Socialism: Just the Facts

The Dirty Secrets of Socialism

(Or, The Purpose of Political Correctness)

Parents of college-age children are finally catching on to the cultural Marxist PC scam.  Cries of “insensitivity” every time a conservative or libertarian speaker appears anywhere near a college campus; “safe rooms” equipped with play dough, soft music, and videos of frolicking puppies; the endless accusations of “racist/sexist/homophobe” aimed at all non-leftists on campus; and widely-publicized episodes of vulgar, ignorant, x-rated, “students” screaming their heads off at conservative campus speakers have exposed the real purpose of political correctness:  censorship of any and all non-Marxist ideas. It’s not about fighting racism, sexism, etc.; it’s about censoring the ideas of freedom.

Today’s college students have been –and are being – trained to be intolerant, totalitarian-minded, communist thugs.  All for a mere 50 grand a year at even mediocre institutions of “higher education.”

This all began after the worldwide collapse of socialism in the late 1980s. Socialists never give up on their dream of ordering their fellow human beings around, plundering them with taxes, and enriching themselves in the process.  Very few of the twentieth-century socialist ideologues ever admitted that they were disastrously wrong, or apologized for providing aid and comfort to the likes of Stalin, Mao, and Castro.  Instead, they and their intellectual descendants have worked tirelessly to invent a virtual socialist reality – at least in the minds of America’s youth – while censoring all dissenting opinions.  Socialism’s dirty secrets must never be revealed to America’s youth, lest they revolt against the giant lying machine known as “higher education.”  (There are a few exceptions, of course, but most of academe is now dominated by the totalitarian, cultural Marxist Left).

What are socialism’s dirty secrets that must be kept from America’s youth?  Let’s examine a few of them:

  1. Socialism has always and everywhere been an economic disaster, and every honest scholar knows this. After seventy years of socialism, the Soviet economy was barely 5% of the U.S. economy, despite the false assertions of pro-socialist economists like Paul Samuelson, who wrote in the 1988 edition of his famous textbook that the Soviet economy would exceed the U.S. economy by the year 2000.
  2. You cannot fix socialism with smarter government planners or plans. Socialism cannot work because the rational economic calculation is impossible without private property, free-market prices, the profit-and-loss market feedback mechanism, and economic freedom in general.
  3. The ostensible goal of socialism – egalitarianism – is at war with human nature because all human beings are unique in thousands of different ways. The only kind of “equality” that socialism has ever created is equality of misery and poverty.
  4. Socialism generates far more societal inequality than economic freedom does. In all socialist societies the politically-connected elite live lives of luxury while nearly everyone else is equally impoverished.  In democratic socialist Venezuela today the economy has been ruined by socialism while the daughter of the late Hugo Chavez, the father of Venezuelan socialism, is reportedly worth $4.5 billion.
  5. The worst kind of people – the most immoral, corrupt, cynical, uncaring, and brutal – rise to the top under socialism because socialism is all about forcing people to abandon their own plans for their own lives and complying with mandatory government plans instead. It is no accident, in other words, that socialism is associated with such violent thugs as Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Mao.
  6. Fascism was just another variety of socialism. The word “Nazi” was an acronym for national socialism. The German socialists distinguished themselves from the Russian socialists by calling their variety of socialism “national” as opposed to “international.”
  7. It is a myth that Scandinavian socialism has been successful. Swedish capitalism was extremely successful in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.  The Swedes began living off of the fruits of capitalist prosperity by adopting a version of democratic socialism in the 1950s.  As a result, there was not a single net new job created there from 1955 to 1995.
  8. Nineteenth-century socialism was “government ownership of the means of production,” but it now includes the welfare state progressive income taxation and the strangulation of capitalism with regulation and taxation. The welfare state has destroyed the work ethic of millions; destroyed millions of families; caused a 400% increase in out-of-wedlock births in America since 1960; and transformed millions into lifelong beggars and wards of the state.
  9. Government-run healthcare systems – medical care socialism – is like all other government enterprises in that it operates with all the efficiency of the Post Office or Department of Motor Vehicles and all the compassion of the IRS. Anything as important as medical care should never be put in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats.
  10. The worse pollution problems on the planet for the past century or more have been in the socialist countries, as documented by books with titles like Ecocide in the USSR.  After the collapse of socialism the world learned that, in addition to being economic basket cases, socialist countries were also ecological cesspools.

