Israeli Government Continues Push to Abolish Cash…

Are we prepared to survive in a cashless society?


Recently, I’ve read about the Israeli government pushing to cancel 200-shekel bills, as part of a long-term drift toward a 100% cashless future. I was aware that large-scale transactions in cash have been limited for some time now, but until this moment, I kind of overlooked the final goal of abolishing cash altogether.

This is an alarming trend.

Going cashless will hurt the most vulnerable, like seniors and technologically challenged people. Or think about a woman in an abusive marriage, who can’t access a bank account or credit cards. Those little bits of cash she manages to stash away may be her only path toward an emergency escape.

When you have no access to physical money, you can instantly become completely destitute if the government decides to freeze your account for any reason, like protesting mandatory vaccination. Abolishing cash means stripping away a large part of our independence, freedom, and privacy.

In Israel, the official pretext for limiting cash is cracking down on criminal groups. But a capable government should have ways of fighting organized crime without cutting into the rights and freedoms of law-abiding citizens.

“Stash up cash” is common preparedness advice. If there’s a natural disaster, war, or a massive cyber attack, if the power or WiFi are out and people can’t access banks or use their credit cards, physical money may be the only way to buy food and other essentials. In a country like Israel, with so much instability, canceling cash is an extremely short-sighted move.

All of this makes me think: how can you prepare for an emergency situation or a long-term crisis, with cash being no longer available?

Precious metals like silver and gold can be a huge advantage in this situation, since they’ve kept their intrinsic value for thousands of years. Foreign currencies may likewise be useful. [As a side note, governments that want to chip away at people’s freedoms may also crack down on the possession of precious metals and other valuables.]

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From Domestic Felicity, here.

The Accursed ‘Open Orthodoxy’ Movement Now Pretends the Torah Allows Tribadism…

Open Orthodoxy’s New Sanction of Lesbian Relationships

by Avrohom Gordimer · September 26, 2024


Open Orthodoxy has just endorsed lesbian marriage and intimate relations. No, this is not a typo or exaggeration.

Rabbi Jeffrey Fox, who was the first graduate of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah (YCT) and now serves as rosh yeshiva at Maharat, the Open Orthodox school housed in Hebrew Institute of Riverdale that ordains women for the rabbinate, penned Nashim Mesolelot: A Teshuva, in which he ruled that lesbian marriage and intimate relations are permissible. This responsum was recently published as a book, and the book was formally launched just last night by way of a special symposium entitled Nashim Mesolelot: Lesbian Women & Halacha sponsored by Maharat and Eshel.

Even though the Rambam (Hil. Issurei Bi’ah 21:8), Semag (Lo Ta’aseh 126), Tur (Even Ha-Ezer 20) and Shulchan Aruch (ibid. s’if 2) all unequivocally prohibit lesbian conduct, Rabbi Fox rules otherwise. And even though the Gemara (Yevamos 76a) terms lesbian relations as “p’ritzusa” – licentiousness – Rabbi Fox concludes his responsum:

When two women seek to build a Jewish home together, with love and commitment, this can no longer be called (even) pritzuta. Rather, given the vacuum left to be filled, this should be understood as tzniuta (modesty) and perhaps even kedushata (holiness).

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From, here.

A History of Southern Lebanon By Yehudis Litvak

A History of Southern Lebanon

by Yehudis Litvak

September 24, 2024


How Western powers’ division of the Middle East after World War I ultimately failed the local population.

The area between the Litani River in southern Lebanon and Israel’s northern border had originally been included in the territory designated for the Jewish state in the Balfour Declaration. Due to French influence, it became part of the newly formed state of Lebanon, where it remains a hotbed of terrorism.

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From, here.

גם קלא אילן זקוק לאור השמש: מדריך לזיוף התכלת

הצמח ששימש לזיוף הכי משתלם בעת העתיקה | בשביל הסיפור

Dec 2, 2020 #בשביל_הסיפור

כאן | דיגיטל – בני ישראל נהגו ללבוש ציצית עם פתיל תכלת בגלל הציווי מהתורה, כאשר הצבע היה מיוצר מחילזון נדיר שנמצא בקרקעית הים. אבל כמו בכל תעשייה גדולה גם כאן חדרו לשוק זיופים שונים, למשל – צמח הלשישית ששימש את זייפני פתיל התכלת בציצית. עוד מ-#בשביל_הסיפור ◄

המשך לקרוא…

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

Lone Nut Assassins? Murray Rothbard’s Early Skepticism

Rothbard in 1972: Another lone nut?

07/17/2024 Power & Market Murray N. Rothbard

This first appeared in The Libertarian Forum, Vol VI, No. 6-7, June-July,1972, following the attempted assassination of Presidential candidate George Wallace.

John F. Kennedy; Malcolm X; Martin Luther King; Robert F. Kennedy; and now George Corley Wallace: the litany of political assassinations and attempts in the last decade rolls on. (And we might add: General Edwin Walker, and George Lincoln Rockwell. In each of these atrocities, we are fed with a line of cant from the liberals and from the Establishment media. In the first place, every one of these assassinations is supposed to have been performed, must have been performed, by “one lone nut” – to which we can add the one lone nut who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald in the prison basement. One loner, a twisted psycho, whose motives are therefore of course puzzling and obscure, and who never, never acted in concert with anyone. (The only exception is the murder of Malcolm, where the evident conspiracy was foisted upon a few lowly members of the Black Muslims.) Even in the case of James Earl Ray, who was mysteriously showered with money, false passports, and double identities, and who vainly tried to claim that he was part of a conspiracy before he was shouted down by the judge and his own lawyer – even there the lone nut theory is stubbornly upheld.

It is not enough that our intelligence is systematically insulted with me lone nut theory; we also have to be bombarded with the inevitable liberal hobby horses: a plea for gun control, Jeremiads about our “sick society” and our “climate of violence”, and, a new gimmick, blaming the war in Vietnam for this climate and therefore for the assault on George Wallace. Without going into the myriad details of Assassination Revisionism, doesn’t anyone see a pattern in our litany of murdered and wounded, a pattern that should leap out at anyone willing to believe his eyes? For all of the victims have had one thing in common: all were, to a greater or lesser extent, important anti-Establishment figures, and, what is more were men with the charismatic capacity to mobilize large sections of the populace against our rulers. All therefore constituted “populist” threats against the ruling elite, especially if we focus on the mainstream “right- center” wing of the ruling classes. Even as Establishmenty a figure as John F, Kennedy, the first of the victims, had the capacity to mobilize large segments of the public against the center-right Establishment.

And so they were disposed of? We can’t prove it, but the chances of this pattern being a mere coincidence are surely negligible. If the only problem is a “sick society”, a “climate of violence”, and the absence of gun laws, how come that not a single right-centrist, not a single Nixon, Johnson, or Humphrey, has been popped at?

From Mises.orghere.