Parrying Palestinian Propaganda


Question – – 02/28/2013

Do religious Jews have an answer to the Palestinian claim that the Holy Land belongs to them?

Answer by Arachim

We will not dwell on the philosophical question of the Land being promised by G-d to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, our forefathers. (This sort of claim is dealt with in a separate question under this heading: “What is the basis for your claim that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People?“)
Here we will answer the Palestinian arguments using historical facts, including the prophecies recorded in the Bible and the books of the prophets:
The Bible tells us:
And I shall render the land desolate, and your enemies, dwelling in it, will be astonished … and your land will be barren, and your cities will be a ruin.
(Leviticus 26:32-33)
This prophecy, written over 3,000 years ago, makes it clear that in Biblical times, the Holy Land was productive and highly fertile. However, when deprived of her children, it is destined to become barren and desolate.
This is exactly what happened when the People of Israel went into exile.
Over a period of nearly two thousand years, various gentile nations made attempts to settle the land, but none succeeded. The Land of Israel reserved its fruits and its blessings only for her own children, the People of Israel. In their absence, the Land became a desolate expanse of wilderness and swamps. Pilgrims and travelers who passed through the region noted that the country had become nearly uninhabitable. Its population remained minimal.
In 1835, the French poet, Alphonse de Lamartine, visited Palestine. He wrote:
Outside the gates of Jerusalem, we saw indeed no living object, heard no living sound. We found the same void, the same silence … as we should have expected before the entombed gates of Pompeii … a complete, eternal silence reigns in the town, on the highways, in the country … the tomb of an entire people.”
Recollections of the East, Vol. I, 1845

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From Arachim USA, here.

American Socialism Isn’t So Different From Israeli Socialism

Islands of Socialism: The State’s Economic War Against Blacks

Donald Trump makes an essential point when he visits black churches and predominantly black inner-city neighborhoods and tells the people there that they “have nothing to lose” by supporting the abandonment of almost a century of statism run amok in their communities.  While Republicans share some of the blame for this, it has primarily been the Democratic Party’s urban political machines that have sabotaged millions of black lives (and many others) with socialistic central planning scheme after central planning scheme for generations.  America’s inner cities are islands of socialism that have proven time and again that Americans are no better at socialism than the Russians were.  Let’s briefly review some of their evil and destructive work over the past half century.

First, the federal government literally bulldozed hundreds of decent, working-class neighborhoods in the inner cities during the 1960s that were filled with modest private homes and apartments, small businesses, playgrounds, parks, and peaceful citizens and replaced them with “public housing” in the name of “urban renewal” (See Martin Anderson’s book, The Federal Bulldozer).  Socialized housing predictably turned into dilapidated slums because of the complete absence of property rights in housing.  Unlike private rental housing where tenants can be held responsible for any damages they cause to the property, government housing tenants were (and are) let off the hook by the state.  Unlike private housing, where improvements that increase a property’s value benefit the property owner, there is no incentive to spend one’s own time and money on improving government housing projects.   America’s government housing projects are almost identical in appearance to what one would have seen in the former Soviet Union and Eastern and Central Europe during the twentieth century.

As F.A. Hayek wrote in The Constitution of Liberty, socialists are always, first and foremost, at war with the idea of individual responsibility.  For if you are not responsible for your actions, someone else – preferably the state – should be, say the socialists.  This wicked, communistic ideology transformed law enforcement in America during the 1950s and ‘60s when the legal profession, academics, left-wing journalists, and the government judiciary invented endless excuses for criminals.  Crime was no longer caused by criminal behavior and criminals, they said, but by “society” at large with its racism, lack of concern for the poor, etc.  It is unfair to punish criminals, they said, for “society” made them do it.  Society should therefore pay for the crime with bigger welfare checks, subsidized education for the criminals, etc.  This was translated into lighter and lighter penalties for almost all crimes, including rape and murder, with the inevitable result of skyrocketing crime rates.  (Thomas Sowell tells the story of a rape epidemic at a California university in his book, The Vision of the Anointed. The local police chief discovered that the rapists were convicted rapists who were let out of prison and given free room, board, and tuition at that university, and housed in co-ed dorms there, under the theory that, since “society” was responsible for their criminal behavior, society should pay for their crimes by giving them a free college education instead of prison sentences.  Criminals are “society’s victims,” they said.).

