Terrorists and Governments – Indistinguishable in Ends and Means

Retaliation for Nice? France Bombs 120 Civilians in Syria

Just days after Tunisian-born French resident Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove a truck into a crowded Bastille Day celebration in Nice, France, killing at least 84, a French-led bombing attack on the Syrian villages of Tokhar and Hoshariyeh today has reportedly killed more than 120 civilians.

Mainstream media and even the rebel-friendly Syrian Observatory for Human Rights have confirmed the killings and the civilian victims.

Shortly after the Nice attack, French president Hollande vowed to retaliate by stepping up bombing in Iraq and Syria.

True to his word, Hollande has today killed more than 120 civilians in Syria (warning graphic photos) in retaliation for the actions of a French resident of Tunisian origin (who is said to not even have been a practicing Muslim).

We may be left asking the obvious couple of questions. Why do 120 innocent Syrian civilians deserve to die because 84 innocent French civilians were killed in a terrorist attack? And how does France expect to avoid further blowback for its aggressive Middle East policy if it continues to provide endless recruiting narratives?

From Lewrockwell.com, here.

זבולן לחוף ימים

הספר “שמח זבולון בצאתך” (הורדה ישירה)

הספר מדבר על החיבור הנכון בין תורה לעבודה. בעקבות פרסום חלקים ממנו בעבר, הרב הסכים לאפשר הורדת הספר במלואו.

הספר “שמח זבולון בצאתך” נכתב על ידי רב שחיבר כמה ספרים מצליחים, ומאד כואבת לו התופעה שאנשים שמתחילים לעבוד מתחילים להרגיש זרות לתורה ולעבודה.

הוא כתב ספר שאינו מיועד דווקא לבעלי תשובה, שמדבר על החיבור הנכון בין תורה לעבודה, על החיבור העדין בין חיי אברך לחיי בעל-בית מבחינה חברתית ואישית, מבחינת קביעת עיתים לתורה (כאשר פשוט אין זמן…) ועמידה בפני נסיונות העולם.

כיון שהדברים מאד נוגעים למעשה גם לנו, בעלי התשובה, ביקשתי ממנו רשות לפרסם חלקים מהספר, שטרם יצא לאור, ולשמחתי הרבה הרב נעתר לבקשה.

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From Maane, here.

Spend First, Ask Questions Later

Zika, Schmika: How To Waste $2,000,000,000

President Obama asked Congress for $2 Billion to research the Zika virus.  Thankfully, we have a do-nothing Congress who has yet to fund the Center for Disease Control’s (CDCs) request for Zika research.  I posted an earlier blog about the Zika issue here.

Zika refers to the virus spread by mosquitos.  It was first described as coming from the Zika Forest of Uganda in 1947.  Zika has affected many tropical countries including many in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and the Pacific.  And, over the last 70 years, there has not been an epidemic of microcephaly—children born with small heads, in any of these countries until a few months ago.  Microcephaly made headlines early this year when a Brazilian doctor reported an epidemic increase in children being born with small heads—microcephaly.  This doctor also noticed that many of the children who were born with small heads had mothers who were infected with Zika during their pregnancy.

The  Powers-That-Be, including the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) quickly jumped on this story in order to squeeze money out of the U.S.  The WHO declared Zika a global pandemic and the CDC promptly asked Congress for $2,000,000,000 dollars to study the illness and develop a vaccine against Zika.  A recent bill from Congress proposed spending about $1,000,000,000 studying and creating a vaccine for Zika.

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From Lewrockwell.com, here.

Germany Is Soulless

New War Crimes in Germany

The UN Commission of Experts identified 1,600 actual cases of rape in the Bosnian War that took place in the former Yugoslavia over a period of years. In Germany, 2,000 Muslim migrants sexually assaulted 1,200 women in a single night in cities across Germany.

The former was considered one of the worst war crimes of the decade. Its perpetrators were bombed and then faced war crimes trials. The perpetrators of the latter received a slap on the wrist.
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From Sultan Knish, here.