Libertarian Hypocrisy on Israel

Top Ten Things That Piss Me Off About Anti Israel Libertarians

These issues are usually in my subconscious. Recent events have brought them out to my conscious thought. I don’t like discussing this stuff in general because these are Jewish issues and what non Jews think doesn’t concern me. But I’ve been brought in to the fold, so here are my thoughts.

  1. Anti Israel libertarians say settlements are immoral because they are not annexed by the State of Israel, even though settling land is the crux of the entire libertarian homesteading theory, and libertarians are against states annexing anything in the first place.
  2. Statist institutions and instruments like the UN and “international law,” suddenly become relevant and important regarding what these institutions say about Israel, even though they are despised and ignored and reviled in every single other case.
  3. Anti Israel libertarians rail against the “ethnic cleansing” of “Palestine” while they simultaneously egg on the actual ethnic cleansing of Judea and Samaria of Jews, because “settlements” are “illegal” according to “international law” and should all be evacuated. I wonder what John Locke would say about THAT.
  4. Libertarians hold that homesteading is the way one comes to own property, yet anti Israel libertarians like Jeremy Hammond can hold, only in the case of Israel, that it is legitimate to own UNhomesteaded land just because some statist body says that uncultivable land can be “owned”.land-ownership-palestine
  5. Israel is by FAR the most liberal state in the entire middle east in terms of economic and religious freedom, which means that it is the MOST libertarian state by any and EVERY measure, and yet it is the MOST hated by many libertarians.

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From The Jewish Libertarian, here.

Are Jewish Israelis Land Thieves?

Libertarians Debate Creation of Israel: Compatible with Libertarian Ideas?

Published on Sep 16, 2016

With such libertarian luminaries as Murray Rothbard and Walter Block at odds with regard to the creation of Israel and its conformity or otherwise to libertarian principles, it seemed sensible to host a debate on the subject. The resolution: “Israel was founded on the basis of legitimate homesteading of land and reclamation of lost Jewish property from previous generations of Jews.”

Arguing in the affirmative is Rafi Farber, and in the negative is Jeremy R. Hammond. Subscribe to the Tom Woods Show:…

From YouTube, here.

Separate Religion and State – For the Sake of Religion!


About the authorMoshe Koppel is a member of the department of computer science at Bar-Ilan University and chairman of the Kohelet Policy Forum in Jerusalem.

Every now and then, people who in the grand scheme of things look and sound more or less like me voice opinions that make me wonder whether I’ve been sucked through the rabbit hole. Often these opinions have to do with freedoms they would like to sacrifice to government bureaucrats. All too often, those freedoms are of the religious kind.

Once, when I was helping to draft a constitutional proposal for the state of Israel, a prominent rabbi urged me to include a provision that would require judges on rabbinical courts to be God-fearing. When I suggested that this kind of language was likely to prove ineffective in a constitutional context—and that it might be better if judges on rabbinical courts weren’t appointed by the government in the first place—he gave me an odd look and asked, in all sincerity: who, then, would pay for them if not the government? The possibility had never occurred to him that Jewish communities and not the state should support Jewish institutions.

Nor does the possibility seem to have occurred to the state itself. A case in point is a recent ruling by Israel’s Supreme Court involving a controversial loophole in Jewish religious law (halakhah). The loophole, in force since the establishment of the state, permits the growth and sale of agricultural produce during biblically-mandated sabbatical years. In anticipation of the latest such year, the state-sponsored chief rabbinate decided that local religious courts could allow or disallow the loophole at their discretion. Whereupon an organization of Orthodox rabbis encouraged farmers to petition the Court to strike down the decision of the chief rabbinate and instruct it instead to re-impose a statewide, across-the-board acceptance of the loophole. The Court ruled in favor of the petitioners.

Now, why would Orthodox rabbis approach a secular Supreme Court to intervene in a matter on which a century of rabbinic legists had written hundreds of learned opinions? Why wouldn’t such rabbis simply issue their own certification of disputed produce? And as for the Court, what made it think it had any competence to rule on an arcane question of religious law?

In brief, what sorts of ideas lead reasonable people to outlandish expectations concerning the relation of a Jewish state to the practice of Judaism?

I raise these questions because I want to make an argument for drastically limiting the role of the Israeli state in developing and maintaining Jewish institutions. I do so, however, as one who very much wishes to see an expansion of the influence of traditional Judaism in the Israeli public square. In my view, this expansion is possible only if the state ceases to usurp power better held by Jewish communities, which have successfully transmitted and evolved Jewish moral traditions for millennia. Strengthening these moral communities is my main objective. Although my specific concern is Israel, the issues at stake, as I hope to make clear, are applicable to every democratic society grappling with the crossroads between religion and state.

