תרגול עבודת ראש חודש במקדש

הזמנה לתרגול ראש חודש במקדש

כזה ראה וקדש || כזה נראה ונחדש
מטה ארגוני המקדש יקיים בראש חודש אדר ב’ בעיר העתיקה תרגול ראש חודש במקדש, אשר ימחיש חלק מעבודת המקדש וההתנהלות בו בראש חודש הקטרת שעיר ראש חודש על דגם מזבח • צפייה במולד הלבנה • מעין גביית עדות כבלשכת הגזית • תפילת כפרה ושמחה • חידוש מצוות מחצית השקל.
↓ ראש חודש במקדש – הפרטים המלאים
מקום וזמן:
  • יום חמישי ל’ אדר ב’ תשע”ו (10/3/16).
  • שעה 17:00
  • רחבת הקרדו, הרובע היהודי, בין החומות
  • הדגמת הקטרת שעיר ראש חודש – עם ראש משמרת הכהונה, הרב ברוך כהנא והשו”ב אביב גמליאל עם כהנים בבגדי כהונה, לוויים בדוכנם וישראל במעמדם.
  • תפילת כפרה ושמחה עם לווים בשירם ובזמרם.
  • קידוש החודש וראיית הלבנה כבלשכת הגזית.
  • הקרנת מולד הלבנה על גבי מסל ב-18:30 בערך.
  • חידוש מצוות מחצית השקל – הרב ישראל אריאל.
לפרטים: 054-5720066, 050-4647554, 054-5343545

האם המדינה מספקת בטחון, או שמא להיפך – דעת החזון איש ז”ל

מהי דעת החזון איש ז”ל בשאלה האם המדינה מספקת בטחון? הנה ציטוט:

ראש הממשלה דוד בן-גוריון, הפציר בעסקנים החרדים שיקבעו לו פגישה עם גדול הדור שישב בבני ברק רבי אברהם ישעיהו קרליץ – החזון איש.

החזון איש סירב בתחילה לפגישה אך לבסוף הסכים. הרבה נאמר באותה פגישה טעונה, אנו נדלג לחלק הנוגע לנו: “מדוע אינכם נושאים עמנו בנטל,” כך תהה רה”מ, “הרי אם נהיה כנים לרגע, בלי צבא יהודי בארץ ישראל – לא יהיה בידכם דבר לעשות בעת התקפה ערבית רצחנית. כלום תצאו לשדה הקרב וגמרות בידכם.”!?

החזון איש חייך וענה: “הרשה לי, רה”מ, לספר באוזניך סיפור שסיפרה לי אמי בילדותי. זעליג העגלון יצא בחורף הקר והמושלג עם סחורתו לכיוון היריד, הדרך התארכה וזעליג רעד על מושבו מצינת הלילה. לפנות בוקר הבין זעליג שאם לא יעשה מעשה במהירות אוזניו עלולות לקפוא מקור ובפעם הבאה שיגעו בהן – ינשרו ממקומן. קפץ ממושבו בחזית העגלה, חפן מעט שלג קר בכפות ידיו וכפי שלימדתו סבתו המנוחה שפשף את אוזניו בשלג עד שחזרה זרימת הדם לוורידיו. “כששב זעליג לביתו, סח לרעייתו את כל אותו מעשה ואמר לה: בר מזל שנסיעתי התקיימה בחורף, תארי לך שהייתי נוסע ליריד בקיץ – מהיכן הייתי מוצא שלג לשפשף את אוזני הקפואות.”???

בן-גוריון לא יכל שלא ללעוג לתמימותו של העגלון, אך משהבין את המסר הדק והחד יצא בשתיקה רועמת מהחדר.

מאתר ויקיוורט, כאן. [הדף חסר]

A Jewish Film School


In the past, great Jewish Rabbis told parables and gave metaphors in order to infuse the sweetness of Torah into the heart of the people. Today, that work is made easier through film and the work of the ‘Torah Hachaim’ School for Jewish Film. “One can give a lot of very good lectures about Shalom Bayit [peace in the home between man and wife], but one touching video can have immeasurable impact.”

