גם קלא אילן זקוק לאור השמש: מדריך לזיוף התכלת

הצמח ששימש לזיוף הכי משתלם בעת העתיקה | בשביל הסיפור

Dec 2, 2020 #בשביל_הסיפור

כאן | דיגיטל – בני ישראל נהגו ללבוש ציצית עם פתיל תכלת בגלל הציווי מהתורה, כאשר הצבע היה מיוצר מחילזון נדיר שנמצא בקרקעית הים. אבל כמו בכל תעשייה גדולה גם כאן חדרו לשוק זיופים שונים, למשל – צמח הלשישית ששימש את זייפני פתיל התכלת בציצית. עוד מ-#בשביל_הסיפור ◄ http://bit.ly/387Hb7g

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

Lone Nut Assassins? Murray Rothbard’s Early Skepticism

Rothbard in 1972: Another lone nut?

07/17/2024 Power & Market Murray N. Rothbard

This first appeared in The Libertarian Forum, Vol VI, No. 6-7, June-July,1972, following the attempted assassination of Presidential candidate George Wallace.

John F. Kennedy; Malcolm X; Martin Luther King; Robert F. Kennedy; and now George Corley Wallace: the litany of political assassinations and attempts in the last decade rolls on. (And we might add: General Edwin Walker, and George Lincoln Rockwell. In each of these atrocities, we are fed with a line of cant from the liberals and from the Establishment media. In the first place, every one of these assassinations is supposed to have been performed, must have been performed, by “one lone nut” – to which we can add the one lone nut who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald in the prison basement. One loner, a twisted psycho, whose motives are therefore of course puzzling and obscure, and who never, never acted in concert with anyone. (The only exception is the murder of Malcolm, where the evident conspiracy was foisted upon a few lowly members of the Black Muslims.) Even in the case of James Earl Ray, who was mysteriously showered with money, false passports, and double identities, and who vainly tried to claim that he was part of a conspiracy before he was shouted down by the judge and his own lawyer – even there the lone nut theory is stubbornly upheld.

It is not enough that our intelligence is systematically insulted with me lone nut theory; we also have to be bombarded with the inevitable liberal hobby horses: a plea for gun control, Jeremiads about our “sick society” and our “climate of violence”, and, a new gimmick, blaming the war in Vietnam for this climate and therefore for the assault on George Wallace. Without going into the myriad details of Assassination Revisionism, doesn’t anyone see a pattern in our litany of murdered and wounded, a pattern that should leap out at anyone willing to believe his eyes? For all of the victims have had one thing in common: all were, to a greater or lesser extent, important anti-Establishment figures, and, what is more were men with the charismatic capacity to mobilize large sections of the populace against our rulers. All therefore constituted “populist” threats against the ruling elite, especially if we focus on the mainstream “right- center” wing of the ruling classes. Even as Establishmenty a figure as John F, Kennedy, the first of the victims, had the capacity to mobilize large segments of the public against the center-right Establishment.

And so they were disposed of? We can’t prove it, but the chances of this pattern being a mere coincidence are surely negligible. If the only problem is a “sick society”, a “climate of violence”, and the absence of gun laws, how come that not a single right-centrist, not a single Nixon, Johnson, or Humphrey, has been popped at?

From Mises.orghere.

What’s the Point of Saying Selichos? We Don’t Even Do Teshuva Then!

Selichos: The Value of Vidui Even Without Teshuva – The Astounding Teaching of the Yad Ketana

Sep 20, 2022 #Parsha #Judaism #Jewish
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Date This Shiur Was Given: 9/23/2016

From YT, here.

שיר: אני ואתה מרימים את הלב גבוה לשמיים – תשובה מאהבה

כולם חוזרים בתשובה היום – שיר למען השבת – Everybody’s repenting nowadays

Sep 25, 2019

בס”ד נא לא בשבת!

להורדת האלבום המלא – “צעקה לאליהו” באיכות גבוהה

אנחנו ב-SPOTIFY :

כולם חוזרים בתשובה היום!

אם רוצים אותי לשכוח
להכניס לתוך קופסא
להשליך אל הים הגדול
להחליף אותי באחר
אני לא מוותר
וזה לא שובר אותי

כי אני יודע שבסוף
הכל יסתדר
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הכל יתחבר

כולם חוזרים בתשובה היום
אני ואתה, מרימים את הלב גבוה לשמיים

תשובה מאהבה

מילים ולחן : שיר למען השבת

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

Israeli Erev Rav in Constant War Against the Jews

14 Now: only in Israel: full house arrest and ban on talking to friends for a 14-year-old boy
In the last day, the General of the Central Command signed an extraordinary administrative order for a boy of only 14 years old, ordering him to remain under full house arrest at his parents’ house in addition to the prohibition of contact with 20 of his close friends.
Naomi Rahalis | 25 Av 5 5784 (08/29/24)

Meet Benyahu HaCohen, 14 years old (!) from Yitzhar.

Received an administrative order today (!!) from Central Command General Avi Bluth ordering him to be under full house arrest! for two months. why? Because of Bluth and the Shabbak (General Security Service).

No evidence, no trial, nothing. Rubber stamp.

Of course, no leftist will ever receive such an order, not even the great anarchists who have been trolling the system for years.

Not even Bedouins and Arabs who are involved in serious crime, certainly not the children of infiltrators who ruin life in Tel Aviv. And they’re not just the children of criminals.

But settlers? Second class citizens. They suddenly need the Shabbak, administrative orders. Very reasonable overall.

Don’t remain quiet! Share!!!

Ayelet Lash

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