemies? For certain! Would you say it is the Israeli left, the “traitorous” ones? Absolutely, for sure! Would you say it is the newspaper, Ha’aretz? No doubt this is also true. Do you blame the Prime Minister? Not necessarily. While I do agree with all the criticism against him from the right and I am upset by his hesitation in political and legal terms, he does have some reasons for his actions – he is restrained by the courts, in general and in detail. What about the State Attorney? He too is led by a fear of the Supreme Court and by a “religious” dedication to the rule of law. Would you say that the “enemy” is the Supreme Court? If so, you are moving in the right direction. But just who is the Supreme Court? Do all the members of the court completely agree with each other? Do they all share the same exact viewpoint, together with the fervor to rule that “a legal ruling takes precedence over the mountain”? Evidently they are not all fashioned from the exact same mold! And so we conclude that there is no alternative than to look for “the evil god” at the highest level of the Supreme Court – in the office of the President of the court!

Only recently did it become clear to me that the President of the court appoints the members of the panels of judges – arbitrarily, without a set system of rotation or randomization, without regard for special expertise. Every manager (even in Zomet Institute) knows that he will get a different result for an assignment depending on who is given the job, and that this outcome can be predicted in advance. Our sages have taught us, “Just like the faces (of people) are different, so their opinions differ” [Yerushalmi Berachot 9:1]. I would humbly add that their opinions can be predicted from “their faces” – from their expressions, their social relationships, their place of residence, their life style, whether they are “liberal” or “conservative,” and so on. In the midst of the tumult of the evacuation of Amona on a rainy day, we were given the news that the Supreme Court had rejected the “Amona plan” that had been proposed for settling the matter (in spite of the fact that it was already a moot point). The panel was led by an Arab judge together with a second judge who has a completely leftist record, both appointees of the “evil gods.” The third judge, of course, “was more positive,” in an attempt to block any complaints about a distorted panel.

Continue reading
From The Jewish Leadership Blog, here.

Jewish National Self-Reliance

Mishpatim: Trust in God vs. Self-Reliance

The Talmud (Berachot 10b) tells a puzzling story about the righteous king Hezekiah. It is related that the king secreted away the medical books of his day. Why? King Hezekiah felt that the people relied too heavily on the prescriptions described in those texts, and did not pray to God to heal them.

Surprisingly, the Sages approved of King Hezekiah’s action. Such an approach would appear to contradict another Talmudic ruling. The Torah says one who injures his neighbor must “provide for his complete healing” (Ex. 21:19). The Talmud (Baba Kama 85a) deducts from here that the Torah granted doctors permission to heal. Even with natural diseases, we do not say, “Since God made him ill, it is up to God to heal him,” but do our best to heal him.

Which is the correct attitude? Should we rely on doctors and medical books, or place our trust only in God and prayer?

There is in fact a larger question at stake. When are we expected to do our utmost to remedy the situation ourselves, and when should we rely on God’s help?

Two Forms of Bitachon

Rav Kook explained that there are two forms of bitachon, reliance on God. There is the normative level of trust, that God will assist us in our efforts to help ourselves. And there is the simple trust in God that He will perform a miracle, when appropriate.

Regarding the community as a whole, we find apparent contradictions in the Torah’s expectations. Sometimes we are expected to make every possible effort to succeed, as in the battle of HaAi (Joshua 8). On other occasions, human effort was considered a demonstration of lack of faith, as when God instructed Gideon not to send too many soldiers to fight, “Lest Israel should proudly say ‘My own hand saved me’” (Judges 7:2). Why did God limit Gideon’s military efforts, but not Joshua’s in the capture of HaAi?

The answer is that the spiritual level of the people determines what level of bitachon is appropriate. When we are able to recognize God’s hand in the natural course of events, when we are aware that God is the source of our strength and skill — “Remember the Lord your God, for it is He Who gives you strength to succeed” (Deut. 8:18) — then God is more clearly revealed when He supplies our needs within the framework of the natural world. In this situation, we are expected to utilize all of our energy and knowledge and talents, and recognize divine assistance in our efforts. This reflects the spiritual level of the people in the time of Joshua.

On the other hand, there are times when the people are incapable of seeing God’s help in natural events, and they attribute any success solely to their own efforts and skills. They are likely to claim, “My own hand saved me.” In this case, only miraculous intervention will enable the people to recognize God’s hand — especially when the Jewish nation was young, miracles were needed to bring them to this awareness.

From Rav Kook Torah, here.

עיניך דרכי תצרנה

חברים יקרים,

לצערנו, מגפת האינטרנט מצאה את דרכה כמעט לכל בית. אלפי אנשים סובלים מהבעיה הזאת בסתר ורוצים בכל לבם להשתחרר, אבל אין להם את הכלים ולכן הם הרבה פעמים מתייאשים.

אנא, העבירו את המכתב הזה לאנשי הקשר שלכם, בתקווה שכך תעזרו למישהו שזקוק לעזרה.

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