Meir Pogrow, Adulterer

Pogrow Ruling Translation & Hebrew Original

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rabbi Meir Pogrow

With the help of Heaven

Tuesday, Parshas Behaalosecha (Naso in the Diaspora), 8 Sivan, 5776 [6/14/16]


  • Rabbi Menachem Mendel HaKohen Shafran, Bnei Brak [Israel]
  • Rabbi Gershon ben R’ Avraham Yehudah HaLevi Bess, California
  • Rabbi Chaim Zev HaLevi Malinowitz, Jerusalem & Beit Shemesh

RE: Meir Pogrow ID: xxxxxxxx

After many rabbis and activists approached us about the devious behavior of the aforementioned [Meir Pogrow] over the course of years, and after we heard his version, and after we clarified what we clarified, we are issuing the following ruling.

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From Frum Follies, here.

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Would Jews Defend Themselves Without the Military Draft?

The participation of Yeshiva Bachurim in the Six Day War – Yeshivat Hanegev

I recently found an insightful letter, photographed below. The letter was written by Rabbi Yisachar Meir, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hanegev. R. Meir was born in Hamburg, though as a young man, he was a Rosh Yeshiva in Morocco with over 300 talmidim. Ultimately he settled in Netivot where he literally transformed a desert wasteland into a town that embodied the essence of Torah.

The letter was written on June 3rd, 1967, a few hours before the state of Israel declared war, on what was to become the six day war. Rav Meir describes in the letter the struggles of having a Yeshiva on the Gaza Border, in the then immigrant settlement of Netivot. He describes the time, as “this time of imminent danger”.

From the letter: “At this crisis in addition to studying day and night and bringing moral comfort to citizens of the town to prevent panic our Talmidim who intend to become the spiritual leaders for the entire Negev, now guard the town at night, render first aid to the citizens, dig trenches and assist the mayor in administration and the importance of this fortress of Torah on the Gaza Border is now recognized by all”.

From Musings of a Jewish Bookseller, here.

Echoes of the Yemenite Kidnapping Conspiracy

Jerusalem Demonstration In Support Of Ami Meshulam and his family

 17 of the Sixth Month 5768

Tonight I stumbled upon a demonstration in support of Immanuel Yedidya (Ami) Meshulam, now in Canada for medical treatment for undetermined illnesses, allegedly from a lethal drugs injected into him by agents of the persecutory Israeli government. I know, I know. But read on, just a bit more.

Ami Meshulam is the son of Rabbi Uzi Azulai Meshulam who is best known for raising awareness, and pursuing justice for the Yemenite children, kidnapped during the early years of the State of Israel.

This case has both disturbed and fascinated me for years. It disturbs me not only that Yemenite children were kidnapped from the families, but also because there has no real response from the government, save for the persecution of those in pursuit of the truth.

The Rosh Yeshivah of the yeshiva high school where I last taught is one of the non-kidnapped victims. He has a brother out there, possible still alive, who was taken from his parents over 50 years ago.

I have been fascinated by the thoughts of seeing families reunited someday.

Rabbi Uzi Meshulam claims to have compiled a list of 4,500 names of missing children.

You can read the background story in English. It is like something out of a film about CIA cover-ups. Only this one features the Mossad and Shabba”k (Israeli secret police). It also features a Waco style stand-off, known as the Yehud Incident.

But, that’s not even the half of it.

I have heard various names thrown around of big rabbis and [sitting] government officials who he claims were involved in the kidnappings and subsequent cover-up, as well as big name rabbis who turned him over. In the words of the man with whom I spoke at the demonstration, “…the Erev Rav.”

I have yet to find any of those names on his supporters’ website. Yet there is a lot of material out there, including videos, to be examined.

This is not the only case of non-Ashkenazi children allegedly being abused by the Israel government. The documentary “The Ringworm Children” exposes the radioactivity experiments which were carried out on children of mostly North African descent.

Some of you will scoff at the incidents presented here, and called them convoluted conspiracy theories.