 1. Romancing the State

Early supporters of the founding of a Jewish state envisioned it as replacing Diaspora communities that had grown weak and desiccated. The writer Micha Yosef Berdichevsky (1865-1921), turning a biblical encomium—“How goodly are your tents, O Jacob”—into a slur, railed: “How narrow are your tents, O Jacob.” In particular, the founders hoped the state would become an arbiter and enforcer of new values, using its authority to promote ideas and virtues central to the secular ethos of the time. The most glaring example of this policy was the forced re-education of young religious immigrants by placing them in secular kibbutzim with the intention of transforming “human dust,” in David Ben-Gurion’s pungent words, “into a cultured nation.”

As Ben-Gurion’s formula suggests, the values the new state was intended to enforce were in most cases the opposite of those inculcated in traditional Jewish communities. Preeminently, the statist awakening aimed to overcome old habits of quietism and forbearance while replacing the authority of elders and sages with the authority of the young and vital in a redeemed land. While the young Zionists carried with them many elements of a classic Jewish narrative—they recalled a glorious Jewish past, roughly coterminous with the period of the Bible, and viewed their return to the land in millennial terms—those past glortraies were defined not in moral but in political terms, and the millennialism derived more from Comte and Marx than from Isaiah. As a result, both past glories and anticipated future ones were unmediated by a continuous traditional narrative.

True, not all early Zionists were secularists. What, then, of early religious Zionists? They had to contend not only with their secular Zionist counterparts but with the strong arguments against Zionism leveled by many Jewish religious authorities. To the latter, the modern state, any modern state, posed a threat to the traditional Jewish ethos.

In Diaspora Judaism, the life of the spirit had been paramount. Jews had redefined power as, essentially, the ability to live their lives according to their own traditions and to pass on their cultural and intellectual legacy to their children. The capacity to move armies was not among their aspirations. Indeed, as a matter both of principle and of bitter historical experience, the Diaspora version of Judaism was suspicious of, if not downright antagonistic to, political authority. For its part, Jewish religious law had adapted itself to these circumstances and, when it came to managing the internal affairs of Diaspora Jewry, functioned reasonably well at the level of individuals or communities. It had not yet been tested at the level of the state—and assuredly not at the level of a modern state conceived along anti-traditionalist lines.

In the face of the arguments of their anti-Zionist counterparts, some early religious Zionists—like Rabbi Yitzhak Yaakov Reines (1839-1915), the founder of the Mizrahi movement—took a pragmatic approach to the Zionist project: pondering both the opportunities and the dangers, they decided that, given the Jews’ precarious political situation in the Diaspora, the risk posed to Judaism by a potential Jewish state was a risk worth taking. For many others, though, the prospective return to Jewish sovereignty in the land of Israel inspired a more exalted and momentous response, one that could be formulated in terms of a divine plan.

From this there flowed a new definition of national power that, going the secularists one better, saw the various aspects of state-building—agricultural, military, industrial—not simply as necessary burdens but as sacred endeavors worthy of a veneration earlier reserved for affairs of the spirit. For followers of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935), the first chief rabbi of Mandatory Palestine, the state and its institutions, however beset by flaws, were products of the redemptive process.

Fatefully, most religious Zionists were also ready to designate the state itself as the appropriate authority for regulating religiousmatters. The state would appoint rabbis, enforce religious legislation, and fund religious services. The management of these affairs would be entrusted to secular officials: bearers (in this view) of profound religious longings of which they might be unaware.

On some points, secular anti-traditionalists and religious traditionalists differed: while the former looked to the state to replace Jewish tradition, the latter looked to the state to upgrade and subsume it.1 But on the main point they were perfectly agreed: the state would take over the role of communities in enforcing morality and in funding and regulating religious institutions. In so reasoning, both were guilty of the same fundamental error, conflating peoplehood with statehood and community with state, and ignoring the fact that membership in each is determined in completely different ways.

How so? To put the matter at its simplest, a community (in the sense that I use the term here) is by definition composed of members who choose to submit to its authority because they identify themselves with its ethos. A state, on the other hand, imposes obligations (approximately) equally on all within its geographic scope. Thus, communities tend to be small, homogeneous, and voluntary associations, while states tend to be large, heterogeneous, and coercive.

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From Mosaic, here.

Zika, DDT, Malaria, ‘Environmentalism’ and More

Zika Threat? Bring Back DDT

Published on Sep 5, 2016

It is one of the most maligned substances in history, with the hysteria based on politics rather than science, but compared to drugs currently used to treat the Zika virus, DDT is relatively harmless. Mises Institute Chairman Lew Rockwell joins the Liberty Report to explain.

Be sure to visit for more libertarian commentary.

From YouTube, here.

Israel Neither Defends Jews Nor Allows Jews to Defend Themselves

Why Wait? Bomb Them Now! By Shmuel Sackett


by Shmuel Sackett

Here we go again. Two weeks ago Hamas fired a few missiles on the Israeli city of Sderot and the IDF responded by bombing terrorist targets in Gaza. Sounds ok, no? They bomb us, so we bomb back. There’s only one problem with that logic. It’s called dead Jews.