The ‘Torat Hachaim’ School for Jewish Film was originally created by Rav Shmuel Tal, the head of the ‘Torat Hachaim’ Yeshiva in Yad Binyamin. This year marks the tenth year that the school has helped Jews learn about filmmaking from a Jewish perspective and with a Jewish vision. Many of the graduates work and earn their living using the skills they learned at the school.

“The lecturers are primarily Baalei Teshuvah who worked many years in the film industry and amassed vast knowledge and experience,” explains Sagav Cohen, the head administrator of the school, in an interview with Hakol Hayehudi. The students, who come from many parts of the National-Religious and Haredi communities, learn various skills such as photo/video taking, video editing, directing, screenwriting, production, sound editing, and more.

Film that observes Halacha and has Jewish content

In addition to professionalism and quality, which are obligatory for any school in the industry, the ‘Torah Hachaim’ school focuses on what makes it unique. “We don’t sacrifice high-level professionalism, including requiring students to perform exercises and create a final project,” says Cohen. “What makes us unique though, is our emphasis on following the Halacha and that this is the only Torah-based film school in the world. After many years of teaching we’ve made it clear that following the Halacha does not harm the quality of the films at all.”

Cohen described the Torah atmosphere during the school-year, including separate classes for men and women, and lecturers who are religious themselves. “The lessons are filled with guidance on how to have ideas inspired and influenced by authentic Jewish values. The school’s Auditing Committee does not approve the production of films which go against the values of the Torah. Likewise, during the creation of the films there are clear guidelines on the laws of modesty as they relate to the filming and directing of the production.”

“A film is like a small world and a producer essentially creates this world,” explains Cohen. “Every artist puts a part of himself into his work. If the producer is greedy or lustful, that come out in his films. On the other hand if the producer is a G-d fearing Jew, the film ends up with a positive Jewish message that will be well received by all. Today we lack filmmakers who have a fear of Heaven.”

“Anyone has been gifted with the ability to work in film has an obligation to follow through with it. Film is one of the greatest tools that G-d has brought into the world and using it properly is part of serving Him. Today we can transmit Judaism to many people through film, even those who have trouble focusing during a lecture or learning from a book.”

Cohen concludes, “There is great awareness, thank G-d, within the community about the importance of bringing Jews closer to Judaism. Anyone who sees a future for him or her self in film is welcome to join us.”

The ‘Torah Hachaim’ School for Film can be reached at 08-915-6001 from within Israel.

From Hakol Hayehudi, here.

כי עזה עזובה תהיה

עזה הוא ארץ ישראל

הוכחות וראיות ברורות שרצועת עזה הוא בתוך גבולות ארץ ישראל

03:01 (23/08/09) מכון בריתי יצחק ● הרב יצחק ברנד

דבר זה מבואר בפסוקים מפורשים שהוא מארץ ישראל שנא’ (בראשית י יט,) ויהי גבול הכנעני מצידון בואכה גררה עד עזה, וידוע הוא שארץ כנען הוא א”י, וכן (בדברים  ב כג) והעוים היושבים בחצרים עד עזה כפתורים היצאים מכפתור השמידום וישבו תחתם, וע’ רש”י שהיה שייך לפלישתים ומפני השבועה של אברהם אבינו לאבימלך לא יכלו לכבוש ומשום זה באו כפתורים לכבוש והותרו לישראל לכבוש מהם, וכן (דברים א’ ז) פנו וסעו לכם ובואו הר האמורי ואל כל שכניו בערבה ובהר ובחוף הים וכתב רש”י שהוא עזה וקיסרי.

וכן בגבולות מסעי (במדבר לג ז) ונסב הגבול מעצמון נחלה מצרים והיו תוצאותיו הימה:  וגבול ים והיה לכם הים הגדול וגבול, זה יהיה לכם גבול ים:  וזה יהיה לכם גבול צפון מן הים הגדול תתאו לכם הור ההר: וידוע שעזה וכל גוש קטיף נמצא על יד הים שבין נחל מצרים להור ההר לכל השיטות.

וכן כתוב מפורש (ביהושע יג א) והארץ נשארה הרבה מאוד לרשתה, מן השיחור אשר על פני מצרים וגו’ חמשת סרני  פלשתים העזתי והאשדודי האשקלוני הגיתי והעקרוני והעוים:  וכן (שם טו כ’) זאת נחלת בני יהודה למשפחותם, וחושב שם כל העיירות ובפסוק מז, אשדוד בנותיה וחצריה, עזה בנותיה וחצריה עד נחל מצרים והים הגדול וגבול.   