Around the same time the nanny state in the early 1970s escalated its “war on drugs” which immediately became an additional cause of increased violent crime, as it does to this day.  Nothing at all was learned from the state’s earlier experiment with drug prohibition – alcohol prohibition during the 1920s and early ‘30s.   The war on drugs has had an extremely racially-biased effect in that tens of thousands of young black people, mostly young men, have been incarcerated, most of them for the victimless crime of consuming illicit drugs.  Thousands of others have died in Al Capone-style drug gang wars that only differ from the real Al Capone gangs by being many orders of magnitude larger and more violent since there is so much more money at stake.

The “great society” welfare state has destroyed millions of families and, like the state’s war on drugs, has been disproportionately damaging to the black family.  Some 70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock today according to internet surveys, and the white family is catching up fast.  Out-of-wedlock births have increased by more than 400% since 1960.  The main reason for this is that welfare checks eliminated the stigma that once stopped many men from abandoning their children.  (See Charles Murray, Losing Ground).

Everyone knows heroic single mothers and grandmothers who have done a great job of raising good children but the fact remains that, in general, children who are raised without a father are several times more likely to get involved in crime, have behavioral problems, or bring children into the world themselves without a father around to help care for them.  The cycle then repeats itself.

Welfare checks have so destroyed the work ethic of such a large portion of the low-income population that scholarly books have been written about how in cities like Chicago, there are vast areas where generations of young men have never had a male role model around who got up and went to work every day.   This has affected all races but again, the state has treated the black population like so many Indians on one of its Indian “reservations” and has focused its attention on it.

Black politicians and bureaucrats in the inner cities profit very handsomely from operating the socialistic, unionized, government school monopolies, where top school administrators are paid several hundred thousand dollars a year (as they are in Baltimore, for instance) to oversee fraudulent schools that teach next to nothing, are riddled with crime and criminals, and have ruined the lifelong economic prospects of millions of black children.  There are exceptions, but whenever they are given a choice between helping poor black children get a better education with charter schools, school choice, or any other alternative and keeping their cushy, high-paying jobs courtesy of the teachers’ unions and school administrators’ unions, they choose to stiff the children.  White government school administrators are no better, with some exceptions.

The minimum-wage law was originally supported by racist politicians who were in the pockets of union bosses in the 1930s who wanted to price low-skilled and poorly-educated black workers out of jobs when they began competing with unionized workers.  A black sharecropper out of work who was willing to work for a little less than a white union factory worker was priced out of a job by the minimum wage law, which has always had a racial effect.  The black teenage unemployment rate, for instance, has been about double the white teenage unemployment rate for decades.

On top of that, hundreds of the state’s occupational licensing laws, on everything from cab driving to hair cutting, are designed to erect barriers to entry into myriad professions by requiring thousands of dollars in licensing fees and/or years of mostly phony “education.”  For some thirty years the pro-bono Institute for Justice has sued state and local governments for depriving mostly lower-income Americans of their economic liberties with protectionist occupational licensing laws.  These, too, have been a major roadblock to black employment opportunities.  One of the early Institute for Justice cases, for example, was in defense of a black married couple in Washington, D.C. who ran an African hair-braiding business.  The city government ordered them to shut down, pay thousands of dollars in tuition to a cosmetology school, and spend over two years getting a cosmetology license even though they did not cut hair or treat it with any chemicals.  (The Institute for Justice won the case).

Thanks to a half century of urban socialism there are millions of black children in America’s inner cities who have never had a fully-employed male role model around; receive a fraudulent education; live in dangerous, drug-gang-controlled government housing projects; are priced out of entry-level jobs as teenagers because of the minimum-wage law; and as they get older are shut out of many mundane occupations like taxi driving by occupational licensing laws. Don’t worry, say the Hillary Clintons and Bernie Sanders of the world, “we will give you a welfare check and force racial employment quotas on businesses.”

