We just saw this with our eyes. Let’s not forget.
Excerpt from Bretigne’s Substack:
… Any information that went against the official narrative on Covid-19 was suppressed. Most egregiously, and with deadly consequences: Information on existing, effective, treatments, such as hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, IV vitamin C, and vitamin D were suppressed. Some – probably very large – number of people undoubtedly died because of this.
Once a “vaccine” was in development, any criticism of that vaccine was suppressed. After its release, this remained the case, even as the reports of adverse events began rolling in. (As an aside, here is a really important discovery regarding the under-reporting factor for VAERS.) And it is still the case, even as excess deaths worldwide have skyrocketed following the introduction of the vaccine. How many of these deaths are the direct result of the vaccine? How many lives might have been saved had there been free and open discussion of the risks of the vaccine? We will never know with certainty, but the number is obviously not zero, and very likely in the millions.
And it wasn’t private companies doing the censoring. Again Bretigne:
Here’s El Gato Malo (who was banned from Twitter back in January of 2021, with no reason given) doing a very good job of explaining how the state and its cronies were able to strong-arm social-media companies into censoring speech on their platforms:
“Private companies should be free to make their own choices about speech, publication, amplification, etc. I really, truly believe this and that any other path or practice leads to greater mischief. It is always worse to have the state tell you what you can and cannot say and a free market will always route around the limitations created by individual actors within it. That’s what markets do. It’s as inevitable as sunrise.
“But what breaks this and forces behavior into unified channels of suppression is state intervention to ensure that markets are not free and in a world as webbed by bureaucratic stricture as ours, this intervention need not be direct. It may easily be indirect and this starts to look like state sponsored extortion.
“’nice FCC license you got there. be a shame if you lost it because you let our political opponents speak.’
“’nice section 230/antitrust exemption and/or tax planning you got there. be a shame if someone did away with it, broke you up, and audited you till the cows come home.’
“’boy, that sure was some nasty, anti-competitive market fixing you used against PARLER. but we’ll look the other way if you play ball.’”