Why Medical Cannabis is Still Criminalized – Drug Company Profits

Why These Federal Agencies Should Be Abolished

By Dr. Mercola

The use of marijuana for medical purposes is now legal in 25 states and, as of this writing, two additional states (Arkansas and Florida) have pending legislation or ballot measures to legalize medical marijuana.1

Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Colorado and the District of Columbia have also legalized recreational use of marijuana for adults, while 16 states have decriminalized certain marijuana possession offenses.2

According to estimates, between 85 and 95 percent of Americans are in favor of medical cannabis, and nearly 60 percent support complete legalization of marijuana. And, contrary to what you might think, doctors overwhelmingly agree.

A 2013 survey found a majority of physicians — 76 percent — approve of the use of medical marijuana.3 CNN’s chief medical correspondent and neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta also made a highly publicized reversal on his marijuana stance after the production of his two-part series “Weed,” which aired in 2014.4

Despite this trend, many families are still unable, legally or otherwise, to obtain this herbal treatment. Families with a sick child are being forced to split up, just so that one parent can live in a place where medical cannabis can be legally obtained in order to help their child.

A major part of the problem lies at the federal level, where marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance5 — a category reserved for the most addictive and dangerous of drugs, including heroin and LSD.

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From Lewrockwell.com, here.

צעקה ואין מושיע לה

אנחנו צריכים לדאוג לנפגעות או למבוכה של הקהילה?

Published on Sep 20, 2016

בפעם הראשונה בהיסטוריה מתייצב נציג חרדי בכיר, סגן השר משולם נהרי, בכנס ‘מן המיצר’ למוגנות בציבור החרדי, שם על השולחן את הכל וזעק את הזעקה: “כשמטייחים מזמינים את הקרבן הבא. יש תוקפים בבית ובחוץ, אסור לשתוק”

From YouTube, here.

Does Ron Paul Sound Like an Antisemite to You?

Why Are We Sending $38 Billion to Rich and Powerful Israel?

Last week’s announcement of a record-breaking US aid package for Israel underscores how dangerously foolish and out-of-touch is our interventionist foreign policy. Over the next ten years, the US taxpayer will be forced to give Israel some $38 billion dollars in military aid. It is money we cannot afford going to a country that needs no assistance to maintain its status as the most powerful military in the Middle East.

All US foreign aid is immoral and counterproductive. As I have often said, it is money taken from poor people in the US and sent to rich people overseas. That is because US assistance money goes to foreign governments to hand out as they see fit. Often that assistance is stolen outright or it goes to the politically connected in the recipient country.

Just as bad is the fact that much of what we call “foreign aid” is actually welfare for the wealthy here at home. The aid package to Israel is a very good example. According to the agreement, this $38 billion will all go to US weapons manufacturers. So the real beneficiaries are not the American people and not even Israeli citizens. The real beneficiaries are the US military-industrial complex. Perhaps the money won’t even leave Washington – it may simply go across town, from the Fed to the Beltway bomb-makers.

While even US government aid to desperately poor countries should be opposed on moral and practical grounds, it is even harder to understand US aid to relatively rich countries. At a nominal per capita GDP of over $35,000, Israel is richer than Japan, Italy, and South Korea. Not long ago Business Insider published a report by the Institute for the Study of War showing that Israel is the most powerful military force in the Middle East. We know they have hundreds of nuclear weapons, a sophisticated air force, drones, and even nuclear weapons-equipped submarines.

So why is the US giving a rich and incredibly well-armed country a record amount of military aid? Part of it is that the US government believes it can coerce Israel to do Washington’s bidding in the Middle East. History shows that this is a foolish pipe dream. If anything, US aid subsidizes Israeli human rights abuses in Gaza and elsewhere.

Another reason is a very powerful lobby in Washington, AIPAC, that pressures Members of Congress to focus on Israel’s interests instead of US interests. Members of Congress should look at our economy, with effectively zero interest rates, an anemic non-recovery from the 2008 crash, historically low participation in the workforce, and inflation eroding the value of the dollar and conclude that this might not be the best time to start handing out billions of dollars in foreign aid. Unfortunately, most Members of Congress find it impossible to say no to special interest groups like AIPAC.