The very essence of “hitting back” means that you have been hit first. It means that your opponent – or in this case, your blood thirsty, Jew hating, terrorist enemy – is allowed to get in a few shots. This may be a good strategy to use in a boxing match, as a way to tire out your opponent, but outside the boxing ring it is the worse tactic known to man. In the case of Hamas, those “shots” or “first few punches” are lethal rockets that are launched into kindergartens, schools, supermarkets and homes of beautiful Jews. Many of these rockets have killed our fellow brothers and sisters and tens of thousands – yes, tens of thousands – have been injured physically, emotionally and/or mentally. A recent video put out by the city of Sderot shows that even the Olympic champion sprinter, Usain Bolt, would not make it in time to a bomb shelter in Sderot. From the time the siren goes off until the time the deadly missiles explode, one has just 15 seconds in Sderot to make it to safety. Actually, many Israeli towns close to the Gaza border have only 10 seconds to get to a bomb shelter! Experts have calculated that it would take Usain Bolt 20 seconds to get to the closest bomb shelter from an average area in Sderot… and he’s the fastest human on the planet! In plain English this means that every time Hamas launches a rocket, a strong possibility exists that innocent Jews will be seriously hurt or even killed.

This equation has to be front and center in every Jewish leader’s mind; Hamas + Rockets = Dead Jews (G-d forbid). Therefore, it is imperative that those responsible act accordingly. What do I mean by that? Simple. When the news reports that the IAF (Israeli Air Force) bombed terrorist targets in Gaza just minutes after Hamas launched a rocket, it means that the IAF knew exactly where those terrorist bases and launching pads were, all along!!! Think about it. A missile is fired into a nursery school in Sderot at 10:03 and the IAF responds by bombing terrorist targets at 10:08. Do you really think that in those 5 minutes they searched, studied and analyzed data in determining where those terrorists were? Are you kidding me? It is as clear as day that the Israeli leadership knows exactly where they are right now! Every single terror base, cell, training camp and headquarters are known to Israel at this very moment. If that’s the case – and it is – why do they wait for Hamas to hit us first?

The answer is tragic… and inexcusable. Israel’s current leadership is convinced that it cannot hit first with a preemptive strike because of one thing: World Opinion. Remember the last war in Gaza? Every spokesman, every military official and every Jewish leader spoke about Israel’s right to defend itself. Allow me to say one thing about that narrative – and I apologize in advance for my graphic language; It makes me want to puke.

When it comes to Israel, I hate the word “DEFENSE”. Yes, I understand that word in the world of sports but even in that world, defense doesn’t win titles. In sports, “defense” means that the other team is controlling the ball, the game-clock and the flow of the game. A good defense’s job is to the get the ball back into the hands of the offense and get off the field as fast as possible! “Defense” means you are the one getting hit and the one being attacked. In a war situation, “defense” means much more than it does in sports. It means danger, tragedy, destruction and often helplessness. “Defense” means that people are getting hurt and blood is flowing and you are trying your best to quiet the situation. I am sorry, but that is not what the Torah has taught about the rules of war.

The same Torah that teaches us about sounding a shofar, fasting on Yom Kippur and shaking a lulav teaches us also about what to do with the Jewish enemy. The well-known concept of “He who comes to kill you, arise early and kill him first” is not simply a suggestion, it is how we are to act! This Torah-based concept is learned from the war which Hashem commanded against Midian (see Ba’midbar 25, p’sukim 16-18, then go to Ba’Midbar Rabbah 21 and Midrash Tanchuma, Pinchas chapter 3). This concept is not mean or bad or unjust since it refers to killing one who is planning, training and working day and night to kill YOU. Therefore, we are instructed not to wait… what sick person does THAT?? If you know about these plans, if you see that he is buying weapons and training soldiers, if you hear his violent hate-filled speeches then get him before he has the chance to carry out his evil plans!

I think of this every time the IAF bombs “terrorist targets” after an attack. This proves to me that our leadership knows exactly where they are. Yet, they are waiting… and waiting. “What are they waiting for” – you ask??? They are waiting for those terrorists to actually carry out an attack so that we can respond and not be condemned by the world.

I have 2 direct words to say about that policy: IT STINKS! Here’s why; In case you haven’t figured it out by now, the world is going to condemn Israel no matter what it does!! We can bomb Hamas before, during or after they attack and the same world that lovingly takes our help when a hurricane or tsunami hits will loudly condemn, bash and curse Israel… so why wait? Second of all, the fact that our leaders put world opinion before Jewish lives is inexcusable. Actually, it’s worse than that… it’s criminal. How can you care more about what France thinks than a Jewish mother’s pain? How can you put political correctness before Jewish blood?

The solution is simple. As soon as you identify a terrorist base, you obliterate it from this world. As soon as your radar systems pick up launching sites in Gaza you totally destroy them and the people who put them there. You never, and I mean NEVER, wait for them to hit you first. This is the “defense” system I like and the only one worthy of defending Jewish lives and property.

From Jewish Israel, here.