וכן נכבש עזה בפועל בזמן השופטים כמו שנא’ (שופטים א יח), וילכוד יהודה את עזה ואת גבולה ואת אשקלון ואת גבולה ואת עקרון ואת גבולה. (פסוק זה הובא בתוספות גיטין ב. ד”ה ואשקלון, ללמוד מזה שאף שעזה לא היה מעולי בבל מ”מ היה מעולי מצרים,)

וכן היה ברשות ישראל בזמן שלמה המלך כמו שנא’ (מ”א ח סה) ויעש שלמה בעת ההיא את החג וכל ישראל עמו קהל גדול מלבוא חמת עד נחל מצרים, וכן אמרינן הוריות ג. מן הפסוק הזה שיושבי ארץ ישראל נקראו קהל ויושבי חו”ל לא נקראו קהל, ותחום עזה הוא בתוך גבולות אלו, אלמא שעזה הוא  א”י.

וכן (בדה”א יג ה) ויקהל דויד את כל ישראל מן שיחור מצרים ועד לבוא חמת להביא את ארון א-לקים מקרית יערים.

וכן מבואר בסנהדרין עא. שהיה נגעי בתים בתחום עזה, ונגעי בתים הוא רק במקום שנכבש, כדאמרינן ביומא יב. אין הבית מטמא בנגעים עד שיכבשו הארץ ויחלקו לשבטים ולבית אב וכל אחד מכיר את שלו,  אלמא שתחום עזה הוא מארץ ישראל שנכבש.

ולכאורה פליגי המהרי”ט והרדב”ז אם עזה היא א”י או חו”ל, דהמהרי”ט ח”א ס’ מ”ז כתב שהוא חו”ל ופטור מן המעשרות, והרדב”ז ח”ד אלף ק”ה כתב שהוא א”י וחייב במעשרות, אולם באמת שכמעט שאין מחלוקת ביניהם, דהנה המהרי”ט כתב שם מפורש בכל התשובה שהוא אינו עולי בבל אבל הוא עולי מצרים, וכל מה שכתב שהוא חו”ל היינו שאינו עולי בבל.

והרדב”ז שכתב שהוא א”י היינו שהוא עולי מצרים, ומה שכתב הרדב”ז שחייב במעשרות היינו בקרקעות של ישראל כ”כ שם מפורש בלשון השאלה, והמהרי”ט שכתב שפטור ממעשרות היינו פירות שגדלו בקרקע של גוי, כך תירץ היעב”ץ במור וקציעה  או”ח ס’ ש”ו דף יד. ואף שס”ל למהרי”ט שאין קנין לגוי להפקיע מידי מעשר, זה רק בעולי בבל אבל הרי בסוריא איתא בגיטין מ”ז. דיש קנין להגוי להפקיע וס”ל למהרי”ט שכל עולי מצרים דינו כסוריא כ”כ שם מפורש בד”ה ואני שעולי מצרים דינו כסוריא.

אולם בכל זאת יש מחלוקת ביניהם לענין דין הכל מעלין לא”י שאיש או האשה יכולה לכוף צד השני ללכת אתו מחו”ל לא”י, מה הדין אם רוצה ללכת לעולי מצרים, שדעת המהרי”ט שם שאינו יכול לכוף ומש”ה כתב שם במעשה שאחד שרצה לכוף להביא אשתו ממצרים לעזה שאינו יכול, אבל הרדב”ז בפ”ד מהל’ סנהדרין כתב שאפשר לכוף גם לעולי מצרים וכתב שם זה בשם הכפתור ופרח.

 וכך דעת החז”א ס’ ג’ ס”ק י”ט ד”ה ונראה שכופין, שלענין זה עולי מצרים דינו כא”י ומ”מ כתב שם החז”א שגם מעולי מצרים לעולי בבל כופין משום שיש יותר קדושת המצות בעולי בבל.

מאתר בריתי יצחק – הרב ברנד שליט”א, כאן.