One of the fliers that was being handed out included a quote from Mori Hayim Sinwani ztz”l, Rav Uzi’s grandfather and rav who originally instructed him to look into the issue of the kidnapped children:

“The state that sells its children in the end will be sold to its enemies.”

Sounds like prophecy to me. Examine the evidence. Something is rotten in Israel.

From Esser Agaroth, here.

Jewish Leaders Making Learners Earn and Earners Learn

Every day Hashem cries for people who can’t learn Torah and try anyway

The Gemara in Chagiga (5B) states that Hashem cries for 3 people every day.
1. A person who could learn Torah but doesn’t
2. A person who can’t learn Torah but tries anyway
3. A leader who is haughty with the peopleWe can understand why Hashem cries over the first person, he should be learning Torah and isn’t, but why does Hashem cry over the second person? At least he is trying to learn.R’ Schacter explained the Gemara as follows. Every person is unique with his own set of talents and abilities. Our mission in life is to figure out how to best use those talents in the service of Hashem. Some people have talents that can be used in learning while others have talents (art, music, business, people skills, etc.) that can be used to serve Hashem in other ways.

Based on this it is clear that Hashem is crying for the first 2 people for the same reason. They are not using their talents to serve Hashem. Just like the person with the talent to learn should be serving Hashem by learning, and therefore Hashem cries because he isn’t learning. The person who doesn’t have the talent to learn, should be serving Hashem NOT by learning but by using his talents to serve Hashem in other ways. Therefore when he does try to learn Hashem cries because he is not using the talents Hashem gave him.

This Gemara is telling us a very important principle in life that a person needs to understand what his talents are and based on that figure out what his particular mission in life is and we can’t force everyone into the same mission.

IMHO this is the biggest problem in the religious world today on both sides of the spectrum. The real modern world (e.g. schools like Ramaz, Frisch, Yeshiva of Flatbush) causes Hashem to cry for person 1. People with the talent to go into learning are encouraged to do other things instead. How many modern parents encourage their children to sit and learn Torah? The Charedi world on the other hand causes Hashem to cry for person 2. In the Charedi world every boy is supposed to sit and learn no matter what his talents are and if your talents lie in other areas you are in big trouble in the Charedi world.

What we need is to allow people to serve Hashem based on their talents rather then simply pigeon-holing everyone into 1 thing.

From Jewish Worker, here.

