Fascinating Idea to Undermine the Regime: A Shadow Cabinet \ ‘Government in Waiting’

Quoting “Save the Hilltop Youth” (abridged, see within):

We imagine a scenario in which someone like Pollard, and others who are outside the system, organize to form a Jewish “government-in-(internal)-exile” (along the lines of the ‘shadow cabinets’ that exist in British-style parliaments), that includes people like Feiglin and rabbis from the Eida Chareidit, Rabbi Azriel Auerbach of the Peleg Yerushalmi, maybe Rav Amnon Yitzchak (who has consistently been on the right side of most issues) and others who recognize the anti-Jewish nature of the current zionist regime and openly foment for its replacement.

Were such a body to come into being, it might accomplish two things —

  1. The general public could be brought to believe that an alternative to the current, corrupt zionist apparatus is achievable, and
  2. When the state does begin to disintegrate — a development we foresee as both inevitable and near — a living body with an independent Jewish bent would be available to move us toward a Third Temple reality.

Until then, the entire raison d’être of this group would be to mock, chide and defame the existing system and its participants, to reveal its outright goyische character and to provoke, in turn, a vicious response from the establishment that would cement in people’s minds the existence of a genuine Jewish alternative.

Importantly, no member of this would-be government-in-(internal)-exile would be permitted to express himself via any existing Israeli media outlet. Those outlets would be banned from all events, rallies, speaking engagements, press releases, manifestos, position papers, critiques, etc. They would be frozen out absolutely from contact with the group.

Only an alternative set of media and scribes would be permitted to engage the new body, and only they would have access to its members. Foreign media would also be granted complete access.

This, of course, would require strong discipline. But it would be necessary to send a message — that no one cares anymore for “official” reportage on the zionist drama, replete with its swiftly unfolding, breathless, live, sideline-coverage of the length of Bibi’s prostate incision.

Because all that’s required, in the end, is a minority of Jews to believe that there exists a stark alternative that’s worth listening to… and revolutionary change then becomes possible.

This, of course, would necessitate people like Pollard and Feiglin tossing away their egos and overcoming any notion they might harbor of “leading the nation”.

Because we really don’t need leaders of that sort.

Nothing personal.

We just need a king.

See the rest here…

Hmmm, like when the Brits still persecuted us.

Who will make the phone calls?