הגאון הר”י ברנד שליט”א – חובת לימוד מניסי ששת הימים

הלכות שהתחדשו בעקבות מלחמת ששת הימים

May 15, 2023

איסור מסירת חלקים מארצנו לגויים – לא תחנם, גזל, הפרת הברית עם ה’, מוסר • ישוב בארץ – דחיקת רגלי המוסלמים מהארץ • איסור לסמוך על הגוי – ביטחון בה’ • לימוד מהפספוס הגדול של המלך אסא • במלחמת ששת הימים הקדוש ברוך הוא סייע לנו בניסים גדולים כנגד שבע אומות • עלינו להמשיך לסמוך רק עליו • הרב יצחק ברנד • על ששת הימים ותוצאותיה בבית המדרש בהר הבית

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

Olim: Experiencing Emotional Distress? Free Helpline in YOUR Language!

Making Aliyah to Israel is complicated, so it is important for us that you know you’re not alone.

At the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration and the ERAN association, we are aware of the many difficulties and mental pressure that accompany the process of Aliyah and integrating into Israel. For this reason, we started a new service that provides you, new olim and returning residents, professional psychological assistance.

The service is provided in various languages, so that you can express the difficulties you are facing in your own language and share and ease some of the difficulties, even slightly.

So, if you are feeling overwhelmed, lost, or lonely

Come talk to us, in your own language.

The service is active from Sunday – Thursday  between

the hours of 16:00-21:00

The service is active on Sunday – Thursday between the hours of 16:00-21:00 in the following languages: English, Russian, Amharic, French, and Spanish

From ERANhere.

Marriage IS NOT Just a ‘Sacrifice’ for Torah or Child Welfare!

When Americans debate the value of marriage, most attention focuses on the potential harm to children of divorce or illegitimacy, and for good reason. Mountains of research tell us that children reared outside of intact marriages are much more likely than other kids to slip into poverty, become victims of child abuse, fail at school and drop out, use illegal drugs, launch into premature sexual activity, become unwed teen mothers, divorce, commit suicide and experience other signs of mental illness, become physically ill, and commit crimes and go to jail. On average, children reared outside of marriage are less successful in their careers, even after controlling not only for income but also for parental conflict.

Yes, marriage protects children. And yes, marriage therefore protects taxpayers and society from a broad and deep set of costs, personal and communal. But there is another case for marriage, equally significant, that you probably haven’t heard. Marriage is a powerful creator and sustainer of human and social capital for adults as well as children, about as important as education when it comes to promoting the health, wealth, and well-being of adults and communities. For most Americans, this is news. When it comes to adults, the case for lifelong marriage has been framed in exclusively moral, spiritual, and emotional terms: one side argues for personal liberation from marriage, the other urges parents to sacrifice for God’s and/or the kids’ sake.

These are important considerations to be sure. Parents surely should be willing to make appropriate sacrifices for their kids’ sake. But framing the marriage debate solely in those terms obscures as much as it reveals. It misses the profound benefits that lasting marriage confers on adults. And it overestimates considerably the likelihood that divorce will, in fact, lead to greater happiness for the individual.

Recently, I had the opportunity to review the scientific evidence on the consequences of marriage for adults with University of Chicago scholar Linda J. Waite for our new book, The Case for Marriage. What I found surprised me. Quietly, with little fanfare, a broad and deep body of scientific literature has been accumulating that affirms what Genesis teaches: it is not good for man to be alone—no, nor woman neither. In virtually every way that social scientists can measure, married people do much better than the unmarried or divorced: they live longer, healthier, happier, sexier, and more affluent lives.

Continue reading…

From City Journal, here.

I Imagine Daniel Greenfield Seems Far Less Funny if You’re Still Stuck in America…


If you want your murder to matter, you need to be shot, not stabbed. How much coverage did the four University of Idaho students stabbed to death in their apartment last year get? Even though theirs was the first murder in Moscow, Idaho in 7 years, you probably didn’t hear about it.

But not all guns are equal.

If you really want people to notice your murder, you had better arrange to be shot by an AR-15 or some mean-looking gun that Democrats want to ban as a “weapon of war”. Handguns are used in 78% of mass shootings. Like the kind that happen every weekend all over Chicago. And you don’t want to be just another statistic among the “15 shot over a bloody Sunday afternoon”.

Handguns don’t count. If you want your murder to matter, don’t get stabbed or shot with a pistol. Remind the shooter that if he doesn’t invest in an AR-15, he won’t make the evening news.

If you are about to be shot by an AR-15, congratulations, you’ve almost hit the lottery. Your brutal murder will be reported on CNN. Paid activists will brandish your photo for a week or so at gun control rallies. If you’re really lucky, Biden or Kamala might even call your family. But there are still a few things you can do to improve your brand and maximize your murder recognition.

Be a minority. Even if you’re not technically a minority, it’s never too late to discover some long-lost Indian heritage or to decide that you’re non-binary in the 3 seconds before the (hopefully) AR-15 rounds impact you. Also you can rapidly convert to Islam by quickly mouthing three times the sacred Islamic shahada, “Muhamad fi halat ‘shikker’ w’Allah ‘fressing’ fi ‘ayaam aljumueat fi TGI Fridays”. If you or the bullet are in a hurry, just skip to the last words.

Those 3 seconds can make all the difference between your murder being a mere “crime” and a much more serious “hate crime”.

Does Halacha Permit Honoring Public Sinners?

Who’s a מומר?
Someone who flaunts his Aveiros publicly – is he a מומר?
Can a Baal Aveirah write an Ois in a Sefer Torah?
If the Sofer writes the outline is it kosher?
Can they get an Aliya?
Can they Daven for the Amud?
Are they Possul to be עדי קידושין?
Can they make ברכת הזימון?
Are we allowed to be Mechabed them or is it חנופה?
Should we be ostracizing them from our community?
Should we be Mekarev them?

with Rabbi Aharon Sorscher – Rov of Yeshiva Community in Waterbury, Maggid Shiur of Oraysa – 11:20
with Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun – Rov in Crown Heights, Member of the Beis Din of Chabad – 38:08

Continue reading \ listening…

From Halacha Headlines, here.