These are but a few of the well-documented truths about socialism that are rarely, if ever, mentioned on college campuses.  They are among the main reasons why the cultural Marxists have erected so many instruments of ironclad censorship on college campuses.  They are why institutions like the Mises Institute – and all the scholars associated with it — are so reviled by them, for they provide their students – and anyone else – with a source of alternative economic education, an education based on sound economics and based in reality.  Mises wrote in Human Action of how the socialists of his day were at war with economics, for economic common sense threatened their totalitarian plans.  Today’s socialists hope to never even have to respond to sound economic arguments and facts at all by simply censoring them out of existence.

From, here.

אשרי הדור שהגדולים נשמעים לקטנים

לכבוד מרן, גדול הדור, רבי זכריה בן אבקולס

“העולם אומרים, אם צדיק עשה עוולה-אז הוא “אויס צדיק”

ואני אומר: הצדיק נשאר צדיק, אבל הוא עשה עוולה”

(חיי מוהרן)

מימיי תמהתי, מה טעם גילגל עליך רבי יוחנן את האישום  “ענוותנותו של רבי זכריה בן אבקולס החריבה את ביתנו, שרפה את היכלנו והגליתנו מארצנו”? הרי אינך יחידי בסיפור! העשיר שהלבין את פניו של בר קמצא וגירש אותו מהסעודה-כן בסדר? ובר קמצא עצמו שהלך ומסר מלשינות על כלל ישראל-כן בסדר? ו”רבנן דהוו תמן אשתיקו”-כן בסדר?

אז למה דווקא אתה? שמעתי הרבה תשובות, אבל אגיד לך מה דעתי הקטנה.

במדרש איכה ישנה גירסה אחרת לסיפור. במקום “הוו תמן רבנן ושתקי” – “הוה תמן רבי זכריה בן אבקולס ושתיק”.

זה משנה את כל התמונה. מרן.

עשית טעות אחת כאשר שתקת מול הלבנת הפנים של בר קמצא (מהרש”א טוען שהיית מקורב ל”אינשי דלא מעלי” של אותו דור. האם זה נכון?) ואז נותן לך השם ית’ הזדמנות לתקן את הטעות: קום והקרב את העגל בעל מום שהביא בר קמצא מהקיסר!

איי,זה לא מתאים ל”פרומקייט” שלך? נו,אז תצום אחר כך ארבעים יום, תעשה גלגולי שלג,תבקש מ”קופת העיר” שיתפללו עליך ארבעים יום בציונו הק’ של התנא קמא. ווטאבר.(“מאי תקנתיה? ליתיב תענית לתעניתיה”) אבל את הקרבן הזה אתה חייב להקריב!

לא הקרבת? כעת נכנסת לחיוב הלכתי לחסל את בר קמצא! “מוייסר”!

“ואם שלש אלה לא יעשה לה”-אז בוודאי ובוודאי נפל עליך כל התיק. מנהיגות פירושה,קודם כל,ליזום ולא רק לתת “ברקסים” על כל צעד ושעל. אם אתה אינך מסוגל להתמודד-זה בסדר, אבל אל תעצור ואל תפריע למי שכן מתמודד בדרכו שלו.

_  _  _

חייב אני להביא שתי דוגמאות, מרן, אם לא עבורך, לפחות עבור משב”קיך וגיחזיך היקרים.

1.במשך שנים רבות טרח ויגע הרב יעקב יוסף על נושא האפליות בסמינרים, לבד. אף רב ואף מרן לא עזר לו. מתי נזכרו לדבר איתו? רק אחרי הבגץ בעמנואל! וגם זה-לא ממש כדי לחסל את הנגע, אלא רק כדי שימשוך את העתירה. איפה הייתם עד אז?

2.ישנו משבר כלכלי בכוללים, זה לא סוד, וזה רק הולך ומעמיק. לצערי הרב-מגיעים מכיוונך מסרים של אי לגיטימציה למסלולי הכשרה מקצועית, שלילה של שירות צבאי לצרכי פרנסה, וכעת גם בזיונות בפועל:”חרדקים”! איזו אלטרנטיבה לפרנסה כן לגיטימית לדעתך, מרן?

_ _ _

כבודו, כמנהג חסידים אקנח בסיפור. קצר וחריף כלגימת וודקה.

(תזמורת! “ארבע בבות” פליז!)

כשהרב בעל ה”תניא” נלקח למאסר הידוע (ממנו השתחרר בי”ט כסלו) הוא שאל את אחד החסידים המסורים לו ביותר-ר’ שמואל מונקיס-“מה יהא בסופי?”

ענה לו ר’ שמואל:”אם אתה באמת רבי, וכל מעשיך אך ורק לשם שמים, אתה תצא בשלום כמובן. אבל אם משהו אינו נקי אצלך-מגיע לך לשבת במאסר! להרבה יהודים קלקלת את התענוג מהעולם הזה!”

