Destiny Over Survival

Abraham’s World War

By Moshe Feiglin

And the two angels came to Sodom in the evening and Lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom.” (From this week’s Torah portion, Vayerah, Genesis 19:1)    

Hold on a minute! Didn’t Lot learn anything from his previous misadventure? Just in last week’s Torah portion, Abraham endangered himself and his entire family in a World War to save Lot from captivity after he made his bad decision to move to Sodom. After Abraham redeems him, Lot disregards everything that transpired and goes right back to Sin City as if nothing had happened at all.

In order to understand this psychosis, all we have to do look at all the Israelis applying for citizenship in the country that brought us the Holocaust. Lot probably told himself that his capture at the hands of the kings was nothing more than a historic accident. If the four kings had not warred with the five kings, it would never have happened.

The Israelis in Berlin share the same line of thinking: If there hadn’t been a war, the Holocaust would never have happened. Wars, however, are not the reason for holocausts; they are simply the opportunity to perpetrate them. Even after the war, the Polish continued to slaughter the Jews who dared return home from the death camps.

The question is not why Lot returned to Sodom, but why Abraham endangered his entire historic mission and set out on an illogical war to save him. After all, he had enough money to redeem him from captivity. In no place in the Torah does G-d command Abraham to fight this war. Did Abraham exercise poor judgment? Why put his years of building and effort on the line for his rebellious nephew who knowingly went to live in Sin City?

The answer is that Abraham did not go to war to save only Lot; he went to war to save his mission. Lot’s capture placed his entire destiny on the scales. Everybody knew that Lot was Abraham’s nephew, and they waited to see how Abraham would react. Abraham understood that if he would not be willing to endanger himself and fight for his relatives, he would no longer be respected. Worse than that, he would lose the legitimacy for his very existence. From here on in, he would be dependent on the kindness of others.

This war is listed by our Sages as one of Abrahams’ ten trials. Abraham had to overcome his personal considerations and respond to the affront to his sovereignty like a free nation – making him worthy to establish the Nation of Israel.

After Abraham successfully traverses this trial and wins the war against the kings of the north, G-d makes a covenant (the Covenant of Pieces) with him and promises him the Land of Israel. Sounds strange? G-d “sides with” the winner? Not at all. G-d chooses the man who is willing to fight for his destiny, and not just for his existence.

Shabbat Shalom.

From The Jewish Leadership Blog, here.

National Identity is the Future

Is Obama’s World a Utopian Myth?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Speaking in Greece on his valedictory trip to Europe as president, Barack Obama struck a familiar theme: “(W)e are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude form of nationalism, or ethnic identity, or tribalism that is built around an ‘us’ and a ‘them’ …

“(T)he future of humanity and the future of the world is going to be defined by what we have in common, as opposed to those things that separate us and ultimately lead us into conflict.”

That the world’s great celebrant of “diversity” envisions an even more multicultural, multiethnic, multiracial America and Europe is not news. This dream has animated his presidency.

But in this day of Brexit and president-elect Donald Trump new questions arise. Is Obama’s vision a utopian myth? Have leaders like him and Angela Merkel lost touch with reality? Are not they the ones who belong to yesterday, not tomorrow?

“Crude nationalism,” as Obama said, did mark that “bloodiest” of centuries, the 20th. But nationalism has also proven to be among mankind’s most powerful, beneficial and enduring forces.

You cannot wish it away. To do that is to deny history, human nature and the transparent evidence of one’s own eyes.

A sense of nationhood — “I am not a Virginian, but an American,” said Patrick Henry — ignited our revolution.

Nationalism tore apart the “evil empire” of Ronald Reagan’s depiction, liberating Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Romanians and Bulgarians, and breaking apart the Soviet Union into 15 nations.

Was that so terrible for mankind?

Nationalism brought down the Berlin Wall and led to reunification of the German people after 45 years of separation and Cold War.

President George H.W. Bush may have railed against “suicidal nationalism” in Kiev in 1991. But Ukrainians ignored him and voted to secede. Now the Russified minorities of the southeast and the Crimea wish to secede from Ukraine and rejoin the Mother Country.

This is the way of the world.

Out of the carcass of Yugoslavia came Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo. As nationalism called into existence Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, it impelled South Ossetians and Abkhazians to secede from Georgia.

Was it not a sense of peoplehood, of nationhood, that drove the Jews to create Israel in 1948, which today insists that it be recognized as “a Jewish State”?

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From Pat Buchanan, here.

Jewish Destiny – Politically Incorrect

What Does It Mean To Be “Pro-Israel”?

14 Marcheshvan 5777

After all this time and after all that has been revealed, Jews are still confused. They are currently dividing the world up into those who are so-called “pro-Israel” and those who are not. The former are perceived as our “friends” and the latter as our enemies. God forbid, some have taken it so far as to view some of our more powerful “friends” as “saviors”!

But, what does it really mean to be “pro-Israel”? Very simply, it means they identify with Israel. They perceive Israel to be just like them, espousing theirvalues and living out their vision of our destiny – you know, the Christianized, Westernized “Jewish” State that hosts no less than eight separate US military facilities and hundreds of missionary organizations. They view Israel as a staunch ally and trusted promoter of Western values, especially to the Arab/Islamic world.

But, have you ever thought about what will be The Day After Mashiach is crowned?

Here are a few things Mashiach is Torah-bound to do which will enrage the entire world, including the American President:

Outlaw the practice of false religions.
Closure of their places of worship.
Destruction of idols.
Deportation of all missionaries and confiscation of all of their properties in Israel.

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From Tomer Devorah, here.

There is Something Fishy About the State

The Trouble With Politics

Politics is of its very nature is biased in favor of intervention and planning. Even in its “minarchist” or “night-watchman” version, politics is based at root on the idea that some decisions must be made coercively and imposed on unwilling minorities – or even majorities, as the case may be. This is contrary to the principle we observe in private life every day: the consent of both parties is necessary for a transaction to take place.

The state never stays “limited” in the long or even medium run, as we’ve seen for ourselves, and before long it worms its way throughout civil society. Once it becomes entrenched in some area of social life that had previously been managed by voluntary means, people grow accustomed to the state’s new role, even coming to view it as indispensable. The spirit of spontaneous, voluntary cooperation, therefore, atrophies and dies. This, in turn, is cited as justification for still further state interference, and the cycle continues.

In the modern state, politics is coupled with government education in a one-two punch to the voluntary sector. That is, the moral principles and the unstated assumptions that govern politics have already been drilled into the heads of the young well before they become eligible to vote. By that time they have imbibed every comic-book platitude about the selfless public servants who are just out to improve everyone’s well-being. Were it not for the indoctrination of the public from a very young age, the state’s racket would be far more obvious and transparent.

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From, here.