Managed Media Misleads on Medicine

PBS Abandons Fair and Balanced Journalism

 By Dr. Mercola

PBS’ Frontline recently did a hit piece on the supplement industry (see above video if you haven’t already), and your response to them about my Frontline article had a dramatic impact. You clearly have made a difference by pointing out their glaring bias!

PBS Ombudsman Michael Getler — whose job it is to review criticism from viewers and “ensure that PBS upholds its own standards of editorial integrity” — received dozens of emails, plus a number of phone calls.

In his words: “All of them were critical, some sharply.”

On February 5, Getler published a long, detailed review of the critique received, Frontline’s responses, and his own findings. If you have the time it would be worth reading Getler’s article as you can see how many people felt this was a shoddy piece of journalism.1

While I extend my gratitude to Getler for his common sense admission that vitamin supplements do not pose “a public health calamity” as the show unfairly insinuated, I simply must set the record straight yet again, on the issue of regulation, since he and PBS continue to portray a seriously distorted and inaccurate narrative.

Dietary Supplements Are Fully Regulated by FDA Under DSHEA

While supplements are not regulated as drugs, they are fully regulated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA). As the name reveals, supplements have been subject to their own specific set of regulations since 1994. As stated on the FDA’s website:2

FDA regulates both finished dietary supplement products and dietary ingredients … Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA):

  • Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients are prohibited from marketing products that are adulterated or misbranded.

That means that these firms are responsible for evaluating the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure that they meet all the requirements of DSHEA and FDA regulations.

  • FDA is responsible for taking action against any adulterated or misbranded dietary supplement product after it reaches the market.”

Which part of “FDA regulates both finished dietary supplements products and dietary ingredients” is confusing enough for anyone to conclude that regulation is absent, missing, or otherwise nonexistent?

More to the point, how can any competent investigative journalist make such a blunder as to misrepresent supplements as unregulated when the law has been in force for more than two decades? Is it ignorance? Is it negligence? Or is it agenda-driven obscuration?

Pre-Marketing FDA Review of Supplements Versus Drugs

Getler reiterates a quote by the acting FDA commissioner, who during the PBS program said that the FDA “does not do any review of dietary supplements before they come onto the market.”

While this is true, appropriate context is needed. The implication is that, were supplements regulated as drugs, they would undergo FDA review prior to marketing and would, therefore, be safer.

On the face of it, that seems to make sense, but the reason why this logic is fatally flawed is that the FDA’s pre-market review for drugs simply involves reviewing the manufacturers own tests.

The FDA does not perform ANY — yes, you read that correctly, ANY — independent testing to verify the manufacturer’s results before approving a drug. They merely rely on the submissions of an industry that has consistently and repeatedly been found guilty of nefarious behavior in this area.

The classic example is Merck withholding studies they performed on Vioxx prior to its release that the drug had cardiac toxicity. They voluntarily removed the drug about five years after its FDA approval, but not before the drug killed 60,000 people.

Contrary to Popular Belief the FDA Does NOT Independently Evaluate Drugs

Contrary to what Getler and PBS would have you and the public believe — the idea that the FDA does independent objective premarket evaluations — the “FDA does not develop or test products; FDA experts review the results of laboratory, animal, and human clinical testing done by manufacturers” only.3

The lack of independent verification of drug companies’ claims is a major problem, as fudging and manipulating research has become commonplace. Investigations have shown that most of the scientific misconduct occur in the drug literature (compared to general biomedical literature).

Nearly 75 percent of retracted drug studies are attributed to scientific misconduct such as data falsification and fabrication. Imagine the potential for tragedy when a drug is based largely on pure fantasy or wishful thinking!

Vioxx and Avandia are but two examples of exceptionally dangerous drugs making it through the FDA’s review process. Between them, these two drugs are responsible for more than 143,000 deaths.

So exactly how would the FDA’s review of manufacturers’ studies make nutritional supplements any safer than they already are?

Legally Prescribed Drugs Kill Hundreds of Thousands Annually

When taken as prescribed, drugs of any category kill more than 106,000 people per year, and 2 million Americans become seriously ill every year because of toxic reactions to drugs.4

So the notion that regulating supplements as drugs would make them safer is not based in reality. Current drug regulations allow very dangerous drugs to be marketed, and action is only taken AFTER problems become apparent and severe.