Here’s a better aid package for Israel: free trade, travel, friendly relations, and no entangling alliances. Israel should be free to pursue its national interests and we should be free to pursue ours. If individual Americans feel compelled to provide assistance to Israel or any other country or cause overseas they should be allowed. But the rest of us should not be forced to do so. Trade, not aid.

From Lewrockwell.com, here.

How to Pray for Peres


12 Elul 5776

Some men achieve greatness in this life – as it is measured by the world. Some people are dazzled by this perceived “greatness”, the celebrity of such men, whether they be successful businessmen, statesmen, politicians, or anyone who commands headlines in the mass media. Every kind of grace is granted to such a person in situations where a lesser man would be held to a different standard.

One such man is the former Deputy Defense Minister, former Minister of Immigrant Absorption, former Minister of Transportation, former Information Minister, former Minister of Defense, former Prime Minister, former Minister of Finance, former Foreign Minister, former Minister of Regional Cooperation, former President of Israel, founder of the Peres Center for Peace: Shimon Peres.

Director General of the Defense Ministry during the Ringworm Children Affair and the Yemenite Children Affair, the Prime Minister of Israel who ordered the betrayal of Jonathan Pollard, the Israeli Foreign Minister who secretly (and illegally) negotiated with the PLO and signed the Oslo Accords, who brokered the transfer of Jerusalem to the Vatican, the Vice Premier of Israel who enabled the Expulsion of Jews from Gaza, Retired President of Israel who advocates the expulsion of Jews from Judea and Samaria, promoter of a World Religion with the Pope at its head: Shimon Peres.

Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, recipient of honorary knighthood, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George from Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace in London, who is suspected of having a hand in the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin as well as the false accusations against and unjust imprisonment of former President Moshe Katsav: Shimon Peres.

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From Tomer Devorah, here.

מלכה ושריה בגויים אין תורה

מלכה ושריה בגוים – האם אין לנו תורה בגלות?

“מַלְכָּהּ וְשָׂרֶיהָ בַגּוֹיִם אֵין תּוֹרָה גַּם נְבִיאֶיהָ לֹא מָצְאוּ חָזוֹן מֵה'” (איכה ב, ט). רבים נתקשו במשמעות הפסוק: האם אכן אין תורה בגלות? הנבואה אמנם פסקה מישראל, אבל ביחס לתורה דווקא בתקופת הגלות זכתה התורה לפריחה ושגשוג חסר תקדים. הייתכן שעל כל מפעלם של חז”ל והבאים אחריהם ייאמר “אין תורה”?

שמא יש לבאר את דברי הנביא על-פי דברי הרב יחיאל יעקב ויינברג זצ”ל (בעל ה’שרידי אש’), במאמרו “תורת חיים” (פורסם בשנת תשכ”ב).

הרב ויינברג פותח וקובע כי “הדת היהודית לא ראתה את החיים בעיניים זועמות ולא חשבה אותם לאויבים לה”. “הדת עצמה”, הוא ממשיך, “היא תוך-תוכה של פעולת חיים אמיצה ובריאה”. מכאן שאין דת ישראל יכולה “להצטמצם בגבולות הפולחן בלבד”, ושהיא

“בהכרח שאפה להקיף את כל תחומי החיים ולהשתלט עליהם שלטון גמור”.

בציטוט מדברי הרב שמשון רפאל הירש זצ”ל, הוא מבאר בסיכום כי “יהדות פירושה אנושות מושלמת ומשוכללת, אנושיות יהודית”.

ואולם, לאורך שנות גלות קשות, השתנו פני הדברים. “הרדיפות הנוראות, הרחקת העם מתחומי חיים שונים, שלילת האוויר לנשימה והגבלת חופש התנועה פגעו פגיעה קשה גם בכוחו הדתי של האדם מישראל והחלישוהו”. תנאי הגלות צמצמו את היקף תחולת הדת על החיים, באופן ש”שטחי חיים רחבים וחשובים הוצאו באכזריות-רשע מיד האומה ומיד דתה”.

בנסיבות עגומות אלו “פסקה הדת להיות דבר שבחיים ועל-כן חדלו החיים בהכרח להיות דבר שבדת”, שהופרדו מתחום הקדושה “ונעשו דבר שבחולין”. “רוח ישראל”, לדברי הרב ויינברג, “התעטפה שחורים”.

המשך לקרוא…

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