All of this statism requires a very heavy tax burden, so that it is not uncommon for property tax rates in many cities to be two or three times higher (or more) than in the distant suburbs.  The inevitable result is that the more productive people and businesses flee to escape confiscatory tax rates for which they get next to nothing in return in the form of government “services.”  Those who can, vote with their feet.  Those who cannot – the poor – are stuck on the “reservation.”  This in turn leads the statist city politicians to raise tax rates even more, making their city even more economically unviable and uncompetitive.

Hundreds of black ministers and other community leaders support Donald Trump because they understand all of this – indeed, they have lived it.  They and Trump are on the same wavelength in that they know that what their people need is freedom – freedom from government, from socialist urban political machines, from greedy teachers’ unions, high taxes, suffocating regulations, labor market protectionism, rotten socialist school bureaucracies, and the politicization of life in general.  This is why the black urban political class, a lynchpin of the Democratic Party machine that enriches itself by keeping its “constituents” forever dependent on the state reservation, is so hysterical, hateful, and vitriolic in its opposition to Trump.

From, here.

And You Thought American Cops Were Scary…

Israeli Police: violent, trigger-happy and politically biased

By Eyal Clyne | Translation: Dana Shunra

This week, a policeman shot and killed a suspect. The deceased was suspected of harassment, of resisting arrest and of simply being too obsessive. There are those who also say he was suspected of an attempted vehicular assault, and he discovered that these were capital crimes. The late suspect was lucky not to be an Arab. As a Jew, the circumstances of his death are at the very least questioned.

It also turns out that the suspect may have been obsessive, but the policeman also demonstrated some obsessiveness of his own. Rather than moving aside he clung to the engine hood, and shot the driver to death, both in the upper and lower parts of his body several times. Once was not enough. The Ynet news portal apparently saw this shooting as being justified, or at least understandable, as their headlines stated unequivocally that the event was “an attempted vehicular killing”, which contradicted both on-the-scene testimony and the assaulting policeman’s own history – and well before any investigation had occurred.

Ynet also played the story as a top headline, as though this conduct by the police was extraordinary, and should surprise the reader. What is actually surprising is the surprise itself. Israel’s police often does not live up to the directives of the law and tend to be rude, violent, flawed in terms of their conduct, and characterized by a masterful resolve to show the citizenry just who is boss.

The following selection of articles and reports is entirely arbitrary and not at all comprehensive. They were almost all gathered over the past year, and similar reports can easily be found. They demonstrate that in the Israeli police exists a norm of violence and a lordly attitude; that policemen take it upon themselves to act in a rude and criminal manner; and that they enjoy nearly automatic backing from their commanders, who are also afflicted by this dysfunctional approach. When reading the accumulating reports and watching the video clips, one understands that these are not exceptional cases or focal problems. The Police Internal Investigations Unit, with its full 80 staff members, can no longer withstand the nearly 30,000 policemen. A wide-ranging process of cleansing, training, careful follow-up, and compensation is needed – at all levels.

I. Cop’s Honor

(Your friendly neighborhood cop on the beat is as mythical as unicorns or fairies)

The famous slogan “To Serve and Protect” is okay for television drama series – it has nothing to do with life in Israel. You might want to ask just who serves whom and admit that what gets protected is first and foremost the honor of the policeman, not the rights of the citizens. No, the word “honor” does not mean fairness, integrity, and professionalism. It refers, instead, to the questionable “honor” that we meet in the phrase “honor killing.” It is the honor demanded by thugs in the ‘hood, except that it wears a uniform and badge. If you “offend” them (and they get offended easily; they’re quite sensitive) they could bite your lip right off your facebeat, humiliate, and sexually harass youfine you for NIS 1,000have you kicked out of the Civil Guardarrest you, and spray you with gas. It’s as if you work for the policemen rather than the other way around.