The Litvish Approach to Limiting Luxury


The parsha discusses the mitzva of Nezirus, whereby a person takes a vow to abstain from wine, to avoid coming into contact with a dead body, and to let his hair grow . The author of Toras Avraham, Rav Avraham Grodzinki zt”l , discusses a number of difficulties with regard to the spiritual standing of the Nazir. He notes that at one point the Torah describes him as ’holy’ for depriving himself of physical pleasure . However, soon after, in the process of describing the sacrifices that he brings, it tells us that he must bring a sin-offering to atone for a certain aveira that he has committed. What is that aveira? Rashi brings the opinion of Rebbe Elazar Hakappa that his sin was that he caused himself pain by depriving himself of the enjoyment of drinking wine . Thus there is a blatant contradiction as to whether the Nazir is doing a great mitza or is in fact committing an aveira. The Toras Avraham answers that the Nazir is doing the right thing – he is someone who feels an unhealthy tendency towards physical pleasure, and therefore deems it necessary to make the drastic step of taking a vow of Nezirus. However, there is an element of sin in this action that requires atonement. The Toras Avraham explains that G-d created man with a body and soul and that it is wrong for man to totally neglect his body. Man‘s job in this world is to live in the physical world but to elevate it. The Nazir feels that he cannot do this without totally abstaining from wine. He is correct for acting this way, but in doing so, he causes his body considerable discomfort because it has a certain level of shibud (attachment) to the physical world and feels pain at being deprived of the pleasures that the physical world has to offer. Consequently, he is considered ‘holy’ for undertaking such a bold process of purification, but simultaneously needs to bring a sin offering for causing pain to his body . Having explained the duality in the act of Nezirus, the Torah Avraham then poses a new problem. He brings the Ramban at the beginning of Parshas Kedoshim who writes that it is not sufficient to merely observe mitzvas but live a life full of indulgence, rather the Torah requires us to ’be holy’. To fulfill this mitzva, he writes that one must abstain from physical pleasures. He even equates the holy man to the Nazir who is described as being holy for abstaining from wine. However, he makes absolutely no allusion to any sin committed by abstaining from physical pleasures even though it seems to cause pain to the ’holy’ man’s body. The Toras Avraham writes that this Ramban is discussing the level of a ‘Talmid Chacham’, a person who strives to separate himself from the luxuries of this world. This leads to the obvious question: What is the difference between the Nazir who sinned by abstaining from wine, and the Talmid Chacham who commits no sin in following a similar process?! The answer is that there is a fundamental difference between the prishus (separation) of the Nazir and that of the Talmid Chacham. The Nazir is subject to a strong physical drive for the baser pleasures such as wine. It is painful for him to withdraw from partaking of them, therefore he is considered to be sinning by causing himself pain. In contrast the Talmid Chacham feels no pain at avoiding physical self-indulgence because he is not bound to his physical drives. He has such a strong recognition of the futile and transient nature of physical pleasures that it is not difficult for him to abstain from them. Thus, whilst the Nazir needs atonement for causing himself pain, the Talmid Chacham is not considered to have committed any kind of misdemeanor. We learn from here a fundamental principle; that the ideal way of separating from physical pleasures should not involve a painful process of self-deprivation. Rather it should emanate from a natural sense of the ultimate futility of physical gratification. This stands in stark contrast to the secular attitude to self-deprivation. This is most manifest in the widespread attempts of people to lose weight through intense diets. These largely fail and it seems that a significant reason for this is that denying oneself food is a cause of great self-affliction. The dieter does not free himself of a desire for pleasant tasting foods, rather often his craving for them actually increases. Thus he goes through a painful process of self-deprivation which invariably cannot last indefinitely. It seems that the Torah approach to food should automatically enable a person to eat healthily and even lose weight . If a person frees himself from his shibudim to physical pleasures, then abstaining from them will become a painless process. One ben Torah who was somewhat overweight and was known to eat large amounts of food, undertook to reduce his food intake through a gradual process of reducing his shibudim to food – in the process he lost about thirty pounds in a few months! It still needs to be understood how a person can reach the level of the Talmid Chacham and be able to separate from physical pleasures without causing himself discomfort. The key seems to be that if one develops a strong appreciation for spirituality then he automatically frees himself of a shibud to physicality. A yeshiva bachur once asked Rav Noach Orlowek Shlita that he looked forward to lunch more than mincha – how could he change this? Rav Orlowek answered him that he should deepen his appreciation for tefilla and by doing so he would automatically reduce his preference for lunch. This dichotomy is highly relevant to our relationship with Torah that we celebrated on Shavuos. The Mishna in Avos exhorts us that the way of Torah is to eat bread and salt, drink water and sleep on the ground . This does not necessarily mean that to become a Talmid Chacham one must live in this fashion, rather the Mishna is telling us that we should develop such a deep appreciation for Torah that the baser pleasures become meaningless. Consequently, for a person to aspire to be a Talmid Chacham he must be willing and able to live in a sparse way. Thus, even if he does have access to a higher standard of living he will nevertheless be able to focus on the higher pleasure of learning Torah. However, if he feels a great pull to physical comfort then it will be impossible for him to sufficiently devote himself to Torah. We have seen how there are two ways in which a person can deprive himself of physical pleasures. The Nazir’s self-deprecation causes him considerable discomfort, whilst the Talmid Chacham feels no pain in refraining from such pleasures. Our goal is to reduce our shibudim to the physical world through a heightened sense of appreciation for spirituality.
From Rabbi Yehononasan Gefen, here.