Quoting a recent interview by Yoel Berman (author of “Living in the Land”) with frum olim during the first few weeks following the outbreak of the Simchas Torah war (Hamodia Sukkos 5785, “Persevering in the Land: A Raw Report, in the Words of Bnei Torah” page 52):
I reached out to quite a few Anglos who live here in Eretz Yisrael to get their input for this article. Different people brought up various issues and subjects, but there was one question I asked that almost everyone I reached out to had what to say about — why they would rather be here now more than anywhere else. Not if, but why!
“I know what it’s like to be in the U.S. during an Israeli crisis. Worry, worry, worry, and all you hear is bad news,” says Reva Rubenstein, who made aliyah to the Yerushalayim suburb of Agan HaAyalot this past summer. “Here, I am making challos for soldiers, baking for the displaced families in the south, going to say Tehillim with my beautiful neighbors, and feeling so close to Hashem. While the shiurim given in the U.S. are focusing on how terrible the times are, here the Rabbanim are stressing achdus, emunah, and bitachon. Baruch Hashem that we are zocheh to be here.”
Here are 2 select pages from the article (to replenish the Emuna stolen by Chutz La’aretz rabbis):