Hisachdus Harabonim Speaks Out Against Annulment of Jewish Marriages January 1, 2020 – ד׳ בטבת תש״פ by HyehudiAMI Magazine’s interview with Rav Mendel Zilber, Rosh Beis Din of Hisachdus Harabonim:Download (PDF, 12.45MB)Some other articles:Are Jews in Chutz La’aretz Obligated to Move to Eretz Yisroel? Part IIהיהדות היא קפיטליסטיתRabbi Hershel Schachter (et al.): FRAUDULENT ‘International Beit Din’ Consists of Ignoramuses!Even a Town Obedient to Torah Scholars May Need to Change Their Deeds!Torah Scholars & the Rich: Who Envies Whom?Powered by YARPP.