That’s what it’s like with bullies. Just give them power, a weapon, or a certificate and they’ll harass everyone, just because they can. They’ll pour your beer out on the beach, harass passers-by on the street (herehere, and here), break your nosebeat the **** out of you and mock youthrow stonesopen fire for no reason, and harass women (while threatening them with arrests). On the road you must never tell them when they drive wildlypark illegally, and even when a 70-year old man dares mention anything – he’ll catch flackOn soccer fields they bust your faces (see also herehereherehere, and in all items linked from there), and at home they’ll fine you for groaning too loudlyattack you with bare fistswrestle with you, and commit perjury when testifying about it, to cover upIn their own time they will be “role models of crime”: they’ll call prostitutes to the stationsteal money from suspectsplace explosive chargesgive false testimony, and drop by in the middle of the night without a warrant, just to scare someone whom they see as calling for the oversight of police forces. One of the senior staffers in the Violence Prevention Department went so far in his quest to be a role model that he actually attacked a woman subordinate employee, working in his department.

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From 972mag, here.

עבד כי ימלוך

מעשה ממלך ושר (פוסט ליודעי ח”נ)


הסיפור הבא, מאת בנימין לנדאו, הגיעני במייל. ייהנו ממנו הרגילים בסגנון סיפורי המעשיות של ר’ נחמן מברסלב (מי שלא מכיר, קחו דוגמה), ומוסר ההשכל יהיה ברור להם גם כן. לאחרים, אני מצרף רמזים לפתרון בקישורים בגוף הסיפור. אז הנה הוא:


מעשה במלך אחד שהיה מולך במדינה אחת, והיה המלך עושה כל שנה חגיגה באותו היום שעלה למלוכה, והיה מוציא הוצאות גדולות באותה החגיגה, שחפץ היה שכל בני מלכותו ישמחו בחגיגה ההיא (היינו ביום שעלה למלוכה).

והיה לאותו המלך חבר אחד שהיה אוהב לו מאוד מאוד, ומינה אותו שר באחת הארצות הרחוקות שהיו לו, שהיה למלך ארצות הרבה חוץ מארץ מלכותו, והיה שולח שריו ועבדיו לאותם ארצות. והשר הנ”ל שהיה אוהב למלך מאוד מאוד, וכנ”ל, היה אוהב את היום שעלה המלך למלוכה, והיה עושה בכל שנה חגיגה גדולה באותו היום, ומזמין כל מיודעיו וכו’ וכו’ לחגיגה ההיא, והיה אומר שאצלו העיקר בכל השנה הוא יום הזה, שהמלך עלה בו למלוכה, וכבר כשמסיים החגיגות בשנה זו, מחכה לחגיגות שיעשה ביום המלך בשנה הבאה, שכל כך היה אוהב למלך, כנ”ל. וכיון  שהיה רוצה אותו השר שיבואו הרבה לשמוח עמו ביום שעלה המלך לכסאו, היה מבטיח שכל מי שיבוא לשמוח עמו באותו היום, יעשה עמו טובות הרבה, שכיון שהיה אוהב למלך (היינו השר שהיה אוהב למלך) היה המלך עושה מה שהיה מבקש ממנו, והיו האנשים באים לשמוח עמו ביום המלכת המלך.