Tens of thousands need to die before a drug is finally removed from the market. It should be a great comfort to everyone to know that the FDA does not drag its feet when it comes to taking dangerous supplements off the market, though.

Ephedra-containing diet pills, for example, were removed5 in 2004 after being linked to 155 deaths6 from overdosing. Avandia alone — taken as prescribed — killed 83,000 between 2001 and 2007.

The idea that supplements are harmful is not supported by the data. Quite the contrary, yet investigative journalists, like Frontline and CBC, consistently fail to mention statistics that put things into proper perspective. For example, a 2012 report7by the U.K.-based Alliance for Natural Health International showed that adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs are 62,000 times more likely to kill you than food supplements.

According to the annual report8,9 from the American Association of Poison Control Centers, there were zero deaths from vitamins, minerals, or any other dietary supplement in 2014. Meanwhile, Tylenol is linked to about 500 deaths annually. The idea that supplements should be regulated as drugs is rooted in financial interests. The supplement industry impinges on drug industry profits, and that’s the only rationale for this campaign to impose drug regulations on supplements.

Supplements Are the Safest Category of Consumable Products — Even Safer Than Food

Supplements are the most regulated food. They ARE NOT drugs. Supplements are consumed by the majority of Americans and Canadians, and statistically, it’s quite clear they are by far the safest consumable product there is, and least likely to hurt or kill you.In fact, most junk food is FORTIFIED with vitamins.  Modern agriculture has favored yield over nutrition, causing poor soil conditions, disease outbreaks, and a less nutrient-dense food supply.   If one is to avoid vitamin fortified junk foods, doesn’t it make sense to eat real food and intelligently use supplements to create a balanced diet?

Food sickens 48 million Americans each year; 128,000 of them severely enough to require hospitalization, and 3,000 die from food poisoning – and tens of thousands die from antibiotic-resistant infections that are primarily caused by our CAFO produced meats.10

Meanwhile, there were 3,249 adverse event reports for dietary supplements11 in 2012. The No.1 adverse event from supplements was choking, primarily in the elderly. Unsupervised children swallowing pills and heart palpitations due to the ingestion of too many diet pills, libido enhancing supplements, and energy drinks were also among the top problems reported. Again there were no deaths.

Choking is hardly an adverse effect warranting increased regulation, as it is a hazard that goes along with swallowing any food, drug or supplement. As for experiencing side effects from taking too many pills, let me remind you that prescription painkillers are the No. 1 cause of overdose deaths in the U.S., killing approximately 16,600 people each year.

Yes, people don’t always follow dosing instructions, but when it comes to supplements, it’s exceptionally rare to incur serious, permanent harm or death when taking too much. If any value is given to statistics, supplements set the bar for safety that all other consumable products, including drugs, should be measured by.

Supplements Are Also Regulated by the FTC

Supplements are also regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).12 This agency regulates the advertising of supplements, but it has a close working relationship with the FDA. Aspects of advertising covered by this regulation include but are not limited to:

  • Express and implied claims
  • Clear and prominent disclosures
  • Amount, type, and quality of evidence, and the relevance of the evidence to the specific claim
  • Claims based on traditional use
  • Use of DSHEA disclaimer

As explained on the FTC’s website, it “enforces laws outlawing ‘unfair or deceptive acts or practices’ to ensure that consumers get accurate information about dietary supplements so that they can make informed decisions about these products.” Any and all advertising “must be truthful, not misleading, and substantiated.”

Given the fact that supplements are regulated both by the FDA under DSHEA and the FTC, it is wildly irrational to state that supplements are unregulated unless one is lying. Frontline and CBC are not saying supplements could be regulated better. They imply supplements are marketed like Snake Oil and Magic Unicorn pills in some Wild West era of lawlessness!

In addition to the FDA regulating both ingredients and final products, supplements must also follow Current Good Manufacturing Processes (CGMP),13 which also falls under FDA jurisdiction.

It appears it’s up to informed readers and viewers to educate journalists (and health professionals) of their error, and to set the record straight whenever this fallacy is presented as fact. So, if you ever see supplements presented as “unregulated” again, I hope you step up to the plate and let them know that misrepresenting LAW is simply not acceptable by any journalistic standard.

