Inspiring Conversation With Rebbetzin Devorah Fastag About Eretz Yisrael June 30, 2023 – י״א בתמוז תשפ״ג by HyehudiRebbetzin Tamar TabackCome home! [Interview with Rebbetzin Devorah Fastag] The Chashivut of the Land of IsraelListen on TorahAnytime here…Some other articles:The Jew: Homeward BoundRabbi Shlomo Freifeld zatzal – A 3-Minute Kiruv StoryBusinessman & Educator R’ Zecharia Wallerstein Managed to Avoid Using the Internet…The Ineffable Love for Eretz YisraelRead Pollard’s Post-Prison Interview! (N.B. Some Bad Language)Powered by YARPP.