Israeli Erev Rav in Constant War Against the Jews

14 Now: only in Israel: full house arrest and ban on talking to friends for a 14-year-old boy
In the last day, the General of the Central Command signed an extraordinary administrative order for a boy of only 14 years old, ordering him to remain under full house arrest at his parents’ house in addition to the prohibition of contact with 20 of his close friends.
Naomi Rahalis | 25 Av 5 5784 (08/29/24)

Meet Benyahu HaCohen, 14 years old (!) from Yitzhar.

Received an administrative order today (!!) from Central Command General Avi Bluth ordering him to be under full house arrest! for two months. why? Because of Bluth and the Shabbak (General Security Service).

No evidence, no trial, nothing. Rubber stamp.

Of course, no leftist will ever receive such an order, not even the great anarchists who have been trolling the system for years.

Not even Bedouins and Arabs who are involved in serious crime, certainly not the children of infiltrators who ruin life in Tel Aviv. And they’re not just the children of criminals.

But settlers? Second class citizens. They suddenly need the Shabbak, administrative orders. Very reasonable overall.

Don’t remain quiet! Share!!!

Ayelet Lash

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