Deceptions occur in all categories of commerce, and the supplement industry is no exception. But, when the government has to choose where it applies its limited resources for enforcement – shouldn’t it start where you find the highest body counts? That would be the logical priority, but not when you have the best government money can buy. If the policies don’t favor Big Pharma, Big Bank, Big Ag, Big Oil, Big Military, you can bet those resources will be applied elsewhere.

If you want to avoid unsafe supplements, the best way to do so is to stay away from the ‘gas station’ varieties. Those categories are typically focused on weight-loss, sexual performance, muscle growth & energy boosters. These categories have a history of being illegally spiked with pharmaceutical ingredients, so please think twice before purchasing these substances.

Do You Believe the Media Is Providing You With Fair and Balanced Journalism?

Frontline responded to the critique in my first article, saying:14 “The overarching allegation is that FRONTLINE, the CBC and The New York Times are all doing the bidding of nefarious forces — Big Pharma, Big Food, or some other hidden power pulling our strings. What nonsense.” Is it really nonsense to believe the media is manipulated by financial contributors with very big pocketbooks?

“FRONTLINE was not involved in any aspect of the selection or placement of these spots, which were sold by PBS and run across PBS.org through automated process. (Further, to be clear, FRONTLINE does not have any sponsorship from a pharmaceutical company, as some viewers erroneously alleged.),” Frontline writes.

As I pointed out in my first article, the sponsor list for PBS15,16,17 includes drug companies, junk food companies, and pesticide producers. Are we really to believe that PBS is just the middle-man, accepting funds from all of these industries, yet have NO influence over the programming? Just how much money is PBS getting from these companies?

If they want to disguise themselves as the “Public” Broadcasting Company, they should prominently disclose their corporate funders when they provide reports that have clear conflicts of interest. Moreover, while initially I did not delve into Frontline-specific sponsors since Frontline wants to make it “clear” that they do not have any pharmaceutical sponsorship, I will address it now.

Frontline Sponsors Include Several Foundations With Drug Ties

Frontline is produced by WGBH Boston and is broadcast nationwide on PBS. Information about Frontline, including its sponsors, can be found in WGBH’s Sharing The Vision member’s guide, and on Frontline’s FAQ page. Frontline is funded through the support of PBS viewers and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. They also receive “major” funding from:

  • John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation,18 which provides financial. support to the Human Vaccines Project;19the CDC Foundation20 (which “works closely with foundations to build programs that address specific health threats”); and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health21 (which promotes “solutions to four major global health threats” and has  worked to develop various vaccines)
  • Reva and David Logan, founders of the Reva & David Logan Foundation for Social Justice, Scholarship, the Arts and Investigative Journalism, which has co-funded drug research with Solvay Pharmaceuticals22 —a company that manufactures more than 30 drugs in the U.S. including Norlac RX, Zenate, Zenate Advanced Formula and Zenate Prenatal, all of which are prescription multivitamins
  • Jon and Jo Ann Hagler23 on behalf of the Jon L. Hagler Foundation. Jon Hagler served on both the World Bank’s Pension-Finance Committee and on the Finance Committee of the Rockefeller Family Fund. The World Bank helps fund vaccines and partners with vaccine and other drug companies. The Rockefeller Foundation helps fund the “Golden Rice” project with Gates to develop GMO rice with beta carotene genetically engineered into it.

Jon and Jo Ann Hagler established two endowed chairs in hematology and oncology at Massachusetts General Hospital,24 which partners with “pharmaceutical, biotech, venture capital and philanthropic communities.”

  • The Ford Foundation,25 which in June 2014 made a two-year, $800,000 grant toward a new cross-platform Enterprise Journalism Group within Frontline “that will deepen the series’ in-house investigative bench.” By 2014, the Ford Foundation had given nearly $20 million to WGBH (PBS) over a 55-year period. The Ford Foundation has a long history of funding global projects that include vaccines.

