The British and French Are Jew-Hating Hypocrites (but You Knew That Already)!

British and French ministers remove hostage pins before PA meeting, accused of racism – opinion

British and French ministers removed hostage support pins before meeting a Palestinian leader, sparking accusations of racism and appeasement.

[Moshe Phillips is National Chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel, a leading Israeli advocacy and education organization.]

The decision by the British and French foreign ministers to remove the yellow pins supporting the hostages before meeting a Palestinian Authority leader was not only appalling and cowardly—it was also downright racist.

UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy and French foreign minister Stephane Sejourne wore the yellow pins when they met with Israel’s foreign minister last Friday. But they removed the pins before meeting with PA Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa later that same day.

This fear of offending a Palestinian Arab leader naturally calls to mind the behavior of the British and French toward the Nazis in the 1930s. Obviously there are differences, but nobody can deny that the spirit of appeasement the British and French displayed this past weekend echoes some of the worst periods in recent history.

The British and French officials last weekend had an opportunity to show that their government had learned the lessons of the 1930s and were ready to confront, rather than appease, a leader of a pro-terror regime. Instead, they showed that they have learned nothing from history; they chose to echo Chamberlain, not Churchill.

What the British and French did is also a slap in the face of the United States. There are at least eight Americans being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. That yellow pin represents them as much as it represents the Israeli and other non-American hostages. Removing that pin is, in effect, saying that the British and French governments couldn’t care less about the fate of the American hostages.

Not only was the British-French action craven appeasement and an insult to every American; it was also profoundly racist.

The British and French were saying that a Palestinian Arab leader cannot be expected to oppose kidnapping, starving and torturing innocent civilians. They’re saying there is something inherently barbaric about Palestinian Arabs that compels them to support evil hostage-takers and gang-rapists.

If the British and French foreign ministers were meeting with any other foreign leader, presumably they would have kept the pins on. But the minute a Palestinian Arab walked into the room, they said to each other, “This guy’s a Palestinian Arab—so he must support the hostage-holders. We better take off our pins so we don’t offend him! He can’t help it—he might get mad if he sees that we’re against holding innocent people hostage!”

If that’s not racist, what is?

Michael Gerson, a speechwriter for President George W. Bush, came up with a term that describes this attitude perfectly: “the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

The British and French treat the Palestinian Arabs as if they are brutes or cavemen who are incapable of living up to the basic standards of decency that civilized people embrace. They’re saying that the bar has to be set lower for Palestinian Arabs than for other people, because Palestinian Arabs are unable to do any better.

All of which is extremely ironic, because the British and French also keep declaring that the PA is moderate and should be given its own sovereign state. But by asserting that the PA supports hostage-taking and cannot help but sympathize with the Hamas terrorists, they are in effect acknowledging that a Palestinian state would be a dangerous terrorist state.

Because if they’re saying the PA opposes releasing the hostages, they’re admitting that the PA leadership consists of incorrigible terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. They’re saying the PA will always shelter terrorists and refuse to hand them over for prosecution. It will always pay salaries to imprisoned terrorists and bonuses to their families. It will always teach its children to hate Jews and to seek the destruction of Israel.

And if that’s the case, why in the world would Israelis ever agree to the creation of a State of Palestine next door?

From The Jerusalem Post, here.

PUMPIDISA- ELUL Hamelech Basadeh @tyhashem

PUMPIDISA- ELUL Hamelech Basadeh @tyhashem

Aug 28, 2020

#ThankYouHashem #TYH #TYHashem
CHAYA BISTRITZKY A”H | לע״נ רוחמה חיה פרומא ע״ה בת ר׳ דוב פנחס נ״י

Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Imagine you found out that Hashem will be staying in your guest room…yes, you should be excited!

That’s exactly what’s happening all month long! The Baal HaTanya teaches “Hamelech Basadeh” – “The King is in the field”. During the month of ELUL, in anticipation of connecting to us, HASHEM travels, so to speak, outside of the palace, and comes closer to us than any other time of the year.

Sadly, many are discouraged or confused about how to prepare during this month for our special meeting with Him.

Music has the power to ignite the flames of our soul, in ways that words can not.

This joyous tune was written by The Blumstein Brothers as a way of expressing their yearning for a connection with Hashem. We hope you will sing along and feel that same deep desire to maximize the ELUL experience!

Together, let’s transform the confusion into closeness and joy as we prepare for our rendezvous with our Father The King.

Wishing you all much blessing and an amazing year!

– TYH Nation

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From YT, here.

On the Farce of So-Called ‘Government Efficiency’ Commissions

Elon Musk’s D.O.G.E Is a DODGE

Elon Musk has announced that he would like to serve in a Trump administration as the head of a newly-created Department of Government Efficiency which he labeled the D.O.G.E. Just what we need: A new federal bureaucracy. Former President Trump did convene such a “commission” during his presidency that turned out to be useless, but nevertheless responded that Musk’s suggestion was a great idea.

In reality, the phrase “government efficiency” is as much a contradiction in terms as say, “jumbo shrimp,” “double extra-large slim fit,” or “military intelligence.” It reminded me of how my friend and coauthor, Professor James Bennett of George Mason University and an adjunct scholar of the Heritage Foundation, was asked to be on the Reagan administration’s “government efficiency commission.” (Every administration has one). After many months of useless bureaucratic meetings Jim received in the mail a framed certificate of appreciation from the federal government and all the glass had been smashed to smithereens. “Typical of government efficiency,” I recall him saying.

Businessmen like Trump and Musk are always talking about making government more “business-like,” and an “efficiency commission” is always the first step.   Put us in charge, they say, and government will become a smooth-running machine. (God help us if that were to be true). Efficient government is about as likely as making a cat bark like a dog or a dog meow like a cat. Government is inherently inefficient because of its very nature.

In the 1980s there were hundreds of academic studies comparing government and private provision of various services (Almost everything state and local governments do, for example, is also done by private, competitive businesses). One book of essays, Budgets and Bureaucrats, edited by Thomas Borcherding, concluded that whenever government took over a service from the private sector the costs immediately doubled, on average, while quality of service declined. In some cases the studies showed that costs increased more than tenfold.

There are myriad reasons for this. For one thing, since government “services” fool the public into thinking they are “free,” demand for them (if they are actually useful, which many are not) explodes while supply remains constant or declines. The result is shortages, always blamed on the stingy taxpaying public, not the state, accompanied by demands for higher taxes and bigger government budgets.

Even when governments do charge for “services,” the prices are arbitrary and not based on market reality but on the whims of bureaucrats. The result is the same: economic chaos, shortages, demands for more taxes.

Since governments – especially the imperious federal government – do not operate in a genuinely competitive market, consumers’ preferences are ignored and the whims and wishes of politicians and bureaucrats prevail instead. Every federal bureaucrat is a central planner, by definition, and there is no reason to believe that American central planners are any better at it than the Soviets were.

The notion of “business-like government” is especially nonsensical when one considers that government, unlike any business, can essentially obtain unlimited financial resources through taxation – forcing the public to pay rather than relying on pleasing its customers or convincing investors to invest. Organized crime is the only other institution that raises funds in that way. Unlike private businesses, even start-up costs are paid for by taxpayers.

With government, failure is success from a financial perspective. The worst services become, or if they disappear altogether, the answer is always more taxation and more funding, just the opposite of private, competitive businesses. With private competition poor customer service is penalized with losses or bankruptcy. With government it is financially rewarded with budget increases. After NASA blew up a space shuttle its budget was increased by 50 percent in the next budget year. In government, failure is success.

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From LRC, here.