ומאחר שנתרבו האנשים שהיו באים לשמוח עם השר הנ”ל ביום המלכת המלך, וכל אחד מאותם אנשים סיפר לחברו וחברו לחברו וכו’, עד שנודע בכל הארץ שכל מי שבא לחגיגות אצל השר ביום שעלה המלך על כסאו, השר עושה עמו טובות. ואחר כך החלו רבים מארצו ומעירו של המלך לעזוב בכל שנה את ארצו ועירו של המלך, ולא היו באים לחגיגות של המלך גופו, אלא היו הולכים לחגיגות של השר שהיה באותה ארץ רחוקה, והיו מתאמצים ללכת דרך רחוקה, ומוציאים הוצאות הרבה, עד שהיו באים לאותה ארץ רחוקה כדי להשתתף בחגיגות של השר הנ”ל, שהיו אומרים שהשר יעשה עמם טובות הרבה, והיו גם אומרים (היינו אותם שהיו הולכים לחגיגות הנ”ל שאצל השר) שהחגיגות שעושים אצל השר טובות ויפות מהחגיגות שעושים אצל המלך גופו, ורק ההולכים לחגיגות שם יכולים לשמוח שמחה גדולה ביום שהמלך עלה למלוכה, יותר משאם היו הולכים אצל המלך בעירו ובארצו של המלך, ששם אין השמחה גדולה כל כך. והיו הולכים בכל הארץ ואומרים לכל בני אדם שיבואו דייקא לחגיגות של השר ולא לחגיגות של המלך, והיו אומרים שכן ציוה השר הנ”ל שהכול יבואו אצלו, אפילו הדרים בעירו וארצו של המלך, והיו אומרים שגם המלך חפץ בזה.

סוף דבר: נתמעטו ההולכים לחגיגות שעשה המלך בארמון מלכותו ביום שעלה למלוך, והיו הכול הולכים לחגיגות אצל השר, והיה המלך מצטער מאוד שהכול הולכים ממנו, והיה אומר: למה עלתה לי כך, ומדוע אין באים לשמוח עמי ביום שעליתי על כסאי? והלוא אני מנהיג את מלכותי בחסד ויושר! אבל האנשים לא היו משגיחים בצערו של המלך, שהשר היה עושה טובות הרבה לאלה שהיו באים לשמוח עמו (ואף שכל הטובות שעשה השר לאנשים לא עשה אלא על ידי המלך, המלך גופו לא היה עושה טובות לאנשים הבאים לחגיגה שלו, שאין זה כבודו של מלך לעשות טובות למי שבא לשמוח עמו בחגיגות מלכותו. ואף שהמלך גופו היה עושה לכל בני ממלכתו טובות גדולות יותר משהיה השר עושה, שהרי היה מנהיג את כל המדינה בחסד וביושר, וכנ”ל – לא היו האנשים משגיחים כלל בטובות אלו, שמחמת שהיו הכול רגילים שהמלך מנהיג את מלכותו ביושר, לא השגיחו בכל הטובות שנולדו להם מזה, והבן), ועוד שהשמחה אצל השר הייתה גדולה מאוד מאוד, והיו מביאים אצלו כל מיני שמחה, והיו שרים ורוקדים באופן שלא היה כמותו מעולם, עד שאף מי שלא היה אוהב להמלך היה הולך לשם כדי לראות השמחה הגדולה שהייתה שם, שנשמע בכל הארץ שאין שמחה כשמחה שהייתה שם (היינו אצל השר הנ”ל). וגם כל מי שהיה רוצה שהשר יעשה עמו טובות היה הולך לשם וכנ”ל. וכך היה הולך ונמשך הדבר, עד ששנה אחת יצא המלך מביתו ביום מלכותו לראות החגיגות שהיו עושים לו ליום שעלה על כסאו, וראה שאין שם איש, שהכול הלכו לחגיגות שעשה השר הנ”ל באותה ארץ רחוקה, ונצטער המלך מאוד מאוד.

רמזי המעשיות

מעשה זה אמר רבנו בר”ה, ואמר שזה עניין מה שאומרים בתפילה של ר”ה “ותמלוך אתה ה’ מהרה לבדך על כל מעשיך, בהר ציון משכן כבודך, ובירושלים עיר קדשך”, וזהו מה שאמר הנביא (ישעיהו קפיטל כ”ד): “וחפרה הלבנה ובושה החמה כי מלך ה’ צבאות בהר ציון ובירושלים”, ואמר שהדברים עמוקים מאד, וסתומים וחתומים הדברים עד עת קץ, ואשרי מי שיזכה להבין דברים אלו לאמיתתן.

From Bloggershuni, here.