More Frontline Funders With Drug and Vaccine Ties

Frontline also receives funding from:

  • The Park Foundation:26 “a longstanding series funder.” In 2004, the Park Foundation also funded the Pan American Health Organization book project: “Vaccines: Preventing Diseases and Protecting Health.”
  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has funded Frontline in the past, especially “major funding” for the 2010 to 2011 broadcast season.27 In 2014, Gates was taken to task for its massive funding of NPR, Frontline, PBS NewsHour and Teaching Channel.28 Questions were raised as to whether impartial reporting was really possible in light of Gates’ massive influence. In 2012, Frontline again announced that it is partially funded by the Gates Foundation.29
  • The Tow Foundation,30 which co-funded a joint three-year fellowship program between Frontline and Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.31 Columbia University receives a lot of money for drug research. The Tow Foundation was recently recognized by Inside Philanthropy for making “very large contributions” to various “pet projects of the TOW family,” including medical research.32

All of these groups have links, both major and minor, to drug companies and vaccine research and support. So how can Frontline claim non-biased, non-slanted, independent journalism when their bread is being buttered by a list of foundations that have a history of funding and supporting the drug paradigm?

Like It or Not, PBS, Frontline and CBC Are Bedfellows in This Debacle

Moreover, no matter how “accidental” or “random” the junk food ad featuring Cheez-Its (made with vitamin enriched flour) and Dr. Pepper (soda is a major cause of our obesity epidemic) right before the show might have been, the show featured a food ad that is harmful to health. And I don’t think it’s “nonsense” to point out just how hypocritical that came across.33 The effect was quite striking!

It’s impossible to view it without getting the idea that Cheez-Its and soda are good while supplements are bad. And I question whether that combination was entirely accidental.

Frontline also complained that it was “unfair” to link their show to the CBC’s shoddy hit piece on supplements, calling it an “attempt to tarnish our work by erroneously linking it to an entirely different program at the CBC.” Any rational viewer will clearly see this link is not in error. PBS partnered with CBC to create this Frontline program.

All three are linked through this partnership. Frontline wants you to believe it is an independent agent, with no financial ties to anyone, not even PBS. This simply fails to line up with reality, especially when the program fails to prominently disclose its funding sources. This atrocious lack of transparency leaves no other rational conclusion other than it’s a massive conflict of interest that endangers the “public” while accepting money from some of the worst multinational corporations on the planet.

You CAN Make a Difference! Write Your Local PBS Station Now

Since PBS is a public broadcasting station, they should publicly disclose their financing. PBS and Frontline, which have had an exemplary track record of providing fair and balanced reporting in the past, utterly failed to do so in this instance. For some reason, they partnered with CBC, which for the past year has been running an organized campaign against supplements, and this bias was clearly revealed in this “Supplements and Safety” episode.

This kind of biased (and inaccurate) reporting is unacceptable. If you agree, I urge you to write your local PBS station with a strong message of your dissatisfaction with their programming and clear collusion with industry.

You can also contact PBS Ombudsman Michael Getler, whose job it is to perform independent reviews of PBS programming to ensure it stands up to journalistic standards and integrity. You can contact him by clicking the “Send an E-mail” on the PBS Ombudsman’s webpage, or call him at (703)-739-5290.

Following are some suggested talking points:

  • Any and all potential conflicts of interest of experts interviewed should be disclosed
  • PBS corporate funding for programming should be publicly disclosed
  • Supplements cannot be accurately portrayed as “unregulated,” since they are regulated by the FDA under DSHEA, the FTC, and Current Best Manufacturing Processes. This is grossly negligent and endangers the public into further vitamin deficiencies (at least two out of every three people are deficient in vitamin D alone)

CBD Now Considered an Unapproved New Drug

The drug industry wants supplements to be regulated as drugs, and this is why such efforts are put into making you think the supplement industry is unregulated, even though it’s not true. Here’s an interesting example of what happens when a simple plant extract becomes a drug.

According to the FDA, once a drug company files an Investigational New Drug (IND) application34 for a supplement, it suddenly becomes a drug, and no one can market it as a supplement going forward — unless the substance has a history of being marketed as a supplement that precedes the IND. In the case of cannabidiol (CBD), the FDA claims a drug company was first on the scene.

British drug company GW Pharmaceuticals gained IND status on a CBD product in 2007, and eight CBD supplement manufacturers were recently issued warning letters35,36 from the FDA for marketing “unapproved new drugs.”

CBD shows massive potential in the treatment of seizures, and you can be assured the price difference to families for the same product — a CBD supplement versus a CBD drug — will be exorbitant. It’s going to be a boondoggle for big pharma that might even make Martin Shrekli37 proud!

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From Lewrockwell.com, here.