כבוד מרן שליט”א. בבקשה-אל תכעס עלי. הייתי שמח לומר לך את כל זה בארבע עיניים, אבל משב”קיך וגיחזיך –כבר מזמן לא נותנים לי להיכנס. אני סמוך ובטוח שהם עוד יעבירו לך את המסר, בשביל מה יש להם סמארטפונים ואינטרנט?

מתוך פורום בחדרי חרדים, כאן.

If He Hollers, Tax Him More

The Tax Poem

by Author Unknown

Tax his land, tax his wage,
Tax his bed in which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him taxes is the rule.

Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.

Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his grass,
Tax the roads he must pass.

Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears.

Tax his bills, tax his gas,
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and let him know
That after taxes, he has no dough.

If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he’s good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays.

Put these words upon his tomb,
“Taxes drove me to my doom!”
And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,
We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.

From Your Daily Poem, here.

The Stupidity Tax

The Lottery: A Monopoly Upon State Malevolence

If you hang around your local gas station or food mart long enough, a scruffy-looking man will toddle in the door and request $25.00 of gas on pump nine, a pack of Camels Lights, one mega-million card and three of your dollar scratchers. He will then proceed to scratch the tickets as his gas pumps, only to return with a $2.00 winner that he would like to exchange for two more tickets. He will proceed to scratch the tickets again, discard them in the trash, and leave. You will not see this man again until next payday.

Gambling is a moron’s retirement plan, and it is certainly not our positive obligations to help morons. Yet, unlike the casinos, what is it about state lotteries that make these acts so contemptible?

By means of mandatory K-12 drill-and-kill public education, the state ill-educates the public into a pool of mathematical ignorance. Most high school students graduate without a single course in probability/statistics. Sure, in seventh grade they learn about the probability of pulling an ace out of a deck of cards, but permutations and combinations like that needed to calculate the odds of winning the mega-millionaire jackpot is only taught to the top percentile of high school students, which is usually recommended as an elective, not as a course of learning.

How convenient.

The state not only promotes the public’s ignorance in probabilities but then maximizes that ignorance via a monopoly on gambling.

Thus, simple equations like the one below are foreign to the majority of the populace.

Not only is the math foreign, but even the term “your odds of winning” is foreign to most individuals. What does 1 out of 80 million even denote to the average citizen?

Let us translate this into something more tangible that common individuals can comprehend.

Here is a penny

If this penny represents the chance of you winning the mega-lottery jackpot, then here is how many pennies you must choose from.

(See The Mega Penny Project)

Yet, you will find nothing of this nature on the lottery websites or the back of the cards. Instead you will find this:



Odds 1 Chance in:

US PowerBall

5/45 + 1/42


US The Big Game

5/50 + 1/36


(According to The Lottery Site)

Again, I am not highlighting that casinos and other private gambling venues should highlight such depictions of probability, but at least these private institutions are upfront about their self-indulgence. The state, however, promotes such ignorance from their constituents under the veil of moral good. States will even advertise the various “good things” it does with its lotto earnings (like promoting more public education or other state funding), while all along it’s the impoverished saps that keep giving away their money.

But whose money are they giving away?

What percentage of transfer payments like welfare, unemployment, disability or social security simply returns to the state via the “stupid tax”? More bluntly, what percentages of OUR paychecks are being given away?

Now, maybe the naysayer will argue that state gambling is indeed evil, but deregulated gambling would lead to even higher improbabilities of losing, and thus why we should outlaw gambling all together?

I don’t believe this to be true.

Sidestepping the issue that no one has the moral authority to assert what others may or may not do with their own money, competition in gambling would actually lead to higher probabilities of winning or some other form of payout. For example, casinos litter their hotels with free festivities and offerings so that consumers feel as though they are getting something for their money. Consumers may travel to Vegas, blow one month’s pay, and still have a great time. Casinos offer these extras not out of the good of their hearts, but because of the competition with other casinos.

When is the last time the state lottery offered such extras? Sure, you may write the losses off your income taxes (as if they actually own the income they tax) but that’s it! At least I can be sure that under a private lottery I would get some free gas, coffee, Reese Cups or some other kickback from the convenience store from which I bought the lottery ticket. If not, I will buy his competitors ticket.

Therefore, let us return one more time to the convenience of our malevolent state-controlled lottery. The state may choose what math is important for study, exploit that ignorance in mathematics, and veil its racketeering under the label of social good all from the comforts of its monopoly.

March 30, 2010

From, here.